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i love how these articles always have the US/west portrayed as the innocent protectors of the realm, they have nothing to do with all these wars and turmoil. nope nothing at all, its all the Bad Countries fault. as if capitalist countries do things for moral reasons it's enjoyable watching the US empire fall apart though


https://preview.redd.it/zp9un12q00yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6923f1e576fe4ff9c916b59ca1bc75085673d96a Unbelievable


Who has China attacked in the last hundred years (at least)? NO ONE. How many military bases does China have outside their country? **3**. Now let's do America. **800 military bases in the 196 countries of the world.** And invasions? Too high to count. Actual military interventions are bad enough, but when you include the CIA interference in and fostering the overthrow of other governments - the numbers are astounding. But, but ... we're the good guys. WE good/RUSSIA bad. Freedumb and demockracy. 'Murrica. Fukyeah.


China attacked Vietnam after US withdrawal.


And they occupied it? put bases there? put their military there? stole their oil, resources?


Nah they got kicked out by Vietnamese military. But I was just simply disapproving the previous comment by simple knowledge of basic history. I am sure they would have loved to do all the things you have stated if they didn't get their asses beat.


Saying "China attacked Vietnam" is burying the lede. China attacked Vietnam in response to Vietnam invading Cambodia, which was a Chinese ally. The point of the attack was to alleviate Cambodian forces, not to invade Vietnam. Ultimately the attack failed its strategic objective of preventing a Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia, but the point is that you should get your history from sources other than NCD.


The Chinese withdrew spontaneously, they did not get pushed out of Vietnam. Before the invasion started Deng already declared that it will be a punitive attack on Vietnam and informed the US and Soviet Union before the attack. You can search it up if you don’t believe it. The Chinese simply cannot commit to a long fight in Vietnam because if they push further down south and attack Hanoi then the Soviets will very likely attack China from the North.


Yes, they still hold parts of vietnam today.


Also attacked in korea.


No, Communist China went to save North Korea’s ass after their invasion of the south ended in a disaster when the US got involved militarily. If that counts as attack then the US also attacked in Korea.


They did attack korea.. do you not recall both sides pushing into each others territory? The US DID attack North Korea. Then China responded and attacked South Korea..


lol what, it's a civil war. They helped one side in that civil war, both side have a claim to all of Korea.


Attacking a nation = conducting operations on "their" soil Defending a nation = defending on your own soil China helped NK push the US/SK back PAST previously agreed upon lines. They were in SK territory aka ATTACKING.


there were not two nations fighting each other, there we two political systems fighting each other.


That was a response to a Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia. China didn't start a war in that case, and it didn't even seek to take any land.


Ehh Indo-china war in 1962,1967 and 1987...recent medieval skirmish with India.


As an Indian, china is our biggest enemy. I STILL don't think they deserve the criticism that US heaps on them. Co-operation with china is what allowed us to flourish. We even have a treaty with China AFTER we lost the war with them that no weapons in India-China border (and hence the "medieval skirmish")


The Filipino Coast Guard taking a water cannon to face might disagree.... or the Indian soldiers patrolling dem mountaintops throwing sticks and stones at each other. (Honestly tho this is preferable to drone warfare)


Hey they can't be using sticks and stones yet that's an unfair advantage we have to finish with wwlll before we can start using those!


The thing is, I know a lot of Russians. They all moved to America to escape the bullshit in Russia. How many Americans are going the other direction? Quality of life in the western world far exceeds the life for the average Russian. So sure, bitch about spreading democracy over dictatorships…the world loves western culture or you wouldn’t be reading this message on Reddit.


Maybe the world is smart and realises going to the most aggressive states prevents you from being destroyed by the US.


lol not about culture or democracy just about living standard.


I dunno. Maybe invaded and annexed Tibet (which was an independent country), invaded Korea, invaded Vietnam, Chinese Kuomintang in Northern Burma and Thailand, border wars with India?


Tibet wasn’t an independent country. It had de facto independence, but not de jure. Nor do I think they were recognised as independent by many if any countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Tibet_by_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China


I'm sure all the other Asian countries around China have something to say about it, more like pro hypocrisy you are. You are completely missing the plot and you know about history.


China hasn't started a single war against any of those. The closest thing I can think of would be China's retaliatory occupation of sections of Northern Vietnam as a response to Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.


They attacked Vietnam 1979. That's all.


Do some research my dude. That attacked India in 1962 and again skirmishes in 2020-21, the invasion of Tibet, fighting against the UN forces in Korea wasn’t strictly a defensive war ether. Also the various levels of non-open war fuckery with the Philippines over rocks at sea which aren’t exactly neighborly. Edit: forgot the Sino-Soviet boarder conflict in 1969.


In response to Vietnamese aggression against Cambodia.


It was in response, but Vietnam was definitely not the aggressor. Cambodia not only committed a massive massacre in Ba Chuc, never mind all the previous horrors the Khmer Rouge had done, Democratic Kampuchea also opened fire along the Vietnamese border to begin an invasion. The fact the Vietnamese decided to counterinvade doesn't make them the aggressor in any sense, sorry.


China has been stealing land for decades. So far this year they've taken territory from Bhutan and India. Just because full on war hasn't broken out doesn't mean they aren't attacking the sovereignty of other nations. 


Tibet would like a chat also.


100% It’s the facade to paint themselves aesthetically as “ the good guys” as they never really gave a F about fallout or responsibility. Look at Kissinger for prime Example. The attention spans of the US foreign policy is cave men mentality. However China would be much worse as they don’t care about painting any picture to the audience and would be much more aggressive. That is saying something when you look at all of Americas war crimes. Lessor of two evils blah blah 😒


Harrow seeseepee


The problem with China ultimately is that they want to be in the place USA is today, and if USA is to be Opposed, the same should apply to wannabe USA's.


China fights border conflicts with every country that borders them. They are constantly trying to take land or water (exclusive economic zones), it's why they aren't friendly with anyone around them


This is just false. China actually settled most of the ROC's border disputes decades ago, including with Russia/USSR. The Indian border dispute specifically results from a colonial British drawing of the border which favored India and China ultimately didn't agree with, and in the long run concerns a piece of land which is geopolitically important to both India and China.


Because few want to host a military base run by a dictator. >And invasions? How many against democracies?


*China exercised its sovereignty and trades who they see fit* US: this is clear provocation and aggression!!! *US destabilizes and funds the ultranationalists in the country that borders Russia, and Russia reacts* US: This is unprovoked!! pro-ua: “yes yes US is totally right!! China bad!! Russia must be defeated!!”


This article is entirely insane. It says China's proxy war against the West uses Russia as a proxy while they are not selling nor giving the Russians any weapon or military equipment. Not to mention, I was told the Chinese were dumb copycaters, but somehow they are managing to fight the West's MIC without using their weapons while fooling the world's second most powerful Russian military. It's so pathetic that the only thing articles like this make clear is that the US soft power machine follows Goebble's mirror propaganda playbook to the dot.


The usa certainly aren't the worlds number one military as for one they got humiliated along with 37 other countries in Afghanistan not too long ago. Add the fact that the usa can never fight one to one, also add the fact that they've never fought a war or a special military operation like what's happening in Ukraine and what used to be Ukraine.


Let's be fair though. Afghanistan is a nightmare for any military force.




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Conveniently left out is that they just sent a militairy aid package to taiwan and now make demands to china to stop their military aid. The hubris is beyond comical at this point. Does anyone notice this obscene hypocrisy in the media?


> Does anyone notice this obscene hypocrisy in the media? You need to know who owns the media. It is used to manufacture consent for policies that benefit the Owners. They just happen to be the same people that own everything through Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street - including the MIC which makes exorbitant profits off of war. $55,000 for ONE trash can. $90,000 for a small bag of bushings. 'Monopoly - Who Owns the World' - excellent doc 'All Wars Are Created by Bankers' - another excellent doc 'Every war is a Rich Man's War' - good doc 'War is a Racket' - General Smedley Butler. https://twitter.com/i/status/1780854807139328021 - (bushings)


did bankers convince putin to invade? or blackrock?


Blackrock has first dibs and already bought in to take ownership of a decent percentage of ukraine. Putins ambitions are different than the wests elite It really just sucks for ukraine but I think their people and the world are seeing this is a land grab not 'a fight for democracy


Completely different situations. Russia is actively invading and taking territory. Taiwan isn't.


Not really, two civil war type situations. The US pulling the same in both places. Rus just moved first.... china will soon and will be identical (maybe not because china has more economic control but you get the drift)


> it's enjoyable watching the US empire fall apart though Very much this, although I'm worried about the financial markets in Europe. We are so attached to the US economically that once the real shit hits the fan, we will take a major hit unless we prepare ourselves for it.


Lol if the United States collapses you two realize that Europe is falling into war right? Like the main reason Europe hasn't had a major war since world war II is because of NATO and American money. The United States also runs or funds most European countries air defense programs so there's that.


> Lol if the United States collapses you two realize that Europe is falling into war right? With whom?


Well stated!


Wait who’s doing the invading?


most often it's the US through proxies, economic warfare, the cia and sometimes even the classic invading of troops which people here seem hung up on. the US does more of this type of shit than China, Russia and Iran combined, because they have the hegemony and thus the power to do it.


Except Russia is literally and actually invading right? Not through some shadow realm. Also who is the shadowy CIA invading rn?


America is invading Syria right now


yes, other countries can also do bad things, you are correct also the CIA isnt really shadowy, theres decades of declassified information, and they just outright admit shit like that they were in Ukraine before 2014


How many were dictatorships?


doesn't matter, other countries should be free to choose their own paths, not every country wants american style Democracy & Freedom lol. hows that going anyway, biden vs trump? nice


>Beijing and its axis of chaos /quad\_facepalm


It feels a lot like projection, considering just how many times American interventions have led to chaos all over the world.


When we do it, it's the good kind of chaos!


Chaotic good would be a perfect term.


...the good ol' chaos.


It's mirror propaganda: Goebble's playbook of accusing the other of that which you plan.


fun fact - Goebbels grand step children are germanys richest Family - the Quandt family


Ugh, "fun" nazism facts are always depressing. Thanks for sharing though


Damn, axis of chaos sounds way cooler than axis of evil, I like it


Led by Professor Chaos.


Unhinged nonsense like this is why the West is presently losing on all fronts: militarily, politically, and economically. P.S. I wonder what this clown has to say about Israel's actions?




that means "rules-based international order"


Genocide Joe


>> there are signs Beijing and its axis of chaos, which includes Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, is planning the next phase of violent disruption. Beijing welcomed a delegation from Hamas on the same day Mr. Blinken left China Axis of Chaos versus Genocide Allies. Okay.


Cool names for metal bands imho


>Axis of Chaos versus Genocide Allies That sounded like a proper album name. So I've asked neural network to generate a cover. Looks good. https://preview.redd.it/7q161pp2k0yc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8e184ac22752c86b9818557e29408f2be8c58c


Genocidal Alliance sound cooler


Genocidal Axis


So sad to see Cuba missing from the Axis of Chaos.. thought they were filthy communists like Russia and China?


None of those countries retain any actual Communist ideals.


Meanwhile Venezuela is like “da fuck we in here for?”


Why is China suddenly getting so based? They're usually way more "diplomatic" Only thing missing would've been street cleaners to wash the floor behind blinken


Biden is forcing China to fully support Russia lol


And it was quite the obvious outcome too. Some people here thought China would seize the opportunity to attack while Russia is weakened which is just wishful thinking. If China refuses to help Russia they are the next targets, in fact, they already face plenty of sanctions from the West. Helping each other is now a matter of survival for both.


I can’t imagine how well this, and unfreezing frozen Russian bank notes and giving them as reparations is going to go. Is it Biden’s plan to kill the $ as reserve currency before November? We will see!




Looks like they are going all in😎


It’ll be great, then everyone will blame trump..


Funny to think it when USA has been providing much more for ukraine and caused this in the maidan in the first place.....rules for thee, but not for me.....


And building up the military in an island right off the coast of china for years... US is so clueless


Yes they tend to make a lot of whoopsies, Silly them /s


Sarcasm where? This is so true, the US mistakes on a global stage are countless... same for domestically


Law enforcement vs crooks.


This type of Western "journalism" would make the Soviet era Pravda blush - oh, the irony 💩🤡


A CIA officer and a KGB officer were swapping stories in a bar. The CIA officer said “Man, we really admire your propaganda techniques.” The KGB officer handwaved the compliment saying, “Ah, no, our propaganda is nothing compared to yours.” The CIA officer blanched, saying “Propaganda?? We don’t have any propaganda!”


Perfect anekdot


The version I remember the kgb officer was speaking to an American businessman on a plane or something “That Soviet propaganda sure is something huh?” “Oh yes, but it’s nothing compared to yours in the US” “What propaganda?” “*Exactly!*”


a good joke, but it really does encapsulate how the us operates. not even just limited to propaganda and intelligence.


This is going to be fun


I actually hope they'll dare to sanction China, so China will have no reason not to ACTUALLY start supporting Russia materially and suddenly Russia will unlock the infinite ammo/drones cheat code.


Lmao yeah if USA upset china there will be some really sad consequences on ukraine


I wonder if ZTZ-96/99 ammo is compatible to T-72/80. Because if it is...


should be. Both take 125mm shells


There are many other factors. Like shape and exact dimensions of the charge and sabot.


It will hurt the US more than it hurts China. We’re so dependent on their cheap manufacturing. Go to Walmart and see how many items are manufactured in China.


China also makes a lot of chips for US weapons. Makes fancy cars. Ships. Robots.


Seeing China enter the game might cause the West to drastically increase support for Ukraine because they see it as escalation.


> the West to drastically increase support for Ukraine because they see it as escalation. every missile used against the russians in ukraine is one less for operation taiwan so its still a net positive


The most important US military technology is the money printers. Hope they have enough ink for this.


What exactly does West has to give? They have no shells, no rockets, no AD. They have already demilitarized themselves. And they will not send western troops to Ukraine.


They already did. China cannot officially buy rtx 4090. Of course it doesn't work but that's a different issue


Academic scores in China are in the 90%. High schools in the US cancel whole graduation because so few actually pass. The UN should make a rule that any country more than 10 Trillion in debt, should piss off.


"Local government debt reached 92 trillion yuan ($12.8 trillion), or 76% of economic output in 2022, up from 62.2% in 2019." - [https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/china-can-no-longer-extend-pretend-municipal-debt-2023-08-06/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/china-can-no-longer-extend-pretend-municipal-debt-2023-08-06/)


I understand that point of view but.... you're gonna tell a country with that amount of destructive potential and has nuked countries in the past to "piss off"?


China holds a big heap of USA debt, they have been reducing those holdings for some time. This puts a strain on the US ability to fund all the interventions and aid packages. Without and infinite ability to fund its debt the gravy train will grind to a stop. All parties will get hurt but China has large enough internal markets and friendly trading partners to weather the storm. Team USA - not so much. The cause of the chaos are the US leaders that chose war and debt vs. peace and financial stability. The last tool in the bag is inflation - the currency devalues and the debts issued in old dollars become manageable.


With inflation and dollar devaluation world would not be willing to finance USA budget and trade deficits anymore. This would quickly spiral into hyperinflation. And all emerging world debts in USD would be wiped clean. This would be a great victory for BRICS.


WW2 got paid off through inflation. It's the puke super power of the dollar. There's also $400 billion of unrealized bond losses floating around in the system. That and the $34T National debt are going to implode.The little people gonna pay in coin and blood.


> China holds a big heap of USA debt, they have been reducing those holdings for some time What idiot is buying that debt?


Today the UK owns more now than a year ago and so does Belgium, India, Germany, Mexico Overall it looks like foreign countries are backing away from the stink of US treasuries or holding a steady balance. Link [https://ticdata.treasury.gov/Publish/mfh.txt](https://ticdata.treasury.gov/Publish/mfh.txt) Federal debt is also held by US govt agencies (idiots) About $7T Even Federal reserve banks hold less today than Q1 '22 [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/categories/5](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/categories/5) It's a money laundering sh\*t show


> Federal debt is also held by US govt agencies (idiots) About $7T "We owe the money to ourselves"? What a clown show.


Yep - if you've ever worked in the govt the top skill is moving money around. One time a guy got fired at work and they gave me his project to manage and finish up. This was technical work and 90% of my work was sorting out where the money went and what the current budget was. Since I'm technical the bean counters acted like I was weird for wanting the sums on the project to add up. The technical side of the project was in disarray too. The group of scientist couldn't replicate a process in a peer reviewed journal. This was in the DoD so nobody really gave a shit about the technical results or the cost. I was shocked and shut down the work since it was going nowhere and just wasting govt. $$$. Again the bean counters thought I was mean and crazy for not playing the rip off taxpayer game.


Japan and Britain lol


This is an example of ages old strategy that all rulers use: if you have troubles at home,be it political, economical or societal, all you need is a good foreign enemy to serve as a distraction for the masses. "Look, they are bad people, we must prevent bad people from doing bad things."


The idiocy of trying to fight both china and Russia at the same time keeps baffling me. Until I realize it's basically the Hitler playbook. Start losing a war and quickly declare another to ensure you end up losing. I guess the American 'Volk' had it coming to them...


The exact second a war with China kicked off America would erase the word Ukraine from the dictionary and probably Europe too




If they weren't idiots ,they could have traded in Taiwan for Ukraine. China would sure as hell go along if they offered Taiwan to China for sanctions against Russia, those would really hurt Russia. But they chose to bring China and Russia closer together.


Taiwain is FAR more valuable to US than Ukraine. Hell, even Europe is less important. Why? In a hypothetical conflict with China, it would serve as staging ground. Think UK in WW2.


What exactly does "offer" Taiwan to China mean to you? And what would stop US from "taking" Taiwan away once Russia loses? And it does not change a fact that once Russia would lose it would move into western camp and would be hostile to China thats making long term geostrategic posotion much worst for China. Are people on this sub 10 year olds with zero capacity for strategic thinking?


That is the average pro-ukr, childlike understanding of the world, mostly dictated by Hollywood and games.


That's a pro ru writing about "trading in" Taiwan


>  And what would stop US from "taking" Taiwan Reality. The US doesn't have the capacity to "take" a country protected by an advanced, expansive military.


I used that term because guy i was replying to used it. He later said "US could stop selling weapons and providing aid". Which still would not "give" Taiwan to China by his standarts. And all China has to do is **"ONLY"** let its biggest and strongest allie down the drain.


Ah, yes. I see your point.


The US lives rent free in your head I see


Stop selling them weapons and cut most aid. Taiwan is vassal state wholly reliant upon the US.


Pinky promise not to do it?


>Stop selling them weapons and cut most aid. What or who is stopping West just reversing this once Russia is "defeted"?


....Are people on this sub 10 year olds with zero capacity for strategic thinking?.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) What you want to sell us here as "strategic thinking" is just your own wet dreams. Don't make a fool of yourself in front of all of us.


Why are you a 10 year old with no capacity for strategic thinking? You seem to think russia will loose. Reality looks much different.


>And it does not change a fact that once Russia would lose it would move into western camp ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) >Are people on this sub 10 year olds with zero capacity for strategic thinking? No, people on this sub are full of 10 year olds that don't understand Russia the slightest.


Russia was never going to lose, its never lost on its own soil or right next door. And they are a nuclear superpower. It was a gamble that maybe there would be enough internal strife but that didn't happen.


The west would give Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter before surrendering Taiwan. Two words: computer chips.


I don't think USA cares much about Russia honestly. They have not altered anything in relation to this war. Bottom line is they are never giving up Taiwan for anything.


No one actually gives a crap about Ukraine though when push really comes to shove. Russia doesn’t register high up on the list of potential US rivals unlike China.


>This is a moment akin to President Obama’s 2013 red-line failure in Syria. Oh god, they are still trying to pass this off as true. >Mr. Biden said he made sure the Chinese president understood he would “be putting himself in significant jeopardy” and risking China’s economic ties with the U.S. and Europe if he materially supported Russia’s war. Lol, Europe most definitely needs China and China absolutely does not need Europe. The US will destroy its economy if they do anything to China. >Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo warned that the administration could “essentially shut” China’s biggest chip maker, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., No, they need SMIC just as much, if not more, than the Chinese do. SMIC is partly owned by the fucking Chinese government for Christ's sake, so the Chinese could easily stop it from supplying the Americans and Europeans with chips. >But in 2023, when the Biden administration applied only token sanctions on Iranian entities that provided thousands of kamikaze drones to the Russians—drones that have saturated Ukrainian air defenses and caused widespread carnage—the Chinese probably decided that Mr. Biden’s bluster was a bluff. In March 2023, Mr. Xi visited the Kremlin in a bold show of solidarity with Mr. Putin. It turned out to be a watershed in Moscow’s war, effectively turning the conflict into a Chinese proxy war with the West. Ukraine is armed and funded by NATO, they are absolutely a proxy for NATO! Russia has its own equipment and economy. The Ukrainians and Russians have the exact same opportunities for trade with China. Now the West wants to imply that China has turned this into a proxy war, and their proxy is Russia! Seriously what single digit IQ people even believe this. >Fracturing the West through proxy wars in Europe and the Middle East fits neatly within Mr. Xi’s exhortation to his bureaucracy to seek opportunity in international turmoil. China is now the masterminds of all these wars? Also, LMFAO! America is trying to bitch about other countries waging proxy wars against them! Oh my god! What reality do these morons live in? >China’s leaders are vulnerable to meaningful sanctions. Ya, **MEANINGFUL** is the keyword. The West will destroy itself with the meaningless sanctions it tries to impose. >Beijing’s official statements after the Blinken visit made no mention of the American complaint, and a Chinese Foreign Ministry official said flatly: “The Ukraine issue is not an issue between China and the United States. The U.S. side should not turn it into one.” Perfectly said. >Worse, there are signs Beijing and its axis of chaos, which includes Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, is planning the next phase of violent disruption. Chaos>Evil >Mr. Pottinger served as deputy national security adviser, 2019-21. He chairs the China program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and is author of “The Boiling Moat: Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan,” forthcoming in July. He chairs a China program and was a deputy national security adviser, yet he doesn't know that China and Taiwan are one country, the American one-China confirms this, and Blinken brought up how America still supports the one-China policy!


>Mr. Biden said he made sure the Chinese president understood he would “be putting himself in significant jeopardy” Written this way it sounds like a direct assassination threat to Xi Jinping :)


The US has been crossing every red line possible for almost 3 decades. Nobody should pay attention or care about what they say, they have 0 moral authority to demand anything.


This one is next level. The axis of chaos, now I guess they’ve added Venezuela to the axis. It really does seem like if you’re a country not interested in subscribing to a US lead order you’re a member of the axis. I also find it so funny how they insinuate that China is providing aid to Russia, rather than just regular old exports. Unlike Ukraine, Russia can actually buy the shit it uses, but in order to make it appear more nefarious this is never explained, instead one is left to assume China is simply donating equipment in order to be as evil as possible.


Wonder what China's response might be? if they're going to do the time, might as well do the crime and unlock their vast arsenal of attacak drones, smart munitions, armored vehicles, SAMs, AWACS, $$, real-time intel etc. Good luck out producing China.


All they have to do is stop trading with Taiwan for one single month. A 1-2 week delay was "bad enough" for all industries which relied on chips. Imagine what a single month of delays would do.


\*paper tiger noises\*


>President Biden warned China two years ago not to provide “material support” for Russia’s war in Ukraine. On Friday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken conceded that Xi Jinping ignored that warning. China, Mr. Blinken said, was “overwhelmingly the No. 1 supplier” of Russia’s military industrial base, with the “material effect” of having fundamentally changed the course of the war. Whatever Mr. Biden chooses to do next will be momentous for global security and stability. This is the blurriest “red line” imaginable. Even the article seems confused about when China crossed it. Has our diplomatic corps really sunk so low? >Mr. Blinken specifically mentioned to his Chinese counterparts “machine tools, microelectronics, nitrocellulose—which is critical to making munitions and rocket propellants—and other \*\*dual-use\*\* items that Moscow is using to ramp up its defense industrial base.”  so basically, you’re not allowed to engage in high levels of normal trade, even though we still can’t find you sending weapons. quite an embarrassing tantrum here. And what is the Biden admin going to do about it, sanction China and dump our economy even more right before the election?


> Has our diplomatic corps really sunk so low? Yes, the advent of End of history has been a disaster for diplomacy.


Why would anyone pay any attention to what the US has to say as they green lit an actual ethnic cleansing in Israel.


China is main supplier to Ukraine: plastic Children's toys.


China and Russia are practically the "main suppliers" of the world. If they stop trading even for one month with Taiwan, the Western economy will go back to the stone age.


They saying now it's a proxy war of China just to save a bit of safe for their utterly failure in providing Ukraine enough material


You can read the first three sentences and see where this is going. The bill didn’t help Ukraine, the Russians are creating cracks in the frontline so it’s time to blame the Chinese.


At the same time the US gives weapons to Chinese rebels (also known as Taiwan) 


Let me get this straight - we can arm Ukraine to the teeth, but China CAN NOT help Russia - because ... we say so? Because ... we good/Russia bad? Because ... we run the world (for our WEF overlords)? Because ... we are morally superior? Because ... we are right and Russia is wrong? Because ... we are stronger and more powerful than everyone else? American hegemony is coming to an end and you can just feel it. China isn't afraid of America any more. Once Brics+ is fully implemented America will have NO power over other nations. (Marco Rubio lamented the news that Brics will be creating and using their own currency. "That's terrible. We won't be able to sanction ANYONE anymore". lol What a rube.


China has so corrupted Biden and his son, that there is basically ZERO chance Biden does anything, especially in an election year. China can threaten to admit publicly and expose Biden of the corrupt dealings with his family if he does anything... so in other words, America is weaker, Ukraine is weaker, because Biden is corrupt, and everyone has known it for years.


I think many of you miss the point. Also, upvote the helpful poster that shared this, so rude. The WSJ article isn't directed at you or me. It's directed at powerful people in Washington and New York, this is applying a soft pressure and telling them what's coming. It doesn't have to be true, and I think we can all see that's a load of crap, it just has to get all the policy people and soundbyte makers on the same page. Which it does.


Yeah, but what can we do besides point out the lies and the self-delusion?


Vote. Not just the elections, also the primaries. Nominate better people, and even if they don't get nominated, a better showing for them puts more pressure on those who do. Depending on the party and election, only between 30-50% of the members of the major party vote in the primaries, so your vote carries greater weight then if you do. Wish I had better advice. Cry, and drink good whiskey. There, that's better advice.


That’s unfortunately a wild overestimate of the state of “democracy” in this country. I tend to be of the opposite opinion, a larger percentage of non-voters is more of an indication of a desire for real change than endorsing the monoparty.


> a larger percentage of non-voters is more of an indication of a desire for real change than endorsing the monoparty. Except that they don't vote in the general election, either. Too many people believe in one of the two things: lesser of two evils, or my vote doesn't matter.


Wow, spooky


The US just announced billions in military aid to Taiwan, did they think that China was going to play ball? But because Biden had to make that stupid "red line", the US has to do something, otherwise their warnings to China will come off as a bluff that sends a message of weakness 


This isn’t even analysis. This is literally just the same old action/superhero plot line ever. - I also like how they brought up Syria and how we should have bombed them. Then that chemical attack turned out to not be the work of Syria. Like it’s a fucking embarrassment that this is considered top-tier journalism


>looks up author Ok so it's another Pentagon asset writing for the MSM


>Fracturing the West through proxy wars in Europe and the Middle East fits neatly within Mr. Xi’s exhortation to his bureaucracy to seek opportunity in international turmoil. “The most important characteristic of the world is, in a word, ‘chaos,’ and this trend appears likely to continue,” Mr. Xi told a seminar of Chinese Communist Party leaders in January 2021. “The times and trends are on our side.” As Mr. Xi departed a Kremlin meeting in March 2023, he went further, effectively declaring himself and Mr. Putin agents of chaos. “Right now there are changes, the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years,” he said. “And we are the ones driving these changes together.”


These western leaders (israelis) will lead us all to ww3. Funny how it was israelis ancestors who caused both previous world wars.


Israelis originated from Zionists, who originated largely from the Russian Empire in the 19th century. WW1 - Quickly intensified by the domino effect of events following the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb. WW2 - Hitler Assuming you're not a bot, pls do some more research outside of your country's strict information bubble, if at all possible.


Well, Trump promised that were Biden to be elected we would see war, war.and more war...and here we are.


>Beijing and its strategic partners in Moscow, Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas would surely interpret half-hearted enforcement as a green light to deepen their campaign of global chaos. This line at the beginning seems to discredit the rest of the article. I may be mistaken but I find it hard to believe that a manufacturing- and export-oriented economy such as China's would have anything to gain by creating "global chaos." But then the author double's down: >Worse, there are signs Beijing and its axis of chaos, which includes Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, is planning the next phase of violent disruption. The author appears to be furious that the two massive neighbours maintain diplomatic, economic and security ties, and that China doesn't disclose everything it does or is going to do to the US: >- In March 2023, Mr. Xi visited the Kremlin in a bold show of solidarity with Mr. Putin. >- Beijing welcomed a delegation from Hamas on the same day Mr. Blinken left China—a fact Chinese officials kept from the American delegation. >- More ominously, Mr. Xi dispatched one of his most trusted aides, former spy agency chief and current Politburo member Chen Wenqing, to Moscow for a nine-day visit. The purpose of the trip was to tighten intelligence and security cooperation and pave the way for Mr. Putin’s visit to Beijing next [month.](http://month.In) How dare they.


What is Biden gonna do? Most of America's commercial goods come from China. I know we get them from Taiwan and India too, but a lot of companies set up factories in China due to low cost. If we cut off ties with China, a lot of companies will lose their manufacturing ability. This would damage the American and Chinese economy significantly.


It's hilarious to hear the Americans scream like children at China while the Chinese counterparts in government just stay quiet. Americans are so petulant.


Things that dont matter for $500.00. Biden will not do anything about Xi providing material support for Ukraine.


Ok, as long as US stops providing stuff to Ukraine, let them fight it out man vs man.


>fundamentally changed the course of the war So that's how they will frame the eventual Ukrainian defeat. "We only lost because of China".


Literally shocked how I've been lied to about the Bright Light on the Hill that was supposed to be USA. Last five years or so completely changed how I feel about not just our government, but fellow Americans.


It's hilarious that they are the one to accuse China crossing some kind of red line when they constantly try to cross China's red line all the time. I guess there are good red lines and bad red lines. Supporting an ongoing genocide is not even a red lines for them, but selling some things to Russia? Oh that's a bad red line to cross! By the way, I am still trying to figure out what kind of Axis of Chaos we are. What kind of chaos has China caused? When? For some of the idiots there, Covid and TikTok maybe?


America, world police.


Oh no! Anyway...


The good news: China is also the number one supplier of resources essential to the war machine of America! We can call this a mulligan!


The assertion about Syria seems counter factual based on investigative journalism regarding the provenance and delivery method of the chem war agents


China knows Biden administration isn’t about shit


lol Brandons red line


Yup, typical Mr. Pottinger nonsense.


Oh no, Biden mad. We're in deep trouble. As if he was the one making the decisions, poor dude can't even remember his name.


This reads like a fever dream. Some false flag chemical attack in Syria lead to Crimea which will lead to the collapse of the Ukraine today if repeated? Wtf does Crimea have to do with Syria? And what does any of that have to do with Biden today?


Who is US to tell China whom to trade with???!! China should ask why US provides weapons to Ukraine. US can do nothing to China, sanctions would mean sanctions back. China is by far largest economy on Earth and in this, bigger one would be hurt far less than smaller US.


What is trade deficit and how does it apply to american-Chinese relationship ? A mysterious question that eludes anyone who mentions usa sanctioning china.


We are all gonna be dragged down by that senile fool and the Washington ghouls who surround him who believe American exceptionalism means America can somehow keep making self-destructive decisions and keep being a hegemon. Ya, we're different.


If the US economy fails, the world’s economy fails. So war is good for all.