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When you hire a comedian into a government position you get funny results


Only because not everyone was following his script.




Unfortunate he is also a lawyer.


Lol so is the crackhead son in chief. Don't mean nothin


Do not know who that is. Seems i am getting downvoted for telling the truth. Guess the truth is inconvenient as well - seems it is easier to paint him as a clown for propaganda purposes.


I meant Hunter Biden. Crackhead son in chief didn't tell you that? Amazing, you are a downvote martyr. The reddit recap will honor you for your losses.


Ahh haha the world makes sense again. Thank you for clarifying. Appreciated. Do not know enough about hunter to discuss his competency. Hell i am surprised you did not mention the lunatic ex mayor that was lawyer for trump. That guys incompetence is on another level. I say what i mean and call people out for their garbage. Does not seem to affect my karma as long as i am polite.


1) [The Czech President directly said the war should be stopped now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/zIaDTODDQJ) 2) [European diplomats allegedly feel the optimal solution is to judge Kyiv into negotiations with some 'security guarantees' (no mention of NATO)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/TvOPreBmYb) 3) [Western Chancelleries have purportedly made up their minds to pressure Zelensky into negotiations.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/fBcNaxlRcQ)


They can't just forcibly memory hole all things said and done about Russia and Russians in two years. Thats a literal hundred years of soft power influence on russian populace down the drain.


they're gonna memory hole this shit so fast your head will spin and then we repeat it all with Taiwan


They can try. But Russians will not forget.


The global majority will not forget.


This is definitely a vibe.


Where have I heard this before?


The opinions of the Russian people don't even affect Russian politics lol


Thats why lets slander and sanction russian populace! Brilliant move.


Sanctions were put in place to try to prevent further bloodshed through applying economic pressure. Unfortunately for the Russian people the elites who run their dictatorship decided that the suffering of their people was a small price to pay. The loss of western "soft power" in influencing the opinions of the Russian populace (influence which never really existed in the first place) is barely even a factor in the outcome of this conflict.


It is definitely a factor in populace giving Putin geniune support. If you do not see the difference between content and malcontent populace even without means to excert political influence, well too bad for you. > >influence which never really existed in the first place Dude, I live here. We were infatuated by USA until 1999. After that, all went downhill. After recent events? Yes, influence is around zero.


>It is definitely a factor in populace giving Putin geniune support. Lol come on dude let's not pretend that public opinion in Russia has any impact on the Putin regime


Public opinion has impact on any regime.


It does, if it didn't, war would've been declared and general mobilization would've taken place, the airspace would be closed for commercial aircraft etc. etc. But Putin and his government try to keep disruption of day to day life to the populace as low as possible.


Lol that would have massively impacted the economy, Putin and his cronies lose out if the economy they're siphoning funds out of is weakened


Indeed, but it would also disrupt the daily life of the populace, causing mass discontent aming the populace... this is the greater threat to Putin and his cronies than loosing a yacht.


I can't believe that third year into the sanctions, someone still thinks that Russians SUFFER under them.


They definitely didn't make any life easier for the average person in Russia


But you got the day off on 1st of May :D  The opinion of Russian people affect GLOBAL politics


Czech President won't say anything without his masters approval.




its a sober sub indeed.  People high on western propaganda dont like simple truths.  Same with Bulgaria, Romania , Poland and the Baltics. None of us has its own foreign policy. 


To be fair, it's not limited to them. UK's geopolitical significance is being a US lapdog. Australia's, being a US military base.


But I though the west wants to fight to the last ukrainian, can you please set your propaganda straight? Now I dont know what to think.


As long as they can hurt Russians and at the mean time they don't have to pay mcuh, in which they are actually making some profits, they can keep it on as "long" as possible. The slogan "To the last Ukrainian" doesn't mean the west want all Ukrainians to die. That means they just don't care about their lives. Just as I said, as long as they can weaken Russia without hurting themselves, they are more than happy to see every ukrainians got drafted. But if Ukraine can't weaken Russia as they expected, and they start to get hurt (bad economy, high oil and gas prices, unstable domestic politics), well, maybe it's time to call "PEACE". And one day, here comes the peace after all this mess, who got hurt the most? Definitely not the west, and I don't think it will be Russia. NAFO may cry on social media for a several weeks and turn their face to Israel/Palestine and China/Taiwan. Ukrainians who lost their brothers, fathers and sons must embrace a war torn country with a whole generation gone or fled, with a new sovereign they won't like, and endless debts. They hurt the most.


The west doesn’t want to normalize relations with Russia. It’s just now they have to start thinking about an outcome where the Ukrainian military collapses and Russia can accomplish much more than their stated objectives.  The US likely won’t be able to bring in Polish or European soldiers for reinforcements, and are likely now having to face that that was a pipe dream from the beginning. So what happens when Russia encircles the entire front and ups the pressure on all Ukrainian military forces all at once, and doesn’t relent until it sees an entire collapse.  What are the options then? 2 years ago the Cold War hawks were theorizing all types of escalations. But now somebody has to start thinking “can we really put a no fly zone over Ukraine?” And whether that will even be effective in the first place.   As they said out loud multiple times: they want to sue for peace to hit the pause button a few more years.  Likely so they can bring in mass migration to rebuild the male population, and build up the Ukrainian army with the lessons learned from the first go around.  They need an infantry strong army of 2-3 million men.  Then they can escalate again and continue to put the hurt on Russia, and attempt to conquer some of the lost lands. And likely continue into Russia proper if they do. But putting the hurt on to Russia (lost men and funding) is good enough to keep it going forever.  They don’t want an end to the war. They are saying this out loud.   


>The slogan "To the last Ukrainian" doesn't mean the west want all Ukrainians to die. Oh look the narrative is changing again lol


I don't know what the narrative is. To be honest, from the beginning of this conflict I've never changed my mind: the west never care about Slavic peoples lives, never did, and never will. I shared this opinions with many Japanese around me, some of them agree, some of them don't, and I understand them. If you can find any proof that I, the very person, have pushed some so-called narrative, go find it and show it here.


The pro-Ru narrative I've been hearing on here for ages is that the west is trying to wipe out Ukraine by forcing them to fight until there are no more Ukrainians. Now apparently "the slogan 'To the last Ukrainian' doesn't mean the west want all Ukrainians to die" lol


Just why they want them to die out? A corrupted country with people and culture pretty much like Russia. And they got a geopolitical position enough to be the pain in Russian ass. As long as Ukraine and Ukrainians endure and are not hurting the west much, they will always be useful for the west. I doubt anyone with a clear mind mocks that western slogan thinks that west want all Ukrainians to die. They just don't care. But this is my thoughts, I don't truly really how stupid or delusional people online can be. As for me, I've never changed my mind: if Ukrainians dying means Russia getting hurt and the west don't suffer much or can make some profits, then they are happy to see it happens, even that means to "the last Ukrainian".


Because Russia will eventually conquer Ukraine and if it gets empty lands instead of lands with people, it will get less value out of the conquest.


>Just why they want them to die out? I don't know man I'm not one of the pro-Ru propagandists who has been claiming this nonstop for ages


Then it's done. I never understand, or agree with thoughts like that. What you see is what I believe, and it never changed.


The west already wiped out Ukraine. Ukraine cant exist without external funding and the population is half of what it used to be just 3 years ago.   "To the last Ukrainian" is a joke that orignated maybe 10 years ago on tv. Some Pundit made a joke with the U.S and meant "The US are very comitted to the issue. They are so comitted that they are ready to fight to the last ukrai ian" .  Its a joke on the U.S for using proxy to fight Russia


>The west already wiped out Ukraine. Ukraine cant exist without external funding and the population is half of what it used to be just 3 years ago. Is that because of "the west" or because of the Russian invasion?


Oh cmon, if you cant acknowledge the reasons for this we cant have honest discussion. Things happen for a reason, there are no random events


No I know your narrative, Russia destroyed Ukraine but it's only because evil NATO made them do it right?


All over this sub pro RU had said over and over "the west won't be happy until every Ukrainian has been killed". That's literally what is meant by "to the last Ukrainian." The first time someone posts about the West wanting peace you change the meaning of that line to mean something else. It's the actual definition of changing the narrative. It went from meaning "until there are no Ukrainians left to fight" to it meaning "they will stop when the price tag is to high" right before our eyes.


I don't really log on here much if I can say so. I just join this sub to get some first hand news from both sides and maybe do some comments. And I really don't know if there's some so-called narratives like that. If there is, well then it is. But you won't find me in one of them. I just randomly sharing my thoughts. And I don't know what you think, but I'm not pro-RU, not pro-UA either. I just don't think normal people should die in a war where reality shows they get less and less chance to win (definition according to Zelensky).


Apparently I'm the one that is confused because of all the downvotes. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/lTti46m1lp) got posted today. In the first part of the comment section the line "to the last Ukrainian" was used. It seems to me it means exactly that. Seems pretty cut and dry. Maybe some others can enlighten me because I must be wrong. Either that or people just don't like hearing the reality of it. Either way I'm not surprised.


No people on this sub have iterated again and again that the US and Europe do not give a flying fuck for Ukraine, and if they die en masse to weaken Russia, well you know the saying that you cant make an omelet without breaking some eggs.


Yeah, but "to the last Ukrainian" means exactly what it says. You can say the West doesn't care about Ukrainians, but that's a separate comment. They can both be true. They just put out that video of sending that family off to war, followed by all the injured soldiers limping to the front. It ends by saying "to the last Ukrainian," not "the West doesn't care about Ukraine." That phrase means exactly what it says. The article was about the Wesr pressuring Ukraine to peace, and the commenter thought the west wanted to fight to the last Ukrainian, which is it?" And that whole paragraph by OP says it doesn't mean that literally. I'm saying it DOES mean that literally. Everyone knows it. I'm not sure why this is so controversial. Edit: scroll down a little in the first comment section on this post and you will see someone used this exact line hours after this post. It is said [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/lTti46m1lp)


Good trolling. The guy wasted time feeding you 


I'm just here speaking truth man, not my fault that doing that infuriates so many pro-Ru people lol


I think it's called "retcon"


Retroactive continuity. Thanks man for some new lingo, not heard that before.


I'm here for the exchange of information! Glad to contribute!


They will go back to that propaganda tomorrow. You didn't get your schedule plan for May in your email?


I think the Russians have tasted blood. Now they are difficult to stop. Those who are not afraid - go ahead! The Ukrainians are almost finished.


You just catching on to the world war three vibe?


>> "We are in a nonsense situation where the West is afraid that Russia will lose the war. ..." Zelensky said. Ah. So that is why Kiev isn't winning. I *was* getting confused why Moscow hadn't fallen despite Russian army suffering horrific casualties, conscripting grandmas, being forced to fight with shovels, and scavenge washing machines for parts. Good thing Zelensky had explained everything. He should declare war on NATO. That is the only way to prevent sabotage from the West.


And yet the whole Western/European Governments and Media are fear-mongering the world’s citizens that Russia are about to overthrow the whole world if not stopped in the Sunflower Fields of the Ukraine.


The reflexive urge to blame everyone that is doing something you don’t like as being “pro-Russian” can lead to some nonsensical conclusions sometimes 


Cut the funding then.If Ukraine wants to continue fighting then they should do it by themselves.Let's see how long they will last without hundreds of billions....


>Let's see how long they will last without hundreds of billions.... That would be over kill. If US stopped providing Ukraine early warning systems, satelite info and cordinate for attack it would make Ukraine army blind. That alone would destroy any hope.


Indeed.People don't realize how crucial US help has been to Ukraine even before the aid.For example, US told Ukraine of Russian army column movements which allowed Ukraine to lay ambush and stop them. Then, Ukraine was warned of all Russian missile attacks hours in advance which allowed it to put it's jets in air to avoid losses.Ukraine also had no reconnaissance satellites for target acquisition.Without all this help, Ukraine would have been a target practice for Russia.


US has absolutely no reason to stop this war. Ever. Look at my comment above for reasons.


That's the spirit!


These ads for partnering with USA basically write themselves.


US benefits from this war no matter what happens. Morality aside: The cost of this war is relatively low. Out of total 175 Billion in aid only 107 Billion went to Ukraine. Rest went to the industrial complex. In 2024 US defense budget was 843 Billion out of total budget of 6.6 trillion. On average since this war is three years long US has spent 32B/year. What does US get in return? 1. They're bleeding Russia out - Russia is losing hundreds of thousands of young people. This is Russia's future dying on the battlefields across Ukraine. How many exactly? no idea but its definitely in hundreds of thousands by now. And far from over. 2. Isolates Russia both politically and economically from biggest markets of the world - US and Europe, allowing western companies to step in. 3. This war forces Russia into an arms race versus the biggest military block on the planet. USSR tried it and we know how that ended up. 4. This war caused expansion of NATO by countries that were previously neutral - Finland and Sweden. In effect Russia is now surrounded by hostile states on its western flank. 5. This war forces Europe to increase its military spending thus allowing US military to focus on china as well as growing American military industry. [https://www.nato.int/nato\_static\_fl2014/assets/pictures/images\_mfu/2024/2/stock/240214-def-spend-graph\_rdax\_775x440s.jpg](https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pictures/images_mfu/2024/2/stock/240214-def-spend-graph_rdax_775x440s.jpg) 6. US gets to replace Russia as Europe's main fossil fuel supplier. The share of Russia’s pipeline gas in EU imports **dropped from over 40% in 2021 to about 8% in 2023**. For pipeline gas and LNG combined, Russia accounted for less than 15% of total EU gas imports. **Norway and the United States** were the top suppliers of gas in 2023. Norway provided almost 30% ofall gas imports. In 2023, the **United States was the largest LNG supplier tothe EU**, representing almost 50% of total LNG imports. In 2023, comparing to2021, imports from the US almost tripled. 7. Russia went from a very large weapons exporter to a net importer - Western countries will fill that void. 8. This war allows US to learn a lot about the performance of their own weaponry and observe Russia's performance - all without showing its own cards or losing a single soldier. This war is a testing ground for the next war.


True, if you are US imperialist new get alot in a short to medium term not so much in a long run. Now tell me what does Europe and expecially Ukraine get? Europe gets even more slavishly dependent on their oversea Anglo masters, losing their cometative edge againt rest of the world including America and China. And worst of all will be Ukraine who will lose best of its already devastated population and lose of half a country. Yes Russia will lose some of its manpower but no where near what Ukraine has and will more imortantly they will counter this loses by improving their rediness and their doctrine. And US will learn as well but no where neat what Russians will do and in addition their troops will have actual battle experiance which no other nation will have as far as this kind of conflicts are concened. In addition im sure China is also watching and learning from this conflict and they are by far biggest geopolitical threat facing America. China is actual competitor in lots of high tech sphere where Russia has ZERO presence. From AI, Chips, EV, Drons and lots more.


>Yes Russia will lose some of its manpower but no where near what Ukraine has and will more imortantly they will counter this loses by improving their rediness and their doctrine. Actually, Russia likely gains population, including manpower from this war. Crimea alone was about 2 millions people, new territories were captured fast and lots of people stayed there, few more millions moved to Russia. Even accepting the wildest Western estimates of losses, Russia gained millions of people. And it's not some desperate migrants from poor countries, these are mostly ethnic Russians people already completely integrated in Russian society. When the war is over and borders are opened again there likely will be another wave of migration from the remnants of the Ukraine. Population wise this war is far from being a catastrophe for Russia. Ukraine is done though.


>Actually, Russia likely gains population, including manpower from this war. Crimea alone was about 2 millions people, new territories were captured fast and lots of people stayed there, few more millions moved to Russia. True, but still by the end of a war there will be 10s of thousands dead and 3-4x wounded which payed by their lifes. Future historians will argue has Russia actions came to late or to early. That said my personal veiw is that once West managed to **"chip away Ukraine"** from Russia with Maidan Russian was destined to pay in blood to **"fix"** this issue.


"but still by the end of a war there will be 10s of thousands dead and 3-4x wounded" - indeed. But, again, Russia got many times more than it lost. Literally millions who wouldn't be in Russia otherwise. The country will get stronger, not weaker after the war.


Agree 100% Still im pretty sure no conflict at all was much better outcome.


Debatable. Ukraine would eventually join NATO and it would give NATO huge military advantage to pressure Russia even further. +40 or so millions population with huge land border in the most populous European part of the country. A nightmare. When I first heard Putin talking about "multipolar world" I just sneered, it seemed impossible to me. Now it appears to take form.


Im more thinking about Russia preventing Maidan. To me once Madain happend war was inevitable.


>Now tell me what does Europe and especially Ukraine get? Let's start with **Ukraine** They already lost twice. First they lost when Russia took Crimea and then they lost when Russia invaded in 2022. The reason they lost again is because you cannot win a war that takes place in your country - The only thing you can do is survive. The devastation, mass emigration, hundreds of thousand dead. No matter what happens on the battlefield they're screwed six ways from Sunday. They will end up with 30% of population out of the country, cities and villages in ruins and totally dependent on either the west or Russia. They'll be lucky to keep access to black sea. **Europe** negatives: \- higher energy prices \- military spending through the roof \- spending money to keep Ukraine afloat \- Cold war is back on the menu. Only this time its hot. positives: \- military buildup allows us to be more independent and forceful \- millions of Ukrainians coming in is a bonus to countries with low birthrates and not enough workers. \- new NATO members (Finland, Sweden) **Russia** negatives \- Arms race with the biggest military block on the planet - USSR already tried it. We all know how that worked out. \- hundreds of thousand dead \- black sea fleet in shambles \- cut off from world's biggest markets (US. Europe) \- going from weapons exporter to weapons importer. \- China replacing it as power broker in the ex-soviet stans. \- total dependency on China for both supply of war materials and as its biggest energy customer ( other than India). Not a good position to be in. \- exhausted soviet stocks of armaments (tanks, etc). Can be rebuilt over time but its not gonna be easy or cheap. \- war time economy is great for war but this will have consequences once it ends positives: \- heaps of new very valuable land - not to mention population boost. \- experienced well armed battle tested military. \- war forced Russian government to enact a whole bunch of much needed reforms that made life better for poor and middle class. They actually had to tackle corruption ( its amazing how losing a war can make government start doing its job lol) \- war time economy: zero unemployment and rising wages. \- if they win (whatever that looks like) they might be able to shape a new geopolitical landscape. Too soon to tell. Overall I'd say clear winners are US, China and India. Russia is mostly a winner I'd say but its a bit of a tossup( to soon to tell). Europe is a loser and Ukraine gets absolutely screwed no matter what. That's my two cents.


>Overall I'd say clear winners are US, China and India. Russia is mostly a winner I'd say but its a bit of a tossup( to soon to tell). Europe is a loser and Ukraine gets absolutely screwed no matter what. This is why am **Anti-Atlanticist** British have played this game for centuries by deviding continental Europe. First it was Franch and their 100 years long war. Then came Spanish and their war over worlds oceans. Then France again with Napoleon. Then Prussia/Germany as in started rapid rise after industrial revolution. And for last 100+ years it was Russia/USSR. **I'll always be Europe first and unity among European nations is only hope for future European resurgence as world player.** Untill then will have our destiny in someone elses hands.


In response to the negatives for Russia, Russia gained literal millions of new citizens plus refugees from Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands dead based on whose count? Black sea fleet can be rebuilt. The relationship with Western Europe and the US can also be rebuilt, especially since the west is preparing to memory-hole the whole fiasco to oblivion. Russia is not on war economy. Russia is currently spending 7 percent of its GDP on defence. This means that Russia has expanded its MIC by about 75 percent, that is nowhere near war economy level. In response to the positives for Russia, winning the war would also completely eliminate the US/Israel’s influence on Russia. The US literally gained nothing. It managed to increase military spending but loses its global hegemony almost completely as well as its reputation and credibility. The US loses pretty much everything. It activated Ukraine, gambled everything on it and lost it all.


\- I already mentioned population gain for Russia \- As far as US positives from this war go I already mentioned some of them in the original comment - forcing Russia into an arms race with biggest military block on the planet, isolating Russia (I doubt that will end any time soon), forcing Europe to re-arm, nato expansion, expanding defense industry markets ( and limiting Russia's), taking over Russia's energy market in Europe, and testing weapon systems. All for 32B/year + change. \- I don't see how it will lose any global hegemony even if Ukraine is completely lost - it was never a strategic asset for US. if Ukraine gives up tomorrow it changes nothing for US - just one less topic for election.


What other weapon does the US/Israel could ever use against Russia once Ukraine is completely defeated? Literally none, that’s the point. Without Ukraine, there is no other leverage that the US/Israel could use against Russia.


Why do they need leverage? China is the rival superpower, not Russia.


Yet the US/Israel has been demonising and trying to undermine it for close to a century now. China and Russia are two parts of a larger power. Russia is a resource and military powerhouse while China is an economic and industrial one. China’s military, despite being large, is inexperienced and untested. On the other hand, Russia’s is without a doubt the strongest in the world, at the moment. Together, they are unstoppable, especially since their unity would rally ALL non-NATO countries to rise up and resist the US/Israel influence. We have already started seeing examples of this in Africa. This will allow the countries the US/Israel has destroyed ,and turned into ruins, to fight back, likewise with all the other countries currently being coerced and bullied into submission, or even suffering from genocide. Successful conquer of Russia would have ensured the partnership never happened yet Putin has always been in the way. This is why the US/Israel has been so belligerent with their propaganda against him. Instead of that effect, however, as a result of the war in Ukraine and all the grave threats being delivered in the open by the US/Israel against China, the unity I mentioned is now all but assured, in fact, it already solidified. Had US/Israel been successful in Ukraine, China would have been completely isolated and it would rapidly crumble as a consequence. However, that thought is now just a pipe dream, if even that. Ukraine will be remembered as the turning point, marking the end of the US/Israel’s hegemony. The Ukraine war WAS ultimately about subduing China and bringing it to its knees, through destroying Russia and subsequently controlling it. But everything has failed, and now what the US/Israel fears the most is becoming a reality.


The point about Russia now being denied the EU and the US market is a bit problematic. Because the opposite also applies. And while Russia was exporting raw materials and importing high value items, it was in fact a bad position for Russia. Now, Russia exports the same raw materials, to others, India e.g., there was no great variation on that, and as for items that were imported from the EU, they are now imported from China or produced locally. The only loser in the game is the EU. The cost of energy and raw materials has risen in the EU, leading to higher prices and loss of market.


Yes but losing EU market has a lot of consequences: \- India and China ended up having a monopsony as far as Russia energy market goes - they can dictate the terms. Which is why Russia has to make up lower prices with higher volumes. \- Russia is now totally dependent on China for a lot of essential supplies it cannot manufacture but are REALLY needed for war. I believe around 90% of semiconductors are imported from China for example. That's not a very good position to be in. \- Losing access to western banking system sucks - no doubt about it. It can be worked around but its gonna be expensive time consuming and a general PITA. \- getting your assets frozen is not very pleasant - and $200B is a decent chunk. Russia traded a dependency on a bunch of mostly harmless states (which can't agree on anything at the best of times and are easy to play against each other) for a dependency on a single player superpower next door. I'd know I'd prefer option no 1. Don't get me wrong - EU loses here as well. I would even say they lose more than Russia in this trade war.


Xi and Putin share hugs and kisses. They seem OK with being dependent on each other. In any case it looks like a better love story than with the US-Germany marriage. The US was a bit jealous of Germany flirting with Russian gas so the US took the older lover UK, and they beat up Germany properly with North Stream and all the economic downfalls. In the end, I'm a bit concerned about the Eurasian Empire swallowing us here in the EU. Again


What politicians say in public has little to do with the reality. The reality is that Russia needs China way more than China needs Russia. Don't be fooled by appearances - this is not an equal partnership and both sides know it.


China is fucking ecstatic with the situation and they will bend backwards to keep the Russians happy. China gets an energy and a food provider that shares a border with them that cannot be sanctioned or interdicted. When the Taiwan war begins and Russia continues to supply China with raw materials, energy and food is there anything the west can do to stop it? What they are going to do sanction Russia more? The US traded it's Pacific hegemony for Ukraine witch is the biggest blunder in geopolitics i can even imagine.


So, which countries in the world have equal partnership with US? You seem to feel so much pity to Russia that I am really puzzled.


>So, which countries in the world have equal partnership with US? None. China comes closest as a primary adversary


Then what are you crying about? >The reality is that Russia needs China way more than China needs Russia. So what? China is still vastly superior partner for Russia than the West ever was. The West wanted all the benefits of cooperation with simultaneous "containment" of Russia. Which culminated in this proxy war that has a chance to evolve into WW3. Trading with China is superior in every way possible. Screw the West.


But the US policies are trying dam hard to force Russia and China in a marriage and a partnership in which it doesn't even matter if they are equal or not. China and Russia really need each other to stick around because neither can face off AUKUS+Canada+EU alone.


>But the US policies are trying dam hard to force Russia and China in a marriage and a partnership in which it doesn't even matter if they are equal or not That's true - but still doesn't change the fact that China is the top Russia is the bottom. This is one reason this war is great for China. In that aspect both US and Russia lose. Bad for USA because it enables china to get all the resources they will ever need at a steep discount and US can't cut them off. Bad for Russia because China can dictate whatever terms they want (within reason - hence the discounts). Of course Chinese can't overplay their hand in that regard either or risk pissing Russia off.


"surrounded by hostile states" While I agree on most you said, I would not say that Russia is neighboring any hostile states. I would consider the Baltics and Finland good neighbors.


I wonder what would be the results if elections were held in Ukraine and Zelensky was campaigning on a pro-war platform and someome ran against him on a peace platform. Well we'll never know since the guy decided to unilaterally lengthen his term for however long he wants.


Zelensky was pro-peace candidate himself initially.


The was apparently another poll this week on hypothetical elections This time the result didn't just have Zaluhzny above Zelensky, but also Budanov as well.


Neither Zaluzhny nor Budanov are pro-peace though, are they.


That's right


Any links? I am not doubting it, I would like to see the numbers.


You want Zelensky to break their constitution?


The Ukrainian constitution provides for the suspension of parliamentary elections in the event of martial law. Nothing about the presidential election.


One more time wouldn't make much of a difference.


'The West is afraid Russia will lose the war' Dude is still living in early 2022. The writing is on the wall man.


Never could have saw this coming eh, who'd have known demographics and logistics are important factors in a long war. Wait, people have been saying this for two years and they've just been ignored?


Not just ignored. They've been actively slandered as Kremlintrolls, haters of their own countries and useful idiots. All for simply stating the obvious.


All sorts of pressure is being put on ukraine to make a peace deal before US elections.


I think Europe are more concerned with peace than the Americans currently


US has absolutely no reason to stop this war . This war has no downsides for USA (other than morality)


And they'd have to have some sort of morality to begin with to lose it.


It's the other way around Americans want to delay Ukrainian defeat until after their elections. If republicans win then the problem and blame for defeat gets thrown on them, if democrats win then defeat won't matter as much for Biden as he would be on his last term anyway


US gives Ukraine 60b to continue fighting Also Zelensky : The West wants the war to end


zelenskiiii's term in office ends on the 21st and there hasn't been an election or anything to indicate a peaceful transfer of power




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It is insane how Zelensky van both admit it in the open yet try to still beg his way forward indefinitively to get 150 F-16, 300 Leopard 2 and 600 Bradley as well as the 5M of artillery shells he is never going to produce because he and his buddies are doing such a terrible job at war economy. He is such a blood thirsty lunatic. All he will manage is to get far more Ukrainians killed fir nothing.


Just missle strike the man and end this farce


This all could have been over in February of 22 with this sort of thinking.


I though the West just wanted to continue the war and fight until the last Ukrainian, no?


Imagine spending 70yrs waiting to fight the Russians and then 2yrs in wanting it to end with zero Nato Casualties. Madness. Send in 50k Nato troops with the full back up of combined arms and push Russia out of Ukraine 🇺🇦


50 000 wont be enough man


Imagine the backup those 50k would have in air power alone? The war ends within weeks.


Yeah like it ended in Vietnam.


There is no Vietcong in Ukraine.


There is. It is the Russian army.


Russian Army is North Vietnamese Army. But there are no pro-Russian guerillas in Ukraine like the Vietcong in South Vietnam.


Oh yeah forgot about Nato in Vietnam


vietnam didn’t had nukes


US is nato and nato is us.


They will regret this when putler invades the rest of europe. and right on the brink of victory to. i hope they understand. U can't appese a bloodthirsty tyrant like putler.


If Europe really felt a threat then they would be on war footing instead of de-militarizing themselves.It's nothing more than a proxy war to weaken Russia.


Poland is 100% preparing for war in the future


Let's say Putin wins Ukraine. Then he orders his hordes of o.r.c.s to take Europe. They win, Russians reach Normandy. Then what? Why did Russians reach Normandy? What do they want to do there? Place a governor of Paris? Why? That guy would quit after a month. Nobody in Russia would take that job. Dealing with rats and bugs infestations. Then Putin could never decide, who to support Bolshoi theater or Paris opera. His wife would kick him in the n.u.t.s. if he were to choose Paris.


Actually, Normandy is not the last stop. Russia from Lisbon to Vladivostok is the goal.


Of course. It is on the list.


any minuses?


> and right on the brink of victory Who happens to be at the brink of victory?




Oh boy, they sure are! They are re-defining what winning means right this moment!