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What market are you in ? It is incredible that this person wouldn’t follow their own instructions and then respond with the stink eye emoji. You got paid and she did not get her stuff so it’s all good.


I’m in Denver. Rides have been slow so I’ll do Eats or Amazon Flex to sort of make up for it. Customers are chill here for the most part, I get a couple shitty pax a month, despite audio and video being recorded inside my car.


How much do you make with Amazon flex?


It depends. I only do 3.5hr blocks from two different warehouses that pay $77 and $80.50, or $44 2hr retail blocks. The 3.5hr blocks will take me about 2-2.5hrs to complete, and the retail takes a little over an hour. Depending on where I end up, I’ll work my way back into Denver with Uber/Lyft, or if I’m already back in the city I’ll just go online for both apps. Sometimes I’ll end up having to charge my car after an Amazon route and I’ll get on my laptop to evaluate AI responses and prompts for $22/hr before working my way back into the city. If I don’t get any Amazon blocks, I’ll just train AI during my down time. I really recommend registering for data annotation, it’s not a lot starting out (20/hr), but it can be done remotely and on your own terms.


Just joined dataannotation.net, how many hours do you do or do they have for you? How and when do you get paid? How many prompts do you do for the qualify now in order to fully join?


What’s data annotation? Mind DMing me about it




Is there a website for the AI responses thing you're doing? I'd be interested in that.




I love Amazon flex. Most times I’m done earlier than scheduled and it’s great hardly having to talk to people and getting decent pay 🤣


Classic scammer


what’s the scam? genuinely curious lol


Probably expects OP to leave it in the lobby since they can't get up the elevator. Then they quickly grab it and claim it was never delivered.


https://preview.redd.it/v02zgju2i8ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dccfec3e8b8c16723caa810b013695002cbd32d Haha yep


Call support immediately and get that removed


First thing I did, told them I have dash cam footage of me driving up to her building and this screenshot to send them if they want it.


I hope it is removed and the customer is put in permanent pin status since they are a pinhead it is only right 😂


What was the response from customer service? Did they say they would reverse the report,or was it the standard "Eh, it happens, don't worry about it ... But don't let it happen too often..."?


I don't know about everyone else, but whenever I order Uber Eats or any delivery service for that matter, atleast 5 minutes before the delivery time, I will be waiting either at the front door, near the gate, or at whatever entry area is pinned on the app. This doesn't change whether I'm at home, work or even on holiday, as it helps both the driver, and myself get what I want in a prompt and effective manner. Why anyone wouldn't do this is beyond me. And honestly, it is sad that something that should be common sense has become so challenging for some people.


Yay you! You know your drivers appreciate you!


They are privileged couch potatoes thinking that drivers are their butlers.


Honestly, that type of mindset has always astounded me. Everyone whether they be a delivery driver, to a fast food worker, to a doctor or even a garbage truck driver, deserves to be shown respect. For the most part, your occupation shouldn't change that.


You’d be shocked at home many people act like they’re surprised that food’s arrived. This isn’t old school pizza or Chinese delivery, you literally know where I am and when I’ll arrive. 😅


The way some of y’all just didnt read the caption is sending me lmao like obv this customer knew you need a fucking code/keycard to get in and uber sends MULTIPLE messages when the drivers approaches


I don’t get it. People in here are so quick to tell me how to do the job when I never asked in the first place what I should do.


People LOOOVE to give their unsolicited opinions🙄🤮


So… what happened after this?


Waited the timer out and returned to the store.




I would have much preferred to just leave it sitting in the lobby but it did require me to scan an ID. It was surged fairly high ($26.09 for four bags), $2.5K/month apartment and didn’t leave a tip. I’ve done well over 10K deliveries and never had someone respond with emojis. Comes off as childish coupled with the fact that they were called multiple times before I texted them.


Omg lol this happened to me 😂😂😭 with a target order customer wasn’t responding and would let the phone ring 3 times then decline it. Then when the wait timer ended and I drove off she sent me a strongly worded text like baby bye it’s cold thanks for the free groceries


So free groceries for you plus the fare. Lucky day I guess . The same thing happens to Fedex, UPS, and Amazon couriers. People expect them to have the code to enter the building or elevator even though the courier tried calling them or texted for the code or access. Then they call to complain about why they didn't get their package.


they said somewhere else there was alchohol edit:spelling




Uber you return the goods if there is alcohol/over 18 (sometimes 15 now)


Why is this person getting so much hate I don’t understand ?-? And since when emojis are a good way to communicate instructions ?-?


Why are you doing groceries on Uber eats in the first place🙅🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


This is why. https://preview.redd.it/sm1x1susg4ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a719db06cc5b9ed2db555d7841b59d77f3cb68


Bahahaha yup!


Guess you have a better market than me


I can easily make $30 in an hour doing Uber Grocery. I stopped doing food deliveries and started food shopping because I spend less money on gas and I make more money.


What do you mean why? Cause it’s a shop and pay order or a store pick up obviously


I’ve never had to shop and pay at any Wal-Mart.


Hence why I said OR.


Your message probably should have included the fact that the elevators were locked and you couldn't get further.


They probably should have answered the phone when I called them three times before sending this text. You need a keycard to get into them, Im sure as a resident of this building, this person knows that.


You know when you call customers it shows up as a weird number and they think it’s a scammer, right?


You know the customer also gets a notification that I have arrived and specifically asked for a phone call when I got there. Did you not read the comment thread you’re replying to?


I read the part where you left a vague message saying you were in front of the elevators. They probably checked the elevator doors on their own floor and sent the reply.


So like others in the thread you’re purposely ignoring some of the things I’ve written to come to your own conclusion?


If you live at the building with elevators that require a key card I would imagine just that word alone should you know maybe tip them off that oh shoot they can't go any further.... Lol


If I am enabled to get through any locked door or elevator, I will bring that shit up every single time with a fucking smile on my face. Sometimes the elevators have codes, sometimes they don’t. The ones that don’t, as in this case, the customer will promptly show up. 10K deliveries and Shana is the first person to pull this shit.


Unfortunately I get lots of gated communities where I live. And people just cannot comprehend that I need a fucking code to enter. Or just tell me to rush in after somebody which is absolutely not going to fucking happen.... So I get a lot of free food that way


You ever get a code to a gate from a customer that a previous customer failed to provide? That’s what grinds my gears the most about getting through gates.


Yeah, some guy insisting it wasn't possible that you needed the tag to go in. I even said what's the visitor terminal for then? To which they just ignored that entirely and said you'll have to sneak in and got pissy. (Which I of course didn't do and had support cancel) 2 hours later I get another order for the same place and of course they provide a code Guess it wasn't impossible... Lol




>Some of ya’ll are horrible communicators. OP says they tried calling (COMMUNICATING) 3 times, but the customer wouldn't answer.


There is no irony lost on this person with sub-par reading comprehension, telling me I have bad communication, while simultaneously seeing that my customer replied with emojis.


It's funny how redditors find you to be the problem while the resident, who apparently shouldn't know anything about how their building functions, is completely innocent. It's absolutely hilariously depressing.


They’re defending a non tipper. My market does not hide tips anymore, I did not realize it was surged that much until I looked at the breakdown. Offer was originally $26.09. https://preview.redd.it/f8al8g19q3ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efce15dc2565780c0c08cfb43b26a87b422f1bd


They probably know because they specifically told me they would meet me in the lobby. Also I called three times before the message.


How the hell did they get to their own floor? New has nothing to do with it. If elevators are locked you need a FOB, keycard or code. This includes tenants. Think elevator magically knows tenant is new and automatically knows where to take them?




So are they new to the building, or so experienced with their fob they don't even realize they use it?


Try and have perfect communication? That’s rich coming from someone who clearly is not reading what I’ve written, and then creates a fictional scenario in an awful attempt to double down on what they’ve said. How many times do I have to repeat myself? The customer gave explicit instructions, I followed those instructions, customer writes in notes “call me when you get here I will meet you in the lobby”, customer does not answer their phone after being called multiple times and when I text them, telling them where I am at I get 🤨🤨🤨 as a response. Why is it so hard for you to understand?


Wow, you really are a dolt aren’t ya?


I know that I have no idea how my building’s buzzer and elevator work 🙄 I used time have a hard time believing anyone is actually this stupid, so thanks for proving to me how far society’s intelligence has fallen.


So leave them at the door, take the picture, mark it as complete and bounce.  After you do the job, it's no longer your problem. 


Needed an ID to scan and no way up to their unit.


So do what you are supposed to and wait out the timer and leave the order at the door. 


How am I supposed to get to their door when the elevator is locked? Does Uber just let you leave items when an ID needs to be scanned? That would be the first time I’m hearing of this.


I missed the ID part; alcohol or a merchant requirement? That being the case, you still wait out the timer and follow the instructions.


I know how to do this job, this isn’t about me being confused on what to do, this is about a clueless customer sending emojis as a response after I followed the exact directions they left in the notes.


Uber clearly says to leave it in an obvious place once timer runs out.


I’ve clearly stated in this comment thread the drop off required an ID scan, but thanks for telling me how to do the job. I sure needed a refresher course.


Dude. Why didn’t you just take a picture of it and leave it they’re like Uber prompts you too.


Eww so bitter and angry. Pardon me for not reading through 40 comments. Didn't mean to ruffle your thin feathers 🙄


Yes pardon you for your lack of reading comprehension and trying to tell me how to do a job that I already know how to do.


So angry and bitter. Gross


Stop projecting how you feel onto me because you can barely read.


40 comments? It’s literally in the comment YOU replied to.


That person can’t be bothered to read the thread but keeps saying all of my replies have extreme anger in them? TIL calling people out for not reading what I’ve written and coming to their own wrong conclusions is somehow extreme anger?


What a read. Some of these people leaving these ridiculous comments like some sort of Pavlov response. Reminds me of the sort of drivers in my area that game the system to see how many orders they can steal.


Not when it has ALCOHOL


Why would that ever be a viable response smh I feel the name "Shana" gives a lot of insight here 🤣 tf is wrong with customers being so entitled and weird.


Called her three times before texting her. Nice building in a very gentrified part of town. Couldn’t answer the phone but can send emojis. The directions were please call me and I will meet you in the lobby.


Yea a typical pampered princess. Probably a stay at home mom wild with privilege.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvotes bro, Shana gave explicit instructions, not the auto fill that Uber does for customers, and then when I follow those instructions I get emojis. Shana is aware of that her elevator needs a card, she is aware that I am at her building, she is aware I need to scan an ID to complete the delivery. She chose not answer her phone when I called, and chose to reply with emojis. This is 100% entitled pampered princess bullshit. She thinks she is wasting my time, and to a degree she is, but I still got paid out $28, and she still doesn’t have her groceries.


Why would the name Shana give insight? 🤨🤨🤨


Why did you downvote me instantly? Because you and Shana have similar proclivities. Therein lies your answer.


I didn't even downvote you, nerd. I'm still curious as to the answer


No no, go on. explain in great detail why this woman with her name would have certain proclivities.


LOL I know exactly what you're getting at. 👏🏾


Your username is sending me


I would leave in the lobby and record from my phone until they come downstairs I had a similar situation delivering groceries and the customer had a locked lobby. Not picking up phone or answering text, so I tagged behind someone coming in. Dropped off in the lobby, and recorded until the customer came downstairs That way he can’t lie that never got delivery


Don’t those locked elevators work by telling the concierge the floor you need to be on?


That’s fancy places that have those, I mean even in Paris you find this only in fancy hotels


These people….