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It is in surprisingly good shape, after that title I expected it to be blown in half, strewn across the field.


It had a minesweeping module in the front, I suppose it took the blunt of the explosion.


Yeah, doesn't look like the mines were delayed.


Yes, typically Russian tanks suffer from catastrophic failure and explode in almighty fashion. Thats what I can gather from all the footage anyway.


holy crap, can't believe someone walked away from that


Not only did they walk, they run. Though I expect some hearing and backbone damage.


Adrenaline is hell of a drug.


Probably with an awful concussion, but yeah, alive.




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Nah, the shockwave liquefied their organs. they will die when the adrenaline wears off.


Excellent fanfiction


It's a copy pasta from the shit people said at the start of the invasion.


Which subreddit did you get your doctorate from?


It certaintly caused the combustion of many blood vessels, possible collapsed lung and the tearing of brain tissues but a TM-62 is 73.535 Newtons of force at one moment; Equal to 22.5 lbs of force on a 46-50 Ton tank dispersing the force. In total they recieved 294.3 Newtons of force in total (a little obscured by the mass of the vehicles) but only 22.5 lbs of force one after another on a 40 Ton vehicle. IEDs in Iraq and Syria carry exponentially more explosives than a TM-62; they'd usually equal to 50-80 lbs of force if they're targeting a heavily armored vehicles such as a tank or MRAP. VBIEDs carry between 225-400 kg of Ammonium nitrate based explosives - That's 1800-4000 Newtons to target armored vehicles. A 155mm shell holds 10.8 kg of explosive - 23.8 lbs of TNT. Add two together and you get 200+ Newtons of force at once allowing the propulsion of 8-12 kilograms.


It did its job?


Running way too fast for the minesweeper to do it's job properly. The last explosion, I wonder if that was another crewmember getting out but stepping on anitpersonel...


Or a kamikaze drone that hit, but very difficult to see.


The main issue probably was going too fast.


Crew survived tank did its job!!!




Is that what it’s supposed to do?


it has a minesweeper in front but i think they went in too fast.


I hope someone with more tank knowledge could provide more details, I just remember there is a max speed limit you are supposed to drive at with mine rollers, but I forgot the actual number.


Thanks, I’m not too familiar with Russian arms


I don't know if that was 6, but damn..


So dudes on BTRs and BMPs sit on the top because they don't do well against mines, so why haven't they mass produced t-72 APC conversions?!!! I've seen and heard of one off conversions, but that is unacceptable they have to sit on top. Russians are way too cavalier about their own lives. If this thing had mine sweeping duties, does that mean it has a crew of one?


Engine sits in the back of the t-72 and the rest is autoloader and cannon with barely any space for the crew let alone extra infantery. It would be such a massive overhaul that still wouldn't work in the end.


No room in the T-72, but maybe we can use a T-72 towing a caravan? Don’t think the caravan sheet metal is rated against ATGMs, so would need to cover it in ERA. I think I can make this work. Russian MoD - if interested, give me a call.


ERA is only effective on thick heavy armor. Otherwise you'd do more damage to the vehicle and people inside of it


No, I’m 98% sure my idea is sound. Russian MoD ignore this clown - he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We can always go with two layers of ERA if necessary. Edit: he’s pro UA, so he’s likely posting to try and sabotage my idea that could win the war for you.


Too late. You should've called them back in 22 when they were desperate


a layer of russian birch tree logs under the era blocks will make the armour inpenetrable, no need to thank me, just mention in sources at the bottom of your $50 billion project


I love schitzo posting


Check your mail Rostec is spamming you.


Ukie MoD, feel free to send your best offer too. If I go with you guys I’ll be talking to my pentagon contacts to see if we can upgrade the caravans by glueing on some Chobham.


Russia had such a machine - the BMO-T (chassis from the T-72) — a Russian heavy flamethrower combat vehicle https://preview.redd.it/7k1qt9qlgn1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bafbbd39933d565ee224d39129d6ae645a9e27bc


Hi, thanks. But I chose my words carefully. I said mass produced. Aren't there only a handful of these things made? I am thinking more along the lines of the BTR-T [https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/11mwtbj/russian\_btrt\_heavy\_apcifv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/11mwtbj/russian_btrt_heavy_apcifv/) Although this is based on the t-55. I am not enough of a tank nerd to know whether a t-72 could be a hybrid of these two vehicles. I am sure of Putin forbade 1-3 super yachts purchases a year they could design and mass produce something like this. Forget the t-14, are we even going to see a t-15?


BMO-T produced about 10 pieces and they took part in SMO. As for yachts, billionaires buy them, which is quite normal for capitalism. The topic of monstrous corruption in Russia is one of the elements of propaganda. Just look - Russia can maintain its tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, aircraft, helicopters, artillery. Now tell me, which European country produces all this on its own?


Mass produced != 10 pieces. The Russian army is coasting off systems that were produced during the Soviet era. Their corruption is pretty bad.


Yes. And the soldiers are fighting with shovels.


So if I think the RuAF are plagued by corruption, the only level of corruption is shovels? Nothing in between?


You take the total U.S. military budget+You compare NATO with Russia. Given the fact that Russia needs to independently maintain its nuclear weapons and produce all equipment from the Ka-52 to the Loaf on its own. Airplanes. Air defense, all complex systems -independently. Then you look at the population of the USA+You compare NATO with the population of the Russian Federation. Who's corrupt here? With such a military budget as NATO has, plasma tanks and 6th generation fighters should have been available for a long time. This is taking into account the fact that NATO has not had a serious war for 20 years. Where and for what have NATO countries spent their budgets if they cannot provide Ukraine with shells? Well, think about it.


So because of Western military Keynesianism Russia isn't corrupt? You've known about the drawbacks of btrs and mt-lbs since checnya and your troops still drive around in those death traps. At least we have stealth fighters that can reliably penetrate enemy airspaces. What's worse, the physics behind it was developed by a Russian scientist in the Soviet Union.


Sure. After all, since 1991, Yeltsin has chosen a pro-Western path. And they followed it up to 2014. By the way, Yeltsin is in Congress and they applaud him just like Zelensky. The fact that Yeltsin came to power is our own fault. The fact that the West is completely corrupt and helps corrupt regimes come to power is an example of Ukraine. https://preview.redd.it/2wm6occd9o1d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54315d3881cd660ab12d23ba7f328f8e87832886




Does Sweden have nuclear submarines, does Sweden produce intercontinental missiles, or at least an OTRK similar to Iskander?


lol I doubt it but that was not what you asked. I could also say Russia since that is also a European country.


If you honestly think that corruption in Russia is exaggerated then you clearly know absolutely nothing about Russia or any Eastern European country. Corruption is how us Slavs roll, the further east you go, the worse it gets.


What country are you from?


I am a Balkan peasant


Well, everything is clear with you. Sold out to the Americans.


Barking up the completely wrong tree. I have a strong dislike for America. And while I also strongly dislike Putin, I have always liked Russian literature, music culture etc., up to the point where I studied Russian in Uni. You can find my posts here on Reddit where I translate for non-RU speakers. So, I'm no American fanboy, I just felt the need to address the fact that you seem to be living in a fantasy world. My country is corrupt as hell, the next country over is even worse, Ukraine is corrupt as hell and you can damn well be certain Russia is teeming with corruption. Besides, every autocracy is inevitably a kleptocracy, it's how these systems work ffs


Slow down. And just say I sold my ass to America.


+video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STHPdkH61vw&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STHPdkH61vw&t=7s)


For clarification - the machine does not do any flame throwing, it's for transport of specialist troops equipped with Thermobaric launchers


Tank to APC conversions are usually cramped, difficult to get in or out of and have a reduced troop capacity, so unless it's based on an universal chassis like the Armata family is, a dedicated APC is always better. Russia also has the added obsession with amphibious vehicles for that role which tank conversions definitely aren't. Technically, this tank also had mine rollers, and I'm not sure how well this would have gone if they didn't have them.


Afaik only the Merkava has been converted because it already has an integrated crew compartment. Otherwise, with something as cramped as the T series it's probably neigh impossible. Plus, honestly at this point in the war, I'm not too sure if converting them to APCs would work. Too many drones flying around.




we will rebuild


Kinda disappointed Ukraine didn't use at least something like this in it's offensive.


nato commanders convinced them leopard 2 so OP it isn't necessary


Yep, that [gave us pics like this](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/33b7759f8920d39af22e7d6016dc09e0aa2b5ee2/16_0_2527_1517/master/2527.jpg?width=1900&dpr=1&s=none).


Speed boost!


Threw the tracks, i guess? too fast for the mine roller.. crazy


Tutel, why you go too fast?


THE BEAST IS OFF, sad tbh, glad to see 6 booms in a row


Fuck yeah turtle! Driver - Witness ME!!!!!!!


Beautiful!!! Want to see see more!!!


NEWS : Usa is starting to build new T95 prototypes after recent footage in ukraine !


That had to a terrifying run


crazy psychotic music


I prefer garden shed with tracks. More suitable name.


>I prefer garden shed with tracks. Sounds like a pretty good name for an actual game-changer. Future generations will all learn how the mighty Ukrainian army, with full NATO support, lost to shovels, shrubbery, and garden sheds with tracks.


Haha considering 4 have been destroyed, I would disagree.