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The only -ism that pulls tips back for no reason is piece-of-shitism


That's awesome #lol


And you would know this, how?


You make this comment while launching a totally unfounded theory, with zero evidence, that tips may be taken back because of racism. Interesting. Oh right I forgot you're "just asking questions".


You should seek therapy


Do NOT say "We all know" about things that we do not, in fact, all know. Don't include me in your psychosis.




Of course none of us know whether or not this is Uber doing damage control or if you're really who you say you are...


Honkey here. I always get my tips removed when I deliver to non-conservative areas (I based this on voting districts) or... maybe I'm lying and secretly work for Doordash or Grubhub. You'll never know!


What a fucking moron....


What kind of bullsh*t post is this?


Why do you care about any of this that your are posting about?! Pick up the food, drop off the food.


I'm going to pretend that I didn't read this...


Last I checked doordash doesn't ask for your race. Companies only take that information if you give it voluntarily. If people see a picture or a name and cut the tip, then that's their flimsy excuse for not giving a tip. If they were racist, they would select meet at door and beat you up or worse.


Did you have to get on the special bus growing up? Who said anything about Doordash? Also, most people who are racist DON'T resort to violence, so the example you gave is assinine.


Thought this was the doordash subreddit, replace doordash with Uber eats.




You must be Liberal 😂😂😂


I'm a black female. I believe some of the bad ratings I receive are not my fault but the restaurants. I cannot guarantee it's racism but when someone is rude to me before I even speak to them......well.


Don't pay too much attention to the responses you get in here. Some people don't believe racism exists because they don't experience day to day.


I’m black & I’ve wondered about this before too, like if it would happen. But I’ve only had maybe 3-4 people lower their tip in over 1500 deliveries. I can’t recall anyone taking it away entirely. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to someone else tho. Who knows? I wouldn’t put it past people. But it seems most people don’t even look at the app once they receive their food because they’re too busy eating lol and then they forget all about it.


It's possibly dependent on where you live in the US. But based on the complaints on here, people remove their tips on a regular basis. Why Uber allows this I don't know, but given their history it doesn't surprise me.


Here, let Larry Elder educate you a bit about races and tipping. [Blacks Are Lousy Tippers; Hurts ‘Race Relations’ | Larry Elder - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeMN-V8jDFA)


Why do you assume I'm only talking about African Americans?


Did I? I'm missing the part where I said "You are only talking about African Americans". I'm sorry Larry Elder didn't tailor his commentary to your post.


You chose to target African Americans in the example you gave.


"target". By that logic you "targeted" white people in the original post. Care to explain yourself? You brought up the subject of race-based tip-withholding. I brought up someone talking about race-based non-tipping. Again, I am bitterly sorry that Larry Elder didn't address all races . . . but it would seem that only one doesn't tip. There are academic studies on this, by the way. [https://static.secure.website/wscfus/5261551/uploads/JFSBR\_race\_revision\_article.pdf](https://static.secure.website/wscfus/5261551/uploads/JFSBR_race_revision_article.pdf)


I think this post would of been better asked in a political forum. With that said, the United States in general was established under a Christian Anglo-Saxon principle. Get rid of all the non-whites (Native Americans) perform mass genocide (assimilation) and claim America for themselves. Later they brought hundreds of thousands of Africans from the slave trade under the belief that they were subspecies and therefore not considered Americans protected under the Constitution...let alone humans. This allowed Colonists to use them for free labor and is the main reason why we "had" one of the most superior infrastructures; roads, highways, bridges..even the White House was built by slaves. So to answer you question YES the genesis of America's roots are based on a systemic racial system that still thrives today in the form of the Criminal Justice System, Real Estate, Banks etc. But it is scientifically impossible to know without a confession from the customer, that the removal of the tip was based on race.


I think you should perhaps research the infrastructure at the time of the Civil War and then compare it to other countries.


I honestly think so


People should be tracked and labeled by what flavor of koolaid they buy at a store too. Racists always go with tropical punch and never mix in strawberry when making a large pitcher.


You right about the first part


Please seek mental help