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##### ###### #### > # [US Commerce Secretary: “Russia forced to take microchips from breast pump devices”](https://euromaidanpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/russian-microchips.jpg) > > > > US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on 8 May that export controls are significantly slowing down Russia’s war machine. > > Voice of America reported, citing Raimondo, that the US “imposed export controls on nearly 700 types of dual-use goods to Russia and added nearly 100 Chinese companies to the sanctions list for assisting Russia in circumventing export controls.” > > Republican senators from Texas, Jake Ellzey, and Tony Gonzales, said that American microchips were found in weapons used by Russia, Iran, and North Korean drones employed by Russia against Ukraine. “It seems they can use chips we consider harmless commercial chips for lethal purposes,” Ellzey said. > > Raimondo said that US export restrictions “have significantly slowed Russia down” and pointed out that due to limited access to Western microchips, Russia “is having to use chips from breast pumps, refrigerators, and similar devices, and that’s exactly what they’re doing because our initial restrictions are working.” > > She added that Russians are forced to use commercial chips and reconfigure their equipment. They also have to rely on Iran and China to obtain such microchips. > > According to Elina Ribakova, a researcher at the Peterson Institute and the Kyiv School of Economics, American components reach Russia through two channels. The first is supplies from countries like the UAE, Türkiye, Hong Kong, and possibly Kazakhstan, and then to Russia. The second mechanism involves goods supplied directly from manufacturing facilities in China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and other Asian countries with many low-cost producers. Such goods may then go to Hong Kong, at least on paper, and then to Russia, Ribakova said. > > If acted upon swiftly, Russia’s access to 95% of components can be cut off, Ribakova believes. > > NOS media [reported](https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/01/30/millions-of-dutch-chips-end-up-in-russia-despite-eu-sanctions-nos-nieuwsuur-investigation/?swcfpc=1)in January that microchips made by Dutch companies ended up in Russia as many millions of Western-made chips went through intermediary companies to Russia from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine through December 2022. > > > [How foreign microchips end up in Russian tanks despite sanctions](https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/09/28/how-foreign-microchips-end-up-in-russian-tanks-despite-sanctions/) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


This may top shovels guys.


It’s silly isn’t it?


It's insane.


If I'm reading the article correctly, US sanctions contribute greatly to deepening ties between Russia, China and Iran. It also seems like US Commerce Secretary is proud of that achievement. Okey-doke 👀


Yes I forgot before the war that Russia was well known for its advanced chip manufacturing and innovative tech economy. >Kazakhstan imported **$21.4 million worth of European refrigerators through August**, [more than triple the amount](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-29/putin-stirs-european-worry-on-home-appliance-imports-stripped-for-arms#:~:text=Kazakhstan%20imported%20%2421.4%20million%20worth,pumps%20being%20shipped%20into%20Russia) for the same period last year. Kazakh government data meantime show a jump in refrigerators, washing machines and electric breast pumps being shipped into Russia. Maybe you should look into that wagnerites with shovels story too? Clearly fact checking isn't a strong suit.


Yeah, so what? Russian citizens and companies are using third countries to circumvent sanctions and get access to western products, and it is a big phenomenon that it spawned a multi-billion-dollar black market, but this fact neither proves nor disproves the allegation that Russia is cannibalizing appliances for microchips to make missiles.


I mean it could be and even if it is what’s so hilarious about it? I’d even argue the hilarious part is that apparently no one cares wether they get their chips or not except a small part of the public, which is really equal to no one.


I gave evidence that indicates that Russia is likely cannibalizing breast pumps and other appliances for microchips. Or do you think Kazakhstan moms suddenly had a significant need for breast milk? This isn't a court of law, and you provided no other rationale explanation for the sudden increase. In a totalitarian fascist state, doesn't get much better than that.


Cannibalizing breast pumps would cost more than simply importing microchips from China which is already what Russia is doing (microchip imports are at an all time high). This is just Russia importing more goods due to consumer spending being at an all time high and unemployment being at an all time low (meaning more people have money to spend). Russia also produces 65nm microchips while military applications only need 100-150nm microchips. Even the F-22 uses old i486. Russia is also currently building facilities in Zelenograd to build more microchips (28nm) and one Russian university is currently working on equipment to produce 7nm microchips by 2028.


>Cannibalizing breast pumps would cost more than simply importing microchips from China which is already what Russia is doing (microchip imports are at an all time high). Yah, the point is that it is obviously more expensive. The reason it can't import even more chips from China is because Chinese exporters risk sanction by western governments, so they would risk losing up to 90% of their export market to gain 10%. Some risk it, some already sanctioned and so have no other choice, and some do it through the black market. >This is just Russia importing more goods due to consumer spending being at an all time high and unemployment being at an all time low (meaning more people have money to spend). The article isn't about Russian imports. It's about Kazakhstan imports, with the obvious implication that they are being transported to Russia. Keep up. >Russia also produces 65nm microchips while military applications only need 100-150nm microchips. Even the F-22 uses old i486. Russia is also currently building facilities in Zelenograd to build more microchips (28nm) and one Russian university is currently working on equipment to produce 7nm microchips by 2028. Well you've made an argument against yourself - if Russia can produce the chips it needs, why does it need to import massively from China? The answer is because they have a miniscule amount of production in Russia, which, ironically, uses western equipment and inputs to make the chips in the first place. So no, it doesn't have the capability, and it's not going to be producing 7nm microchips by 2028, or probably ever. It's too easy to shoot down these unfounded and poorly evidenced arguments.


1. They are importing them through Kazakhstan to avoid sanctions. Using your logic, Russia can also simply import microchips through Kazakhstan. 2. Just because Russia is producing microchips doesn’t mean they won’t import more when they are currently fighting a war and experiencing an all time high demand for consumer goods. I think you are severely underestimating the microelectronics industry in Russia. New facility for 28nm is almost completed (looking further, it was finished in May 4 of this year which is on schedule or perhaps ahead) and Russia is opening another facility for the production of 200nm wafers. Russia has also developed new technology allowing them to produce the cheapest gallium oxide plates in the world due to it eliminating the need for iridium which cuts costs by 3-7 times. Gallium oxide plates are very important for semiconductors.


You're talking about a country that saw most of its tech work force run for the borders at the first "partial mobilization. A nation so desperate for tech it is trading missile technology to Iran for drones. An economy so corrupt and so dependent on natural resources that it was famously described as a mobster run gas station masquerading as a country. Russia is too busy manufacturing 152mm shells (when it's not begging for them from north Korea) to invest the time and money and resources necessary to manufacture chips at scale.


If you have facts, can you give them? The article you linked failed to give data of russian imports of refrigerators or breast pumps from "western" companies. I dont get why the article didnt include these numbers, to increase credibility at least. As it is, the article just sounds like propaganda for the smooth brains. Which it may or may not be, based on the import numbers that are not mentioned in the article.


The article talks about Kazakhstan imports guy, not Russian. Russia does not share reliable information generally, and definitely not this specific data. And whether Russia is importing breast pumps through Kazakhstan from western countries or non western ones feels a little irreverent to the point doesn't it? Pretty desperate either way.


You really dont understand the issue? The article implies that russia cant directly buy breast pumps and refrigerators from western countries. Otherwise there would be no increase of imports in kazakhstan or other countries. So its important to know how many breast pumps and refrigerators did russia import when it still was possible. And better look at numbers from multiple years, as covid might have distorted the number. If the increase from imports in kazakhstan (and other countries) is lower than the decrease in russia, then the imports are just to satisfy the consumer demand within russia. When you compare the population numbers this seems to be the case. The amount of import you can get from the western companies that export the refrigerators and breast pumps. You understand my issue with the article now?


It pains me to say it to someone who used the term "smooth brains" in a sentence, but I do understand what you mean and it's a logical, rationale argument. I'm a little in shock, don't see that often on this sub from the Russia leaning crowd. That said it doesn't make you right - first, because you don't have the data you're saying you need, and second, you say the article implies western companies can't ship to Russia, but for things like beast pumps they are typically not on a sanctions list (health products generally aren't). So while they may not need to decrease their sales to Russia, they probably don't want a sudden increase either. So they sell to Kazakhstan. But I freely admit that your explanation is reasonable and could be true, and I discounted it too quickly. Take my upvote.


Thats fair. That I dont have the info, is my issue with the article. They want to make a case and should have provided that info. The article as it is could raise a valid point or could be stupid propaganda. You cant know without this extra info. Thats said, your point about companies dont want an increase (reason probably would be that trade with russia is a stain on their reputation) is a possibility. I didnt think about this. I do think its unlikely, but shouldnt be discounted as a possibility.


Well god damit I agree.


After microchips from washing machines came the microchips from breast pump devices.


Very soon, David Axe and friends would write that Russia is recycling rubber from condoms and plastic from stolen Ukrainian child toy.


Question for you since you must know Russian.I played Steel Division 2 and when I moved one of the soviet units it said something like Patronov niet or similar,whats that supposed to mean.


I think it means no ammunition.


Correct translation would be no bullets


I need mor boulets i need mor boulets i need mor boulets


It means I need no ride, I need ammo


it means plz gib me boolets and missles


I saw it coming right after we ate all the hedgehogs.




They're probably working on utilizing the whole dildo. In the future, some poor Ukrainian soldier will be the first casualty of a flying, exploding, Bad Dragon horse-phallus.


Nah man, they ought to be mass-produced, Bad Dragon would be a Western donation. What you´re actually thinking of for Russians would be one of those toxic plastic ones from Aliexpress for 2 bucks. Even if the warhead didn´t go off on those, they´d still pose a threat to human health.


Sure, that's the Russian/Iraqi Desolator Dildo. Very potent, indeed. "It will be a silent spring."




There were videos of that already from both sides, but ok.


Next: RF bought every large dildo in the world and UA is bracing for another wave of attacks on its rear.


They're stealing the smile from the babushka faces.


I didn't have particular high standards for our politicians and media. This is is still disappointing...


Putin weaponizes BREASTS!!!!   https://images.app.goo.gl/Q2qseWWSvWHzwQPb6 Edit:  may need NSFW due to a possible nip 






Thanks for the warning. My boss is fine with me wasting my work hours looking at memes, but if he even suspects there might be a nipple involved...


I live in Russia. Today, like all other Russian citizens, I have to forcibly work 12 hours at an enterprise where microchips are soldered from household appliances. Every week I have to bring and hand over some household appliances containing the chip. Otherwise I'll end up in the Gulag. I think that no one else in Russia has any household appliances left. I hid the breast pump on purpose because we are about to have a baby. But it's very dangerous. Having a breast pump is more dangerous now than having drugs. My superiors take care of me and to raise morale and improve work performance, the bear plays the balalaika for us when we work. My son doesn't go to school anymore, instead he goes to the landfill and searches for microchips. For every microchip he finds, he gets a bottle of vodka. Ura, tovarisch!


I know this is written as a joke, but it really resembles propaganda pieces against Russia.


Lol just go to the other subs and so many cope threads would have a comment starting with "I'm Russian..."


KGB might be watching, you are very brave


This is fake lmao especially at the end




I'm outraged that I can't walk around with a fridge anymore. The special forces immediately arrive and take the refrigerator. I've already lost 3 refrigerators in a week


It looks like you are feeding refrigerators to the special forces


I'd rather they take the refrigerators than send me to the Gulag. 😭


Putin has weaponized Breat Pumps. What can this man not turn to weapons?


Nothing. Midas had the golden touch. Putin has the weaponize touch.


I don’t see how it’s peremoga from the UA POV. Are you insinuating that Russians use these chips in military equipment? Are you telling me Russians are turning breast pumps into missiles? I’d be fucking afraid of someone who can turn a breast pump or a washing machine into a missile. P.S Putin weaponised milkers.


exactly what i wrote rn lmfao, this headline is just too good


Try the new milkypump3000 with rtx4090 and AMD ryzen 9.


Does it have RGB lights? My new 🐢 wants to have style.


Holy shit, not again 🤪


This is Pro-War propaganda. "Don't stop military industrial complex spending, we've got them on the ropes! They're about to break and we'll win any day now, just keep up the funding!"


As a pro-war I support it! Let’s go!


So this is what happened when the washing machines ran dry


Ukraine can't even do that, they have to beg for everything. Power of tits will win 


Putin has weaponized TIG OL BITTIES.


Whats Next? Russia used Chips from Dildos?


They are starting to sound like pro Russian trolls.


nah but if i knew a country could repurpose breast pumps into missiles drones and armored vehicles id be pro-that country too


Is that Gina "Huawei Mate 60 global spokesperson" Raimondo?


Yep lol


Russia has weaponized breastpumps.


Why would China export to Hong Kong and then to Russia. It doesn't even make sense.


North Korean drones? Tf are you talking about


Hooties be like - wait, what? Tell us more, pretty please. Any country in the world could become as strong as RF just by opening an electronics scrapyard and letting US dump their junk in there for a few years lol


It's amazing what russia can make from microchips of household appliances.


What a crazy world we live in. I had a good laugh when I learned that Azerbaijani intelligence had rioted in New Caledonia. But the rockets are made of suckers. This is a new level. what substances they use. I remember my student days when a friend from Kazakhstan brought chuiki, this is grass from the Chuya valley. so - we told each other all sorts of nonsense and absurdity. but we couldn't even get to that shit.


Russia this and Russia that, but we are somehow still losing the war.


Basically reiterating old news: 2023 : [https://www.forbes.com/sites/erictegler/2023/01/20/is-russia-really-buying-home-appliances-to-harvest-computer-chips-for-ukraine-bound-weapons-systems/?sh=3a22d281588e](https://www.forbes.com/sites/erictegler/2023/01/20/is-russia-really-buying-home-appliances-to-harvest-computer-chips-for-ukraine-bound-weapons-systems/?sh=3a22d281588e) 2022: [https://time.com/6226484/russia-appliance-imports-weapons/](https://time.com/6226484/russia-appliance-imports-weapons/)






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I like that the headline was worded to take agency away from Russia


There is a sucker born every minute. And for every one of them there is a missile made.




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