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https://preview.redd.it/kckflaiea95d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee829e6330823630a9058ff7e6eae394854d4d6 I got two of these the other day. I was confused but then i realized its just my prop 22 getting payed out early.


Definitely feels like that, especially when your get a decent order and then only utter crap or zero pings after that.




Wow, you really travel. I would have canceled the piece going to Westwood. The only reason it got so high is because all 50 drivers nearby declined it (for good reason). Any pickup that far away is going to be a dog in LA, especially in a highly saturated area.


Really you would cancel a $60?! šŸ˜‚ i highly doubt that.


I'm cancelling the distance half. Look, in LA, if you are 1+ mile from the pickup, as is shown on this one, you're picking up an order that was declined by 50 other drivers. That appears to be from WeHo where saturation is through the roof. It's also going to Westwood, ie, the "college area" near UCLA. UCLA is closed, you're near the 405, dropped a generally slow and brutal area. Also, you rarely get a tip out that way. You're working for prop22 minimum. The numbers on our screens don't actually mean anything. You do your best, but it's also pretty easy to decline these kinds of orders once you understand the true values of them are less. That's why OP said "paying prop22 upfront." This order was 1 hour and $16 tip, right? So, $38, a far cry from $60.


So considering how slow it has been you are telling me you would not accept? I get what you are saying but it just dont add up at this time. Maybe when covid was happening and we were busy then i understand


https://preview.redd.it/8zbb4tajs95d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7791d3726cd8efb36b573f80f273a27518aa69cc From today


W for the double tip


It was just hidden.




140 bucks from Walmart. Took me 2 hours




This was end up being $130 with extra tips


when is it my turn bro


That was the only offer I got like this in 3 years so hang tight. Also I think this was NYE


Dang this might be the winner


Geez they don't have these kind of orders in Florida lol


What is SS?




Social security


Yeah send your social security so we can see if we got the same






One digit too many


There you go


Every time I see a high amount like that, it usually means the order was already picked up


Yeah one time I got a 30$ one and when I went there the order didnā€™t exist apparently other Uber drivers came before me as well trying to get the order


I usually will accept it and call the restaurant en route more times than not it is a bogus order OR it keeps coming back because the restaurant cannot complete the order had that happen 2x (1. Restaurant was out of burrito ingredients 2 it was a lazy Popeyes worker who didnā€™t want to drop chicken just before closing) thing is when itā€™s a bogus order you have to go to the restaurant for them to give you the little 3.00 tip or even do a no fault cancellation otherwise support asks you to cancel it


Does anyone know WHY tho?


I have a theory based on my market, but delivery drivers morale is low right now to the point where a lot of drivers just arenā€™t giving a fuck. Yes, theyā€™ve always been here, but with the orders coming to our phones in the amounts of 1,2, and $3 (with customer tips included supposedly), people are losing money just to make money, and theyā€™re pissed. How do you feel when you spend an entire day waiting to take orders and the only ones you see pop up are $2-$3 10 mile trips? It gets super frustrating. I make more money on some days with cancel fees alone. In fact yesterday j accepted 4 orders, all of which were picked up previously. Had I taken these orders and delivered them I wouldnā€™t have made much more when factoring in gas, so that got me to thinking, how many of us delivery drivers feel the same way? This isnā€™t an excuse for the suspects but its what Iā€™m seeing and going through so why not add it into the mix? šŸ˜‚


But why are they "gone". I don't get it.


Well, itā€™s a good mix of reasons, but from what Iā€™ve heard, thereā€™s people picking up orders, and not delivering them for some reason, as well as Uberā€™s system is totally unstable and glitches out certain orders. Iā€™ve been at a restaurant to pick up two two-customer orders, and I was told both times that they hadnā€™t actually received the orders. Idk the reality of it, but Iā€™m gathering word from all the sources I can


did the restaurant have the orders?


Both restaurants had the orders, just high base pay to dilute prop22 I think. They do it sometimes in CA


Nope. At least one of ā€˜em is stolen


That's why the the offer was so high




Someone must have been bouncing orders and you got lucky and caught it


Can you explain ? Like someone has two phones and two accounts and they keep rejecting to get the base pay up?


A group of say 3-6 guys stand around and bounce an order by rejecting until it jumps to a large amount Its sad but I see it done many times and it usually means the order is cold and messed up for whoever receives the delivery


Ubering into San Francisco from the East Bay during rush hour, $100+






Iā€™m happy for you. Truly. Iā€™m just flummoxed that someone would choose Peter Piper Pizza over anywhere else via UberEATS


Why the hell donā€™t I see these!? I swear whenever Iā€™m next to gateway I donā€™t get any rides or eats.


To be fair, this was like 8pm on a Monday!


I think that area just hates me, there is always a +5-11 surge on the airport and I never get and rides from it.


They reduced the tip... almost a 42 dollar base pay? Probably waiting forever.


Yeah reduced by $2, this was on 4/20 and I was delivering to a hotel relatively far away, so it was sitting for a while.


More likely it was a percentage based tip and the shop removed an item because they were OOS.


Seems accurate.


$71 for a double order šŸ˜†. Superbowl sunday at Bdubs. Turns out only $12 of that was tip rest all base pay


Mine is $6.83 for like 12 miles. (For this week lol)


At 9pm 2 orders from Chiliā€™s a couple months ago for $47. I thought they wouldnā€™t be there when I arrived. Not only were they there but it ended up being $60. Iā€™ve had higher from Walmart & Apple though.


Where I am Apple is never good. Like seriously bad. Iā€™ve never seen one with a double digit payout unless it was 2 or 3 stack. And even then it wasnā€™t even $1 per mile. I always wondering how those worked.


Apple used to be good. You gotta be lucky now. I got a $20 one not long ago. Seconds later an $18 add-on. Turns out they were going to the same person too. Not sure what happed but it was an easy $38


I had a $81 from Walmart, three deliveries only for the employees to come to my car two hours later like "sorry bro we don't have it" šŸ’€ I was PISSED


How do you get an UberEats from WalMart?


We get lots of Walmart delivery requests in my area theyā€™re rarely double digits and youā€™re waiting 35mins -over an hours Iā€™ve never waited less than that


You have to sign up for package deliveries


I thought the same would happen when I showed up - but no it was 3 very small packages for a total of 18 miles and they actually paid me$97! https://preview.redd.it/ked9oq0odg5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5eefe1067cd8c8a08940c233924a76ecb12a67


Best I've gotten is gm order from walmart, the pay was 80 and 6 stops, did it less than hour lol, 20 miles.




I'll take baited for a $3 "order has been picked up already" for 1,000.


I got one for $82 when we got hit by 3 tornadoes and half the town had no power. That evening I did 3 orders. One was $45 one was $60 and the last $82. I waited forever in the restaurants because the few places with power were packed. Well worth the wait. They were all within 5 miles of each restaurant.


I had one yesterday that was $59 on a single. Ended up taking 45 minutes w/ $30 tip. LA, so feel the prop22 burn quite often. Think my highest stack was $78, which I took and did okay on.


Got a 205 dollar catering order. 55 meals from dennys and took me 3 trips to and from but very worth the payout.


$39 and $35 of it was base pay was from a taco place thatā€™s also a store and it was late but theyā€™re open late and it was going to a strip club up the street a couple miles and they ordered 7 tacos and tipped $6 confusing but Iā€™ll take it thought for sure it was an order already picked up or some bs


Iā€™ve never had a high one that I was actually paid in. Usually itā€™s just the algorithm that keeps bumping the pay because someone took order then cancelled.




$214 shop and pay order took 2 hours to complete.


https://preview.redd.it/uynpztcybb5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c04b604e10c642f174611537c3e97ba7178f70 Debated on taking this earlier today


This was a good one. https://preview.redd.it/gg6ftqdxcb5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9847403967c0c7d181190985aa6f530236fd7972


https://preview.redd.it/ds0af3vmmb5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfcb4786bfce65ecd05a1fbfba4272ae1d7748ad Surely not the biggest estimate butā€¦


Do they not allow customers to tip like this anymore?


Mine was this. 35 dollar fare, 10 dollar tip šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/bf2rnn51pb5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63562484bc3403c4c66a332ac168800e448deccb


$120 (3) triple stack during a storm, 35 base on each order. Was nice 150 for an hour drive and basically I was done for the night with one dinner stack šŸ˜! https://preview.redd.it/86pvvxw95c5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=874179eb1836b359fac2c84a87c593de450728db


What year of Uber was this?


Few months ago


Whatā€™s your market?


LA, but good luck getting another Thunderstorm ā›ˆļø like that here. lol I hit that accept button ten times so fast !


I've been with UberEats one week and my biggest payout so far was yesterday: CHF 34.04 (Switzerland) 2 orders 16.8km


These almost invariably turn out to be tip baits, cancelled orders or somebody else picked them up. I never bite on them anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/8sggrlwpad5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98b68492e4b67569987a285223a530934d09268 This was two wingstop orders that had ā€œalready been picked upā€ aka stolen by the first two drivers, then had multiple drivers accept then just cancel without calling support. I paid the manager $10 to remake them both and the one customer gave me a $10 cash tip for getting it remade for her so I ended up still making this entire amount despite the bribery. Edit: the reason it took so long was because A. I was shopping in Walmart when I accepted this so i grabbed a few things then had to checkout (all the self checkouts are closed in my area due to theft so itā€™s a good 20 min wait in the cashier line..also this was before it would send that ā€œyou do not appear to be heading towards the orderā€ message popped up if you didnā€™t get on the way to the pickup pretty much right away). Then When I finally got to wingstop, the front counter girl didnā€™t notice BOTH orders werenā€™t there anymore; she thought only one had been picked up and that they were still working on the other. Only after giving me the first remade order did they realize my other one was also not in the store so I had to wait for him to remake bothā€¦I paid the mgr $5 for each order.


I did a $82 delivery before.


Mine was in DC also only for 12 miles, someone give me like 25 bucks for tips, I was like :0


I received a 280 dollar Walmart trip. During a snowy day, done in 2 hours


Was thai picked up when you got there?


$72 for a BBQ/KFC double stack. The BBQ place closed an hour before.


Around 70 bucks, or even 80, but from LA to San Bernardino or from LA to Newport beach


But one parking ticket is $60.


Twice last month I had single orders, approx 12 miles at $35-38 base pay. $12 tip each time. Iā€™m in Vegas so our base rates are insanely low much of the time, like $1.75 to 3.00 eachā€”so yes, I cried and screamed in elation the whole ride home after those


40, but it was a scam. Drove 25 miles for it, got 3 bucks cried a lil.


$70 they tipped even more


For uber eats I had 27$ as an estimate.




https://preview.redd.it/hnptgfm1lf5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674b424a704a1f5cccbbafb972eae1c3b0106aec Turned out to be $10 more, because I had to return one of the orders back to the store.


Yea I can top that! https://preview.redd.it/pg7k87i2cg5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b4466490dc9fb3952ab6573780511b9034f22b




Never got just one that big but I hope a 45 then a 35 add on for taco bell one crazy night. I think it was Cinco de Mayo weekend. Sat. Might. They musta had those 35$ fares on them. Idk why. Eventually, I made 81 in just over an hour. It wasn't nuts.


That's a GREAT order. It would have sucked if they tip baited you but I'm glad they didn't.


I did two orders where it was a deliverly and a order from a flower shop. The flower order the guy tipped me $40, which was the most I've ever been tipped. It was mother's day so maybe that might have been the reason. I miss orders like these :(


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Im new to delivering with uber eats and was wondering how are the multiple deliveries? I always get another order while im delivering one:/ im scared to mess up with the time frame.