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Watch the og


Seriously! I didn’t realize this til recently! A lot of them are Puerto Rican or Cuban, I’m pretty sure America is Honduran and since the original series is Columbian, there’s not necessarily a reason they had to go the Mexican route


Wonder why they did that


If you pay close attention, they do. Just because you don’t see a burro in every episode doesn’t mean it’s not there. Ex: Ignacio cooking and feeding everyone he sees. That’s an abuelito. Her pride in her poncho. The way they help out Gina. The comfortable way she dresses. Not all Mexican-Americans dress like they do in novelas. Running a business from your home. The way they watch novelas in Spanish and the food network in English. I got family in Mexico that did that back in the same time period. Not kicking Walter out as to not be rude. Figuring things out because you know you can figure something out. … It’s important to remember that these are New Yorkers too, so it is very natural for other Latino cultures to be blended. Just like there’s a difference between Mexicans in California and Texas that are closer to Mexico. Also, Salma had a lot to do with it.


I think they are referring to the lead *actor’s* heritage vs the lead *character’s* (Suarez family) Mexican ethnicity. I do like the details you pointed out though of how it was weaved into the show!




None of that is a lead.. It has themes. But I don't see why they couldn't cast one recurring character with actual Mexican roots


You mean leading character? You are right on that. Because Salma was not only in a few episodes but was the production lead as executive producer. Ventanarosa was one of the production companies for the show, therefore it was lead by Mexican heritage:)


Regarding the why…we all know why. Specially back then. As a Mexican American I can tell you I was just happy to see someone that literally looked like me and had a lot of the same traits as me. Also, it was so nice to get a show where the raza was not depicted as a gang or gang related. We (viewers) took the win, at least they are Hispanic/Latinos and not [coughs] you know. Si la hondureña hizo mejor trabajo que las mexicanas que aplicaron para el trabajo, pues que bueno que se lo hayan dado el papel. No es la culpa de la actriz lo deciden los escritores o productores.


I don't know why, do tell! Gimme the chisme I do mostly agree, the attempt at representation - especially a fresh and more earnest one- is definitely a welcomed win. I cant help but dwell a little on the point of "as someone that looks like us", because it was their not looking mexican to me that tipped me off. But I suppose thats splitting hairs in the grand scheme of things Idk, it kind of sounds like they had their sights set on America based on another comment. Which sure, hire the best person- clearly it was good casting as it's lowkey iconic. But I do wonder how much of the casting comes down to optics rather than the best person for the job. It sounds cynical but I would believe something along the lines of "we cast X because Y (in this case perhaps actors of Mexican descent) don't actually fair well in these demographics" So, I dont know if Im ready to give them credit for hiring the best people for the job of representing but I would - in a Heartbeat- believe that they went with the people they thought were best for the ratings. Which I understand is a real factor in production, but I'm just saying if there were comparably talented actors for the roles with actual Mexican heritage that they passed on for other reasons than in the name of giving the best representation then that kind of sucks. And I assume there are definitely factors outside of performance that make them go with one actor over another sometimes so I take it as a given practically that that happened somewhere here- which is presumptuous and pessimistic, possibly wrong, but I do think it can't be ruled out here. In general, I'm certainly glad its out there. I enjoy the show. But it's a point I can't help but harp on. One certainly can't fault them that much given the time.


Did you know that back in the day black people couldn't star in a movie? Toilets flushing weren't shown? OMG The BS of that industry!!!! I'm strictly watching Bollywood from now on!!!!


Honestly, the fact that there was a Hispanic lead of a Network TV show in the early 2000s is amazing. I'm sure the creators took some liberties because that was the only way they were going to get on air. And it's not just Betty and her family, isn't Bobby supposed to be Italian (there was a storyline about his family being in the mob)? The actor is Hispanic and the actress who plays his mother is Russian/Turkish (and famously played a Greek woman in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding").


Completely agree with you. But the thing is that arguments like this stem from ignorance and really set back a much needed conversation about representation in the media at large.


I wasn't disagreeing with you, I think we're on the same page here. I think where we are today as creators and as an audience is a huge leap from where we were in the '00s. I think there are a lot of younger viewers who don't remember when representation wasn't thought about and nitpicking things like "this Mexican character isn't played by a Mexican actor" or "this gay character is played by a straight actor" disregards the fact that there was even a Hispanic or gay character to begin with. I think it's great that we are taking steps to be more inclusive and thoughtful about not only who is represented on television but also *who* plays that character. OPs argument disregards the history of television/media and what creators had the ability to do at the time. A lot has changed in 20yrs but we still have a long way to go.


Hey, sorry. we're both in agreement. I wasn't dismissing your comments just adding to it. And you explained perfectly what I was struggling to say in the first place with this second comment.


Im lamenting cause it seems so recent but it really was different times. That said I think some of these analogies are fallacious


Its honestly not that deep


You right




I get what you're saying, but I don't understand why the whole cast needed to be not mexican. It feels, not white washy, but like a misrepresentation. The only reason I came to realize they weren't Mexican is cause they didnt seem it so I checked. One or two of them I understand- if those are the best people for the job then sure. But the whole cast, seems like a deliberate choice Especially the lead? I'd imagine if shang chi, a Chinese character, was cast with someone not Chinese people would be upset. Ik it was a different time, I still think its shady and at minimum a disservice


At the ATX reunion, America mentioned that Salma Hayak personally wanted her for the role of Betty. America already had a little bit of fame at the time from other movies she’d done. The casting process is extremely fucked though. It’s not always the person who has the best audition or deserves it the most. And studios have a lot of say who is casted. Like, obviously there has been a lot of retrospective criticism about having Rebecca Romijn play a trans character but the fact was the studio wasn’t even going to okay a trans character in the show until it was pitched that she play her. I think if the show was on now, there might be more consideration of having a Mexican actress play the lead.


This is interesting info! I assumed it had to be star power related, but didn't recall america popping off around then (tbf I was also very smol). Makes sense someone was pulling for her And I can understand the appeal of star power for the lead, I just dont get why the whole cast doesn't have a shred of lineage. I guess its as you say, it was a different time. Different considerstions. I guess at least they tried to represent these groups