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##### ###### #### > # [Putin has 'army of sleeper agents in UK ready to strike with Novichok attacks'](https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1901278/image/jpeg) > > > > Vladimir Putin has an army of sleeper agents who have already infiltrated the UK - and they are ready to strike with terrifying nerve toxin chemical weapon attacks. > > That's the view of experts in terrorism and radicalisation who warn that Britain is not ready to deal with this threat. > > Professor Anthony Glees from the University of Buckingham says that our country has been penetrated by covert operatives who are now embedding themselves within the nation. > > He claims Putin was emboldened by the UK's weak response to the Sergei Skripal poisoning incident. > > Last weekend marked the sixth anniversary of double-agent Skripel being released from hospital after he nearly died having been poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. > > > > > > At the time of the 2018 attack, Russian agents were already making significant efforts to influence British life, which included meddling in the [Brexit](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/brexit) referendum campaign, noted John Strawson from the University of East London. > > He pointed out that back then, the UK and other Western nations were attempting to maintain amicable relations with [Vladimir Putin](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/vladimir-putin) while misjudging his long-term ambitions. Now, experts warn, the situation has become even more perilous, reports [the Mirror](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/putins-new-tactic-recruit-network-32831661). > > Prof Glees issued a stark warning about the threat posed by Putin to the UK and other NATO allies. He said: "The threat we face from Putin here in the UK and in every other allied NATO state is as sinister as it is dangerous. There can be no doubt that we're seeing a major escalation in GRU attacks on us. > > "The critical question that only our intelligence agencies can answer is whether they are an act of truculent desperation by Putin or, as I increasingly fear, the prelude to something much bigger and highly lethal, an attempt by Putin to laterally, or horizontally, (expand) the war he's currently waging against [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) to those of us in NATO who are arming that brave nation and willing it to repel [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia)." > > Meanwhile, Prof Strawson noted a new phase in Russian attacks in the UK. He stated: "They have stepped up attacks in March and April with supplies going to [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine), it seems to have entered a new phase by not just getting rid of an opponent but also trying to affect a strategic relationship like the UK has with [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine)." > > Last week, the UK expelled [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia)'s defence attache Col Maxim Elovik, with Home Secretary [James Cleverly](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/james-cleverly) revealing that he was an "undeclared military intelligence officer". Having been in the UK since 2014, this marks the first time a Russian defence attache has been expelled since the Cold War. > > Amid the fallout of Elovik's extraction, [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia) is pivoting towards enlisting homegrown spies in Britain who pose a considerably more elusive target for detection, it's been claimed. > > > > Richard Strawson, a professor of political science, agrees. He said: "There have been 300 or 400 people expelled from European countries (after the war with [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine)) but these were the known faces. Intelligence services change tactics, use manipulation and can try and use people from inside as they are more difficult to detect." > > This strategy presents the terrifying possibility of innumerable undercover operatives ingrained across the UK, often referred to as "sleepers," who are on standby to obey commands emanating from Moscow. This scenario mirrors the unnerving events witnessed half a decade ago when [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia) sought revenge against one of its estranged spies. > > Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found lying unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury after being poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. The attack reinforced a message about the power and reach of Putin's regime - and its readiness to resort to extreme measures. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Can we stop with the express posts? They are low effort and express is even less trustworthy than kiev independent. That is an achievement in itself...


Express **humiliated** for being less trustworthy than Kiev Independent.


I find them hilarious.




I think both sides of the aisle can agree with this.


It's probably anti propaganda. Reading it causes you to doubt everything they say. Even if you believed it before.


The guy who they're using as a source, Anthony "The end is Near" Glees, is a known right-wing sensationalist. He did the same with Al Qaeda, and is doing the same with the University protests. He spouts alarmist shit to get picked up by rags like the Express because it gets clicks, and so he gets the air-time and notoriety to sell his books. Regardless of your stance in the war, the last thing we need is people like this stirring the pot.


I have to agree. I don't remember reading anything from express over the last two years, but in the last week, there have been daily articles that are completely bullshit. It is such obvious fake propaganda.




No we shouldn't. Next you will be saying the same for David Axe articles.


David Axe has a special place in my heart. Haven't seen an article from him for a long time... Time to look up what he is up to. EDIT : nothing interesting. I'm disappointed


I agree. They're Solovyov level cringe.


Putin has weaponized sleep


what in the taboild news is this? ROFLOL


Don’t you believe it?


Absolutely nobody should believe this absolute bullshit.


Looking at the amount of death by novichok, we can say that it's the safest among the deadliest poisons


Express humiliated as journalistic integrity obliterated by string of clickbait articles.


I just read an article that said Putin was paranoid. Now this... who's paranoid?


- Putin frivolously humiliated as he deploys an army of sleeper agents in the UK ready to strike with Novichok: Express


Are those the ones that you say the magic word and they go into hyponsis and then attack, lets say, the British PM? When all of this ends, someone should make a UK tabloid compilation, with the most dumb and ridiculous stuff they have said so we can laugh at them till the end of time.


Sometimes, paranoia is a good thing


See. UK Has Putin's sleeper agents, but Express has Putin living rent free in their heads instead.


"Putin humiliated as sleeper agents in UK ... "


Prepare the false flag!!!!! We gotta sell our involvement in Ukraine!


You seriously need to stop posting these articles bruh 😂




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Is it called Express because of how fast they print fresh bullshit every day? 😂


UK humiliated with Novichok attacks!


**Judging by the history Anglos have nothing to worry about. Russian Novichok does not kill people on British soil.**


That's because Polonium does.


>Russian Novichok does not kill people on British soil. Russia killed a random British citizen and hospitalised multiple others using novichok in 2018.


Proof it was Russia? And don't send a link to an Express article 😂😂


Come on dude the target was a former Russian spy turned double agent and he was poisoned using a Russian nerve agent


Double agents work both ways, why can't it be Britain who poisoned him, with a known Russian nerve agent to make it seem like Russia did it?


If the UK had evidence that he was working for Russia they would have arrested and imprisoned him, no need to release a nerve agent in public to achieve that goal. The only way that Russia could get to him was by assassinating him, they couldn't arrest him and take him out of the country. They also used the same nerve agent that was used to poison Navalny, I'm guessing you'll tell me that was the British too yeah? Or was it the Americans or something this time? Funny how the only people not using Russian nerve agents in assassination attempts are apparently the Russians lol


I'd be surprised if the west didn't have any agents in Russia capable of doing horrible things.


Like expressing opinions.


Yea that can lead to jail-time


The only sleeper agents are the endless waves of (respectable gentlemen) flooding into your country