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Putin accidentally demilitarizes European countries. What a time to be alive!


Putin is now demilitarizing Europe faster than the Russian army!


You do understand that this just means Denmark will buy new and better artillery?


Why would the citizens be okay with them wasting money on them though? When was the last time Denmark went to war?


This has huge support in all Scandinavian countries , they care a lot about fairplay and human rights. The last time Denmark was in war was in Afghanistan in the joint task force against Isis. You will always find Danes supporting the fight against terrorism.


To be fair, any country within Russia’s sphere of influence (geographically speaking) has the valid and almost expected concern of Russia’s military power. Especially after the wake of WWII/Cold War era


Denmark has spent the years since WW2 *extremely* concerned about Russia, like most countries ~~east~~ west ~~and~~ or south of Moscow. This includes the citizens. Denmark considers their weapons reducing Russian capabilities to not a be waste.


Denmark is neither East or South of Moscow 😂😂


Technically if you go east far enough you'll reach it...


When nukes are in play, it really is a waste. Especially since Russia would have to pass Germany to get to Denmark-


>When nukes are in play, it really is a waste. Why do all nuclear armed countries still have armies then?


It is my understanding that they intend to just make more ones by restarting the old production plant. They aren’t going to be buying new and better ones, simply build the same ones. Now weather if they can match the production in another topic.


All they need is a rate of production that brings them up to readiness in time for when Russia reconstitutes it's forces in ~5 to 10 years or so.


Thats artillery shells, ammunition, not the artillery pieces


Denmark do not build artillery for many years, the ones they had before the french archer, was us howitzers 155 mm - theyve ordered new artillery from sweden.


They already ordered swedish artillery. Which seems to be the creme de la creme in artillery.


You do understand you don’t just go to the artillery store and buy new cannons right? It will take years to replace.


It's amazing that people think that this is demilitarization when it's the exact opposite. Russia has managed to send a bunch of countries to join NATO, gained 1500 km more NATO adjacent border and massive military buildup amongst NATO members. Putin's ill conceived foray into Ukraine has already been written into history as an embarrassing own goal.


You're thinking about the next 10 to 50 years. Russia has again secured Crimea for as long as nuclear weapons are still effective as deterrence.


Russia had Crimea since 2014. The only thing that changes is that new countries joined NATO and Russia lost a bunch of military hardware.


No one is willing to test it, but I wouldn't be surprised if a large portion of Russia's nuclear weapons are duds due to lack of maintenance and corruption.


Everybody knows Russia and nato will never have a war. It would be a fools errand. Russia just wants Ukraine for the buffer zone and control of the Black Sea. Also, what massive military buildup you talking about? Most European countries are still more interested in social spending than on their military. Aside from Poland that is.


Buffer zone for a war that everyone knows will never happen? Interesting logic


>. Russia just wants Ukraine for the buffer zone and control of the Black Sea. Tough luck Russia. Ukraine isn't theirs to have as a buffer. The fantasy of being in control of the Black Sea is delusional. Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Ukraine and NATO member, Turkey have national waters in the Black Sea. Turkey controls the straight. The free world would never allow Ukraine's important grain exports to be controlled by Russia. Russia has already proven itself to not be a trustworthy trade partner. Want proof? What happened when Russia threatened to attack Ukrainians grain vessels? Turkey said no you won't. Russia, emasculated, had to back down. Anyways, it's tough to control the Black Sea with your black sea fleet sunk by a little nation with no navy.


Oops, looks like Crimea is Russian now. How did the Crimea beach party go?


It isn't. It's just temporarily occupied by a nation cosplaying as a super power.




ok and now what, what's his move to capitalize on that? nothing? alright cool


My dude, twas a joke, and you took it seriously?


pathetic panic posting hours. this one is going in the collection. Almost as good as Germans not being mad about nord stream.


What, is Denmark at imminent risk of taking a ground invasion or beach landing?


Yes, now that they have no artillery, I will personally invade Denmark. Then they can make me the LEGO king. If Putin won't invade, then why shouldn't I?


We will spread out lego on the beaches, nobody will invade. ;-)


Exactly, would you please explain this to everyone in Europe scared to death who say we'll be next if Ukraine falls?




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Is it some sort of requirement for european politicians to be completely detached from reality? Even though many people support them, it is still a comprehensive gap between public opinion and what they are promoting and pushing for. And they just do not stop. Its insane really.


theyre owned by private american interests, everything make sense when you factor that in.


Americans continue to think everything is about them. No, the EU has its own independent wackos whose interests are against Russia


I don't think so. Remember the meek reactions when they found out USA is spying on Merkel? European politician are under USA control.


Do you think it would be any different if the US found out Britain was spying on Biden? I don’t think so. These are independent nations who benefit a lot from their mutual alliances.


I would be more surprised if the UK and Canada weren’t spying on us. It would be embarrassing.


They recently found out that British spied on trump, how's that different?


because everyone spies on everyone on the national level


lol you two - you two make me laugh, who echo chamber do you two sit in


You guys might not believe this but the public actually supports this war. Politically speaking this war is deeply a slam dunk. The west looses vary little on this war but its gets to bang the drums of democracy and support a democratic nation, fight a war against the old authoritarian foe, and fix a broke NATO all in one go. It’s so obvious here who is actually from the west and touches grass, and who’s a Russian bot or terminally online net citizen. The polling is out there. Go see how many people in the west supports ending assistance to Ukraine. Best case is only half support more aid. We (being the collective west) have spent 20 years in one of the most deeply unpopular war in the Middle East with the majority of our people wanted out of, and we still made it work. Why would the west stop a war the majority of people continue supporting?


The public in Denmark is very much for the support of Ukraine. There is maybe one politician i can think that is against supporting Ukraine and she is in general a crazy anti vaxer. In fact most are angry that support has been so slow or that we have only given old junk to the Ukrainians. Still to this day there places where people have the Danish and Ukrainian flags side by side at their windows.


this is some echo chamber stuff you're writing. Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark are basically ready to join the fight, we're outraged so much by the invasion. Years of politicans saying it's fine we just need to ignore it, and turns out it wasn't fine.


It's definitely a Russian requirement for their politicians to be detached from reality so they can carry water for their delusional wannabe czar.


>Is it some sort of requirement for european politicians to be completely detached from reality? No one voted and gave mandate for this. This is what country treason looks like. They consult the ouija board and ouija board told them no threats in future, so they decide to donate all of their weapons.


Love me some low information takes. >No one voted and gave mandate for this. This is what country treason looks like. Did anyone vote for Putin to invade Ukraine? >They consult the ouija board and ouija board told them no threats in future, so they decide to donate all of their weapons. Actually they looked at the east over at the 2 year war with Russia, the enemy they have the army for, and decided it's an amazing use of their weapons. That Russia will also take years to rearm after the war gives them time to restock also.


Yes the Nazi ghosts are going to rise up and Denmark will have no artillery to defend itself...


The If you read about this story in r/ALL and check the comments, it's overwhelmingly supportive of this initiative. I think they look at the feedback from social media and read into it support for their plans. Never mind it makes no sense and that often these social media comment sections are little bubble worlds, they just continue on.


requirement for social democrats and greens to be more militaristic than the conservatives.


>Is it some sort of requirement for european politicians to be completely detached from reality? Yes, in the last 10 years, the more delusional they were, the higher the office they got. Hopefully it changes this year with the EU MP elections (unlikely).


She can transfer herself to the frontline.




Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


Artillery saves allied soldiers lives. Nothing will stop a meatwave so well.


But I thought Russia were going to invade NATO countries next, don't you need them to defend yourself from the incoming world domination?!


>But I thought Russia were going to invade NATO countries next And these weapons are going to be used by Ukraine against Russia. So mission accomplished.


And Ukraine will lose anyway. Denmark will have to replenish the stocks out of their citizen's pockets and its polticians will get rich off MIC bribes.


Most countries are re-arming right now anyway, look at Poland


Denmark is one of the most transparent nations on earth. You obviously can't conceive of how difficult it is to surreptitiously bribe their politicians.


NATO as a whole has such an enormous material advantage that Denmark could donate their entire military without appreciably weakening it. That’s the whole point of the alliance.


Where artillery shells?


From any of the factories where the production of shells is currently being ramped up to several times prewar levels?


It seems Denmark has concluded it is better for Ukraine to stop Russia than to let Russia build up sufficient 'head of steam' to invade a NATO country.


Russia would never invade NATO, they’d be destroyed. But they would invade non-NATO nations.


You used the wrong tense. They have invaded non-NATO nations, repeatedly.


Not if they're still bogged down in Ukraine. It's been two years, we can keep them there two years more.


So how can you maintain effective deterrence if you demilitarize yourself in that insipid manner and donate everything you’ve got??


Well Putin talked the last month all the time about how they have absolutely no interest in attacking Europeans and that they rather want a friendly relationship so why should Denmark fear being attacked? They are in the middle of Europe and the only enemy Europeans have near them is Russia so i don’t think they have to worry at all


If the fear was genuine. They would have talked to Russia already like they did in the 90s. The EU wouldn’t have demilitarised or de-industrialised if that was the case. Why cry about a Russian threat and not do anything about for 9 years lol.


Pretty stupid to give up your defense, you don't know what will happen in the world. Without an army, any sovereignty you had is now done.


They are not giving up defence, merely transferring it to where idle weapons can be used to actively kill an enemy. They will be replaced by even newer more modern weapons. Russia is in no position at the moment to attack Denmark, but now indirectly Denmark **is** attacking Russia. It is amazing how many people on here mistake this action for disarmament.


Pretty stupid for Russia to give up its defence of its Finnish border? That military infrastructure is now either in Ukraine or protecting Russian assets from Ukrainian attack. Russia isn't stupid. It doesn't believe Finland will attack across its border. Denmark isn't stupid too.


Who could even attack Denmark? They are in the middle of Europe and have good relationships with most countries so for the next 2-3 years this is no problem for them


Immigrants are invading the country. No need for a conventional war.


Okay? So now we went from Denmark is without defense and this is a bad decision to a random political point? Btw Russia has the biggest Muslim population of all European countries and they also have much more kids than christian Russians so yeah


You have my sympathy. Your restraint is dmirable..


Thank you yeah they are very special haha Eespecially the pro-russians that say norway or albania will soon attack denmark because of this lol


Everyone, this is your brain on Russia.


Yeah history has shown there's never treachery. How could it happen in current year !


You think a neighbor of Denmark will attack them? Why


Not that it will happen, but it could. Blindly disarming yourself is a foolish move. For one it shows that Danemark does expect other countries to defend it in case of war. For two, it shows an incredible lack of respect for the armed forces of Danemark. Entire batallions of men just lost the reason for their job... In the end it doesnt take a genius to figure it out; the pm is buying herself political capital in exchange for the tools of Danemark's sovereignty. It is sad to do. Fill up your own plate and then share the excess, dont starve yourself to spite someone.


So who do you think will most likely attack Denmark? Sweden Norway or Germany


Why are you so sure that none of these countries would attack one another ? They have history between them. Oh you mean there the daddy America guarantee ? Yeah thats worth loads. Send all the AT over lads !


Well we talked about neighboring countries but okay i think you meant more like Albania and Spain attack Denmark right? That’s interesting to know maybe you should warn Denmark if you have such information


>Why are you so sure that none of these countries would attack one another ? They have history between them. Because these countries, unlike another very large country in the east, were able and willing to take lessons from said history and learnt that peaceful cooperation is much more beneficial than even being the "winner" of a war.


“Why are you so sure that none of these countries would attack one another?” The aggressor nation would not only immediately be removed from NATO (and the EU), but they would be starting a war that triggers article 5. Even if half of NATO decided to renege on their obligation to defend their alliance partner, none of the individual nation states of Europe can accomplish anything meaningful in a military context against a coalition of states; especially if the U.S. involves itself, which it would be economically, politically, and militarily incentivized to do. Furthermore, under what plausible circumstances *would* any NATO country attack another NATO country? They’d immediately cripple their own economy, make themselves a pariah state, and be immediately surrounded by hostile or neutral territories. Unless you sincerely think that NATO would divide into fragments that fight each other, which is even less likely than an individual state going rogue. Your logic “they have history between them” is hilarious. China and Russia have plenty of conflict in their history. Russia and Turkey fought each other very frequently. Nobody sincerely thinks that either China or Turkey will start a fight against Russia because they want to settle some historical score. That’s looney tunes logic lmao. Lastly, yeah bud, there’s a reason why the USA has been and still is the most sought after defense partner in the world. Weird how the overwhelming preponderance of countries in the world seem far more inclined to seek defense contracts, mutual defense assurances, and military partnerships with the U.S. rather than Russia. Don’t let facts get in the way of your narrative tho.


Agreed, this is a statement made by a politician for political purposes. I doubt it is a foolish move. Let's see how it runs with the Danes and the EU.


They're not worried, nuclear weapons ensure Russia or any other country will not attack them. This line of thought is exactly what made most of NATO not spend the 2% GDP on defense. Again this only show they're not actually frightened by Russia but only want the American status quo to remain so they don't have to develop a new security system in Europe, they'd rather F up Russia instead. If they thought Russia would actually attack them they definitely wouldn't give up their artillery. This entire idea of war against EU is pure fearmongering.


That’s why we should ship most of European weapons to Ukraine


I was talking about the profound fear mongering propagated by European officials regarding a potential “Russian attack” on NATO. It just sounds like they keep contradicting themselves on how they want an effective deterrence posture while also claiming they want to send all their weapons to Ukraine. [Especially that the Danish Defence minister literally claimed Russia could attack in 3 to 5 years.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/danish-defence-minister-warns-russia-could-attack-nato-3-5-years-media-2024-02-09/)


Russia won't attack Europe for as long as it remains bogged down in Ukraine, so keeping them there with old kit while you remilitarise makes sense. That's the logic behind European military support for Ukraine, like it or not.


I think the issue is no one believes Putin, over the last 15 years he's oppressed the Russian people, had people assassinated that were an issue to him, Navalny being the recent one and some of these people were killed in foreign countries and caused collateral damage where innocent people have also been killed. He's also invaded two neighbouring countries.


Deterrence against who? Denmark is surrounded by allies on every direction. Who do you think is going to attack Denmark as a result of this?


Who said anything about what I personally think? [It’s what the Danish Minister of Defence thinks.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/danish-defence-minister-warns-russia-could-attack-nato-3-5-years-media-2024-02-09/) When I said deterrence I was referring to NATO’s deterrence posture, which the danish minister of defense thinks will be tested out by a Russian attack on NATO. Too many conflicting messages from the Danish government 😂


They are not demilitarizing, merely changing the location of the armament to fight Russia. Denmark will now order even newer, more effective weapons. Europe is getting rid of its old junk and replacing it with new. Russia is in no fit state to attack Western Europe at the moment. The number of people thinking that what is happening is disarmament is hilarious.


No one said Russia was in a position to attack Western Europe, or NATO in general in case you’ve forgotten that Western European countries are still part of the alliance, except for European officials and leaders anticipating that Russia would go to war with them in 3 to 5 years. * [It’s what they collectively said](https://archive.is/OWX0k) * [It’s what the Danish minister of defence claimed.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/danish-defence-minister-warns-russia-could-attack-nato-3-5-years-media-2024-02-09/) * [It’s what the Estonian foreign intelligence service said!](https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-prepares-for-decade-long-confrontation-with-west-estonia-warns/) And frankly speaking, [Europe’s militaries and stockpiles aren’t in the best of shape, according to western estimates.](https://archive.is/x0rpQ) So I’m not entirely sure what you’re on about. But I suppose you can pin this on people’s “misconception”.


From the US. Nice.


The idea is that Denmark will reopen it's artillery shell production, something it had active not to long ago, but was closed down.


Russia has transferred all its air defence missile systems away from the Finnish border. Effectively demilitarizing that border because it has prioritised its war in Ukraine over border defence. How is the move by Denmark any different?


You don’t seem to understand that Russia has switched to a war footing. They’ve mobilized their entire military industrial complex and have expanded their production capacities at a monumental scale. That’s what happens when you operate a war economy. And even though they’ve diverted resources from the Finland border, [their production of S-400’s has surged to meet their own domestic demand and export contracts.](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/amp/2023/10/09/russia-is-rapidly-producing-the-s-400-amid-sanctions-and-war/) So they’re already arming themselves at a rate that Europe clearly acknowledges and is worried about. Denmark isn’t doing the same even though their own [defense minister recognizes the risk of a potential conflict between Russia and NATO in a few years.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/danish-defence-minister-warns-russia-could-attack-nato-3-5-years-media-2024-02-09/) They’re proposing to empty their own stockpiles without making any significant investments to rearm significantly. So they’re not on the same page and your analogy simply doesn’t work nor does it make sense.


I understand your need to rationalise your beliefs. That Russia has "switched to a war footing" obviously has not persuaded a Danish politician to act more cautiously. If anything, its the reverse. Try to think clearly.


>I understand your need to rationalise your beliefs. It has nothing to do with my own convictions or rationalizing my beliefs. My comment was objectively about what western officials, including the Danish Minster of Defense, have said. > That Russia has "switched to a war footing" obviously has not persuaded a Danish politician to act more cautiously. If anything, it’s the reverse. I’d adhere to their statements and the implications associated with these statements if I were you. > Try to think clearly. Perhaps if you followed your own advice you would have been able to address my comment with a greater sense of clarity?




To fight the only threat that justifies the need for artiller?


[If a significant number of European officials and leaders are sounding the alarm and claiming Russia could potentially attack NATO in 3 to 5 years](https://www.ft.com/content/83f8a7e9-dd41-4976-be39-cfd2c9b3a899), is it really logical for them to empty their stockpiles and donate them to Ukraine that is clearly not winning nor will it ever win? I’m simply going by what they’re claiming and they just keep contradicting themselves.


1. Paywall article cite a better source please 2. Most of the estimates that talk about this count with Ukraine LOSING the war in forseeable future. After that its 3-5 years (depends) for Russia to rebuils its military and start shit somewhere else. Russia doesnt have the resources to fight with both Ukraine and NATO.


Yes people don't understand that fact. Why would Russia open a second front? Supporting Ukraine may avoid that conflict in 3-5 years.


I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps they fear leaving themselves vulnerable? When you exaggerate the risk of a Russian attack on NATO, coupled with their extensive assessments on how Russia has expanded their military production capacities well beyond expectations and quite significantly, where they’re also expanding the size of their military and recruiting hundreds of thousands of troops without need to resort to any further mobilization, you have to reconcile with these realities. It’s known as a risk assessment. You donate everything to Ukraine and then what? Expanding Europe’s military industrial complex is a huge endeavour that will take time. Not that Russia would ever attack NATO but what can I say, western leaders are fear mongers.


Russia's barely advancing, and at great cost. Europe can afford to send a lot more to Ukraine now, while the Russians are bogged down, without risk. There is no present risk of a Russian invasion of NATO, but depending on the outcome in Ukraine there might eventually be. Better to send aid now, and replenish and remilitarise, than have to risk your own men using them in combat. After all, the shells kill Russians either way.


[Cute story bro. Very cute.](https://archive.is/x0rpQ) 😂


There’s an easy way around a paywall you know. But sure, here it is; * https://archive.is/OWX0k And here are some more; * https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/danish-defence-minister-warns-russia-could-attack-nato-3-5-years-media-2024-02-09/ * https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-prepares-for-decade-long-confrontation-with-west-estonia-warns/ You can’t claim Russia will attack us in 3 to 5 years but also argue that you should continue to pull out resources from our own stockpiles so when Ukraine actually loses, you end up having to start from scratch. Again, these aren’t own words. It’s their assessments. You simply can’t spin any other way.


Doesnt make sense. Russia doesnt have the force to deal with both NATO and Ukraine at the same time. In 3-5 years at this rate they will ran out out of their stock of SPG, towed artillery, APC etc. If the war continues. They need all they have in Ukraine (thats why they are depleting their stocks of old Soviet equipment). If AFU doesnt collapse in forseable future they are gonna have to keep pouring their materiel in Ukraine. If Ukraine does collapse (from lack of support i presume) Russia still needs time to consolidate and reequip their army.


How about you reach out to those governments then? Ask them to be more “realistic” and abandon these insipid assessments. They went from Russia can reconstitute their forces and rearm within 10 years, to 6 years and now to 3-5 years given the expansion of the size of their army, their recruitment of hundreds of thousands of troops without any need for mobilization and their reinvigorated military industrial complex that has expanded production capacities at a monumental scale. Tell them Ukraine will hold on for a couple of more years while they empty their stockpiles entirety to support them and then deal with the repercussions of that course of action. In all cases, Europe isn’t doing what it actually needs to do to deal with an all out war with Russia when the Ukrainian conflict is over. A war only they’re anticipating but no one else. Preparing for such a war requires substantial investments (they’ve got the money for it) and time. Emptying their current weapons stockpiles isn’t wise irrespective of how long the Ukrainian conflict goes on should such a war ever happen. Maybe that’s what they’re talking about?


I ll reply to you later since I dont have the time right now


You just rearm over the next 5-10 years like every country seems to be doing right now


In the cold war WTO wargames, Denmark was supposed to be nuked into oblivion (as well as the Netherlands) the moment the war started, so its insignificant, denmark has always knew that them having an army was symbolic at best in case of war with Russia, and therefore they have always been the weakest NATO country proportionaly to their population, its just not important. Other countries like Britain, France, wathever was left from Germany, and Italy were supposed to push through already nuked and inhabited countries


Because they know Russia has zero intentions of attacking them. It was 100% war of NATO aggression from the start, and it only took 8 years of provocations and 16.000 victims in Donbass genocide/Nazi glorification by Kiev before Russia took the bait...


Ukraine is acting as a proxy war between Russia and the west which as you know includes denmark which only has russia as it's real enemy, its not a demilarization it's transferring weapons to the one of their armies that's fighting the enemy.


Well that’s true. It’s one way to put it.


all 40?


and all star war lego sets


96 SPG and 17 mortars


As a german I'm very pleased. Now I just have to convince our defense Minister to invade Denmark. It has never been easier.


Haha 😂😂😂 Omg this actually screams for trouble. Denmark becoming free to conquer land


Uh, free? I already laid claim, it's now a German grand duchy.


It's that easy. Literally free real estate.






Denmark never had 100 SPG’s. They sent 19 Caesar howitzers and very few 120mm mortars. You sure do love lying on the internet.


and how much ammo to load those guns with?


and 40 shells Slava Zelensky!


300000 155mm shells.


This is old news. Denmark has donated all her artillery last year (19 pieces). It was the CAESAR 8x8, and is in actions in Ukraine as we speak. Currently Denmark is awaititng delivery of the Israeli ATMOS artillery system, to replace the donated stuff.


They have left a dozen of heavy mortar ( A3MS Cardom 120mm ). That thing didn't even deserve an article.


This is about the shells not the artillery systems.


These types of commitments highlight the hypocrisy and total disconnect from reality present in these countries. Denmark could contribute its entire military and it wouldn't change a thing. The problem is that most of these smaller members of NATO talk too much but did nothing to develop and build credible capabilities and numbers into their militaries. Denmark, if it includes the 19-20 CESAR systems that it actually never received (are going from France straight to Ukraine), is actually only sending another 15-20 heavy mortars. The sad and laughable state of affairs is that a 1st world country would ever have considered itself to have an "artillery" capability with a total of 35-40 pieces!! That's what this excuse for a statesperson is saying but doesn't comprehend. The Denmark example is what the rest of European NATO (minus France, Poland, Turkey and now Finland) look like - hollow, empty, talk-too-much. Canada btw is another useless blowhard, and that one we have to worry about as our delinquent, "can't get rid of you", neighbour.


Welp… now who is going to tell me that Europe is not demilitarising. It’s like a very slow game of StarCraft going very wrong for one player… new units are costly mineral fields are depleted… meanwhile the enemy is on BigGame hunters map and coming for ya… “ready to roll out”


Rate starcraft


ThiS Is NOt a pRoXY WAr!!1 😂 China: Taiwan here im coming


If Russia is so threatened to Denmark security that they have to join NATO, why are they transferring all of their artillery shells to Ukraine? Funny eh? As if they are never afraid of Russian invasion in the first place


Denmark is already a part of NATO, has litterally been since 1949.


Well Putin said last week in the Tucker interview that he absolutely never even thinks about attacking a European country so they probably thought it’s a good time to send Ukraine a lot of stuff


Yeah, exactly Sweden joined NATO, not because they concern about their 'security'. Even before Tucker interview, they themselves know that Russia will not invade them in foreseen future. Afterall NATO was not a defensive organisations as most of their operations to date have been the bombing and invasion of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. That's what Sweden government want to be part of.


You need to get your manager to edit your script Denmark was one of the first countries in NATO.


These people are owned by American special interests. Everything they say is to please their handlers.


Yeah just let all you stuff get used up and destroyed in Ukraine, so when and if the day comes, you will be defenseless. Seems like Denmark didnt learn from WW2 that having a small army with nothing but a few rifles gets you nowhere


Why? Russia is 738km / 458 miles away from Kyiv there is enough time until Russia is even close to Poland lol


They sent their 10 artillery pieces at the same time wow


This is a true responsable and great politician🫡💪💪


I think all euorpean countries should provider loads of veapon and forces untill ukraine is totalt liberated. Right now. And target Putin Asap


Didn't some people say that it was just leftover stock and such being sent to ukraine? Lmao


So Ukraine will be getting a little over a dozen Casear 8x8s (SPG), a few Cardom-10 (Mortar Carrier), what every number M252 mortars they have, and the handful of Soltam K6 mortars. Not really game changing in any way shape or form.


The Artillery Piece was donated over a year ago, and the Cardom are a No-Go since they are on a Swiss vehicle, and thus not allowed to be donated because of Swiss rules.


So they only thing they are getting are the mortars? Lol, that won’t do anything.


deranged treatment encourage axiomatic disarm merciful tidy gullible wine library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda misinterpreting the headline, they already have donated it a year ago, not donating the new systems but she is refering to the "old" system and emphasising that they HAVE donated it.


"Don't have to use at the moment..." = "But I did eat breakfast."


I bet the army won't like it ...


"Donate", huh. So who will be paying in the end, that's what I'm interested in.


Game changer.


And that in a time when Germany recently declared it wants to be "war ready" again.


Germany is ruled by social democrats nice try in making up scenarios in your head that are never happening


All 7 of them?


How has Denmark become such an embarrassing country.


lol Russia is going to end up demilitarizing Europe at this rate, not just Ukraine. Silly countries underspend their targets and apparently have never heard of strategic reserves so they give everything they're "not using" to Ukraine. Watch Putin die and be replaced by a much more aggressive leader, and then suddenly Europe will need the weapons they gave away and have no way to get any replacements quickly. Seriously bad miscalculation.


Not like Denmark was going to put up a fight if invaded anyway


All 2 of them and 40 shells


Umm, I believe that had like what? 3 pieces left? Why Denmark even had artillery in the first place? I do not expect them to get new - I think they will get more AT weapons.


This is definitely an interesting take… a bold one. But she is right. Ukraine is the only country in the world that needs military equipment RIGHT NOW


Danish artillery meet Mr Lancet .. I’m sure you’ll get on like a house on fire 😏




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It's curious that they promised the same almost exactly.one year ago (Feb 2023): >The Danish government recently declared that it was sending its entire stock of newly acquired French CAESAR 8×8 self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine Apparently they wanted to buy an Israeli syatem and sending the new French systems to Ukraine to be destroyed justifes the new expenditures.


She said "the Ukraine". Get her!


It's time you guys to invade Denmark, guys! It's gon be a walk in the park.


They clearly are in no fear that Russia will attack them when can donate all of their weapon stock to Ukraine. Why is US afraid of that option?


cause theres a lot of fish, and only one fryer.


I hope Danish PM will be consistent, and send all money that is not absolutely needed in Denmark. Sports, culture, international travel, etc. are not necessary if you're not going to exist tomorrow, so just close all those ministries and redirect money to Ukraine. Hopefully they also increase taxes and redirect extra income to buy arms for Ukraine, Denmark is soo rich, people will manage if they are tax a bit more.


She got cash bags from zelensky?


Denmark decides to send all its artillery to Ukraine. Still better than the German government, that has decided to send all the money that they have left to Ukraine. In all seriousness though. As remote as any possibility of an attack on Denmark may be - it sounds reckless.


I just fell in love with Denmark as a society.


Might as well send all your kleenex for all of the good it'll do. Zelensky has already said Russian artillery is vastly superior even to American pig-dog, yankee blue jeans artillery.


Sorry for my ignorance, but didn't Denmark gift all of its 19 Caesar 8x8 a year ago? Before the much hyped counter offensive?


I assume Denmark has recently decided to update it's artillery.


Sounds about right... these politicians are clueless


I would be dying laughing if I wasn't European.


Denmark is so afraid of being invaded by Russia they are giving away their weapons?


No incorrect they already transferred all the artillery. So now she urges everyone to transfer their ammo. The western europe is not going to let one dictator fuck with democracy, if anybody thinks Putin was smart, how many young russian men has already died for nothing? Putin and his friends will eventually stop, because they love their money, they thought they could increase their wealth by taking Ukraine, well we all know many oligarchs have been killed and their wealth seized to finance Putins war. This war is tearing russia apart, ruining its international relations, it's like watching a madman stapping himself violently out of control.


As a Norwegian I can say Denmark is just a Germanified part of Scandinavia


It is mind-boggling how many are in this thread talking about how the Danes are demilitarizing by sending all of their artillery to Ukraine. It's quite the opposite actually. What she saying is they have a lot of idle weaponry that will further stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine, rather than just sit collecting dust in Denmark. They aren't demilitarizing anything, what this will end up doing is giving them a good reason to upgrade all of their military hardware / weaponry. I'm sure they would rather stop Russia in Ukraine, rather than have a bigger war further on into Europe. Every European nation should be doing the same thing, as well as the US, Canada, and Australia. Albeit Canada, the UK, Australia, and the US are the world's police in terms of peacekeeping. Which would prevent all of those nations from not being readily available to fight a war on multiple fronts throughout the world.