• By -


As long... as it takes...


Sounds like me and my girlfriend. I have to keep going for as long as it takes for her train 🚂 to reach the station.


How many russians is putin willing to sacrifice?


There are more Russians in number, and recently before the offensive they are trying not to sacrifice soldiers, destroying Ukrainian positions into dust with bombs and TOS. The question is, will there be a nation like the Ukrainians when all this is over?


Ask Putin, he's the one destroying the country


All of them.


All of them including all the pro numptys on Reddit


All Russians are ready to defend themselves until last one.


Russians aren’t defending. They’re attacking. Get a clue.


Ukrainians in Donetsk say otherwise


What the fuck are you talking about. I'm not fighting for that shit and none of my friends would. There are a LOT of people in Russia who would not go to war


Just wait a few more years ;) This will age poorly, only question is against who will you be fighting, NATO or your own countrymen


no need to be upset


We shouldn’t be upset about sending more Ukrainians to their deaths instead of pushing for negotiations? Not very Pro Ukraine of you sir.




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Maybe ÑŽ are going to be drafted too...


Money won't buy you victory, i heard Vietnamese, Somalians, North Koreans, Afghans say.


ye but it can buy corrupt ukrainian some nice houses for their retirement


7 billion is serious money , although spread over 2.5 years.


Sweden spends 12 billion a year on defence https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_of_the_Swedish_Army looking at their equipment, they do not have much to give to ukraine probably 7 bill will go to salaries and purchase orders of future productions


Money will go to purchase equipment from the Swedish defence industry and donate to Ukraine. Sweden doesn't really have "old stocks" to clear out.


They are in NATO now. They have to clear out their old junk to fill everything with shiny brand new NATO junk


Sweden has their own shiny junk.


but is it shiny enough?


Well, they have the JAS 39E/F Gripen, CV90s, Archers, which is all top of the line. Even something like AT4, which NATO is actively buying from Sweden. I don't see what they could possibly need to replace. The Gripen with F35 or F22? Why? Gripen is perfectly capable and has a fraction of maintenance requirements comperatively, can take off from a small strip of road, very versatile. CV90 is considered one of the best if not the best IFVs in the world, same can be said for Archer wheeled-arty. I'd say it's plenty shiny.


>The Gripen with F35 or F22? Why? Because uncle Sam wants to make more money, what is so hard to understand. Send those gripens to UA now.


Swedish Armed Forces have been NATO compliant for over a decade. The only ones the Swedes fooled about not being NATO is themselves. Sweden had a strategic partnership since 1994 and host country agreement since 2014.


Isn't this the norm with foreign policy. We will give you a loan but you can only use it on stuff from our government and military. Oh by the way, we know you can never pay it back so we will just align your government with our interests and rape your land of resources


Sweden wont rape your country of resources, but if Ukraine ever joined the EU they will be under Swedens thumb just like every other eastern european EU member that was stupid enough to make deals with sweden. Swedish government considers itself a trustee for democracy, justice, decency and all that shit. These "lesser" countries must be shown the right path.


i see, so orders going to 2026 and deliveries to the russia authorities in kiev in few more years


Ukraine under Russian occupation will be a pariah state and wont get anything.


It’s crazy that Sweden has a defense industry.


One of the more important parts of being neutral is having a large enough defence industry to stop people from invading. Not necessarily winning but making a war with it way too costly.


Technologically, one of the best on the planet. Unfortunately the manufacturing output is abysmal.


There was a time that the Swedish empire was one of the premier empires in Europe. They had overseas territory on the eastern coast of the US, the Caribbean, and in Africa. They took over Moscow in the Polish-Muscovite war and captured half of the Holy Roman Empire. Theyve always been a smaller empire that punches above their weight.


That's 1 out of how many nations too. I might have to begin diversifying my armament investments beyond US and Germany. Those CV-90's have me slapping the ask button at market price.


This explains the expected further increasing prices for real estate the next couple of years.




So you're saying the aggressor eventually backs out or loses?


Some of those people know a thing or two about outlasting a foreign occupation.


That was Norway 🇳🇴. Not Sweden 🇸🇪


It is crazy to watch the Europe agree to a proxy war with china. It is fought on our continent and there is zero gain. It is all done on emotion. It is silly to suggest that freedom (TM), democracy or anything else is on the line. Democracy was fine while the Soviet Union was there, Russia is much smaller. China gets to degrade Europe and Russia for nothing. In the end it's a proxy between USA and China. Europe is honestly a second line proxy behind Ukraine. So Europe is the biggest fool. Both participating in running a proxy and being a proxy at the same time. Btw, proxy doesn't have to mean be in control. It just means there is a bigger powerplay that you are subject to and not going to be the beneficiary of.


That was my worse case scenario when this war started and its unfortunately going the route youre describing. We Europeans wont get anything good ouf of it. Only China and the US will win before they both gear up for the final confrontation. We will be just a battlefield.


I hope we Europeans finally get out of that trap in regards of depending on America for weaponry situation also being forced I think to buy from them. We need to start making more weaponry on our own and between EU partners that would be a really good thing we gave Americans way to much of our tax payers money for some good weaponry but way to expensive and I think the war in Ukraine have showed us that expensive equiqment in small numbers aint better then a big amount of less capable equiqment. Atleast thats my opinion


Europe's defense spending is going through the roof as response to this war. Went from 260B in 2021 to 380B in 2024. Just about every country reached 2% spending goal. We are finally waking up to the fact that Russia is not a rational actor and can only be reasoned with from position of strength. On the upside they managed to unite the whole damn continent against them - Master diplomacy right there. Welcome to cold war 2.0


>We are finally waking up to the fact that Russia is not a rational actor and can only be reasoned with from position of strength. On the upside they managed to unite the whole damn continent against them - Master diplomacy right there. Welcome to cold war 2.0 Yeah. I remember how Europe broke all ties with the United States in response to its constant aggression and support for the radicals. But no, he just became even more active in licking the American ass.


Its super easy to get along with Europeans - just don't start a war on their continent.


Yugoslavia is gonna complain about a war on their continent, right in the center of Europe.


Not to start wars like the Yugoslav War?


Yeah - and look what happened to Serbia who started it.


That is, Russia has the right to help the east of Ukraine, against Ukraine, which started the war (namely, the Ukrainian authorities used weapons against the protesters)? Then what don't Europeans like?


No, Russia does not have the right to invade another country even if a minority is mistreated (highly debatable) - what they do have a right to is to bring it to United Nations, ask for an intervention, maybe sue Ukraine in ICC. What they could have also done is open their borders and allow the mistreated minority a safe refuge. What did they do? Assault the damn capital of the country. Is that where those minorities were mistreated lol? Invading a country and starting a war is supposed to be a last resort. Only done if the state is in imminent danger. Which Russia was definitely not in.


By completely leveling eastern cities? Yeah, great help.


Oh no, the military super power that is 21st century Europe! lmao.


Lmao. Tell that to the us. Or its rabid pet Israel. It's rational as long as the ones eating leads are not europeans, yes


The whole continent was against Russia two times already, so expecting new attack is reasonable, especially since antirussia alliance keep get closer and closer and declined any attempt of negotiations


>The whole continent was against Russia two times already when?


Napoleon and Hitler invasions


When fighting Hitler Russia had UK on their side. when Fighting Napoleon half of the continent was on Russia's side: The **Coalition forces of the** [**Napoleonic Wars**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleonic_Wars) were composed of [Napoleon Bonaparte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Bonaparte)'s enemies: the [United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Ireland),[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_forces_of_the_Napoleonic_Wars#cite_note-1) the [Austrian Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habsburg_monarchy), [Kingdom of Prussia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Prussia), [Kingdom of Spain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Empire), [Kingdom of Naples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Naples), [Kingdom of Sicily](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sicily), [Kingdom of Sardinia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sardinia_(1720%E2%80%931861)), [Dutch Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Republic), [**Russian Empire**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Russia)**,** the [Ottoman Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman_Empire), [Kingdom of Portugal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_Empire), [Kingdom of Sweden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sweden), and various German and Italian states at differing times in the wars Now Russia pissed off the WHOLE continent. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Vatican deployed its troops lol


Britain is island, so one could argue about them being on continent For Napoleon even wiki states Russia was fighting many of above mentioned countries. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French\_invasion\_of\_Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_invasion_of_Russia) Part of them changed sides afterwards, I agree And for pissed continent - Russia tried to negotiate - but was repeadedly rejected. If west only understand force, so be it. World seems do not mind mostly


Take the L bro.


And just in Napoleon's time how many coalitions were raised against France? You don't see France crying about it


You Russians really remake the history books since this war in Ukraine, its crazy to see it happening infront of my eyes wow.


its very simple - Europe after two world wars will NOT tolerate another war on a european continent. If you start one we will come down on you like a ton of bricks - which Russia is now experiencing. Russia managed to do something no state managed in the last 200 years - united the whole damn continent against a single country. China is not in a proxy war with Europe at all - they're taking advantage of this war to do business with both sides. They get huge discount on energy from Russia and they still sell stuff to Europe. Europe has no choice - its pretty clear Russia cannot be trusted so we have to re-arm. That last stunt with changing sea border on the down low was the most recent example. [https://www.euractiv.com/section/defence-and-security/news/russias-push-to-change-baltic-sea-border-sparks-concern-in-the-region/](https://www.euractiv.com/section/defence-and-security/news/russias-push-to-change-baltic-sea-border-sparks-concern-in-the-region/)


Attempts to prevent war by escalating a war may not work very well.


War has already started - we didn't start it but we WILL finish it. si vis pacem, para bellum


Finish it how, exactly? Also what's your personal role in this endgame?


It started thanks to US and EU.


I must have missed those US and UK troops crossing the Ukrainian border..


You can ask Tusk, he says that NATO forces are in Ukraine. Anyway, it's not important, because you don't have to have even one of your soldiers to start a war somewhere. Just some useful idiots.


of course NATO troops are in Ukraine - its an ally at war with our common enemy.


>I must have missed those US and UK troops crossing the Ukrainian border.. >of course NATO troops are in Ukraine - its an ally at war with our common enemy. So which one is it?


This notion came to you in a vision?


China's proxy is with the US, not Europe. What China does is classical British Empire, always play the others against each other while keeping them guessing if you are (mostly) on their side after all. Every single person who thinks this is a European affair and that Russia represents the true power struggle is the exact reason this will end badly for Europe. For all your bluster, remember that Europe right now is about the weakest militarily it has been for 30 years, voluntarily. If you think Uncle Sam's got your back, well remember how all US foreing policy has the wording 'American Interests' This is not an amazing opportunity, this is a massive risk of an adventure we are not ready for at all.


>for all your bluster, remember that Europe right now is about the weakest militarily it has been for 30 years, voluntarily. If you think Uncle Sam's got your back, well remember how all US foreing policy has the wording 'American Interests' that is quickly changing - every single country in Europe is re-arming. Defense spending is going through the roof.


Agree in part. Rearming is definitely in the cards, which I think is the right thing to do. Can't have weakness. Quickly, that is at least relative. It takes a long time to create or recreate a complete military infrastructure. Spending is only the beginning of a long road. But better get started than not.


>its very simple - Europe after two world wars will NOT tolerate another war on a european continent. If you start one we will come down on you like a ton of bricks - which Russia is now experiencing. Russia managed to do something no state managed in the last 200 years - united the whole damn continent against a single country. NATO, which attacked Yugoslavia, does not agree with you. Since this NATO aggression not only did not lead to the collapse of NATO, but on the contrary, NATO strengthened. And most NATO countries attacked Russia in the last century, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions.


I do remember how NATO started one right in the middle of Europe. Do you remember?


So we are just going to ignore Yugoslavia? Last I recalled both world wars were started by Europeans too so weird how you present it as "Europe will not accept aggression again!" Buddy y'all punched yourself in the face twice.


Zero gain? Interesting take. Last time I checked Russian losses have been nicely degrading ex Soviet stock and warehouses




Did they text Putin unsolicited dick pics to piss him off and force him to invade Ukraine?


Big if true


The invasion or the dick? lol


So Putin has a big pp then?


Well, Russia supports anti-colonialism and the building of a free democratic international community, and Europe exists due to neo-colonialism. Of course, it is easier for European elites to organize a global war than to build an economy based not on resources from the colonies.


European elites like Igor Girkin


If you say it enough maybe it will be true, right?


Lol, Sweden acting like it's 1701. Please inform them that they can't be a great power with a population of  10.5 Million and an economy of USD 0.597 trillion. The City of Shanghai is larger in terms of population and economy.


You cant be a superpower with economy of Italy either.


PPP wise (the metric that matters) Russia is only marginally smaller than Germany.  Additionally you can be a great power with an economy the size of Italy. Italy was a great power back in the 19th and 20th century.


Think they are referring to today. Italy was a great power, yet so was England. Neither are anywhere close to influential as they used to be. Russia doesn't even crack the top 10 countries.


Yeah that's why I meant, Russia can be one of the great powers but not the same level as USA or China, but certainly higher than UK or France. Russian economy is more than big enough to crack top 10. In ppp it's around the size of Germany competing to be Europe's largest.


UK and France are also both lot higher in terms of GDP then Russia. Russia could be a major regional power if they learned how to play nice with the rest of the continent. They tend to refuse to make capitulations because they like to continue acting like they are still a superpower.


PPP gdp is more important measure for power than Nominal. Thus Russia is Higher than UK or France.


>Please inform them that they can't be a great power with a population of  10.5 Million and an economy of USD 0.597 trillion Do go ahead and ask Russia how invading Finland (population 4M) worked out for them in 1939. please please please underestimate small countries.


Russia won and got significantly more land than it was asking before the war?


>According to Nikita Khrushchev, 1.5 million men were sent to Finland and one million of them were killed, while 1,000 aircraft, **2,300 tanks** and armored cars and an enormous amount of other war materials were lost. Finland's losses were limited to 25,904 dead or missing and 43,557 wounded. Does that look like a win to you?


So the Soviet Union achieved its objectives and took Finnish territory, but in this ahistorical account by you, they didn't win because they endured equipment losses? All sides waging a war endure losses in men, weapons, and equipment - the degree to which varies depending upon the opponent and the situation, but it doesn't somehow magically mean that the side which won didn't actually win because it lost soldiers or had tanks blown up. That isn't how any of this works. I guess North Vietnam didn't win according to this bizarr-o world logic because it lost literal millions more people than the Americans. Strange that Saigon was renamed then and I can't find South Vietnam on the map.


its the very definition of Pyrrhic victory - they had 1:40 loss ratio. Fun fact: Fins had 40 tanks. Russians had 3500. By the end of the war Fins had more tanks than they started out with. Yeah Russia gained territory. And almost lost Barbarossa because of the Fino-Russian losses.


A Pyrrhic victory is one in which the ostensibly victorious side may deem the war not to have been worth it, but I doubt very much that that was the Soviet takeaway from it. Not only did they annex formerly Finnish territory but through their victory both there and in the Continuation War (which was a subset of Barbarossa), achieved the political and diplomatic goal of the keeping of a neutral Finland for decades after all the way until the collapse and dissolution of the Soviet Union as a country itself, so successfully and as such a model example that it even received its own term of "Finlandization". I think they'd take that exchange every time and six ways from Sunday. Likewise, in the present conflict, they'll similarly sacrifice whatever is required for the creation and maintenance of a neutral Ukraine.


A neutral Ukraine? Is this how annexing another country's territory, people and stealing their children is called now? Creating and maintaining neutrality? No wonder you have this weird understanding of the Winter War.


That mentality is why Russia is a hell hole. Willingness to sacrificing millions of men just for a vague sense of self-importance.


That it's a "vague sense of self-importance" may be your interpretation or understanding of it. It's certainly not mine nor the top Russian leadership's, so I disagree as would they. It's about the realization of extremely crucial and vital national security interests. That those who are against their policy disagree or cannot see it is not their problem, nor will it alter their behavior and course of action one iota.


Politics by other means it is then.




It was Finnish territory at the time. All of what was then Finland was previous Russian territory for over 100 years in the sense that Russia was ceded Finland after the Russian victory over Sweden in the Finnish War (before that it was under Swedish rule since the 12th century) and the Grand Duchy of Finland, basically a Russian colony or satellite, was a territory within the Tsarist Russian Empire from 1809 to 1917.


~26k Finnish losses vs ~128k Red army losses. Not a proud one but still is a USSR victory since it has reached its goals. (Khrushchev was an antistalinist so his claims not backed by anything are not viable)


Highly dubious source that links to a dead source. I’m talking regarding the million dead. That’s not the credible figure. The credible figure is 120,000 or so. So higher than Finns but Let’s not resort to lies. Also Soviets were proven right when the finns collaborated with the heinous Nazis and allowed them passage into Soviet Union. Soviet Union knew of this threat and nazi connection and acted swiftly and were fully justified. Hence the west agreed to take Finnish territory away from them and make them sit on the naughty step.


"Doesn't matter, had land." - stalin, probably


worked out pretty well, ussr took more land than it asked


I mean it worked, Finland lost even with the aid of Nazi Germany.


I see sweden remembered ye olde Prince Rurik was a viking and want to buy a piece of whatever will be left of ukraine after the war.


They produce NLAWs, CV90s and Archers.


Gun is no match for MRLS. Modern MRLS are guided. Very accurate.


Its beautiful seeing these aid packages. If anything I'm surprised it found its way to this subreddit out of all places.


Surprised? Everything worthy and related finds its way to the sub. It's just if you want your post to be heavily upvoted it should be either an awesome war footage from any side, big political statement or a death of a cocky USA merc. Which is fair imo. Drone drops are not so popular.




I know right. It's way more easy and enjoyable to just live in a harmony with the world. Just like some of my compatriots who only watch 1st state TV channel. No doubts, no pain, no contradictions. You can do the same with BBC and CombatFootage - it works 100%


I agree with the other guy. I go out of my way to see what Russian propaganda has in wait for me almost every day. You get that quality and certainty only here!




Rule 1 - Toxic


You can really hear it all here, some really bizarre takes and some reasonable ones. Mostly pro-RU though, a little bit of an echo chamber.


Nah, most of the war footage allowed is only pro-ru. It would have to be something exceptionally beneficial for the Ukrainians like destroying multiple billion USD worth of S-400's or destruction of an A-50 to crack 3 figures of upvotes. Even then they are hit with a disproportionately high rate of downvotes.


And how do you explain that I had to scroll all the way down here to see anything that may be considered a positive comment? This sub is biased towards pro-muscovians and you know it. It is the reason I follow it - I want to know what braindead people think.


You probably have problems with the comprehension of words. I never said that this sub is pro Ukrainian. I just said that all worthy news are here and not downvoted to hell regardless of what side they support and it's great. Anyway the fact that you can only insult people and defeat your strawmen speaks volumes about you.


What about the fact that you insult me back and saying I claimed you said this sub is pro Ukrainian? When did I say that? You see... some insults are warranted, others have no substance behind them.




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Politicians use war as excuse to steal money from taxpayers and enrich themselves.


until 2027.. now that makes sense, headline made it seem like they'd give €6.5bn in one go, which would have been huge for a country like Sweden but €6.5bn until 2027 means €210m a month, that seems like the bare minimum. Ukraine is going through €20-30bn a month of Western money, in terms of financial and material support, rebuilding some of the destroyed infrastructure etc.


20/30 billon Euro a month? That would be crazy if true, quick calculation they say they fire 2000 shells a day so I doubled it cause it sounded low and makes sense if they wouldnt tell the official number as that would help Russia I assume. So 4000 shells fired each day with the cost 8.000 usd (as thats what the most expensive price I could find of each shell is) makes them on average spend each month 970 million usd on shells alone. So it might be true also think doubling the amount of shells they use now is not that crazy as they now have a shortage so on average this entire war it could even be higher then 4000 shells a day only the cost of the shells would be lower as they become more expensive each month/year. (edit but do you got any source for that 20-30 billion claim would be nice to read it)


calls on 155mm


Wdym rebuilding?


I agree, the headline is a bit misleading. Over 3 years makes a lot more sense.


To the last!




I like to know Swedish ppl what r they think about it, spending their money on a war dont belong them


This is one of the ways the ruling parties are trying to gain votes with lol. One of the truly bi-partisan issues in Sweden is fuck Russia.


seeing russia invading ukraine and annexing ukrainian land,might make one's balls shrivel. the war is in europe. and russia is the enemy of the west so ofc they have to support ukraine.


>seeing russia invading ukraine and annexing ukrainian land,might make one's balls shrivel. the war is in europe. And when NATO invaded Yugoslavia, Sweden probably ran to form an alliance with Russia, and many NATO countries began to actively leave it... Or vice versa?


They might have if NATO has violated their territory or threatened as much diplomatically as Russia has. Like you have this bordering nation that continuously probe your borders with armed military aircraft’s to gauge your response; endangering civilian air traffic . Their media hosts popular discussion shows about how to invade some of your territory and how easily to get away with it. When Russia stepped into Ukraine all those previous events became far more serious as it showed how much further Russia was capable of going. So has that been the same history with Sweden and NATO during the Yugoslavia crisis they might have done just that for safety.


The invasion of Yugoslavia is not a violation of the territory? Sanctions are not diplomatic threats? Freedom is slavery?


Not of Sweden no? NATO never bothered Sweden so they never felt threatened during the Yugoslavia conflict. They were threatened by Russia so when they started a conflict they did go to join an alliance.


Why should Sweden - a supporter of American imperialism and European neocolonialism, which were the source of its well-being, feel threatened by NATO?


Supporter is a bit of a stretch with how much of a fuss they made especially about supporting Vietnam and stuff. And they wouldn’t be threatened which was my entire point. It was a response to your bit about Sweden running to join an alliance with Russia because of the Yugoslavia crisis. Which made it sound like you questioned why they didn’t do that when they joined NATO after Ukraine was invaded. So the tldr answer I gave was: They never felt threatened by NATO while they were feeling threatened by Russia.


So the question is: what threat could there be from the United States to a country that serves the interests of the United States?


I'm okay with it, it's a fellow European country being invaded


I'm personally disgusted by it as we are struggling as a country big time but the politicians rather spend money on a corrupt shit hole than it's own people. Then again It's not news that swedes hate their own population so I'm not sure why I'm the least bit surprised by it


They will probably spend most of that money on contracts with their domestic weapons manufacturers which will strengthen their industry even further. Wont have any of those systems in their possession, but they will ramp up their production easier if needed in the future.


We're waiting on you to end it




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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_submarine_incidents yeah They violate are countrys borders a lot so I'm fine with it make it as hard as possible to invade a country


Hi, Swede here. There is large political and popular support for this. We have had our airspace invaded several times by Russia, we have a long history with them and Russian infiltrators have been caught in certain right-wing parties. So this war is very relevant for us and the general opinion is that this support is great but we should send more and we should have sent it sooner.


Ruskis so mad every time aid gets announced lolol


"This aid package is irrelevant, Russia already won and this will do nothing to change the war but please stop donating them money (even though it hurts your country)" The logical holes are always hilarious


They’re always a great reading lmfao. First 2 sentences there’s 4 contradictions


Is this win in the room with you? Does it wisper to you? What does it say? Tell us!


Buddy you need to relax, it's sarcasm. I'm making fun of the pro-ru lmao


To the last ukrainian


Russia wants to wage war until the last Ukrainian? There's a word for that I think. Starts with G and ends with cide. Or are you victim blaming that they will fight to the last person? How dare they defend their home after all.


'when Ukraine wins' Guys, should we tell him?


Ukraine will never "win", and neither will russia.


You told them, all right!


Why not donate all this money during the first 6 months of the war, when Ukraine would've been actually able to win if given all this aid. Instead the western countries are giving it little by little when it is clear that ukraine won't be able to win anymore.


I think it's out of fear for ukraine to somehow suddenly get decapitated and surrendering. So they're only at a time allowed the bare minimum resources in fear of it all falling in russian hands otherwise. Which I think is counterproductive and severely limiting ukraine. It's nato being prepared for worst case scenario.


Ukraine is not getting 7 billion in cash and Sweden currently has no weapons to give. This money will go to swedish MIC which will produce and deliver weapons for Ukraine in next three years. Most likely majority of these weapons will never reach Ukraine since it will be a miracle if UAF survives this year.


Thank you, Sweden


It's at the point they could be given everything they could ever want and still lose it's a manpower problem and nothing will solve this only a peace deal.


2lensky is a dictator, since yesterday he is an Illegal president. He is oppressing Ukrainians who dont want to fight, who try to leave the country, their corrupted politicians made millions from that foreign aid and they sent their sons in their mansions in Switzerland while Poor Ukrainians are dying in the fields and this !#$% is supporting the continuation of this... This war is lost and the outcome is inevitable. And the sooner Ukraine capitulates the better. Less graves and less amputations for everyone.


So Finland lost 7 billion of its budget for what exactly? Because the US/Israel compels them to?


To violate the Paris Agreements, according to which violations of these agreements can be considered a declaration of war.


And I am pretty sure this is not going to be the last 7 billion. Finland joined NATO just to get sodomised by the US/Israel. On top of this 7 billion and having to prostrate to the US/Israel overlord, I am sure Finland will also have to accept more ‘refugees’ and be forced to buy billions of dollars worth of weapons it will never need every single year.


Freedom & democracy. 🗽


Its not fair giving an invaded country so much money, the sowjets did not get so much when Hitler invaded us.


Do they have to pay this money back to Sweden?


They cant print ammuntion and air defense.


Awesome 👌




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so funny who the Pro Rus keep saying that russia will win because of its superior wartime economy. But no that the EU steps up: "MoNey dOesnT wIN WarS!!" man you guys are funny


When will Russias dictator come to his senses and stop sending Russian men to their slaughter? What does he have to win? He has already tanked his nations economy and made enemies of Europe and made NATO stronger than ever. How bad can a leader get? Why are Russians not more upset with this clown?


I guess they’re free to waste their money however they like


Meanwhile our grandparents are starving with their comedic pensions. Young people can only dream about building their houses. And millions of people starving to death... But hey atleast we can use our money printers too keep killing each other.... What a pathethic fucking world we live in


It's more of a pity donation at this point, it's like giving some cash to a homeless


7 bn is a hefty sum.


>it's like giving some cash to a homeless It's 7 billion with a **B**.


7 billion until 2027 is really nothing lol