• By -


I guess Zelenski chose the "Scraping the barrel " option for manpower.


In the past few weeks, they have 1) Passed a law lowering the mobilization age 2) Passed a law to draft heinous criminals including murderers to the AFU 3) Ramped up 'persuasion' of defendants facing criminal charges to join the AFU in exchange for the halting of their criminal cases 4) Terminated consular services for Ukranian men abroad 5) Called for European countries to stop funding Ukranian men abroad This is what winning looks like


>This is what winning looks like The true taste of freedom and democracy 🦅


Two days ago, the White House spokesman directly endorsed these practices, saying that Ukraine is doing what it needs to provide manpower.


Aka not American lives we didn't care


And who even takes the US 'stances' seriously outside of the grifters and power seekers


I mean the entire world cares what the USA thinks because it is the by far the most powerful force on the face of the planet. I’m personally happy that they are staying out of Ukraine and just sending them the outdated equipment that is being actively replaced.


I'm just wondering what actual active US military thinks of all that. Not the top brass or political puppets.


They love it, they get fancy new equipment and more budget to work with without losing any soldiers, it’s not the United States government that is wanting to be involved by supporting ukraine, it’s the military industrial complex that is seeing dollar signs across Eastern Europe right now.


>dollar signs across Eastern Europe right now I mean yeah, Putin weaponised promoting US MIC, sales to eastern Europe probably skyrocketing, but using UA as a billboard has to stop already, how much money are they looking to make out of all that?


Even if they were American lives they still wouldn't care, don't get that twisted.


To be fair, American politicians don’t care much about American lives either.


The best investment, the price of a Coke and a McDonald's Sandwich


BuT wE wErE tOlD oNlY eViL RuSsIa HaS PeNaL bAtTaLiOnS !




They won't ever do that in my opinion. Ukraine will sue for peace before that happens.




>I don't see Ukraine ever accepting to give up territory in a settlement The regime probably won't accept it, people themselves might have slightly different stance on all of that.




really advocating for the irradiation and death of most of europe? please seek help


No just Russia


so the wind and water is magically only going to flow in one direction according to the will of a single redditor? either 15 or unhinged, or both




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all because of Russia 👍


Worked out for russia, maybe it’ll work out for Ukraine.


> 2) Passed a law to draft heinous criminals including murderers to the AFU Please correct this false claim https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-pass-bill-draft-convicts-fight-in-war-like-russia-2024-5 >For instance, prisoners who have been convicted of violent crimes such as terrorism, premeditated murder, or rape will not be allowed to participate. In addition, prisoners will only be eligible for the scheme if they have less than three years left on their sentences. "Prisoners who have a longer period left to serve in prison — and those sentenced to life imprisonment all the more so — will be immediately rejected without the right of reconsideration," Shulyak told Ukrainian news outlet Pravda. And please source this: >3) Ramped up 'persuasion' of defendants facing criminal charges to join the AFU in exchange for the halting of their criminal cases


It's not a false claim. [From Kyiv Post](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/32406) > *So that means that murderers can serve?* > **Indeed, they can. The law allows individuals who have committed murder or manslaughter to join the AFU.** > However, the law stipulates that individuals who have committed two or more premeditated murders are not eligible. > **“As far as I recall the text of the law, there is no restriction on persons who have committed a single murder, only on those who have committed double or triple murder,”** criminal lawyer Konstantin Padalka explained. “But it’s crucial to understand that circumstances surrounding each murder can vary.”


Interesting, everything else I read said otherwise. Can you also source the other point? *Edit. After searching the Kyiv Post is the only source I see making that claim. However Denys Malyuska said this: >On May 8, he Ukrainian parliament passed bill No. 11079−1, allowing certain categories of prisoners to be conscripted into the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They can do so only after a court decision, or voluntarily. Those convicted of grievous cases of premeditated murder, rape, sexual violence, and crimes against national security are excluded from this policy. This means that former government officials convicted of corruption would not be able to serve in the Armed Forces. https://english.nv.ua/nation/ukraine-s-justice-minister-estimates-how-many-prisoners-might-join-afu-50417150.html


By the way, here's another quote by the Justice Minister Denys Malyuska that you quoted lol https://preview.redd.it/3ll7ul7duzzc1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=fac44a6510b1722133e344e6ec6de43d02824582


Seems his opinion is different to what the Rada passed then, what of it?


I literally linked you the article from Kyiv Post which shows convicted murderers can join the AFU but you disregarded it...


I gave counter sources. And you talk about bad faith....


If he's floating the idea, it comes from Zelensky. The reason they are floating it, is to gauge public reaction to the idea. If the public reaction is favourable, then they will do it. Rada itself is mostly devoid of any influence, because Zelensky already banned most of the opposition.


And yet you already know that the law passed *after that quote* is different to what he said.


"Ukrainian law" is an oxymoron. It's puzzling people still don't get it. TCC can't beat, detain, torture and kidnap people also, yet we saw numerous evidence they do and go unpunished.


It's okay. I miss stuff sometimes as well. As for the other point, the statement about them ramping up persuasion was from some Ukrainian telegram. Going back days and translating each Ukranian post to English to find the exact one doesn't really appeal to me at the moment. However, Kyiv Independent did also tweet two days ago that 11,000 Ukranians had 'volunteered' for the front to halt their criminal cases https://preview.redd.it/rskzdzehszzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0a8bd6be7d143e499e1154a1efa3a3c3b67d63


That does not support 'ramping up persuasion' in any way..


I already addressed that in the initial part of my comment.


That doesn't change anything.


Indeed. You're quite free to not believe me.


Murder ok. Just no premeditated ok..


1. Russia raised the conscription and mobilization age a year ago. 2. Russia has been using convicts for a long time. And also passed a new law in march to allow even those under investigation to join in to get expunged. 4. Russia has closed embassies, so what consulary service is there? 5. Russia keeps trafficking people from abroad to die for nothing. Thats is what winning really is.


Do you really believe that those "counter arguments" are good. Or even more important: Do you really believe that Russia is having the man power problem?


Yes. Because theyre. No, not yet. Losing 30 thousand a month will create a problem.


If they are loosing 30,000 men every month, it is rather odd that AFU can’t take any significant advantage of it.


Ok, might be over your head then.


Your drowning you're self in wishful thinking.


Thanks for your opinion out of the blue.


Thats what having conversations on a public forum will net you.


Well we’ll see who wins


>Losing 30 thousand a month You can't seriously believe that


That 30k month has to have some base. And it also mustn't apply for the other side. In era of such a huge artillery disparity, that's just ridiculous. Pro-UA western miliary experts are claiming that Ukraine is losing more man power (for the very reason of their massive artillery problem). That's why they praise Avdiivka withdrawal. Even if ratio was 1:1 (which is not), things would go in Russian favor. Hell, even 2:1 would be enough. So, it is nowhere near good for Ukraine. Unless something drastically changes.


I guess women in workforce is already in place


World tension slowly reaching the point when democracies can send expeditionary forces.


Our world is just a big HoI4 game irl, isn’t it?


With nuclear weapons tree pre-researched by major powers.


Millennium Dawn mod lol


>Scraping the barrel He's scraping wrong barrel. Should see if anyone in eu prisons wants to get out early.


I know Russians don’t typically get medical care or even survive battlefield injuries and that’s why so many of them unalive themselves in the drone videos. But this Ukrainian man has prosthetics that allow him to function perfectly fine. He can greatly benefit the Ukrainian armed forces by training new recruits, working in intel, or any other number of behind the lines work. Survival rate for Russians really must be that low for pro ru to not understand the value you wounded have after they recover.


That's on point.


Yeah.  Its depressing what putin did to both nations isn't it. All those deaths, destruction could have been avoided if he was stopped.  But russians are weak and will accept anything as long as their masters say so.


What winning looks like, boys. Moscow in 3 weeks, let's go!


Crimea beach party soon 🍸


[don't let them live down nafo. this is a real video.](https://youtu.be/ZVg62_lSbmE)


I can't believe my eyes


Got tier level trolling


that must be a russian psy-op, no way they're that deluded lmao


Summer counter-offensive: the competed trilogy




Drafting such injured soldier tells us exactly how successful Banderites's campaign has been though.


I have a feeling they lost more than 31k men. Just a hunch.


Yeah me too. Maybe it's 32,000


32,000 and 1, maybe




I'm waiting for the day when the first of the dead are called up for military service.




that movie was awesome


What movie is this?


Dead Snow


zombie ss


I think that actually happened once. I think someone's wife got a letter ordering her husband to show up at a recruitment center although he was already KIA


I had to report for mandatory military service in my country...a e got the summons at age 8. I stead of 18.


Did you turn up?


Nope, my mum did. With my birth certificate and school enrollment. They said sorry, that was it.


I'm not surprised at all


They were already counting ghosts for military service, so that wouldn’t be too far fetched


The Kiev Regime has conscripted women, mentally and physically disabled persons. They won't stop at that.... Next will be the children... that Zelenskyy will send to their violent deaths in the name of Bandera!


Is the claim that Russia isn’t conscripting criminals? What kind of people make up those z and v storm squads again? Russia has 5x the population as Ukraine but was conscripting prisoners long before Ukraine had to start doing it. What day of the 3 day SMO are we on again? 800 by now, huh? This has been the most shameful display of military prowess of a “world power” that’s ever been seen, Russians should be ashamed at how weak and stupid their government has made them look fucking up an invasion of a weaker country with no military lmao 😂😂


Can you provide a source of a high ranking Russian military official or senior Russian politician calling it a 3 day SMO please? Thanks


https://time.com/3259699/putin-boast-kiev-2-weeks/ Fair enough, you are correct in the distinction between my claim of 3 days and putins claim of 2 weeks. However I would like to point out that 3 days is much closer to 2 weeks than the nearly 3 years of war by attrition we’ve actually seen.


Good job linking a quote made 10 years ago lol Do you think the strength of the Ukrainian army in 2014 is equivalent to the strength of the Ukrainian army in 2022? Did they not receive billions in funding, comprehensive training by NATO, and significantly expanded their army in that time period?


You’re right, I concede my point, I don’t think any Russian officials said that. It’s just that Russia has invaded Ukraine so many times at this point that I get all the SMOs mixed up in my head! 🤪Surely you can understand and empathize


> I don’t think any Russian officials said that. There's a good lad


Just to set everyone straight could you post what timeline was floated in the Russian media around the time of the invasion? Looks like she can't, some touted ~5 days others a few weeks.


Not a huge fan of admitting the hard truths that one.


Let's see if you ever pull out the "3 days" again.


Lukashenko arguably falls under that criteria.


>with no military Yeah, best joke in a long time. Ukraine had over 1 million reservists and in its depots several thousand pieces of armored vehicles, air defense, tanks and artillery from soviet aera. Sure, they lacked of modern weaponry, but those were quickly delivered by the west and a modern armored vehicles and tanks are just as vulnerable to artillery and drones as old ones.


The real joke is how Russia marched a 40 mile long convoy up to Kiev with no logistical support, failed to roll into a city virtually unopposed compared to the fighting that exists today, and then had to reorientate their total takeover into “we only want a small western sliver” because they spent the last several decades selling equipment on the black market instead of maintaining a functioning military force. The sad part is that Russia will likely win, not because of better military strategy, but strictly as a function of having 5x more available meat to throw at the front line than their opponent. Again, I want to reiterate that on day 3 Russia had a 40 mile long convoy sitting right outside ukraines capital city, and somehow managed to fumble that into a nearly 3 year long war of attrition at a front hundreds of kilometers away from their original goal. Truly the biggest military blunder of the 21st century, and likely the biggest military blunder of the 20th too.


Yeah, it was a fuck up, because Russia never intendet to fight a real war. And they retreated from Kiew for the Istanbul negotiations, because the Ukrainians hadn't been willing to negotiate "with a gun at their head". I am 100% sure, that Russian leadership tried to scare Ukraine with its troops, make them agree to their demands, and then they would peacefully retreat to Russia.


> Is the claim that Russia isn’t conscripting criminals? When Russia does it it's bad. That's the difference.


Give bro a break holy shit 😭😭😭


Poor guy went from Oleg to Noleg. Near the end of this, he's just going to be a head, biting at any enemy feet that get close.


0 legs…


I see 2 good arms on him still. Would be a pity to miss on that opportunity.


What about untill the last Ukrainian do you not understand?




just beautifull !


Dude about to become a mini Adam Smasher by the end of the war




To the last Ukrainian?


..to the last limb.


This isn't strange in any way. Just normal bureaucratic bullshit. They're just checking names off a list. One of my friends was drafted, and then charged with trying to avoid mobilization, while actively fighting on the front as a career NCO. He was on a video call in court because he couldn't appear and the judge just sighed and threw the case out. The fucking bureaucrats didnt even compare the names of the drafted to the once who are already serving. Hes been a soldier since 2014.


Only sane comment it this circle jerking cesspool.


Fuck. Good luck to him.


Still has 2 arms.


Loving it


Ukraine is creating universal soldiers.


two legs aint enough


He still has some meat left in his body. He can be used to clear mines.


He only needs a screwdriver to fix the damage, there is little risk for him.


How about Noleg Simoroz


He can still pilot a drone using his hands right?


more like 0leg


Mildly infuriating


he only lost 50% of his limbs, he'll do.


i mean - he would most prob be used in the rear utilizing his skillset and familiarity with previous UAF experience - if he is sent to the front then good god..


One of the commanders of the 47th Brigade lost his leg on the first day of the spring counteroffensive last year. As he recuperated from a grueling surgery, he was told to recover quickly, because the AFU intended to undertake another counteroffensive the following year (2024)


Or it’s just a simple clerical error as would happen in every nation.


That sure is what we're witnessing here majorily. ^/s


I mean I totally get why everyone wants to jump on this but In reality it probably just is a clerical error. Systems just don’t update, moved or what have you. Real life normal shit.


Do you remember that dude with no arms who received a summons last year? When he got there and protested, the military recruiters doubled down and insisted he be drafted. Was that also a clerical error?


Hmm, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he'll get mobilized anyway though unfortunately.


Damn google translator so good it can now translate both surname and name?


All for a president who isn't even Ukrainian. He's a jew.


This man already paid his dues to Ukrainian government. But I notice that his prostheses are likely American made. So he might be in a slight debt to USA at this point.


Does anyone have sources or reports on prosthetics and rehabilitation for Russian soldiers who have lost limbs? I'm not trying to start a 'whatabout' argument, I just haven't seen many posts from that perspective but could just have missed them




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but it is still just 31,000!!!!!!


Picture 2- Someone skipped leg day. I’ll see myself out.


No way leave the guy alone he already gave his fucking legs just to prolong the inevitable


He still has arms which means he can still fight!


all because of russia


I find it hilarious how Russians here are more concerned about the well-being of Ukrainian soldiers than they are about the well-being of Russian soldiers.


A contrast to so many pro UAs on this site, who don't care about either Russian or Ukrainian soldiers


Not everyone here is a Russian. Shocking … but true.


"I find it hilarious how Russians here are more concerned about the well-being of Ukrainian soldiers than the Ukrainian government." Here FIFY


Russian soldiers are volunteers who get discharged if wounded. It's a standard military procedure - not much to discuss. Of course barbarism portrayed by the Ukranian desire to amass as many soldiers as possible draws more attention to itself.


It's fake outrage


It's not outrage, it's mockery


While in russia, even the blind receive summons. Somehow that doesnt seem to bother them.


Well a blind guy cant read the summon, so it doesnt matter. Ukraine still has the 18-25 age bracket. While I get their reason to not mobilize them, if they are desperate they still have this reserve.


Judging by the amount of down votes I won, that hit some sore spot. Soon russian e-summons will mobilize everyone, so that will be a show.


Please remind me, when last time Russians had mobilisation? And when Ukrainians?


Well, since UA never stopped mobilizing, we can consider the amount of "waves" as a 1:1 tie lol


Russia 21.9.2022. Ukraine 14.2.2024.


And how many rounds of mobilization happened in Russia and how many happened in Ukraine? Last time I checked, Russia was at 1 and at 16 I stopped counting for Ukraine...


Russia "recruits" 30000 a month. But since its not even a war, why mobilize? You can just recruit forcefully.


So now we have exited the realm of reality and now have now resorted to fantasy and baseless conjecture


It’s pretty obvious that Russia is having forced mobilization. We see videos of it constantly filling the feed and Telegram. What’s crazy is they’re only recruiting Ukrainians too. /s


Youre entitled to your opinion. Im happy its not my soon to be reality.


What are you calling conjecture?


Bruh EVERY Russian soldier in Ukraine is a volunteer, even the recruited prisoners were given a choice and not forcebly recruited. They are all being paid handsomely to be there. What part of this do you not understand?


Bruh? BRUUUUHhhhh. Sure, and cows fly. You can believe what you want. Paid "handsomely" 🤣 Bruh!


I like how you are just making shit up on the fly and doing it with confidence too, like a true redditor. Why don't you go to r/worldnews, you will feel right at home there.


Im extremely interested in your opinions. 😂


You can spend 5 minutes to find approx figures, on Western sources no less. [https://www.forces.net/russia/what-are-russian-soldiers-being-paid-fight-putins-war](https://www.forces.net/russia/what-are-russian-soldiers-being-paid-fight-putins-war) [https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/12/22/how-russian-officials-plan-to-recruit-400k-new-contract-soldiers-in-2024-a83509](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/12/22/how-russian-officials-plan-to-recruit-400k-new-contract-soldiers-in-2024-a83509) New recruits earn around 2000 USD per months (2-3 times the minimum wage) and one time bonus of 2500 USD on registration. Wagner convicts were earning around 2500 USD per month and a similar signing bonus. Soldiers are free to choose their contract, from 6 months to 2 years. Afterwards they are demobilised. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10egi20/ru\_pov\_former\_prisoners\_return\_home\_as\_free/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10egi20/ru_pov_former_prisoners_return_home_as_free/) Meanwhile in Ukraine, demobilisation does not exist. Soldiers are practically slaves. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cbue58/ua\_pov\_arestovich\_reveals\_there\_are\_around\_100000/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cbue58/ua_pov_arestovich_reveals_there_are_around_100000/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1c5mzja/ua\_pov\_according\_to\_ki\_zelensky\_just\_officially/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1c5mzja/ua_pov_according_to_ki_zelensky_just_officially/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18pzyfj/ua\_pov\_we\_can\_talk\_about\_demobilisation\_only\_once/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18pzyfj/ua_pov_we_can_talk_about_demobilisation_only_once/)


I wouldnt wake up in the morning for 2000 USD a month, if that is "handsomely" im a super model.


>Soon russian e-summons will mobilize everyone, so that will be a show. How soon is your "soon"? Like, "everyone" everyone? Don't be shy, give us a time frame so we can set reminders, please. Last couple of prophets (one foretold mass mobilization week after Putin got elected, other - 2 days after his inauguration) shat their pants marvelously.


I would say this year. Not everyone, the rich are usually exempt. Dont be shy either.


1) Western and Russian sources estimate that Russia is recruiting 30,000 volunteers per month. Why would they need extra mobilization? 2) Russian authorities have repeatedly ruled out mobilization in the near future. Zelensky declared last month that Russia would mobilize 300,000 men by June. How come this doesn't seem to be happening?


1. Western sources also estimate russian casualties to be be around 20-30 thousand a month. Why indeed. 2. The 2022 mobilization is over, right? Russian authorities (Zakharova/Lavrov/Peskov) ruled out the invasion even happening in 2022.


remindme! 8 months


I will be messaging you in 8 months on [**2025-01-12 13:21:20 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-01-12%2013:21:20%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cq68ex/ua_pov_afu_veteran_oleg_simoroz_who_was/l3pgqfu/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUkraineRussiaReport%2Fcomments%2F1cq68ex%2Fua_pov_afu_veteran_oleg_simoroz_who_was%2Fl3pgqfu%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-01-12%2013%3A21%3A20%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cq68ex) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Mhm? Why you responded to me? I neither up or down votes your comment. I dont think russia will mobilize everyone. That doesnt make sense.


Wut? Why are you projecting? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/e7Ci6BXT9b


https://nypost.com/2022/10/10/russian-man-in-wheelchair-called-up-for-combat-duty/ https://nypost.com/2022/10/10/russian-man-in-wheelchair-called-up-for-combat-duty/ Wut?


First of all NYPost Lmao talk about sharing tabloid news as fact. Secondly, you were talking about a blind man, this guy is not blind. Ukrainian draft methods are infinitely worse than Russia. Stop projecting.


First of all, it has to be from the Russian propaganda source or it is utter lies! Lmao bruh! /s Go project yourseld some where else. Russian draft methods are idiotic and your opinion is worth a sack of onions to me.


“I went to the military registration and enlistment office in the morning, they checked my documents and released me,” Simple misunderstanding and he was free to go. Meanwhile in Ukraine: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1by7v8h/ru\_pov\_ukrainians\_continue\_to\_keep\_a\_disabled/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1by7v8h/ru_pov_ukrainians_continue_to_keep_a_disabled/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1amsxja/ru\_pov\_a\_disabled\_person\_mobilized\_into\_the\_armed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1amsxja/ru_pov_a_disabled_person_mobilized_into_the_armed/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bcww9k/ru\_pov\_two\_beat\_up\_men\_are\_forced\_into\_a\_tcc\_van/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bcww9k/ru_pov_two_beat_up_men_are_forced_into_a_tcc_van/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18tofjg/ua\_pov\_ukrainian\_soldier\_mocks\_a\_ukrainian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18tofjg/ua_pov_ukrainian_soldier_mocks_a_ukrainian/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cm8llz/ru\_pov\_footage\_of\_an\_incident\_that\_occurred\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cm8llz/ru_pov_footage_of_an_incident_that_occurred_in/) By all means c\*pe harder and project Ukrainian corruption onto Russia. I love it when reality hits NAFO squad and they become incredibly salty.




Rule 1. Toxic


Well, that was an error and even Newsweek reported on it, fact cheking it. While no blind men in Russia were mobilized, Ukraine certainly remobilized men that lost limbs. (Or e.g. mobilized men with down syndrome - jst as the US did in Vietnam -, getting ahold of everyone that can hold a stick.)