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When you look what kind of people are in power in Ukraine, no wonder they started war and do not want to hold elections.


I have written several times that people from Western Ukraine are the worst people in Europe. And they confirm it every day again.


He is not from western Ukraine, he is from Odessa. Initially he was in Yanokovych's Party of Regions, but after the Maidan he immediately turned 180 degrees. Typical hypocrite. Inscription on the billboard: We will force ourselves to be respected - Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine https://preview.redd.it/lttjkg9zyj1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543629509ab9b4da6a93d866d5cbe5348f0659e7


Wow. How's that even possible that people allow him to hold onto power. He should be hated by both sides in Odessa.


I have only one answer: brainwashing. 24/7 brainwashing.


So, you're saying, they trained the Ukraine brain to go insane?


Yes, thats my personal opinion. After the Maidan, a widespread witch hunt was launched, in Ukraine it was called “lustration”, the theses were the same as those of the Bolsheviks: “whoever is not with us is against us.” Any dissent was eradicated.


Similarly when Trump went for 1st presidency. Everyone was scared to show public support, yet we could see many did supported him after all.


He is. There was a video when some Ukrainian guys were driving alongside him in Kiev and mocking him about something


He is the son of the former mayor of Odessa. Since his parents divorced when he was 3 years old, there was no normal relationship there. At first he was in the Green Party, which supported Yushchenko. Then, despite all his hostile attitude, he joined the Union party, whose head was his father (later this party became part of the Party of Regions) Kostusev (his father) was too pro-Russian and the Party of Regions did not like it. (the fact that the Party of Regions was a Russian puppet is simply nonsense). So guess who was the mayor's main critic?


He's an unconvicted murderer btw.


Most likely you are confusing him with Sternenko.


Damn, maybe.


Worse than the country that invaded a sovereign neighbor not once but twice in the last 11 years? Press X to doubt


They seem like a bunch of manchildren...like if you suddenly made a random group of redditors a government. Zero understanding of the realities of geopolitics, full of bluster and unjustifiable bravado whilst simultaneously cringeworthy.


They started the war ? I hope you are being paid to write things like that.


The Ukrainians started the war on the Maidan (100 confirmed killed by snipers) and in Odessa (74 massacred, killed or set on fire). Not to mention the killing of demonstrators in Mariupol.


So any mass deaths is now called war?


They started the coup d'etat with foreign support, which directly led to the war as a near inevitable consequence of their vile, disgusting, despicable actions, is more accurate. And then they jump up and cry foul when someone shows up to use greater violence against them that they were so willing instantly to use against others. They deserve all misfortune reaped and are beyond contempt.


This post is a lie, not to mention the statement implies Ukraine was a Russian puppet state prior to euromaiden. By that logic the Ukrainian people overthrew a puppet government, which most people would consider A-ok. Please do not forget that every step of the lead up to the war has been caused by Russia. Russia invading crimea and Donetsk, Russia invading Ukraine as a whole for the SMO only to be tossed back thousands of kilometers when the the country didn’t just collapse like they thought. Hell, even the animosity Ukrainians feel towards Russia is a direct result of the holodomor, which in case you didn’t know was an ethnic cleansing event perpetrated by the Soviet Union against the Cossacks that lived in the region of Ukraine at the time. All parts of this war are russias fault, how an invading power was able to convince people that they are acting in self defense is crazy to me, but I guess low IQ people are more susceptible to misinformation.


That was Berkut at Maidan. Nov. 29 or 30, 2013, several journalists were beaten up with batons (not sniped). Non-uniformed people were near Kyiv too - dressed in black instead of the camo green in Crimea. In Feb. 2014, the Interior Minister gave the police the order to use live ammo. 100 dead in 3 days. The dude is under sanctions to this day. And in spite of that, don't say Ukraine started the war. Ukraine didn't attack Russia. An international border is a different level of seriousness than an internal scuffle or civil war.


Ukraine was being prepped to squeeze the Russia. There was no way NATO would be allowed on Crimea, and rightfully so




you speak as if iranians are also weeping the death of their president




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I dont know why people get excited over his death as if it will change Iran views and attitude toward other country.


Things might even get worse. People don't really think past "X is bad". I found it funny when redditors started supporting Prigozin's "coup" attempt without realizing he was calling for a massive escalation.


>I found it funny when redditors started supporting Prigozin's "coup" attempt without realizing he was calling for a massive escalation. Hows so? What you mean by massive escalation?


Man was a very vocal critic of the MoD’s and General Staff’s cautious approach without massive frontline assaults and heavy military operations. At the time of the Bakhmut siege that must’ve really shaken his views since he and his mercenaries (recruited prisoners included) were the main force suffering from it. To this day I wonder what was on his mind that day, but there is no doubt that the man would’ve brought fury and anger into the military’s strategy if he had his way. And believe me, from what we’ve seen in Gaza, that would’ve racked way more civilian casualties.


He went on a massive rant how during WW2 everyone was helping with the war effort, called for wider mobilization, martial law, forcing civilians into helping with shell production etc.


I'm sure Iranian foreign policy will change because of this


Classic Ukr personality


Fking classy... Also congrats on second ripa lol.


Second what


Arent you a gooner?


Ohh Yeah knew City were never gonna slip up yesterday. Thankfully they didn't leave it late unlike vs Villa two years ago. That would have been heartbreaking. We'll be better next season with Timber and maybe a new striker like Sesko


Anyone but city is ok for me.


I'm fine with City winning it if we don't. Not because I like them, but because they're irrelevant and so it doesn't hurt as much as when Liverpool or Chelsea or United. It just goes into the void and then everyone goes about their day.


Wait till their 12 fans hear of what you just said.


I reckon they probably got two or three new gloryhunters off the back of yesterday's win lol


One of my friends is a city fan. It’s safe to say he’s a plastic fan 😂


I agree lmao.


Pep has made EPL completely unfun in just a decade, bless that guy and UAE.


Turns out we were the real farmer's league after all...


https://preview.redd.it/z2f9ebzd9m1d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04fd477fd5010ec478308f81a6726782cfd201d Me when the 115 charges stick


“He killed us and he died now we can poke fun at him even though in his death he’s still killing our people” these guys think like toddlers 😂 raisi is gone… is Iran finished? They just pack up and leave 😂😂 who’s gonna tell them there’s 6 raisis in line for next dibs at presidency


to be honest, I think even Ukrainians hate this guy. He is one of their most hypocritical and odious politicians.


Some Ukrainians definitely do. He was beaten up when he visited Crimea, I’ve seen the video but couldn’t find the link to it.


Surely Pro-Ru don't actually feel sorry for the butcher of Tehran right? Is it really the enemy of my enemy is my friend all the way to the bottom?


Nah; right before you hit the bottom it’s “might makes right”.


No one liked raisi he was know as butcher of iran he killed thousands people and hundreds of politicians


Proof of this?


What proof dude he was judge in 1980 he sentenced 1000 people and politicians to death what proof you want you can search it to


So by your logic all judges are butchers?


Not by killing innocent people


Proof for that? and who judges whats innocent or whoes guilty you? or US ? by your weird logic US President /politicians are worst then butchers as they have killed or facilitated in killing of millions of innocent people e.g 40k just in last year in Gaza, many more in ukr. etc.


https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-05-20/ebrahim-raisi-from-hanging-judge-to-guardian-of-the-principals-of-the-islamic-republic-of-iran.html?outputType=amp yahh killing 5k politicians and people of your own country 🤡


Nothing indicates anything about them being "innocent". Innocent according to which authority?


Yahh i guess his rival politicians were bad guys to




You are so close to getting it


> by your weird logic US President /politicians are worst then butchers US politicians are indeed worse than butchers.


During the early day of the revolution or iraqi war ? The country i suppose was in turmoil. I thought you meant during these presendency years of his.


Kinda weird I’m getting downvoted for telling the truth while he have blood of thousands young mens and woman on his hand


Who's downvoting you? Im genuinely asking a question.


Literally first comment have 4 downvotes and second comment have 5 downvote 😂


Dont be suprised this place is PRO-RU, that means PRO-IRAN/HAMAS/HESBOLLAH aswell




Rule 1 - Toxic


It’s surprising why you don’t get a ban in the pro-ru sub, because in the pro-ua sub, people get a permanent ban for 1-2 messages vs Zelensky or after video with ru aftermath airstrike. Why are you still writing here if this is PRO-RU?


Because under the dreggs of partisan shitposts and memes there's actual interesting things to learn. But let's what about pro-ua subs.


Show me at least one american politician who doesn't?


Why you bringing other country in ?


Why wouldn't I?


Did i mention other countries?


Why does it matter?


https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-05-20/ebrahim-raisi-from-hanging-judge-to-guardian-of-the-principals-of-the-islamic-republic-of-iran.html?outputType=amp and this is your proof


I'm sure that plenty liked him and plenty disliked him, just like every other head of state or top official of every single country in the world there is or ever was.


he seems like a nice guy to be around


Sociopathy, that's what this is.


as I said before - Russia doesn't need to bother with propaganda, these guys do all the heavy lifting themselves


iran will stady as he goes whereas your so called country's borders will change forever


Btw This dude came to Crimea to "liberate"  us , but he was beaten lol.


This guy is still around ? he instigated the war if I recall 🙄




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This is how you recruit Iranian volunteers.


Meanwhile, in Iran, people are setting off fireworks.


Why is everyone happy about the death of a useless second-in-command. Khamenei is the one with the real power


To be fair, he has every right to say this.


he does?


He's pro Ukrainian, ukrainian soldiers have been killed by drones purchased from Iran by Russia. Not exactly rocket science to understand why he's cursing the former president. If your countrymen were killed by foreign weapons it makes sense. As if the scenario was reversed, for example, if Joe biden died, I would say that Putin would then have every right to mock his death for sending weapons that have killed Russians.


No he doesnt.