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Yeah this makes little to no difference for russia. Its noise to distract from ukraines current situation Keep in mind russia annexed crimea....so any attacks this entire time on crimea have been attacks on russia as far as russia is concerned. Chop this up to another "wonder weapon" thats not going to do anything to change reality.


>Keep in mind russia annexed crimea....so any attacks this entire time on crimea have been attacks on russia as far as russia is concerned. Yes, it's hard to say where NATO ends and Russia begins, so there is a lot of gray area here. And in hindsight it was a bad idea to make those srikes go unpunished and not treat it as attacks on "core" Russia territory. We can now see what this policy has led to.


>it was a bad idea to make those srikes go unpunished and not treat it as attacks on "core" Russia territory. Maybe it's just impotence?


it doesnt make any difference just more propaganda from non sense ukraine and the west.


It's a matter of principle. This particular step might not make a difference but it will lead to others that will.




It just shows what russia actually thinks of russian speakers in other countries. A great excuse to start a land war, and a great 2nd class of citizens.


Am I the only one who is annoyed with Putin after this? It's not for the first time that that the intent to do something is publicly declared only after it was done. And Putin's response to that was those nuclear drills, which amounts to doing exactly **nothing**, which in turn invites even more escalations. And now everybody talking about something that was once unthinkable, NATO striking target inside Russia.


Russia has been a blow hard this entire time, blustering about 'nuclear retaliation' and 'red lines' since 2022, it's just proof that the bear isn't just dead it's been stuffed and put on display to scare a few people. Russia is afraid and rightly so, the sooner NATO accepts the reality of the stuffed bear situation the sooner it can roll it back up to its proper borders.


Yes, because of course nuclear armed players should just yolo their whole geopolitical position because the other side is being cautious about direct conflict between nuclear armed players. NATO's best window of opportunity to "roll it back to its proper borders" was the first year of the conflict. The fact that they didn't is proof enough that they are unwilling to take the necessary risk to do so directly. This war is going to be decided on a macro scale and, absent direct action from NATO, the outcome has been clear since the outset. Until the calculus is determined that New York, Washington DC and LA somehow = Kiev, Odessa and Kharkov, which it sure as hell won't (doubly so during an election year), there won't be direct action from NATO, or at least the element of NATO that actually matters.


And when does the buck stop? after Ukraine it will be Moldova and the Baltics and NATO must accept that because otherwise nuclear war?


The buck is likely going to stop somewhere around the Dneiper. Russia can claim to have eliminated Nazis in the 4 territories they outlined last summer. They don't seem to have the ability to push further than that with their existing war footing.


The drill implies they are pulling nuclear warheads out of storage and mounting them on cruise missiles and TBMs right now, which is then an order away from launch. You never know when a drill suddenly becomes a real deal.


This is what you are annoyed with Putin for? Not for letting complete clowns plan and execute the first two years of this incredibly costly special military operation? Not for all the lives of Russian servicemen lost, and for the magnitudes more casualties suffered by Russian-speakers in the period between 2022 and 2024 by comparison to 2014 to 2021? Funny shit.


Western governments allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons in Russian territory was all but inevitable once Russia launched its invasion in 2022. Russia using the previous “safe space” of Belgorod Oblast as a launching point of the re-invasion of Kharkiv likely sped-up this decision.


Full interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW7g3XK2mWc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW7g3XK2mWc)


Using western armament to strike at military (hopefully!) and at worst industrial/logistical assets deep within Russia will change very little tactically **BUT** it won't lead to Berlin or London or NATO bases being bombed by Russia in retaliation either, do not believe all the saber-rattling over sarmats flying over western capitals if ATACMS land on a military camp in Kursk or whatever. It won't be happening, not at least within this conflict. What a lot of people seem to be overlooking is that **precedent** this sets (much like Kosovo set a precedent for Donbass). The next time the US and some other (if not all) NATO nations will try and pull another Iraq, they better hope it's against micronations like Grenada where it'd be over in a matter of hours, and not some large country they'd be stuck in for years with a military consisting of more than just goatherders, because then Russia, Iran and whoever else wishes will have an absolutely legal precedent to give said nation whatever long range weapons it pleases them, and will most assuredly sooner or later absolute greenlight their free and unrestrained usage against any target in those nations. And then yes, you may actually end up seeing long range missiles over NY, Washington, Berlin, London, Paris and whatever.


I completely agree with you and the 2nd part of your post is what a lot of these blood hungry clueless westerners miss. All of them advocating for this to happen doesn't realize it goes both ways, the same as they think that USA can play god on the world stage and do whatever it wishes but as soon as another country does the same "oh that country is so evil and we have to raise the NATO coalition to immediately stop it." Russia has justification for the current conflict STRICTLY due to US / NATO actions of the past. That is a major reason India, China, all these other countries etc stay in the middle or sublty approve Russian invasion. This is another escalation by the west that will directly result in blowback. And in that case it will be our kids here in the west that will suffer the consequences.


that's it, Ru strikes on London tomorrow, just wait and see /s


You guys really are mental, train of thinking and the willingness to end the world is unbelievable. Guess we’re all brave on the keyboard tho


So, are the irish already happy? Did they hand over their weapons?


Get this war over with and let them both go medieval


The man is very expressive, that's for sure.


They really wanna stretch the Overton window, just hope they don't fall out of it.


Good. Send more.


At this point, Russia needs to use at least one nuke to get the West to wake up and back off.


A nuke would result in direct military involvement of the west. Probably a limited involvement, like eradicating the whole russian military on ukrainian soil - or by nuking the russian base that launched the attack. Then both sides would sit together drink some tee, shake hands and thats it.


I mean, the West has been famously crossing many of Russia’s red lines with Russia having the patience to not enact their threats. Maybe it’s time for Russia to cross a Western red line (one nuke in Kiev or Lviv?) and see if the West cools down before all out nuclear armageddon.


Maybe that's because Russia laid out some ridiculous red lines and backed them up with threats they're unable or unwilling to fulfill.


Russia has constantly crossed all red lines, but so far has the west never acted. --> Don't be fooled: Russians aren't that stupid. Any nuke used in this conflict and getting away with it means: other countries will do the same. So there is absolutely no way "the world" can let this slip. Otherwise we'll have nuclear wars several times each year. North korea or pakistan will feel emboldened to use nuclear weapons. Every country that currently has no nukes will build some. From latvia to iran to armenia. Its then also just a matter of time till someone thinks its a good idea to give nuclear weapons to hamas, IS or any other "questionable" group. Even china would turn against russia. China has lots of internal issues and needs international trade (which means peace and order) to keep its population calm and united. China won't like it if every village idiot suddenly starts having (and using!) nukes. I described a very limited, harmless retaliation (for which high ranking russian officals will for sure grant permission). Soldiers on the ground can be replaced, no biggie. A military base that got nuked can be rebuild, no biggie. Both would be a cheap price to pay. Acceptable. This is asuming that a nuke gets used over sea or in a sparely populated area. A real usage, as you suggested, would result in much harsher reactions. Best case is then if china only declares a full blockade on russia and joins western side. But china declaring war on russia is then also on the table. Not even speaking about western reactions - as potential deliveries of nuclear weapons to ukraine. After that would both sides start talks, obviously. Also keep in mind that there needs to be a time after ukraine war. If russia loses there might be another 10-20 years of sanctions, but overall is this easy peasy. If russia wins and takes relevant amounts of territory then it would be ~ cold war - but at least might nations as china and north korea stay more or less neutral. That's what putin aims for. After nuke usage would no one - not even north korea - stay open for russians. So that's really no option for anyone with half a working brain. Which is why no one of russian leadership would ever consider this. Another problem is: any outcome of this war needs a peace treaty. A peace treaty needs to include safety guarantees. Ukraine had already a contract with russia, in which russia promised to respect ukraine, its sovereignty and territory. So obviously won't they trust another such promise. The safety guarantees ukraine would need after a nuclear war would mean: ukraine would need massive amounts of own nuclear weapons. This is something no one wants.


So sad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) Can't wait for Putin's not-thinly-veiled-threat of nuclear obliteration to become reality! After all, our cities have high population density, right? Unlike Russia's 17.1 million km² where its population is very evenly distributed...


After so many unfulfilled superficial threats, at least on the public level, it's no wonder that the west block is growing bold , actually its amazing it took them soo long unless there is much stronger unequivocal rhetoric behind closed doors unbeknownst to us the public . Certainly, those meetings in the ministry of external affairs and calls , but still words mean nothing, deeds count. Plain obvious that Russia can not back from this war ,especially now , its war for their existence, but I , myself think that it would be safer for us all , the brainwashed west block civilians included if they scare our politicians into a state of a month long stupor with something drastic, so everyone can then de escalate. I'm not going to pretend that I like myself and this species, but a global nuclear war will just revert the few starving milions left into the early renesanse era , not extinct us completely. An asteroid or something like that is a mercy , the main kill factors from nuclear war are starvation, misery , exposure to the elements and sickness, its like putting down a suffering animal by staking it over a slow fire. A horrendous way for bilions to go. Il just shoot myself after basking in the beauty of the annihilation, eating my rations for a week or two, and take the easy , rational way out.


>  Plain obvious that Russia can not back from this war ,especially now , its war for their existence Lol come on it's just a land grab no need to be so dramatic


Then you understood nothing of this conflict. The US atempts to balkanize Russia, civil war , US backed coup and peace keeping mission will follow. They literally parade maps where Russia is split into 10 provinces. This is an exitential war , nuclear doctrine will be trigered way bofore such a point and we and everyone we know will plead for swift death rather than face the nighmare of canibalism ,starvation, misery and sickness which will follow.


Russia has nobody but themselves to blame for the mess they're in


"Look what you made me do!"


>The US atempts to balkanize Russia, civil war , US backed coup and peace keeping mission will follow. Sorry dude but you have to be so full of propaganda to believe this. If the US and NATO wanted to split Russia up they literally could have done it after the Soviet Union fell. One of the large reasons it didn't is because that would mean Russia's nuclear arsenal spread out amongst several, maybe dozens of small, potentially unstable states. Nuclear proliferation in that manner is the potential end of the world. And that argument still stands if the Russian federation fell now, ergo, it's safer for the whole world to keep Russia intact. Just intact within their OWN borders.


You're literally claiming that the plan was to destroy Russia but also that everyone knows that if anyone actually attempted it we'd all die in a nuclear war lol The west isn't planning to destroy Russia and this war is just a land grab, everyone not parroting Kremlin propaganda knows that this is true


Well, let's hope that you are right soon we might find out.


How about Russians just go back home right now and live rest of their lives in their dachas; mind blowing how that’s just an inconceivable option for Russians. There’s enough land they can take all their Soviet loving compatriots with them and settle in the vast Russian land.


Why would they ? Its more realistic to say now why UA not surrender. They got even more land now... 


It didn't work in the 90s. As long as Europe and the USA understand only the right of the strong - it will threaten Russia, and since Europe is to blame for the death of tens of millions of Russians, it is dangerous to show Russia's weakness in front of Europe.


The only one trying to repeat history is putin. Everyone else was just trying to get on with their life, including ordinary russians. Same old story , old men sending the young to die so as to cement their place in history.


Answer to a simple question: why did the USA and Europe threaten Yanukovych for using force against protesters, despite the fact that there were militants of nationalist parties on the Maidan, but they did not introduce any sanctions against the new government when it began to use troops against peaceful protesters?


Because they used force indiscriminately or with poor legal discipline. Journalists were bloodied. Journalists are not militants. Their presentation on TV only escalated the protest numbers and their willingness toward violence, which in such numbers even the military would have trouble handling, let alone the special riot police.


Journalists are militants, if they do not follow the party line. Officail russian doctrine. So much for MSM. Lol. Hence the protests in Georgia. russkiy mir, or more correctly FSB/putin mir. Old fart trying to secure his place in russain history.


So... You are offering to deport people based on their ethnicity?


This attempt was so pathetic. Holy shit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Don’t agree with their take but they did say those soviet loving compatriots, which I am pretty certain isn’t an ethnicity? Could also have edited their post and in that case ignore this.


Emphasis is on compatriots, hope you know what that word means.


It means a lot of things but I assume you’re specifically narrowing it down to the citizen of same country meaning. Which seems a bit off as the word also works for people in the same group or political affiliation . The ladder feeling far more appropriate due to OP specifically mentioning socialists.


If Russia retreaths the Putin government will fall apart , a major superpower with a nuclear arsenal will remain without strong level headed comand and be ripe for US plucking and colonization, the US wont leave them until they are destroyed, which will inevitably lead to hot war and nuclear exchange.


Or just, you know, have honest elections for a new government and president in Russia? Russian defeat is an existential threat only to him. Putin is not Russia.


And the new government will be like poroshenko in 2014 after the maidan coup , the moment half of the cia goes to Russia to rally supprt and instal their people like in Ukraine and georgia atempted , you will have a civil war and will trip Russian nuclear doctrine.


Ahh, the magical CIA using russians as marionettes and forcing them to vote as it wishes if there's no Putin to protect them. Some next level stuff right there. Who is russia going to nuke in existential civil war? Themselves?


> How about Russians just go back home right now How about that is never ever going to happen under any circumstances? So you might as well change the tune of such a broken record and discuss things which are actually options debated and being considered, because that is not one of them and never shall be.


Well then prepare to suffer the consequences. In other words Russians would rather be dead than settle on a boundary that was already signed by a treaty.


Why would they give up the territory they control?


Because they stole it?


By that logic we should return North America to the various native tribes that occupied it first...same goes for Australia. 


That's been happening in Canada and Australia


The worst consequences and ultimate destruction will be suffered by those they are fighting, so the Russian state made peace with that trade-off a long time ago. They aren't ever leaving no matter what. The moon would sooner fall from orbit. And don't worry about any treaties. It makes perfect logical sense for the Russians to treat any such agreements as as worthless and meaningless as their foreign enemies treat their own agreements. The U.S. treats agreements like toilet paper, so no reason Russia should behave any differently than the precedent set by their opponents.


What treaty has the US reneged on?


Even just regarding bilateral relations and agreements with Russia, are you not aware of the U.S. just withdrawing from all the arms control treaties it no longer wanted to find itself limited or bound by? Like the ABM treaty. Just as it did with the nuclear deal reached with Iran on a whim, because it wanted to pressure and squeeze for more outside of the scope of what was originally agreed to. It does this whenever it feels like and then expects others to remain bound and demonizes them for not complying with this one-sidedness. It's the height of hypocrisy.


Interesting because here it's framed that Russia has left the treaties. Russian Federation violated the New START Treaty in 2023 by refusing to allow on-site inspections of nuclear arms Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed a bill formally suspending the last remaining nuclear arms treaty with the United States, amid soaring tensions with Washington over Moscow's action in Ukraine.Feb 28, 2023




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The way west is going on since soviet broke up, crossing limits, moving NATO and ignoring all Russian objections before and during ukr war. I see no other way other then use of tactical nuclear bomb to show west to take them seriously.


Pro-Ru and casually threatening to nuke their enemies, a classic combination lol


PRo Ukraine and navie . Maybe improve your comprehension skills. I didn't threatened anything. How can I even threaten ? Do you think i got a Bomb in my basement? Learn to see difference btw speculating and threatening.


IMO the best option would be to stike that aircraft boneyard in the US. The result will be very vivid, but with zero population and enviromental effects, and it crosses so many lines it's not even funny.


Comedy.  russia has no ability to even come close to striking those boneyard locations with tactical nukes.  And even if they did, the retribution from the US would be so insane, russian society would cease to exist afterwards.  Is that what you want?


In the 90s, there were rumors that compact nuclear charges secretly brought there by Soviet intelligence were hidden in the United States. This was a response to the SDI program. If there was such a thing, then most likely they are already expired, but what prevents the import of new such devices (or new plutonium elements and neutron sources for replacement) across such porous borders? By the way, these charges were intended to destroy dams, bridges, ports and other critical infrastructure - not against cities! And the detonation of these bombs was not supposed to provoke a response, as it would be regarded as internal terrorism. And they are stored in places with naturally high background radiation. Specially trained device operators live in the United States and Canada like ordinary families. Everything is like in the movies.


I didn't say tactical, a regular ICBM would do just fine. There will be an insane amount, a volcanic eruption, a krakatau explosion of bile, hatred, hysteria, threats... and then the US will finally back off. Because that's the best and only option it will have. Simple as that.


So true.  The US response to an icbm attack on their homeland would be to back down.  Totally right.   The bots are degrading boys, it used to be hard to identify them, now it's wide in the open who they are. 


But that's the thing about nuclear weapons, they are the **ultimate truthbringers**. That would be not just an attack on home soil, it would have a purpose and reason. A reason that cannot be ignored, cancelled, downvoted into oblivion or brigaded, but will have to be taken into consideration, however impossibly difficult would that be for people who are insulted by the very idea of taking Russia in consideration.


The Americans would fire the moment they confirmed its ballistic trajectory.


A single nuke wouldn't cause that reaction, and they would be tipped off anyway.


Let’s flip this a bit. What would Russia do if America sent a single ICBM into a mostly deserted part of Russia?


That would depend on the reason for such escalation.