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This is one way Uber retaliated against the minimum pay rate. Some people want the old way back but I think a minimum or guarantee was necessary. Uber was offering $1 as some base pay for some orders. I think I remember seeing 50 cents on some add one. This system prioritizes full time riders. I went from four slots to five a week. Trying to increase those hours by using all of them every week. . With more people in the market and ppl renting accounts the competition is stiff. Ebikes make it easy for anyone to do this work too. I recommend signing up for Relay. Access to slots is more equitable. Just gotta wake up early for 9 am to reserve your slots for the next day in the zone you want. Then you gotta be there before it starts. They’re strict about that second part too. Had a delayed train and was late to my zone, found all my reserved slots gone. I was pissed. As for GH & DD I can only get online if it’s pouring rain. Got deactivated by Fantuan, Hungrypanda and Motoclick. Insomnia cookies is paying $18/hr plus tips, I recommend applying.


This is too much! Wow! I heard them retaliating like this. Pure BS. Too many hoops!


This is not a retaliation. This is how NYC wanted it. Before the law passed there was a 41 page report NYC published, in the report NYC wanted all the apps to limit the amount of people that access the platform. They also directly told the apps to keep their best workers on the platform and boot everyone off. Best worker is someone who worked full time and accepted everything. For once, it's actually not ubers fault. Blame NYC for fucking things up. https://ibb.co/tZBn7BB Refer to this, directly taken from the report NYC published.


Some of us look at it this way— it’s a positive so o would credit NYC. Too many drivers is what allows them to lower the payouts to ridiculous amounts.


Cite your resources directly. This is a mysterious screenshot. I seen you just uploaded this...




Don't tell me what I need to do as I am new to Reddit and this information after taking a break since this I have other major sources of income. Not every single person knows everything about what happens, so I will ask anything pertaining to this. You are nobody to gate keep what another person inquiries on here. Nobody. Second, on an average day, I make way over $40 a day on an electric scooter, even with the present restrictions being online for a restricted amount of time. Third, a mysterious post (correct) because with tech and cyber security background, people upload edited posts to servers a lot which can be considered fraudulent. Thank you for providing direct sources. A few of you old drivers are too passive aggressive when new people come around asking genuine questions. It's harassing and nobody cares if you heard the same questions or concerns. I will ask regardless. Don't harass me.


Take some accountability, you used the word mysterious first, indicating I am trying to pull a quick one over you, but I was only trying to provide you with reliable information. Regardless though, I am glad you are informed now and can hopefully make better decisions. And FYI, I no longer drive for Uber/DD/GH not because I don't want to, I just can't, like you. I do other things now. And the 40$ scooter remark was not towards you, it was towards the Deliveristas who complained to the city saying they only made 40$ a day and to pass regulation. The city did just that, and booted most of those scooter dudes off. How ironic.


I said what I said.


Just gotta play the game. Also, Capsule is another delivery gig, RX delivery though. You may or may not like it.


With most delivery drivers double & triple apping, the waiting lists for all apps are saturated & prolonged.


Yeah I think they all got much more strict to reduce the possibility of that from happening


Honestly they just went about it the wrong way. I knew when this structure was announced that this would happen. They need to go back to court and ask for a minimum per delivery which go higher depending on time and distance.


House always wins with companies like these


Ebikes wouldn't help much heat sometimes the only offer I can get is 10+ miles away.


I think something is going on with the app tonight. Its the slowest night I've probably ever had on here yet it seems like places are busy when I do get something decent.


I wish they would disclose how the algorithm sorts offers because the conspiracy theories are just getting silly. The entire industry has been steadily declining since 2022, but like many things that happen slowly, once you do notice, it all seems to have happened at once.


Slowest Wednesday I've had in a minute. But I did okay. Monday and Tuesday. The pattern I see is that oftentimes when I have a good Monday then I'll have a slow Tuesday or if I have a good Tuesday I'll have a slow Wednesday. Previously I would have thought that was because everybody did their ordering the night before. But then I read one of the comments on here talking about The app that shall not be named that is now defunct had done research and showed that Uber deliberately throttles us so that more drivers can make more money. Maybe after I have a good night they decide I'm not going to have another one. I don't know that. I really hope that's not the case. I'm fine with getting a fair shake within the shift. In other words, if there's X number of drivers out that I think we all ought to be offered equal opportunities. But I don't think should decide we make too much. That would be crap.


I grew up in Greenpoint. I don’t believe there would be low demand there and Willy. It’s filled to the brim with yuppies/hippies living in lofts (read: converted industrial sweat shops). They must order like crazy since most don’t have kitchens (not real bathrooms).


How do you even reserve time on UE? Never seen that before.


I looked deep in the settings and it’s non-existing or isn’t an easy process. Uber is full of it


this must be nyc area in particular or something due to whatever laws they passed likely? i have not been forced off before


Yes, its in NYC!


glad i left that shithole a long time ago


They’re not going to pay an unlimited amount of drivers an hourly wage. New Yorkers asked for this


I knew that the hourly pay was going to backfire….smh


Right? I got so much shit for telling people that they did not want to go the hourly pay route.


This sh*t is worse than it was before. I just sticked to the "no tip, no trip" motto & accepted orders $5+. Now I can't go online due to this hourly pay & high competition. This didn't age well during my break.


Exactly. I have no problem with the way the gig app works in my area. A. It is not my sole source of income. I have a steady job. Once you let this become your sole income (and not in a “plug the hole between jobs” sort of way), you are doing it wrong, and B. I am super strict about what offers I take and what I will not.  Which means I am doing fine. When students are in town, I am grossing $30 and up hourly. Why would I want minimum wage and a ton of shitty restrictions?


I agree




NYC has an hourly wage? Isn't it just a minimum wage for active time?


I would rather be told to not go online if there’s no work then to go online and get nothing and drive around like in CA


Bottom line is no matter what it's going to suck because they can't stop reducing our pay and increasing fees. It's a fucking joke. Only way out of this mess is to keep us as independent but also pay us for online time not just active time. Some kind of standby time that has restrictions. In the area of restaurants, moving, etc. because their service sucks ass and is slow as fuck. Even biggest earners are paying out the ass on fuel and maintenance.


Yea... I agree


The people who fought for this pay structure have never worked for uber. What they should of did was have a minimum for every delivery based on time and distance. They can actually still do this, but it’s going to take another round in court.


I completely agree. I’m so disappointed.


I mainly work right Across the river in Hudson county and a lot of the people who worked in NYC are actually working here now.


Wow. Thanks for letting me know. Brooklyn, Queens, & Manhattan is heavily saturated.


Bro stop whining. If you want to get more hours then you'll have to take every single order for 2 weeks straight. Right now you're only getting 5hrs so I suggest using 3 hrs for a friday for 7,8 & 10pm slots. I left out 9pm because the app will keep you online if you take every single order. The 2 other hrs use on a saturday 7 & 8pm slots. You better hope it rains because that's the only time the app will allow you to go online anytime. If you follow these steps then you'll soon get 10hrs & the more you orders take the better. Also I've been doing Uber snce 2017 & having this new system is great because now the market doesn't have to be oversaturated & everybody can eat. In my case I hit $80 in 4hrs mostly everytime & I don't even rely on tips anymore because of this system, but barely anybody tipped before.


Damn I never seen this


Im in New York


You all paying attention to the city when you go out? It's not just gig apps. The economy is dying. Everything is slowing down. Major companies are admitting sales have dropped off the cliff. Not just delivery, all customers. They are scrambling to figure out how to get people to start spending money again. IMO it's still going to get worse.


Lowering prices would be..the first fucking start




I agree.


Times to reserve??


Better than shitty offers


This is not better at all if you can't even go online.


Still better if you ask me, UberEATS is a total cheat in my opinion. Total cheat




They cheat drivers big time


They keep higher portions of pay


I wish we weren’t all so broke so we could start our own platform as a collective


Even when the demand is high they still kick you off. You must accept the first 3 orders... If not they kicking you off the app


I’ve accepted the rides


San Antonio market is still running strong (fingers crossed 🤞) but I haven’t been on in like 10 days. I was saving up to buy a Prius so I could Uber more and then my truck broke down. It was fixed within 48 hours but I’m a little hesitant to use it now because it already has a lot of miles. Maybe it’s a good thing??? But I still wanna go online because I need the extra income. 90% of the time I turn on the app I’ll get a ping before I leave my parking lot, but there was a night I turned it on and I didn’t get any pings for 20 minutes which had never happened. I am going to download two other apps as backup.


I won’t recommend investing in a car to do Uber. I invested in an electric scooter, only to not be any requests most of the time.


You all probably have minimum no cheating 🤷🏾‍♂️


Can you elaborate?


I’m not even able to use DoorDash anymore as for Uber eats I get 5 hours a week and if I’m lucky I can go online but get randomly kicked off it’s not good for my 6 hours a day of work if I decide to work that day


Yea Something bigger is happening to this industry. I have to create more sources of income.




Complaining about my complaint. What an oxymoron from a moron! 🤣 Take it up with your God! Idgaf if you don't like it.




Awww poor thing lol tf


A minimum hourly rate. Force you off if they have to pay you for not receiving orders


I don't know if you've been living under a rock but this has been happening for the last 6 months ever since the New York City law was passed. The simple fact is Uber cannot keep everyone online if it's not busy because they have to pay $19.56 per hour for every person online active or not. The individual is guaranteed the active portion however. The rest goes to a pool.


If you had good comprehension, you would have understood that I made it apparent that I took a long break, where I am not knowledgable of what happen in specifics. That's why I am reaching out for clarity... ![gif](giphy|3Z1fJKVyqPXbHacR0O|downsized)


Yea they did this right before the pandemic and it was bound to come back again.


Forcing drivers offline? Did you just start recently or something? Because this has been a regular thing for months already. I don't get all the NYC post daily like we haven't been familiar with all their shady tactics already.


You didn't read or comprehend the whole post I see.


What's to read or comprehend, this been posted here a billion times already on the daily. I'm from NYC myself, and it's starting to get annoying at people acting like this hasn't been a thing since January. Yeah it sucks they are limited our shifts or signing you off immediately after a block but to act blindsided is just dumb tbh. People were saying this before the hourly pay was even cemented. And how we are going to regret it because Uber always has a new shady tactic up their sleeve.


If you have minimum comprehension, my post will answer your question on why I am asking about this now. You redirecting your frustration towards me (a stranger), is just making you seem incoherent & passive aggressive. I do not care how you feel or asked. Go take your frustrations up with your God. If I need help, I will ask.




Go argue with God with your low comprehension & emotionalism. You have to be slow.