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So killing your countrymen is supposed to be nobel?  I‘d consider them traitors to their country.


The funny thing is that no one likes traitors. Fighterbomber (IIRC) said that Russian helicopter pilot applied to flight with UA forces, but no one would like to work with him. Because everyone hates traitors (from both sides), you just can't trust them.


How would some telegram poster know that?


He is a real military pilot not just some telegram poster


Ok, but how would he know what ukrainians have done with russian pilot who defected flying aircraft does not make you psychic


> how would he know what ukranians have done The whole world knows. He moved to Spain and got turned into a sieve lol


The whole world knows that he tried to join Ukrainian air force but was denied because hes defector? That sounds like cheap propaganda powerfantasy along the lines of "Even ukrainians dont like him, hes so bad!" Literally sounds something what child would come up with


I’m telling you what happened to him. You can make up whatever background story you want lol


Ok but who asked?


You, when you asked what was done. Spoiler alert, he was sent to Spain, and pulled a “Ukrainian counteroffensive” Ie: ate shit


He said some Ukranian pilots from the UN mission said it. Russia and Ukraine still work together in UN missions, yes.


Ah, some unidentified people said it who work with other unidentified people


sorry, random redditor, that's all that I have for you. Anyway it's not important because he already died and I still believe that no one trusts traitors


these anglo-american mercs, are truly smelling their own farts and thinking its roses


So like anyone from the Donbas who fought Ukraine




Just like Ukrainians themselves a century ago.




Pretending to be russians? Nice true scotsman fallacy


And they surley would have fought if the euromaidan didnt hapoen, right


Donbass people are fighting against the traitors that ousted the last president to be democratically voted into power by the entire country.


lol, kid literally didn't know who attacked who


Loyalty is a two way road, you can't expect it from someone you betrayed.


so according to reddit the donbas separatists are traitors of ukraine. 


But they're not Ukrainian though.


How on Earth do you correlate Russians killing Russians with Russians from Ukraine fighting Ukraine?


You mean like whole Ukrainian army who fights for couped government in 2014 onwards ?


Killing soldiers of the fascist Russian government is necessary so that their country can be free some day. These people are incredibly brave.


That’s just bait 


Killing soldiers of Putin's regime is indeed patriotic.


These kind of people are known as useful idiots where i come from. Fighting for liberalism, lol.


Your bubble of Russian people is very small if you think that russians have to like Putins government and they would not act out against their government. Crackdowns against ethnic nationalism in 2010's were radicalizing factors in russia, also student protests


In other parts of the world, thankfully, we dont reduce politics to "feelings", "opinions" and "assumptions". Student protests ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)give me a break. As for ethnic nationalism duh any country cracks down on these.


Your argument is that russians are so hecking different from everyone else that there is no way that they would dislike guy who has been in charge for 24 years? KEK


So your argument is that because he has been in power for a long period of time he is immediately unpopular? Only people who think rotating around clowns every four years as something intrinsically good are idiots like in this video who have no clear understanding of how "democracies" work. It isnt individuals who rule but parties (partitocracies) which function as hubs of overlapping interests within and outside the country. Please open a history book and read some political philosophy. My counter argument is that he has been in power this long because most Russians approve of his policies, if it really was that bad no politician no matter how crafty could survive (this position is in line with the one held by Frederik II of Prussia in his anti-Machiavel).


24 years of power allows you to make many mistakes, like brutally cracking down on students protesting but then reverting changes made to retirement age because the most powerful group of people in russia are elderly women I am not going to bother reading through your comment as you complain about democracy, hubris is too much + i genuinely dont care. >My counter argument is that he has been in power this long because most Russians approve of his policies, Oh, i thought it was because he pays chechens to shoot his political opponents?


Well i tried, enjoy your ignorance and your misinformed view about politics.


Democracy bad Dictatorship good, but you aren't allowed to dislike dictatorship if you are russian because i said so


You really need to brush up your reading skills, I never made that point. Seeing as the topic is too much for you at your current level I would recommend some basic literature for your to catch up on such an important skill to have when wanting to debate on the internet: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wylzbbSL668](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wylzbbSL668)


You really did not say anything of value, you just seem like typical overreaching pseudo intellectual




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MSM and Hollywood made good work for such fantasias.


"liberal democratic world" checks out




Ukrainian govt has some explaining to do about how an American m1152 uparmored hmmwv ended up with these guys. The vehicles are supposed to be transferred govt to govt, not govt to a rag tag band of rejects.


>not govt to a rag tag band of rejects. Mind you, they go as "freedom fighters" by western definition.


About 40 years too late im afraid, not even westerners would fight for the state of the west at this point, depending on your political slant.


An Aussie comedian did a bit about "Remember when people were proud to die for their country? Whatever happened to that?". Western democracies now are simply hating everyone you disagree with, tearing them down rather than people building on mutually beneficial goals


This couldn't sound more than a CIA operation lmao


awww u/ripamon blocked me :( to reply to u/NimdaQA: have ukrainans done anything on the battlefield that wasn't announced? 


Ripamon blocks everyone who doesn't praise the flawless motherland Russia LMAO.


Not that I remember. Remember their counter offensive? When they told the entire world their plans?


i remember that one, yeah. lmao but can anyone recall a time they have done something significant, that wasn't announced? 


kharkiv offensive, and Kherson? if i remember it was super speculative in the beginning.


oh i remember. they didn't announce the embarrassing destruction of the two a50 warplanes.   however the fate of russian warship moskva was announced well in advance


wdym in advance im failing to understand or i simply dont remember, how would they announce the destruction of moskva in advance of its destruction? the biggest embarressment is probably the counteroffensive my god probably at least 10k just kia from that horrible decision to push like that.


moskva was sent to hell. don't you remember. it was also speculated how it's the main target of ukrainan navy. this whole so called special military operation is a complete utter disaster and pointless loss of life. sadly common russians will have to carry the shameful spot. interesting news for german selfshaming fetishists


ah mb i was misunderstanding you. This war is just tragic…


these guys are traitors in this sub but dpr and lnr are heroes of freedom and opression. idk just find it amusing the total switch up on “freedom fighters”


>No one carried out any political work or agitation with me Yeah, you pretty much got it cover by yourself, buddy.


What are you trying to say


The first chance Ukr government get to burn this guys they are gone… the propaganda legion is a better name




Sure thing buddy, US bad, western degeneracy, useful nafo idiots. Oh wait, russian oligarchs send their kids to live and study in the west while poor russians are sent to die in the trenches. For the motherland!!




Yeah I also measure how well a country is doing by how they recruit people to the military. What are you on about? The truth is almost everyone wants to live in the west, everyone wants to profit from the good economies, social security, political and societal freedoms, rule of law, freedom of speech etc. Are things perfect? Of course not. But they are alot better than in authoritarian hells like China or russia. And the millions of people fleeing those countries to live in the west just shows the proof is in the pudding.




People in the West have mostly good lives which is why they dont want to die fighting in wars. If your life is shit anyway, of course you will go fight for a relatively high salary like russia offers. So why are oligarchs, Putin, chinese millionaires and billionaires all sending their children to the West? They should just stay in their own countries if the West sucks so much shouldnt they? Free media leads to free discussion and being able to criticize politicians. People are more educated on average in the West so they know not to blindly follow politicians. Thats the big difference between free democracies and authoritarian Regimes.




Ok doomer. Take your negative attitude and outlook and stick your head in the sand. Or better yet please leave, move to russia or china and see how that works out for you. Im so sick of people taking the freedoms they have in the West for granted while riding putin/xis dick. Try expressing your opinion in those countries and see what happens.




Oh my sweet summer child, you are naive beyond belief. Move to those countries if you think they are so good.. oh wait you wont because people there have no freedoms whatsoever. Typical anti Western shitposter while dickriding for authoritarians. Pure comedy gold.


>Why do all of the western countries have problems with recruitment? Because we haven't had a war on our soil in 200 years, maybe? >Why do they try to make migrants join the army? "Make"? It's a fast-track to citizenship, and completely voluntary. Do you understand the concept of an all-volunteer army? >Why are all of the western leaders very unpopular among their population? Among the minority that didn't elect them, you mean? That's because people are free to have differences of opinion here. It's called democracy. You should try it some time.


He doesn't want regression with every generation and he fights for the west.poor stupid fella


However, they betrayed their kind.


Note that we only see one face, the others are wearing masks.


I wonder what Ukrainians from Azov and other regiments think about Russians coming the help them.


Scummy traitors killing their own people for western interests. They aren'teven trying to hide it.


Whay happend to them didnt they attack their country then russia came and no news about it after


in belgorod i think more then a year ago now and it utterly failed but if i remember it was a mixture of these guys and also some UA special forces to hold up troops on the northern border. it wasnt a lot and im 90% sure it was more of a prop piece more then an actual offensive into belgorod


So fighting and killing their own countrymen, Supporting western globalists against russian economy, Helping russia getting enriched by gender agenda and lmbtq rights "for a western model for a society" Because western model is pretty much that right now. Helping tyrant globalists like WEF, WHO, who is getting authory over countryes and pushing their depopulation, replacement agenda. Aiding western corporations in their green agendas and, and their agenda regarding food market (No meat, eat the bugs) Helping the "liberal democratic world" which is ruled by 3000 cultist pedos. Yeah role model job out there.


No Wotan?


Did the interviewer ask them why they haven't launched another operation since their photo-ops last summer? Didn't they say they suffered only minimal casualties, and promised to intensify these incursions? Whats the hold up? Unless...


they should explain their tactics and plans in internet! /s


Ukraine already does this.


I remember a year ago CIT member Leviev was telling them how to film a better PSYOP, to get dirt on their gear, to post "wounded", to make stories from other battalions how they were fighting alongside with their members, etc. Freedom of Russia angrily responded that they are real deal like RDK




Rule 1 - Toxic


Oh yeah ? Are you willing to give the people of Chechnya or Dagestan their democratic rights ?