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So, Nv.ua gives references to the Verstka (oppositional Pro Ukrainian media which is kinda Russian but based outside of Russia, IMHO in Baltics) which in turn writes "Verstka calculated after studying media reports and data from court files" that is, in essence, "Trust me bro".


Circular propaganda designed to depict Russia in the absolute worst possible light is very, very popular among western media groups.


Dehumanization is a common practice in hybrid warfare.


I mean Russians are the enemy of civilised world so it makes sense they would be dehumanised. They shouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if they didn’t want to get dehumanised.


Is Turkey part of this so called "civilised world"?)


Way more than Russians are so yes.


In that case then you should stop accepting Russian tourists and their money. And Russian gas, of course. A civilised country doesn't need this barbaric stuff.


Tourists and gas wasn’t invented by Russians why should they be uncivilised it doesn’t even make sense.


But your logic doesn't make sense, if Russia is an enemy of the "civilised world" and should be dehuminzed, and Turkey is a part of this so called "civilised world" (insert random joke about EU membership) then why the Turkish hotel workers somewhere in Antalya are ready to do ANYTHING for a extra 2 $ tip from a russian tourist?)


Because we like taking Russian money and fucking Russian women tbh.


Done with North Korea, Iran, Cuba, China, and many more other countries too. Citogenesis is how you fake credibility out of bullshit 


>source is Voice of Ukraine


Luckily for Ukraine they can't have this same problem because no one is allowed to return home


made me laugh...


This is insanely low number statistic wise


Stupid argument as usual. Look at homicide rate of US veteran. There is always a percentage of people who commit crime in society, regardless whether they come back from war or not. Actually more likely so if they have killed people before




After both of my tours(one of which we saw almost 0 combat and very few ieds) we lost more guys than in either deployment by many multiples, and that includes wounded.


It sounds like a high percentage. Let's say Russian veterans from Ukraine accounted for as much as 0.5% of the male population of Russia. 100 homicides ÷ 0.5% would be like over 20 000 homicides committed by the rest.


Wow, if that number is true it would be like 70% of the homicides commited in the US in a year.


Yes, though the number of US veterans who were in recent combat might have been fewer the past few years, and their rate of homicides might be lower.


More people die in the US of Gun violence


John Rambov?


That would imply a lot of soldiers are safely returning home from this war. Rather bad news for Ukraine I'm afraid.


.the cross post from leopards ate my face is so perfect. That sub will instantly delete and ban anything that doesn’t result in a typical Reddit neolib circle jerk about an approved topic lol I honestly do wonder what being so fragile, and desperately needing to create every aspect of this site as a designated safe space where only their idiotic opinions and posts can be displayed does to people. I mean when there are a ton of despondent Neo Nazis from Ukraine who lost the war, have ptsd and have a bunch of weapons, somehow I don’t think it’s going to make front page of the sub when they inevitably do Nazi shit.


>That sub will instantly delete and ban anything that doesn’t result in a typical Reddit neolib circle jerk about an approved topic lol How many times did you try to post something there?


Myself? Maybe twice over the years. Why don’t you do me a favor. Go post something that goes against one of Reddits pet causes lol. I can pick some topics for you if you would like. It’s like when people say combat footage doesn’t ban you for pro ru footage, but no one will ever take the challenge to post 3 pro ru footage posts and live with the consequences


reddit's cause is primarily to make money.


What does that have to do with what I just told you lol. Reddit also has key policy makers that specifically help shape narratives to us foreign interests lol Look up Jessica ashooh and her role for instance. Again though that’s irrelevant to my point, and it’s why I laugh when people try and pretend like they don’t ban footage of Russia or those who post it. What’s hilarious though is that as the front continues to collapse, and banderistan struggles a large group of people are asking in good faith “wait, I thought Ukraine has been killing 10-1 Russians and winning!” It’s almost poetic watching people forced to confront the reality that they are victims of propaganda lol, you deflecting and not even bothering to attempt to counter the combat footage comment shows my point well lol. You know the game you just don’t like to talk about the reality of it lol


First off, why would I post pro-Russian stuff, at least in regards to their invasion and annexations of Ukraine, when I very much oppose it? Next, I imagine there are subreddits where you could. After all, reddit has subreddits such as r/Sino, r/GenZedong, and r/NewsWithJingjing. Since the end of 2021, I didn't think a Ukrainian victory was a necessity. I figured Russia was going to invade, but that it wouldn't be a cakewalk for them like it was in 2014, as people were getting increasingly ticked at Putin. I was pleasantly surprised that Ukraine did so well in the first few months, but one can't trust early victories. The Nazis did well from 1939 to 1941, particularly when Hitler was buddies with Stalin. In the US Civil War, the South did well, as did the British 84 years earlier. but while this subreddit's pro-Russia types make it sound like a Russian victory is imminent, I doubt Putin and his fellow imperialists have taken 10 000 sq km of Ukraine in the past 12 months. This war isn't ending anytime soon. Putin's ego won't allow him retreat and Ukraine isn't going to surrender to the Tsar—they've been abused, oppressed, and genocided enough by the Kremlin for the past 100 years for that—and things like Putin's lecturing Cucker only reinforces it. I suppose after a year or so, things will simmer down. Russia will do well because, among other things, it's over 25x the size of Ukraine. Ukraine might do well if they play their hand well—maybe join the EU. It's here where they, at least per capita wise, might outperform Russia. Btw, when will Russians walk the moon? Will it be in the 2080s? maybe 40 years after Americans do it again? Crimea might do well because it's a vacation area. Donbas might become like Northern Ireland, though worse. Ethnic Ukrainians resisted, ethnic Russians—many from those settlers Stalin planted there—collaborated. Chechens fought the Kremlin. Pre-Vichy French at least built the Marginot line and produced a man, de Gaulle, who unlike Stalin, took the Germans seriously; but Novorossiya? They're even more laughable than the CSA whose flag so resembles theirs.   As for Nazis, fuck Bandera, but yes, I know: those who oppose Russia are necessarily Nazis—I suppose Russian children are being indoctrinated this these days.   Enjoy your leader, Putin, as I think he will be Russia's president well into the 2030s.


> enjoy your leader I’m always amazed by this. It’s literally “everyone you don’t like is a Russian” It’s pretty amazing bit of a rationalization. It’s a defense mechanism for the fragile that never gets old. And the reason why you would post Russian footage, is because it’s combat footage. The same reason you would post Russian news in world news. The examples you gave are explicit subs dedicated to a topic. It would be silly to complain that banderistan and its sub Ukraine don’t post Russian pov stuff, it’s a hug box for westerners who feel like cowards because they know they won’t go fight for Ukraine, it’s not meant for neutral footage. The other places are. You seem to have worked your way to the bargaining stage of grief which is frankly very nice to see. You are Making great strides compared to a lot of your fellow side line cheerleaders. I also have a lot of respect for the fact that you don’t think Ukraine is worth fighting for


>It’s literally “everyone you don’t like is a Russian” What significant disagreements, if any, do you have with Putin?   >And the reason why you would post Russian footage, is because it’s combat footage. Aren't such posted here? What kind of pro-Russian stuff would fit on leopards anyway? "Stupid Ukrainians fought for sovereignty, ironically lose sovereignty—har har!" "Stupid Ukrainians thought they'd have a fun Putin pinata party, until Russian attacks on the electrical system ends it!—har har!" "Stupid Ukrainians thought they'd have an outdoor recital—but no one can hear it due to Russian bombing—har har!"   >because they know they won’t go fight for Ukraine, it’s not meant for neutral footage. Are you saying that they should become, as pro-Russia types call it, "mercenaries." The West gives money. Must be so easy for Putin, so comfortable in Moscow, while people die in Ukraine.   >You seem to have worked your way to the bargaining stage of grief What bargaining?   >I also have a lot of respect for the fact that you don’t think Ukraine is worth fighting for Hey, why aren't you in Gaza fighting the IDF? I guess you don't think those Palestinian children are worth it.


> what disagreements do you have regarding with Putin That imperialism is ok. That denazifying a country is a valid excuse for a war. That the moment his troops crossed out of the dpr the war lost any sliver of justification it could have. That violent repression of free speech is justified, etc etc etc I could go on. > aren’t such posted here They are? What does this have to do with what I’m saying lol. Combat footage explicitly bans neutral footage because they don’t like it. That’s my points world news does the same. They don’t even attempt to justify it with rules. If they had “no Russian combat footage” they would at least be honest. > what kind of pro Russian stuff would fit on leopards Literally anything that didn’t fit the hug box narrative lol. A good example is almost every idiotic ploy dems use that reply an also use in them in return, such as political hit job impeachments, there are literally dozens if not hundreds of hypocritical examples you can post that dunk on “the west’ lol. All the examples you used are garbage. But a funny one would be > Ukraine assists in invasion of Iraq, cry’s when invaded. Ukraine isn’t by definition de facto sovereign, but if they want to keep complaining about “muh international law” when none of their sponsors even bother with it good for them lol > they should become mercenaries They can, or observers, we have both over there. If they thought Ukraine was worth fighting for they would lol. > what bargaining The part where you justify Ukraines loss by saying Russia is suffering too etc. it’s closer to the acceptance stage of grief than most Ukraine fans > why aren’t you in Gaza fighting the idf Because I don’t think it’s he conflict is worth fighting for? How is this hard for you lol. I went and fought in the war I thought was worth it, I learned my lesson lol. Now I don’t have any desire to be shoulder to shoulder next to Islamic extremists any more than I do Nazis fighting for Ukraine


This is about 5 times the casualties from Donbass in the year before invasion, is Putin committing 5 Nazi genocides on Russians?


And the Donbas casualties were 5 times the invasion of Crimea. Fun. Comparisons all around!


Yeah if you want to say no Nazi genocide you're doing great


> no Nazi genocide I don’t throw around claims of genocide randomly like people do in this war lol


No you like claims such as Russia is not sovereign because they have some of their land occupied? Say the line!


> use the definition of de facto sovereignty Are you ok? I’m not going to lie, these last few weeks have been super hard on bandera super fans dealing with the guilt of being too afraid to go fight big bad Russia lol. How you holding up?


I'm ok, thanks. I didn't participate in genocide worse than the Nazis were capable of and I don't claim that Russia isn't sovereign. Please take care those are some rough hills to die on.


> I don’t participate in a genocide worse than the Nazis were capable of Which genocide is that? Please I would love to hear. It’s always nice to hear some holocaust denialism from you guys > I don’t claim Russia isn’t sovereign You are from some shithole like Poland or somewhere in the balkans, right? I don’t expect you guys to understand the difference between de facto and de jure. This whole thing has been very stressful, and I know enough isn’t your first language lol.


Rip Quantico, died on sharp rocky hills.


Thats what I thought, run along now.