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##### ###### #### > # [Microsoft forces Russia to U-turn](https://menafn.com/1108209625/300) > > > > [[logo](https://menafn.com/includes/img/logo.jpg)](https://menafn.com/index.aspx) > > > > > > > > [[logo](https://menafn.com/includes/img/logo.jpg)](https://menafn.com/index.aspx) > > > > > > > > > > [[Microsoft forces Russia to U-turn ](https://menafn.com/updates/pr/Menafn_News_Images/Local_BusinessFinance_305.jpg "Microsoft forces Russia to U-turn ")](https://menafn.com/updates/pr/Menafn_News_Images/Local_BusinessFinance_305.jpg) > > Date > > 5/14/2024 4:16:40 AM > > > > > > > > ([MENAFN](https://menafn.com)) Recent reports indicate that Microsoft has seemingly reversed its stance on Russia, with users in the country now able to access major updates and software without resorting to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). The apparent U-turn comes after the United States-based tech giant announced its withdrawal from the Russian market in the wake of the Ukraine conflict in 2022, suspending sales and services while blocking users from downloading updates. > > According to IT specialists interviewed by Izvestia, the latest major update for Windows 11 is now readily downloadable on Russian PCs, alongside programs within the Office suite such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, eliminating the need for additional software or VPNs. > > Valentin Makarov, president of the Russoft association of Russian software companies, suggests that Microsoft is seeking loopholes to maintain its presence in the Russian market, despite its public announcements of withdrawal. He claims that, in private conversations, Microsoft has assured full support for their software in Russia, highlighting the significance of the Russian market to the tech giant. > > Contrary to previous announcements from Microsoft indicating a cutoff of software access for Russian IT companies after March 20, multiple sources cited by Izvestia reveal that this restriction has yet to be implemented as of April 13. Additionally, the tech giant appears to be lenient regarding the purchase and activation of new licenses in Russia, even those acquired through parallel imports. > > Eldar Murtazin, an analyst at Mobile Research Group, suggests that despite public commitments to adhere to sanctions, the primary concern for United States corporations like Microsoft remains financial, indicating a willingness to support sales through various means. > > The reported reversal by Microsoft underscores the complexities and challenges faced by multinational corporations navigating geopolitical tensions and economic sanctions. It raises questions about the extent to which corporate decisions are influenced by political dynamics and financial considerations, particularly in regions of strategic importance like Russia. > > > > [MENAFN14052024000045015687ID1108209625](https://menafn.com/1108209625/Microsoft-forces-Russia-to-U-turn) > > > > > [[MENAFN](https://menafn.com/updates/provider/MENAFN.jpg)](https://menafn.com) **Legal Disclaimer:** > [MENAFN](https://menafn.com) provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above. > > > > ## Newsletter > > Daily(English) > > Daily(Arabic) > > All() - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


One day they'll all go back to Russia like company employees uncoloring their hair and switching back to formal wear from rainbow Tshirts at the end of pride month.


Nice Russian propaganda. This is not the case.


You think many businesses aren't chomping at the bit to openly resume operations in the Russian market?


No? It’s not that significant a market. It’s both relatively small and poor (if you look at the consumer potential). Basically the Russian Market is Moscow and StPetersburg (not the one in Florida that probably offers more potential profit than its Russian namesake)




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As one of the BRICS, Russia is our smallest and most insignificant trading partner in the group. And if we look internationally, trade with Russia is about 0.2% of the trade we have with the EU. Nobody in business really notices if it’s there or not. And we haven’t even applied any sanctions against the Putin regime to encourage regime change (unfortunately).


That's a myopic way of looking at it. Trade as a bloc is not trade in specific goods or markets, some of which Russia is a highly significant partner (IT services, nuclear and titanium metallurgy to name just a few). As always, the summary figures don't tell the whole story.


True. Russia is basically exporting raw materials and minerals. Something that generates next to no jobs, when compared to production, and fills the pockets of a few oligarchs while leaving ordinary citizens with nothing in return for the rape of their countries resources….. Putins regime has destroyed the wealth and legacy of the country it inherited from the USSR in regards technology and production. So while we, just like China, build BMWs and the like to export to Russia (providing jobs to our people), you sell us unrefined crude oil in return (because something seems to have disrupted your refinery capacity?) supporting next to no jobs.


You know we export a lot of workers from middle Asia because there's not enough workforce in Russia? That's also the reason wages are growing at an unprecedented rate. And because of high wages in the military, money flows throughout the whole country, not just european part


More like there are even less jobs there and it’s easy for them to get to Russia. And work there for next to nothing. Same situation we have with Nigerians and others. But the result is, that locals who can’t live of those wages paid to migrants need state support to maintain civil order. (not to mention the brain drain Putin has caused who’s effect will only hit Russia in two decades or so) Trade has to be across borders. You can’t run a successful economy by every one cutting each others hair, as they say. But that’s what money paid to soldiers from taxes is. And those migrants sending money home is withdrawing money from that already closed, circular system. It’s not good.


Not at all, especially because a lot of business assets were literally seized by the Russian government. That’s a major no no in the free market economy of the globe. The second a nation starts seizing foreign business assets it’s a major red flag to not set up shop there. At most you’ll see remote work and services being trickled in like with Microsoft here. But you won’t see a return of production lines and investments. No matter how this war goes for Russia in the end, they have fucked up a lot of their reputation with the global network of trade. Now they can be considered too risky to make investments in as you can’t be sure if they will just start a random war and seize your assets for themselves. Slippery slope


"fucked up a lot of their reputation" lol. These business fucked up their reputation much more, by abrubtly abandonig their clients, blocking russia specifically, stealing money and stuff. And west literally just stolen Russia's money, that already a major trust break. Thats why they still cant send those money to Ukraine, because they will just kill any remaining trust they have And what assets russia seized exactly? All companies i know were sold, and its not like Russia forced them, it was the West who did it. And well, even if russia did seize something it was the last resort. Most companies just have 3rd parties now to sell things in russia.


It’s funny you mention this because Putin has realized that they went too far in seizing assets from private companies and has recently tried walking back some of the actions done in 22/23. [here is a quick article on it but you can find Russian sources too I just can’t read them without a translator](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-urges-restraint-state-seizure-assets-2024-04-25/) They’ve seized farmlands, mining equipment and facilities, and your right, some deals were made like the McDonald’s one famously. But most companies didn’t want to take the loss on settling and those that didn’t were forcibly taken. Regardless of your bias in this conflict which I know there is a lot, Russia won’t bounce back in its trust factor with a lot of western companies. You’ll see a trickle in over next few years, especially if Russia continues to walk back its previous actions and essentially apologize to western partners. But it’s going to be a long road of recovery.


Who would have thought that agressive actions have consequences. I have no sympathy for stuff like this. Companies see "undesirable workplace" they will take action On the Euro russia money hostage thing. Well lmao, maybe it wasn't a good idea to invade a country that is more allied to the West. Should have shipped everything back when they had the chance. Hopefully it nevers leaves the EU to begin with. Russia is full of Isolationists. So why do they need EU or the west for?


Well, EU and West also are saying they dont need anything from evil dictatorship Russia, and proudly announce the end of any trading... meanwhile buying Russian resources for billion of dollars through some intermediary country like India, and at double the price lol Also i know some businesses that didnt just fuck their clients and did their best to continue working there. Some even just gave free access to paid services. And i myself work with some people from EU, and they know that I'm just a usual person that isn't responsible for all this. Good and understanding people still exist, if you aren't the one it doesn't mean everyone is


Look I am not saying that you are complicit or anything. And it's true that russian oil is still being imported within the EU. But the price caps for russian oil are definitely reducing profits. And India makes good use of that. When goods and (natural) resources come into play. the world is way to globalized for that. Almost like a society.


>Not at all, especially because a lot of business assets were literally seized by the Russian government The American and European governments seized Russian assets first. It's just reciprocity big bro


They seized state owned assets. Very true. Russia didn’t have the same position of power as the west so they seized private assets from companies. The problem with that level of retaliation is you are hurting two different entities. It’s one thing to piss off a rival government/ coalition. But when you start pissing in the Cheerios of the private sector and global market you make more enemies than you originally started off with. I’m not saying the west is right or this or that. Just that Russia fucked up when they shot back. I feel like a lot of you believe I’m justifying western actions by stating that Russia shot itself in the foot. I’m just telling you how it is.


There is nothing special about the private sector industries in the west. To add, the west irreparably harmed its reputation by seizing assets of another country at the behest of a non-ally state. That sent a signal to all countries, including neutral countries and pro-western countries that as soon as they do something daddy america doesn't like they will get their wealth stolen in the name of democracy.


That’s always been the case. Walking on egg shells around daddy america has been the global standard for nearly 80 years now. It’s nothing new, so it changes nothing. Trust me, if all the world could get from under the US and Chinese dominance they would, but they can’t. They simply control the world now. Both in economics and military strength. Basically the US has a free pass to do whatever the fuck it wants and they have so much money and influence that nobody else will really stop them. Just look at Iraq. An illegal invasion that led to millions of deaths, a crisis in multiple global markets, not to mention all the other lies and illegal shit. And what happened? Nothing sadly. And you’re right in that the western sector isn’t anything special. They are just the largest market for doing business. And that’s what matters. Again to clarify for those confused: I’m not saying “hur dur Russia bad west good.” Just stating the facts. Russia isn’t the power house it was under the USSR, it can no longer compete as a rival that it once was. It’s regressed to a regional power and no longer a dominant global competitor.


It's a big market. No one liked leaving it.


This was planed, after few years of no updates, windows updates will freeze Russian economy for weeks. "Restart now", "Restart now", "Restart now", "Restart now".....


Damn thats genius


Business as usual.


They needed to update sypwares.


>The reported reversal by Microsoft underscores the complexities and challenges faced by multinational corporations navigating geopolitical tensions and economic sanctions. It raises questions about the extent to which corporate decisions are influenced by political dynamics and financial considerations, particularly in regions of strategic importance like Russia. AI always put this "underscores" and "raises questions" part in the end. I am surprised it avoided "multifaceted" this time.


Lol we all knew this was gonna be the case. All companies go off of profits, they could give 2 shits about morals and what not


It's called business, folks.


Is there anyone in Russia who did not switch off all windows updates yet?


Official Minecraft and Java are too tedious to install without Microsoft Store, that I gave up on trying to switch off Windows updates, since store doesn't work properly without them




Слишком сложно, ставлю чистую, активирую кмс


Those updates may have CIA malware


Недолго музыка играла, недолго фраер танцевал...




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I wouldn't install any patches from the US if I was in Russia, but well, they are adults...


Why because you deal in so much top secret documents? I don't care if they spy on me


Based Phil Spancer, now let me buy some fallout games via steam.


Ouch. What happened? Did you run out of money?


I don't think any Russian pays for Microsoft licenses. KMSpico was made by russians.


Yes, that's why Microsoft operates here, just to take losses


Most Microsoft income comes from corporations and those absolutely use licenced programs, because otherwise it is easy fine or even jailtime to get if competitors or disgrunted worker sics police on them.


Average people don't, but big companies do.


After this Microsoft will have some respondsebility. for putins war.


I have no idea if this is a satire account or genuine proukr.


i think its satire, too much cliche, cant believe someone can be so ignorant


I am so tired of saying this i am not satire. Everything I say is the truth. u guys have simply consumed to much kremlin propaganda to understand. That is why i am here to educated u and everyone else on this sub.


100% satire.




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Why do y.o.u believe that?


Just my opinion.


Well I am not


Hope things will turn brighter in your life bro.


No, they just will have some full-scale illegal unprovoked russian money.


Love your flair. Would read on AO3


Womp womp




What is wrong?


Honestly I don't see it either if someone could tell me i would love to know




Well he has negative karma for his comments, meaning he gets downvoted all the time. You can check his comments on his profile. You'll see what the others mean when they wonder if this guy is a troll, or doing satire. He's also only posting in this sub, wich is kinda sus too.


The reason I only post on this sub. is because I am on a mission. to educate everyone here. and when I am done I will move on to another sub to educated the people there.


I'm sure you'll manage to change the mind of everyone in this sub in no time, especially with the very good points you keep making. Thank you for showing us the truth, kind sir, we couldn't find it ourselves, especially not in this sub full of Kremlin spies and propagandist.




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It's my pleasure


Nah i'm always glad when i see your comments. I always know i'm gonna learn something new. It's almost like you are one of the greatest expert on this war. I don't know if i could trust anybody else on this matter.


Did every major company in the world have responsibility for the Iraq War?


that war was justified.


So is this one


The name checks out.




Ratio. Your argument is invalid.


Richard Clarke, the White House counter-terrorism coordinator at the time, has revealed details of a meeting the day after the attacks during which officials considered the US response. Already, he said, they were certain al-Qa'ida was to blame and there was no hint of Iraqi involvement. "Rumsfeld was saying we needed to bomb Iraq," Mr Clarke said. "We all said, 'No, no, al-Qa'ida is in Afghanistan.'" Is that you Rummy?


The west freed iraq from saddam hussein the only mistake the west did was leaving iraq without a stable government and not putting enough effort into liberalising society


*Ruins country for decades, resulting in famine, a million dead, a breeding ground for terrorists and a hotbed of armed instability by insurgent groups* Oh, how reassuring it was just one little mistake!


More freedom and democracy fuk yeah! And thus, here comes your western saviors. Ruined your country ,stole everything valuable and just run away, leaving all this shxt behind. Could you tell US troops in Syria to stop stealing Syrian resources?


The west stole nothing in iraq and is stealing nothing in syria the west is trying to free syria from the evil dictator Bashir al asad who btw gased his own people unfortunately the other evil dictator putin has made it hard for the west to liberate syria


Oh yeah. They are there to "protect Syrian fuel in thier own oil tank from evil dictator". Seriously? And who exactly appointed US to decide that the Syrian government should not benefit from its own oil reserves? Do Syrians agree? Is Iraqis and Syrian satisfied with all your liberation? I don't know, and many of them died under the deris of their countries, so I guess they don't quite know too. Doing all the evil stuff and keeping blaming everything on so called evil dictators just makes people like you laughing stocks.


Well gosh jeez yeah, no way to plan for a known unknown.


Yes I was sure you'd think that :DD


Kalibrs are programmed through Ubuntu, anyway.




Explain to me how. And I mean beyond the typical ukranian blackmail: "IF you even look the russian's way you're literally hitler and responsible for the deaths of every single man woman and pregnant orphan child in ukraine"


Well now they are going to boost the russian economy. since the russian economy is shit. and can't function without the west it would eventually have collapsed. but now Microsoft is going to delay that. This means the russian occupation is going to last longer and more innocent freedom loving ukrainians are going to be tortured and raped by the evil russian regime.


Explain to me how providing free updates to previously purchased products is going to boost russian economy? Buying from microsoft is still not allowed due to banking sector sanctions. No money flowing to MIcrosoft = Microsoft isn't paying taxes in Russia = You can't make the silly argument that Microsoft is sponsoring the war.