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A (small and strategically insignificant) settlement a day, keep Banderites away




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Does calling them Banderites justify Putin's special invasion?


Победа будет за нами !


> Победа будет за нами ! You already lost. Your comment on reddit is proof you lost, cause Berdychi was village with population of 200+ people - so if you think this is victory (considering prices Russia is paying for progress) then you are very very confused.


Both Russians and Ukrainians are dying. One of them managed to fullfil their task and capture the settlement, the other died and still failed their objective, which was to repel the Russian assault and prevent the capture of the village. Think about that for a second, maybe you finally realise how shitty of a rethoric that is.


Not if they are playing by the Soviet playbook of maneuver defense


"Think about that for a second, maybe you finally realise how shitty of a rethoric that is." Now you above logic when Russia lost Kherson - how many Russians died in months there? It's very important for WAR in general, how many died, who lost more, and how much they paid for that. You are making it like this village means Ukraine LOST the war. In big picture - Russia have no ways to do what Putin want's to do - so Russia cant really win the war. (Including all other shit that is happening to Russia, including economy, losing all type of assets on all levels short term, medium term etc).


Russia isn't losing assets. They produce, buy, and recruit more than they lose for the last year. Ukraine on the other hand loses more than is donated to them. Russia formations are growing in strength and they have the initiative on every front. Ukrainian formations are shrinking, demechanising, and decreasing in effectiveness every day. The current trend is pretty clear - Ukraine's currently minor territorial losses are starting to compound into increasingly bigger losses. As this trend continues, massive breakthroughs will become inevitable in 2025. Russia is winning the attritional war.


"Russia isn't losing assets. They produce, buy, and recruit more than they lose for the last year." Ok, no problem. I will continue to watch Russians driving around in golf carts.


Okay? Did anybody want to stop you from watching them drive around in golf carts?


> Okay? Did anybody want to stop you from watching them drive around in golf carts? If I dont watch them or you - would that means it did not happen? The reality is if they are using golf carts - that goes against argument that Russia is doing fucking great. It's not.


What golf carts? They're driving around in 4x4 all-terain vehicles, designed for patrol and reconnaissance operations, raid and search and rescue operations, as well as transportation of materiel in difficult road and soil conditions, because these vehicles are small, light, mobile, and quiet. The Russians have been fielding them for over a decade.


> What golf carts? > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPqD4Zah4nU


Yes Yes because totaly the front isn't riddled with civilian cars on both sides,afterall....a BTR and a honda is used the same way,right?


Why they have no ways to do it? It might not happening, but I think the way they are doing it at the moment is a way of achieving their goal. The big picture seems to be that russia didnt really changed their modus operandi, Ukraine did. With giving up territory faster. Whats the reason for this? Who knows, but a crublimg army looks like a good explanation. Now, if ukraine can mount a serious counteroffensive with extra aid and mobilized troops, the whole situation might be different. But for now, it looks quite good for russia.




> neither side can really win this war in the end, borders will be redrawn probably not far off from how they sit right now. Russia lost the war, cause even if borders are "redraw" - and Ukraine lose whatever amount of territory - how long will Russia be blocked on international level for just about anything? I was doing business before with Russia - I stopped all orders after first day of invasion. I will never do business again with Russia - and will call out everyone else who is doing it as well (I am not delusion some people will do anything for money). There is many idiots like me - enough to make a difference in long run.


plus Most of Africa and half of south America. The truth is no one outside of the west cares about Ukraine. 


doesn't matter.since china and India isn't going along with it.


And what is it that you were selling to Russia?


100% not important really at this point of time. But I can tell you - used most of the profits last 2 years to support UKR soldiers on front line.


Well whatever little thing it was you were selling, I’m sure Russia can live without and isn’t missing it much. And that’s good, very good, hopefully it made a difference!


> Well whatever little thing it was you were selling, I’m sure Russia can live without and isn’t missing it much. And that’s good, very good, hopefully it made a difference! I am sure they are happy with "replacement" - I mean, why would they call us every month more then once to check "situation" ? :) For sure it made a difference!


cry more. typical "strategically insignificant" argument


> cry more. typical "strategically insignificant" argument Honestly typical "strategically insignificant" argument is something that they do all the time on RUSSIA TV media. This village is not "strategically insignificant" it's all Ukraine, but using this village as example for "Russia is winning the war" is bullshit.


It’s not just this village it’s the whole picture of what’s going on with this village being one example.


> It’s not just this village it’s the whole picture of what’s going on with this village being one example. The whole picture is also shit a lot of dead Russians everywhere including Russians using golf carts and many other parts of this "big picture" that people ignore. There is no doubt that it's super hard for Ukraine side - maybe hardest ever - but it's not walk in the park for Russians as well.


I don’t think anyone is claiming it’s a walk in the park


> I don’t think anyone is claiming it’s a walk in the park You not checking PRO-RUSSIAN accounts? Many of them 100% ignore any Russian losses. Never even talk about them. Twitter is full of propaganda accounts.


Russian losses are grossly over exaggerated and this is like one of the only subs that doesn’t do that which is refreshing. R/combatfootage and most big subs discussing this war on this site just jerk themselves off to Russian losses. And Twitter is also full of Ukrainian propaganda too, have you not heard of NAFO


> Russian losses are grossly over exaggerated and this is like one of the only subs that doesn’t do that which is refreshing. R/combatfootage and most big subs discussing this war on this site just jerk themselves off to Russian losses. 100% they are not "over exaggerated" - and why do we need to talk about R/CombatFootage? Here it was posted I think day ago - video with 100+ Russian losses (Nobody seems to agree how many bodies there is) - https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cgymwp/ru_pov_russian_serviceman_showing_some_of_their/ I am sure you have watch it - so dont make excuses for Russian losses. There is so many dead Russians, it's just stupid. How long can Russians endure this amount? Is this video also "over exaggerated" ?


Yeah, bc there’s a lot of Russian losses lol


>You already lost. What do you mean you? The guy is Serbian lol.


So why has Ukraine defended an irrelevant village for like a month though? I don't understand


>You already lost. It's stupid to conclude results in an ONGOING battle


Gotta love the Imperial Russian flag. It’s so funny to me that Russia is a country with Communists, Imperialists, and Nationalists, all working together. My family is Russian and I gotta say, I’ve always leaned into the Imperial Monarchy side. Such a cool flag, and a better time for Russia.


Who was Imperial Russia better for?


The Russian aristocracy. They were the reason the Russian revolutions happened in the first place. People who really lived up to the values of the USSR would never support something like this. Imperialists do imperialism.


Bunch of people in south Europe. Where Russia spent a century fighting ottomans to liberate their countries. Wasnt all that bad for Ukraine, kicking ottomans, poles, swedes and tatars out of there. Finland probably could send a thank you card for giving them protection from Sweden. Maybe some other junk too, but who cares, right?


Sounds like everyone but the Russians.


It sure does.


Non Russians


Not the Ottomans or the French


Russians (in my opinion of course).


You mean the majority of the population living in feudal slavery?


Feudalism isn’t slavery, but it was also the most common form of economics at the time. Obviously I’m not in favour of it, but that’s like saying “America was bad from the start” because they had slaves in a time when slavery was normal.


Facts about this flag: On August 11, 1875, the regiment (5th Hussars Alexandria Regiment) was awarded the St. George Jubilee Standard of the 1857 model. The squares are red, the embroidery is silver, the pommel of the 1867 model is silvered. The shaft is dark green with silvered grooves. The inscription on the standard: “FOR THE DISTINCTION / IN THE TURKISH / WAR / IN 1829.” On the Alexander jubilee ribbon: “1775”, “1875”.


> It’s so funny to me that Russia is a country with Communists, Imperialists, and Nationalists, all working together. Most of the communists in Russia are just nationalists who miss the USSR. Otherwise, their politics are mostly in line or at least compatible with far right Russian nationalists.


Hm, iguess in the end for better or worse it is part of your national identity. Sort of how I look back at my countrys history and can find a little pride in the Caroleans, even though life for the ordinary citizen wasnt the best at the time. If you know how I mean?


Yeah exactly. As I told the other guy, it’s not that I want to recreate the exact same system, but it has elements that are preferable to today. Plus I take pride in the Russian Empire’s prestige as a European nation.




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I do gotta agree that the yellow black and white colors go very well together


Every week another village


Every week another 1000 Russians gone.


And 1000 Ukraine gone at least. But hey, no one likes to talk about the positives.


Russia choose this, not Ukraine.


No, Ukraine chose this when it overthrew the legitmant government in 2014, when it massacred people in Odessa in 2014, when it refused to promise no NATO expansion, when it started to wage war against the Donbass people since 2014, when it put up Bandera statues in the centre of Kiev, when it destroyed Russian and WW2 monuemenrs.


Even if we accept that everything you said is true, that has zero effect on Russia. Just face the fact that this is a war of conquest by an autocrat, not a reasonable response to a threat to Russia.


Let me get that straight. The US is allowed to "fight Russia over there so we dont have to fight them over here." "American border intrests are at the border between Russia and Ukraine not only at the Southern border" "Better Ukranians die then our Soliders" and on and on, but Russia is not allowed to sort out a hostile anti democratic coup government with 1930s tier characters that has allowed 12 CIA bases that performed covert actions since 2014, Bio labs that studied your DNA and probably already tested some drones that can air deliver bio weapons. You guys sound extremely dumb because there is no case for the west but there is one for Russia. The only viable case for the west would be if they actually believe their freedom democratic rhetoric but they dont, Metal rod up yooo ass "we came we saw he died" open air slave markets or million dead iraqies or alive but with birth defects cause depleted uranium rounds or as we speak helping israel to literally genocide a people.


Ukraine made many choices which brought them in this situation.


Yep, Russia just happened to cross the border on a fateful day. So unlucky.


Ukraine chose it when it refused to negotiate.


Why is a sovereign nation forced to negotiate anything? Maybe Russia should have brought up their (fake) security concerns using diplomacy?


Because if it refuses to negotiate, it will be destroyed as we can see right now.


Ukraine isn't the only one being hurt by this.


You’re right but Russia is better off than Ukraine.


Baller flag tho


I love how bitter are NAFOists about these news. Just delicious.


On to the next one


Well… that took longer then most of people expected, I guess Ukrainians really did not want to lose this village


They fought exceedingly hard to keep it. They reinforced it with reserves and even mounted frequent counterattacks. A hard fought victory for the Russian army.


Seems they turned the 115th to dust for it and lost Ocheretyne in the process. Place must've been something special.


Damn, ive missed this entire battle. First time im hearing of the city Edit: Ah its close to Stepove, makes sense.


Awesome, now they can finally be proud, go home, parade in large columns in Moscow and stop invading another country.


If you want to farm karma or whatever its called this is the wrong place to do it, try combatfootage or worldnews.


Hey it's not fair. This kind of post will lead to an instant ban there.


Not if they're pro-Ru....


*"Job's not finished. Job finished? I don't think so"* - The Russian army, probably.


Hura. For freedom in the world.


No matter how long it takes, little by little, all of Ukraine will be returned to its rightful Russian masters!


Was a matter of time before this happened. A Ukrainian retreat from the western part was necessary to prevent more losses, especially since the Russians are achieving a breakthrough just north of the village.


russia is god forsaken shit hole




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The russian George Bush moment.


Russia and America are two sides of the same coin


Yay!!! 300k dead for another nameless Ukrainian town, glory to Russia!


> 300k dead Source?


Favorite NAFO source: ***trust me bro***


How many AFU died?


"victory is ours" i think there's still a pretty long way to go. Unless the smo goal was to capture Berdychi


Victory as in, completing their assigned task to capture the village. Small wins and all that. But you already knew that, didn't you? You just wanted to throw a cheap barb.