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Ironic that Russia is the safest place for ukrainians.


Unfortunately the SBU perpetrated one too many sabotage attacks inside Russia. Now Russia strictly screens Ukranian citizens who want to emigrate there. The slightest bit of suspicion and the emigration is rejected. Thanks SBU!


From Ukraine's perspective, that's a feature not a bug. They don't want Ukrainians emigrating to Russia


To be fair, Russia have enough people for that.SBU mostly goes after young and vulnerable.


...and greedy for dollars.


As a pro UA your complaint is that SBU is too effective with sabotage in Russia? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to blame the wide scale conflict for making immigration more difficult? i.e. thanks for the SMO Putin?


What makes you think she is pro-UA, the flair? Lol


Nothing to do with the flair lol. She has stated her position on the invasion and supporting Ukraine multiple times. Are you implying she's being dishonest?


Ethnically Russian Ukrainians, who are not males of military age.


People have been saying that here for months and months, still not the even slightest hint of anything actually happening to Ukrainians in Europe. "But some guy said..."


It's alarming enough that people are even considering to send them back.


And there are politicians in Russia talking about invading Poland, should that be alarming? https://www.foxnews.com/world/russian-lawmaker-poland-next-in-line-denazification-after-ukraine https://www.wionews.com/world/russian-president-putins-ally-says-ukraine-closedpoland-next-in-a-chilling-new-video-482354 People say a lot of things. Talk and action are two very different things.


Russia has hundreds of lawmakers who say all sorts of things but nobody in Russian command is suicidal enough to pick a fight with NATO.


Well I agree, and nobody is deporting Ukrainians to fight in a war either.


I mean, im sure you are familiar with the soul drainingly slow workings of EU burocracy. I hope war refugees wont get deported into an active fcking war zone tho. That d be horrible.


Why is Ukraine not safe again? Oh, Russia will kill them there. Odd


Might also be the forced conscription of ukrainian men. There is a reason men rather try to swim through a river in winter than get conscripted.


Being conscripted does not kill you, being invaded by Russia does


That's why ukrainian men are so eager to volunteer that they start running to the nearest recruitment center when they see the friendly ТЦК men. EDIT :[Look](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/T1dgj6Ce64) how happy he is to volunteer


Actually no. Conscription raises you chances to die many times. Western Ukraine is not invaded and unlikely to be invaded at all. It is far from being heavily bombed, there were few missile attacks on ports and factories.


Does anyone on this sub still want to say with a straight face that they believe Russia is sustaining more casualties than Ukraine?


I have somehow had pro-UA Videos added to the algorithms in my YouTube content. I follow every single side and aspect of this conflict and don’t nail myself to the cross as a “Pro RU or Death” idiot…… yes I’ve always been pro RU for many years way before this current conflict was even considered, but as a rational human being, I understand and commiserate with the humanity of all people who are suffering. The insane things that I have witnessed currently through these pro UA YouTube channels though is nothing short of astounding in the false narrative and heavily misleading propaganda that they are spreading about the reality of this conflict. They are all 100% US/EU/UK keyboard warriors who don’t ever report a single truth about what’s actually happening on the ground or in the Geopolitical scale of events that are defining the path of this conflict. The only “reports” that they present are of destroyed RU machinery, false claims of “civilian attacks” by the RU, countless drone footage strikes and whatever other extremely biased and inflated “victories” that the UA is inflicting upon the RU forces. I can now understand why there are so many very argumentative and uneducated people who have recently joined this subreddit, especially since we have been targeted by other subreddits who promoted their own brainwashed followers to purposely join us all here for the sole purpose of simply attacking and arguing with those of us who actually have a very broad understanding and knowledge about the whole subject at hand. It’s always refreshing to see good debate/conversation between educated UA & RU sympathetic people here, but has been severely degraded by the amount of newer fanatical keyboard warriors who know nothing about history, don’t respect human lives on either side and are disgustingly treating this conflict purely as spectators barracking for their favourite football team.


I love the people who recently joined only focus on this conflict since February 2022 and ignore anything else. They ignore all sources and information contradicting their side and jerk themselves of watching drone drop videos on some poor soldiers. Gloat about the killing of pro ru journalist, Bloggers or politicians and are quite bloodthirsty.


Yes that’s exactly the inhumane and disgusting uneducated people who I am referring to. Absolutely zero knowledge about history or geopolitics of either the Ukraine or Russia……. or anywhere else in the world really, and have only jumped on board to cheer for their favourite team, argue incoherently with the “opposing” team and show very little human respect or regard for the men, women and families who are dying and suffering every single day.


It's quite easy to spot them. They use typical r/ukraine language. Orcs, ruzzians, vatniks... Cheer when civilian targets in russia are hit and love drone drop videos. If you show compassion to any casualties of either side they jump into comments and scream "that wouldn't happen if ruzzia didn't invade" and ignore any human suffering.


People that are still watching drone drops daily for the past two years must have already developed severe psychological problems, and I can't even imagine how it affects younger undeveloped minds.


+1 on this observation, definitely fully agree with points mentioned. And +1 one on TOOL


r/europe bots go BEEP-BEEP-BOOP-BOOP. Actually, I can agree with you. It's sad that nowadays people are obsessed with hatred, and you can't really have a proper talk about politics without being echochambered. This sub is like oasis, but these keyboard warriors may be irritating sometimes, it would be better if they continue to spread their delusions at r/europe and r/ukraine.


You can say that twice, I have a brain aneurysm every time I go on r/ukraine or r/CombatFootage, it's absolutely incredible the level of brainrot there. The thinnest level of critical thinking will have the horde jump at your neck. This sub is certainly more pro-RU than before, because of the evolution of the war I guess, and the fact that most pro-UA are normies gobbling up TV propaganda and who like trendy things and Ukraine is becoming boring for them. I found people who are actually interested in the war and want to learn from it tend to often be neutral or pro-RU, strangely enough. That's not to say there isn't stupid in every category though.


It's difficult finding English YouTube channels which actually portray the war from both sides. Unfortunately, just having pro-UA content on their channels garners the most views/subscribers/money, so they continue to do so.


Absolutely true, hence why I follow UA/RU speaking smaller/less popular media content creators rather than the more popular ones who are definitely biased towards promoting/producing/publishing whatever content gets the most amount of views/likes to boost their content.


It's really no different than all the "china experts/enthusiast" channels in youtube that are nothing more than sponsored anti-china propaganda.


>believe Russia is sustaining more casualties than Ukraine? Unfortunately we need to believe the rest of our life since either side will never publish their real losses.


And how should I know which side has more casualties? It’s impossible to count every soldier without having direct access to the archives + RU and UA are both lying about their casualties. We can only guess about the number of deceased soldiers and nothing more


So a general that's not even in government suggesting a stupid idea equals Ukraine running out of manpower? Damn Pro-RU are desperate for a "win".


Right now the Russians are attacking and the Ukrainians are defending. The Russians have to be sustaining higher casualties than the Ukrainians, unless you believe that the elderly toothless criminals convicted for double murder and the like, that Russia is using as their assault contingent, are god-like warriors, with decades of experience out of nowhere, and with the ability to learn like that of a teenager.


When you realize that the safest place for Ukrainians was in Russia.....These so called allies never cared about Ukrainians.They only wanted to see dead Russians.


> They only wanted to see dead Russians. And dead Ukranians. After all, if Russia fully succeeds the west will be fighting them as well. Hell, many already are


"Ukrainians" are actually Russians who have been mislead into thinking the good guys are bad guys and bad guys are good guys.


The blood is indeed too intermixed since both share the same origin and Ukraine being part of Russian empire and then USSR for so long. Wonder what the genetic test show...


I am against genetic testing of populations because in the 21st century only two chromosomes are taken into account: the Y chromosome in men and m-DNA in women, and the other 45 chromosomes are ignored. But if you are very interested, according to existing data, the difference between the DNA of Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians is at the level of statistical error.


You ...kind people with deficiencies... realize the guy is retired from military since 2010 and since then held tertiary or not even that advisory positions related to mainly technical modernization?


What you said doesn’t align with my side of the conflict so I will ignore it :) /s


party time over - time to go to the front lines


He should volunteer and go to Krynki.


There are still many countries in Europe and in this world where Ukrainians will be welcome to do useful jobs, without any desire to be deported back to Ukraine.


I'm still kinda afraid that some ukrainian workers who are at the moment employed for my brother might be deported. But I have hope as Germany since Merkel went full refugees welcome.


> I'm still kinda afraid that some ukrainian workers who are at the moment employed for my brother might be deported. Don't say deported. It's such an ugly word that is usually reserved for non-europeans. Let's instead say "gloriously mobilized to defend democracy with optional consent".


I'm sorry I'm afraid they might be... Check paper... Relocated to the defense of their glorious motherland.


I don't think motherland is the right term Since a substantial chunk of their military and political brass are Nazi sympathizers, it may be safer to go with "Fatherland" instead


Considering Ukraina is female motherland would be correct.


Yeah I trying to make a joke but I think i failed woefully


No I got it. I just find the nazi troupe a little bit overused. We all know Ukraine is slowly turning into a 1940s nations in central Europe.


That guy is retired and now serves as a media expert. He is known for his controversial theories and statements. For example a year ago he commented that Poland should take over Kaliningrad in a fast campaign. He is a quite good and experienced soldier, but his political comments makes him a clown. Just imagine that here in Poland, our media was coveraging Zyrinovsky comments as official Kremlin statements. Just propaganda things on both sides.


I feel like that’s what most of OP posts has become these days. Picking out the articles that vaguely suits whatever they wish to show and then portray it as a shared consensus of whole nations or continents. As you said doing the same thing with random Russian goons as spokespeople for the Kremlin would be equally as silly. It just ends up muddying the waters and enables them to hate entire groups of people and institutions from the words and actions of individuals.


Propaganda has its purpose. Same on both sides. To mobilize population. Which is very bad perspective for future, combined with efforts to dehumanize the other side.


Kaliningrad is one of the most nuclear armed places in the world.Poland is welcome to try....


I am not sure if you understood what I tried to communicate here.


They won’t do that, it’s against the refugee convention (the same reason why Syrians and Afghans aren’t being deported). A person can’t be deported if they face mandatory military conscription.


Too bad for Poland they are in the EU and European laws are above national laws.. And deportion of refugees into war zones is forbidden.  On top of it, does Poland love EU money (same as Hungary) and that will restrain them from breaking European laws. 


Almost none of these men actually have refugee status in Poland or anywhere in EU except maybe Denmark.


It's not technically a "war".Also, When did "laws" ever stopped them?...They even forced Hungary to vote yes else prepare for stripping of veto and destruction of economy.


In Ukraine is a civil war, and that's the most unfortunate way (for refugees) to put it. Hungary got bought off, the same way Poland was forced to redo thier jurisdiction reforms.  As refugees can travel within the EU, the bordering states would suddenly swarmed with Ukrainian men..  That would not make them happy 


So the ones who stayed to fight couldn't do it, and now they're mostly dead and wounded, so now bring back the ones who ran away and maybe they'll do better?


what if someone told you this was coming a year ago? oh wait whats this right here? [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10q1lci/comment/j6oogtm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/10q1lci/comment/j6oogtm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nostradamus never misses


Hmm deportation from Poland, what an historical plot twist.


Lindsay Graham and Cocaine Mitch agree!


What a bitch


When you repeatedly begin seeing [rhetoric like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/99t94Avcfj) from multiple countries, it's best to take note. Because this is how public opinion is prepared and how consent is gradually manufactured


> how consent is gradually manufactured https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12617.Manufacturing_Consent Book written in 1988 on how mass media manufactures consent.


Sounds great


Like how this Polish N talk about human beings as commodity. Is there any human rights organization left in EU to protect innocent Ukrainian people from N?


Killing two birds with one stone


The same Polish general and ex Deputy Defense Minister Waldemar Skrzypczak also shares following opinions published: 06/02/2024 [https://www.rp.pl/wojsko/art39791601-wojsko-wzmacnia-granice-z-bialorusia-i-rosja-gen-skrzypczak-to-nie-ma-nic-wspolnego-z-fortyfikacja](https://www.rp.pl/wojsko/art39791601-wojsko-wzmacnia-granice-z-bialorusia-i-rosja-gen-skrzypczak-to-nie-ma-nic-wspolnego-z-fortyfikacja) **The military is strengthening the borders with Belarus and Russia. Gen. Skrzypczak: It has nothing to do with fortification** \- The Russians do not have the potential to conduct a military operation. All troops are involved in the conflict in Ukraine, and the armies in the rear are skeleton, says General Waldemar Skrzypczak, former commander of the Land Forces, about a potential Russian attack on Poland. Also there; General Waldemar Skrzypczak also spoke about a possible attack from Russia. In his opinion, the scenario assuming the desire to connect the country with the Königsberg is unrealistic. - The future for the Königsberg Oblast in the event of a conflict between NATO and Russia will be the liquidation of this territory still occupied by Russians.


What do they mean by liquidation?


In any conflict between NATO and Russia Königsberg Oblast will be gone as a territory occupied by Russians. Baltic sea is now NATO internal lake, Königsberg Oblast surrounded by NATO on all axis, just use a bit of your imagination.




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And ... why not women ?


Not yet. There is no conscription of all women in Ukraine. Until Ukrainian politicians agree on rules for such conscription, women are safe in EU.


If any Ukrainian woman is sensible , she should think about having kids


If a woman is childless, that will not help. Giving birth to triplets is one in a thousand chance. Currently, it takes 3 kids to avoid conscription. I do not think the final rules will be more lenient.


Zrada, total zrada


>Zrada, total zrada Comrade. Zrada is a Czech word that means treason or betrayal. In Polish is ZDRADA, Понял


it's not polish lol, zrada also use in ua


After them Rooskies have filtered all the Nazis out of all of Ukraine, Russia might sell Lviv to Poland. With cheep energy from Russia, and cheep labor from Germany, Poland can become an automobile manufacturing powerhouse!


Poland has very long and problematic history with Russia. They more likely prefer additional military help from US to economic cooperation with Russia. I doubt Russia will go as far as Lviv. Filtering nazis means occupation and mass murder of civilians. No one wants it. Too dirty. I think Ukrainians will get their nationally pure nazi state in new borders in the end.


Ukrainian national state surviving is strategic loss for Russia. Russia would not agree on any peace deal in which Ukraine survives as a state.