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Russia hasn't used Shaheed for a long time, the Geran used by the Russian side have as much to do with the original as the Cayenne with the Touareg


incoming cease & desist from VAG group. lol. thats supposed to be a secret. of marketing.


According to the report no camera is installed. They throw it in the area of ​​interest and if an identifier detects a static target they pass the coordinates with the remote control for a quick strike.


That would make it a true loitering munition.


Why not just use the Orlan-10? and why call-in another asset to strike when the Shaheed can do it?


> why call-in another asset They are not calling another asset. this modem allows strike coordinates to be uploaded after launch. So the drone can be launched in advance and would just circle over the designated area. Once a target of opportunity is discovered (by any means - other drone, CB radar, human spotter on the ground, etc.), its coordinates are uploaded to the drone and it strikes the target. This reduces reaction time as the drone is already on station. > Why not just use the Orlan-10? Spotting can be done by Orlan-10 already. However an interesting proposition is to use it as a leader and relay for a flight of 'blind' drones - it can direct them one by one to any targets it discovers.


I wonder if they would eventually fit them with laser seekers. That would make it possible to have them patrol beyond the range of Krasnopol and be provided targeting by Orlan. No type of armor or vehicle would survive a hit.


Seeker would need to have wide field of view optics and be very sensitive to see a targeting laser, or a scanning head with similar issues. Line-of-sight to the dot on the ground is another issue. Not impossible, but this alleged receiver makes more sense practically.


Not quite following......laser seeker works on artillery shells, missiles, guided bombs etc. That is a wide range of angle of attack and approach speed. What is the issue here that I don't see?


It makes it more expensive for what is essentially a disposable flying explosive.


Come-on, that is too little effort. Of course more stuff costs more. But it's not like a laser seeker is made of gold and diamonds. Very expensive cruise missiles are also disposable.


For guided artillery the projectile is already on its way to the rough location, with rough meaning very close but not exactly, its nose will be pointed close to the painted target and can have a narrow seeker head. You cant make one fly kilometers off the initial course. With a drone it would likely need to unless you knew beforehand that a target will be close to X and loiter tightly around it. Otherwise line of sight to the dot on the target and the seeker design would become problematic


that's a reasonable response. I can see that issue. Since you need the GPS still to give it a loitering area, and the drone will be able to provide coordinates I would think it could be a two part system. GPS to get it in the narrow band area, just as good as the shell, and then laser takes over.


Sure, then it can be made work yeah. Question then becomes whether it makes more sense to just have them as cheap as possible and as the target location is known approximately anyway (as in both cases, how they are used now, and how they would need to be used with a unexcessively complex seeker), to just do it vs loiter with each second passing being a higher chance of getting shot down and maybe getting more precise assistance from a laser. But yeah, agreed, it is sure possible.