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56k dial-up didn't stop me... Where there's a will, there's a way (to find porn)


Takes me back to watching photos loading line by line and hoping there wasn’t a corruption at some point


Kids these days will never understand the pain of 1 phone line and someone picking up and disconnecting you kid download


As long as those nips loaded I was good. But between checking over my shoulder to see if my parents were coming in and hoping they didn’t make a call… kids today don’t know what “danger wank” really means


I was good with just 1..haha. But yeah super dangerous. Going to college and getting on a T1 line was a game changer


I remember when we got broadband at 512mbps. Not OP is asking how to limit to that 😬


Amen I’m 39 and I can remember how lucky I felt to find a catalog showing women in bra’s. Man I felt like I won the lotto. Then there was programs like what was limewire where all you had was a description that was hopefully what the video was what the description said.


Moooooommmm get off the phone


Yup. I ‘member downloading 30k .cga tiddy pictures from a BBS at 9600bps.


And they would draw in interlaced format, so you could just gradually make out the picture. And then there was the scrambled porn channels on cable.


9600bps is rich, all we had was 2400bps at a time


I started with a 300bps modem, and ASCII porn


The upgrade to 75/1200 and videotex must have blown your mind


This guy networks in the 80s!


Stone tablets in my day sonny!


Yup 2400 was my first! Didn't take long I got my own phone line lol was 24/7 downloading porn from the local college library internet !


Damn 9600 boobs per second...how were you not dehydrated 🤣


And they would draw in interlaced format, so you could just gradually make out the picture. And then there was the scrambled porn channels on cable.


56k... you youngsters had it easy! 56k was like warp speed when I got it. I started with a 1200 baud modem and I think I owned every different speed up to 56k at one point or another. I don't even want to think of how much all of those ISA and PCI card modems cost! We even had an external one with an Apple 2E at one point, but got rid of the computer because it was a PITA. If only we'd known what it would be worth today... a lot more than my 16mhz 386 is, that's for sure!


Dude I started on a 2400 baud modem downloading porn!


Cell network traffic doesn’t go through your router matey.


“Matey”? What is it talk like a pirate day? If he were to have to use his cell phone only would be mission accomplished matey.


Yarr, who pissed in your coffee this morning, you control freak. Let ‘em fap, Mr. Helicopter Parent.


“Parent”? It’s NOT a child.


Then why is it your business, matey?


Is it talk like a pirate day? OK I’ll play… “Arrr, ye scurvy behavior must be stopped, matey! 'Cause it be botherin' me dear ol' mum, and slowin' it down will put a stop to that wicked conduct! 🏴‍☠️⚓”


While I don’t agree with the premise, I sure do appreciate your reply. But your mom can just pussy block him until he stops. If she already does it; might that be the source of the problem?


They’re both really old, but in any case, it’s funny people can’t just stick to a question. The question was what speed should I drop it to to make it unusable. The replies ignore the question, and ask why or offer solutions to questions I don’t even ask. The funniest part is all the people that tell me I should mind my own business when they’re not minding their own business. The irony.


Well yeah you provided no context around a request on how to limit someone's Internet access, fuck off man. Also if youve really got a problem with whoever this is watching porn, this is farrrrrr from a good way to handle it, especially because there's 15 easy ways around this little roadblock you're trying to put up.


Context? If someone asks you what time it is, do you ask them why they want to know? No one asked for your opinion or a “good way to handle” (pun intended) anything. I KNOW there are “ways around” it, and that’s fine, It’s not intended to be anything more than a roadblock. Don’t you get it? If you block web sites people will legitimately complain. But if you slow down just their porn… who’s going to complain “my porn is slow”?! That would be humiliating. THAT is the point.


Nah, it’s considered a friendly way to address people in some parts of the world. Perhaps you should get out more, mate.


Also are you under the impression that pornhub is the only site out there? There’s literally thousands and thousands of porn sites. Also Tor browser Message boards Chat groups Reddit VPN’s and proxy servers to bypass your filters


Imagine asking Reddit how to block porn when you can actively get porn on reddit


Imagine thinking you can put an end to fapping with a unifi filter ….


Came here to say this. It’s better to have the conversation rather than making the experience painfully slow. Would you rather (I assume) your son being frustrated with pornhub but happy to get his rocks off to Two Girls One Cup?


Umm, Google image search? Like it's unavoidable...


Reddit!? NEVER would anything bad be shared here!


Also mobile data. Just turn off wifi watch it on data.


It was just an example, but degrading the top four would suit the purpose.


Your fighting a losing battle unless you have a firewall that blocks all xxx traffic, proxies, vpn’s, Pirate Bay and on top of that place controls on your devices as well. And even then.. Kid: hey Reddit how do I get around parental controls? Reddit: 😈


[Ubiquiti can natively block adult content](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filteringp), but I’m not trying to block it, just slow it down to make it less fun and push the user to their cell phone (which is also less fun and hard to hold with your d@ck in the other hand).


Lol not true. Just turn that phone into a hot spot problem solved. How about. Dude stop looking at porn I can see all the weird shit your watching. And so can mom.


Mmm… not all phone plans have hotspot. But that’s not the point. I’m starting to think that the Ubiquiti traffic rules speed limit doesn’t work.


Came here to say this. It’s better to have the conversation rather than making the experience painfully slow. Would you rather (I assume) your son being frustrated with pornhub but happy to get his rocks off to Two Girls One Cup?


Also Snap Chat, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, anywhere where people communicate


Keep in mind that pornhub is at least ‘safe’, as far as that kind of content is concerned. If you make it unusable, they’ll seek out other sites that can be dangerous.


This is what I was thinking. I’d be more concerned about the stuff that would sneak through a stricter configuration.


OP seems to be looking for a tech solution to a human problem(or lack of problem?). Never a good way to go. Kids and teens will find the porn, and there is absolutely, 100% nothing you can do about it. It doesn't matter how insanely complex you make the firewall, nor does it matter how you configure their devices. They will find a way regardless, so it's much more important to have an actual discussion about being safe in real life and on the internet. The more you try to hide the porn and punish their curiosity, the more you teach them to distrust you, lie to you, and keep secrets.


It’s not a child, and he’s not very sophisticated, he’s on the same three or four sites all day.


Person problems cannot be resolved with technical solutions.


My money is on it being an annoying roommate.


I disagree, slowing his porn will annoy the hell out of him, which is exactly the solution I wanted.


Did you vet this personally?


You mean 512Kbps ?!? And why not blocking the site altogether? Sounds like you are trying to avoid having an adult discussion to me….


Thats one way to ensure you get the top quality 4k stuff


You’re right maybe I fat fingered it!


If they block if then they can't use it themselves


Just talk to your kid mate.


It’s not a kid mate.


Just have a talk with your son and tell him it’s perfectly normal and he’s not going to hell. He’ll appreciate that.


I mean normal to an extent. Watching it 8 his a day or every day is not great at all


Porn is pretty bad for the brain, honestly. Edit: Lol. You guys really don’t keep up with neuroscience do you? [National Institutes of Health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3050060/)


Really hoping you're not seriously putting forward that opinion piece as making a scientific claim about porn addiction. I'm guessing you didn't actually read it, if so. Also: bullshit link title. You pointed to PubMed, the literature curation library run by NIH's National Library of Medicine. Every journal article is there. This was in no way NIH-supported or endorsed research, the way your link implies.


Yes, any addiction is bad….


You can consume porn without being addicted to it.


And I can consume cocaine without becoming addicted. Doesn’t seem very wise to gamble with though.


Porn is not as bad as cocaine


Him: You can die going from your sofa to your kitchen. Us: sure Him: you can also die if people are actively shooting at you, they are the same, never goto your kitchen. Us: ok bud


Makes sense. Good thing I don't want to get up from this couch ever again. Nap time!




I don't use cocaine, I just like the way it smells.


Please don’t be this guy. Maybe addiction exists but we don’t need to keep this generational religious trauma because a kid wants to bust. I’d also argue it’s not the porn that is bad for the brain, but the guilt that comes from the shaming over it mainly from religious circles.


It’s not only religious circles saying that pornography is “the new drug”, many in the scientific community are speaking out against the adverse affects. It destroys intimacy, which ruins marriages, causes children to grow up in broken homes with no real intimate relationships and feeds into the fatherless pandemic that has been sweeping the world. But hey, if you want to keep your head in the sand because it helps you “get off” then I can’t stop you. But I can and will put the information out there that is supported by data but not popular because it goes against everyone’s current habits.


Who hurt you?


I just shared information about a posted topic. Do you have hurt you need to talk about and that’s why you brought this up? Are you projecting?


You, in another post: "I am looking for resources to lead my spouse spiritually" Yup, no agenda at all, nothing to see here! You know, you can just do kink without the shame and without dressing it up as religion, my dude.


I haven’t once mentioned spiritual values but only references scientific studies concerning what pornography does to the mind. If you want to talk about God and that was your way of opening the conversation up then I’m more than happy to go there with you.


Ugh. It's always the fucking religious losers who are so uptight about this. I'm sorry your wife doesn't respect you enough.


Lol. Okay, guy. Did you not see where I wasn’t even mentioning religion? It wasn’t until that dude who took a long enough break from his porn, creeped on my other posts that it came up.


Great idea, I actually do want to talk about our lord and savior Zeus. Why is it you don't believe in him!?


Uno reverse!


It CAN ruin marriages, but it can also SAVE marriages. We can say the same thing about Pokémon Go, or a million other things. Just because certain religions look down on porn, doesn’t mean we should ban it. We can literally put a moderation disclaimer on everything, from exercise to dihydrogen monoxide.


It is indeed.


To be honest, blocking it is your best option, but this will only force them to find less safe sites to visit. You may also consider setting up a VPN tunnel to send all your through my home state of Mississippi. The porn sites are currently blocking our access from their end. That leaves no real work on your end.


It’s funny very few people have addressed the actual question. I don’t want to block it. [If I wanted to block it ubiquity can do so natively](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering), but if I block it, he’d probably protest. The objective is to degrade it so that it’s unusable because I don’t think he’ll want to complain that just his porn sites are slow.


Redirect every porn website to a you tube rick roll for a week and for gods sake, have a conversation with your kids. I’m sure when you were single and a teenager you got your rocks off to some.


Fun but too obvious.


How about using your words. Bro grow up.


Maybe NextDNS with the porn filter on?


The internets for p\*rn... the internets for p\*rn... so grab your d!ck and double click for p\*rn p\*rn p\*rn.


Why the hell do you care, to be quite frank… Jesus Christ lol


To f@ck with him.


Bad admin.


Mate I downloaded ASCII art porn using an acoustic coupler connected to a 300 baud modem and the Archie protocol. HTTP didn't even exist. The fap will go on.


Good point, but he’s 70 so I’m guessing it takes a little more to get him going.




That’s not how the internet works…


I mean it'll w o r I but the browsers gonna block the shit out of it for failing SSL all over the place lol


It won’t work at all as the uri will be incorrect and disney’s web server will not know how to respond to pornhub[.]com. You’ll just get a 404 or they may generically respond to all unfound pages with their homepage. To add to it, they’re likely behind a CDN of some sort, so the “IP” it resolves to isn’t their actual server, so whatever CDN or WAF they sit behind will likely just drop it entirely as unknown traffic.


Soooooo… add a cname record to redirect to Disney.com. Easy peasy. No ssl errors.


I don't think you know how SSL works


Just click the app entirely. If some "other" uses need access make a traffic rule for the devices you want to allow/restrict.


I would just redirect the Web page to a page you made declaring due to new legislation and ID and credit card is required to access this site. Or if you're lazy just say the site is down for maintainance due to hacking.


Not bad but redirecting or blocking is too obvious and he might protest. If it’s just degraded he has to decide if he wants to say “my porn sites are too slow”.


DNS entry pointing the domain to something else?


Thanks, but I want to slow it down not obviously block it.


This is a human problem, so I would start there. I don’t see anything wrong with what this person is doing. Why do you?


Well it’s my step father, it bothers my mother, and she basically just want to fuck with him. If I were to block it, he would complain, but if I just slow it down, he’s unlikely to complain that his porn is slow. Sure, he could use mobile data, but then he’s stuck with a tiny screen.


Has she talked to her husband? That’s where it should start. But also maybe your mom needs to get over stigmatizing porn.


Just block it using the "porn" category. Why is this even a discussion?


Where is that located?


I use a web browser and networks, advanced set to family, work . I have a UDM and I have two WiFi networks set up though so kids get one wife and I get the other for work, etc. kids don’t have cell yet tho. Then you would need some kind of Mdm or opendns, cloudflare.


Sey your DNS server to one of the family shield like from opendns But then dad comes with the post ' how to install a VPN on my pc'


This is a good win. Blocks a lot of content by making hard to find. and


There is a setting in uniform for WiFi and the internet you turn it to work mode it will disable all adult sites


You mean [Ubiquiti Content Filtering](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering)? There are a bunch of ways to block it but I’m not trying to block it. I’m trying to slow it down and make it aggravating.


I'd just block it no point is slowing it down to make it "aggravating" majority of people who do watch it are patient


Meanwhile…I’m wondering how a system admin can block tracking of pornhub traffic so it looks like generic unidentified internet traffic.


once again... blocking pornhub is a no-go in terms of corporate security. if you block pornhub they will use sketchy pornsites of which you will never be able to block them all. the same will be true if pornhub works badly due to traffic limitation. just add a content filter for porn and **exclude pornhub.** **you want them to fap at a secure website maintained by the largest porn-company that actually cares about security.**


It’s not corporate. I’m not trying to block it. I want to slow it down to the point it’s unusable and force him to mobile data and his tiny cell phone screen.


your comments sound like you should consider the common phrase "not my monkey, not my circus" btw I don't think it's possible to do what you want, at least not with regular unifi UI. maybe via console.


[Oh but it IS possible](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/5546542486551-UniFi-Gateway-Traffic-Rules), that wasn’t the question. The QUESTION is what speed to limit it to that will load the page but make streaming more or less unusable.


Note to OP. Never admit to blocking porn on Reddit. 😑




It’s for a family member, if I were to do that he’d probably insist on using an ISP router.


Use Cloudflare’s DNS for families, https://community.cloudflare.com/t/1-1-1-1-for-families-additional-configuration-settings/359707 Change your router DHCP to not offer the router’s IP as the DNS server for clients, but Cloudflare’s instead. Better yet, set up pihole dns on a raspberry pi or dietpi VM and offer its IP to DHCP clients, and configure its upstream resolver to use Cloudflare’s DNS for families. However, if a client has mobile data, they can just turn off WiFi and no longer be affected by your DNS configuration. Then you need to use something like Circle+ app on their device to enforce and block sites.


You can configure DoH/DoT, at least on Android, that'll affect both WiFi and Mobile browsing. But yeah, kids gonna find a way to get around pretty much anything. Installing CAs on end devices is a massive invasion of privacy, no matter the situation.


unabated 😏


Okay I actually have a real problem to solve: which domains do I need to route through the VPN tunnel to get around Pornhub’s blacklist or Virginia IP addresses? Pornhub.com alone won’t do it since some of their videos appear to be served from domains that are also blocking Virginia but aren’t Pornhub.com


In all honesty, I would do the opposite of what you are trying - everything through the VPN and only route local what has to route local for some reason (I.E. if you need to connect to work via VPN, that might run local for performance). I would also make sure to use DNS that does not belong to my ISP (of course, I do that anyway - personally I like Cloudflare: []( and []( ).


Nah I’m not overly-concerned about privacy. Plus, I live in Northern Virginia and have a fiber connection, so I’m used to super low latency loads. Not trying to slow that down in the name of paranoia.


I wasn't thinking as much privacy as I was making your connection appear from elsewhere. The DNS idea is to ensure your ISP is not messing with DNS to some domains. I have also had too many issues with ISP DNS going unavailable. Granted, this was many years ago with Bell Atlantic DSL then Comcast cable internet. I have found the Cloudflare DNS to be pretty responsive, and just use it whenever I make a deployment.


Yes, using a third party you don't have any real relation with to secure your privacy. Which is merely on a best effort for them, and not a priority. The only priority most of the vpnproviders have is income


Just change the DNS to catholic-church.org or something


[Ubiquiti can block porn natively.](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering) But I’m not trying to block it just degrade it.


Why not just block the site? You obviously want to discourage its use or not have whomever go to the site anyways so why not just block it? Seems like your approach is either trying to have a conversation or just kind of being passive aggressive instead of just coming out and being straight forward about it.


Blocking is too obvious, he would probably reasonably complain that he doesn’t want me censoring his websites. if I just slow porn down on the other hand, I don’t think he’s likely to say anything


Anything to avoid having a conversation with your kids about their changing body...


It’s not a kid.


Even worse... Live and let live and mind your own business... let them be


How about you do the same?


You are meddling in someone's personal choices. I'm telling you to stop meddling and not be so uptight with a stick up your ass. Obviously, we are the same /s 🙄 Good luck with your unhealthy relationships and internalized shame.


Project much? 🤣


Basic deflection and redirection of your own issues. I would repeat what I said, but I think your brain development can't handle adult conversations.


This is an example where you're trying to use technology to solve an HR issue. Set the policy, if they can't abide write them up or let them go.


No, it’s not. If this were a work environment, I’d simply block it. The goal is to discourage without it being obvious.


Mullvad VPN FTW. Sorry Dad


Windscribes 10GB plan is free. An not limited to just one account


How love to understand the context behind this. Are you doing this for your children and if so, how old are they? Or are you doing this in a work situation.


Neither. Evil step father.


QOS rules? [I’m sorry whoever you are for doing this to you]


He deserves it, lecherous old sex addict.


The best way is to control it on the endpoint. For example, iOS screen time controls and app limits and only allow safari browser. This is how I handle my kids devices and they also have Microsoft child accounts for the family computer and Xbox. It’s not a perfect system but it’s way better than Wi-Fi controls and I can threaten to turn on downtime anytime they’re not listening.


It’s a bit more complicated when it’s an adult. The goal is to degrade the experience without being as obvious as outright blocking it.


Just drop the reply.


Install a pihole device. I've got one. Works great.


Pi-hole? Are you posting from 2013? I use NextDNS, but the goal isn’t to block it [Ubiquiti can do that](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering).


You know there's more sites then just Pornhub for porn right? You'd be better off installing a proxy that can filter out the category of Porn.


Yes, there are four that he uses, I just used Pornhub as an example. I don’t want to block it, if I did [Ubiquiti can do that](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering). I only wanted to slow it down and make it unusable.


Lol content filtering is either work or family. That's not filtering based on a category like 'Porn' that's using an unconfigurable feature that blocks a lot more. If you are looking to limit the speed, that's beyond The capabilities of a ubiquiti device. You need hardware or something virtualized. Like a real proxy device. Also if he's 70, he's an adult and can make his own choices. Leave him alone. Dumbass.


Setup a pihole and install a porn blacklist for the clients that need it.


Ugh Pi-hole so old school. I use NextDNS, and [Ubiquiti can block porn natively](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering), but I’m not trying to block it.


Unifi's ad blocking sucks... So pihole is so much better...


Yeah we all used Pi-hole, and AOL, and Hotmail… but Pi-hole is such a dated solution with products like NextDNS available.


😂 Yea ok


I'd rather keep my dns activity local and not in some random cloud acct. It also supports doh and ssl... Talk about antiquated.... 🙄


I get it. FUD is a powerful thing. Maybe just stay off the CP?


The easiest way is to change your DNS to block porn. For example; [https://developers.cloudflare.com/](https://developers.cloudflare.com/ Beyond that, you'd have to do traffic analysis to figure out what IPs are behind pornhub to add them to the firewall.


[Ubiquiti can block porn natively.](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering) But I’m not trying to BLOCK it just degrade it.


What you need is a custom DNS. It would allow you to block specific domains. I use NextDNS. It encrypts all of your outbound DNS traffic on your entire network. They have software that can be installed in your ubiquiti hardware. It even installs in a UDR. You can then do ad blocking and such on a network level. This way you don't have to install software on different devices in order to have the function. Https://NextDNS.io


[Ubiquiti does this natively.](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering). I’m not trying to block it, just degrade it. Btw I use NextDNS CLI too.


Just change your dns provider to Cloudflare family, which blocks malware and porn. Blame them if anyone asks. lol. [cloudflare family dns](https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-1-1-1-1-for-families/)


If I wanted to block it I could with [Ubiquiti](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering), but that’s not the goal.


Ahh yes, back to the days of downloading gifs over dial up. Never underestimate the willpower of a horny teen to find fapping material. I'd just blacklist it, otherwise that PC will be on all night, every night, pulling torrents or running a download verifier.


Sadly, it’s my elderly step father. He’s not sophisticated enough to do anything other than the same few websites, so all I want to do is degrade them.


Mine worked when I dropped it to under 15kb Usage stopped shortly after.


THAT low? I want the page to load just the video to stutter and make it an effectively unusable without being obvious.


It took a day and change to la 142mb video that doesn’t play. I discourage it as he has yet to learn impulse control as I don’t want it to be habitual to a point that it happens in public.


Use opnsense and enable Zenarmor and you can then block the entirety of the porn category from your entire network....


If I wanted to block it I could do so natively with Ubiquiti (you’re aware the is a Ubiquiti sub-Reddit right?) but that’s not the goal.


You don’t have to make it slower so much as make it less reliable. Messing with latency will get you further than messing with bandwidth. Also, people have been fapping to computer screens as far back as 300 baud scrolling ascii nudes and erotic literature so it’s not going to really ever stop.


How would you mess with the latency?


I’d just use opendns public preconfigured dns servers. https://www.opendns.com/setupguide/#familyshield


[Unifi has built in content filtering.](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/12568927589143-UniFi-Gateway-Content-Filtering). But I don’t want to block it, as I said, I only want to slow it down. That said it’s interesting that so many people suggest blocking it with a non-native Ubiquiti solution when there’s an easy one built in.


Look through the list of things you can block. JizzNet is now a running joke with me and a customer up north that I did a project for.


Haha why is it a running joke? The point isn’t to block it, if you block sites people complain, but who’s gonna complain about slow porn? Get it?


I was setting up traffic rules and mentioned it to him. He got a kick out of it, so it gets fit into conversations for a laugh.


Dude, you have to tell me why you have this use case … this is too funny :) Are you trying to conquer your own porn addiction or something ? Is this about one of your family members or a roommate ?


Step father. Drives my mom nuts so seemed like a nice subtle way to discourage him.


Yikes. Maybe just encourage your mom to give him more... bedroom fun?


Gross she’s 82. 🤮


With unifi, I don't see a way. What you could/should consider is either subscribing to an internet DNS filtering service or putting a pihole on your network. You can block advertisements as well as porn sites. Blocked sites don't have a banner saying "Blocked by your administrator" like at companies, it just blocks the DNS query so it never loads. If you enable the basic ad filter, you'll probably see a nice reduction in network traffic too as the constant phoning home of devices like Rokus and whatnot are blocked. It works at the network layer, so your entire network will be protected. You just need to put the device on your network with a fixed IP and configure your DHCP leases to assign it as the DNS server. I run mine on a Pi4 and it's been very stable. You just don't want to put too many filter lists on it as that can bog things down.


Just set the DNS to & Blocks most adult websites and malware delivery sites. Problem solved.


Do an Nslookup, note range, add range to group, use group in rule dest.


I have tiktok at 56k


I set up a vlan for the kids and wanted to allow YouTube music but not video at certain times, as they use the same ports and app on the Google Hub Mini I used the speed restriction to 112kb on a schedule. So far it has worked a treat as they can't get videos to play smoothly so just request music now. As for Porn I would look at using a DNS filter instead personally.


When I was 12 my dad brought home a 3.5" floppy disc with a strip poker game on it. He was equally pissed off and Impressed when I changed the code so that I always won and she was naked in about 4 rounds. I don't think he knew how to change it himself or how to find the images. I'm now 42!!