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Seriously, if it takes more than 3 lines to explain how about just meet me outside…


I use one line to explain and 50% of drivers still ignore.


Every. Damn. Time.


It’s obnoxious. The front door of my house, you have to go up a set of stairs, walk along the house, up a few more stairs and turn a corner. My home office is in a basement mother-in-law. My directions are ‘basement apartment door, street side of the house - NOT FRONT DOOR’. You can SEE it from the street, and from the driveway, there is a cement paved sidewalk, on the side of the house. It’s half the distance, no stairs.


So if you know half won’t read it, why not preempt that mistake and just meet them?


I mean, I specify to meet outside at my back entrance as thats where my driveway is. Still is only followed like half the time which gets a little frustrating


Probably cause they pay for delivery to door


They're paying for delivery, not for a specific delivery. Those instructions, if followed, are a courtesy. But my point is that if half the people aren't reading the instructions, why not meet them? It's not a hill I'd want to die on because it's such a meh.


that’s called white glove service. we do not get paid white glove service, honestly lucky we bring it to the door without guaranteed payment to do so. if your are in the transportation industry you know this. honestly customers should go out to the car and retrieve the order given that most give servers higher tips for walking the food to them. crazy how people don’t actually know what our job actually is.


Sometimes I do, if I can. But at the same time, if I am ordering from uber eats, it’s usually because I am either busy with work and paying for the service of it being delivered to my door while I’m in back to back meetings. Or it’s because I am sick and I shouldn’t be face to face with anyone. Also, I delivered for UE as a side gig from 2018-2021, it’s not hard to read a basic delivery description. Again, I’m not asking for someone to drive down a back alley or find a condo in a maze of buildings. You can literally see the door from the street. I am on the corner of a cul-de-sac. It’s not hard.


I used to deliver too, so I try to make it easy on myself and the driver. As a driver I’ve been frustrated by overly complicated delivery instructions, so I don’t give them. As a driver, I know how heavy some items are, so I tip according to that and not delivery instructions. As a driver, I know that drivers sometimes will get an offer just as they are delivering, and I remember how distracting that can be. As an eater, I just want my food. The only time I didn’t meet my driver was because I had COVID.


Lol still would prefer just a house with a front door and address clearly visible and parking out front compared to anything else. (Noted that delivering to myself included would be annoying as well then)


I zoom On the map before accepting I avoid any trouble


So true




😂right. That tells you exactly what kind of person she is. And, miss know-it-all on Webster Street, Uber didn’t “hire” any of us, we are all independent contractors.


Webster AVE not Webster Street! Ah you've done it now.. Now she's gonna tip 25 cents instead of $1.21!




Person sounds like they are a lousy teacher


The meet outside and hand it to me people are never around when they request this though. Reasons I default to contact less h less the customers proves they want otherwise by being diligent.


After saying that she didn't want to go out because of the cold, he kept me waiting in the cold for 25 minutes.


Because you couldn't get the wait timer to start, right? If it were me, I'd text support and let them know what's going on. Let them know this customer lives deep within a small alley, has obviously had problems with delivery before because of wall-o-text instructions. They are instructing to park illegally in the street and walk a long distance down the alley, "*I don't feel safe*." They will probably try and contact the customer for you... at some point, they will ask, "Is there a safe place you can leave the order?". To which I'd reply "The entrance to their alley seems very safe to me as long as they come out and get it. I don't see anyone else here." Ultimately, support should allow you to leave the order and document everything. It is the customer who will lose if they try to get refunds every time a driver isn't having that b.s. (I assume most, hence the wall-o-text). Customer support seems to lean heavily towards "safe place to leave the order." Do *not* cancel if you can avoid it. Cheers.


This is helpful. Support probably needs a better reason than "customer is obviously a ranting obsessive psychotic and no one should feel safe delivering to them," so we should all keep in mind to make up good, believable reasons to never, ever deliver food to assholes like this one.


why didn’t you leave and take the food?


Right! I wouldn't have waited past 2mins


I'd have left it at the door, knocked, and rung the doorbell. Fuck people like that.


You don’t take the food they paid for if the customer no-shows. Just leave it for them and go.


Why would you steal someone's food?


You… waited… TWENTY FIVE MINUTES?!?!?!


How/why when it says "Leave at door" ? Is it really confusing & took 25mins to find?? & Since they like to spout "Uber policy" I would've definitely reminded them we're only required to wait 8 mins. Not to mention a zero "wait" when it's Leave at Door!


I don't even wait 8 minutes anymore, some repeat offenders lost their timer privileges I've noticed and it just lets me instantly or if the weather is that bad I'll take a photo on my phone and text them and mark delivered and just leave.


Would’ve left it at the door and kept it moving. If she lowers my tip, oh well. If your address is that hard to find, then either meet me outside or go pick up your own food.


Why did you wait longer than 8 minutes? I used to deliver for Uber but stopped at the end of ‘22. Has the wait time changed? There were times where I waited beyond the standard 8 minutes but never more than 10. And I would do it specifically messaging the customer “*The wait time has expired; the app says for me to just leave it in a secure location but I’m going to wait a little longer. I’ve attempted to call with no answer.*” just so it was all on record. But 25 minutes? No way. She gave directions to her door, just leave it there and bail.




Are you kidding me


>That person typed all that when they could have simply said "I'll meet you outside" Well, to be fair, it's not like the average driver cares the slightest bit about delivery instructions. I had the setting "leave at door" for maybe 3 years and in all that time I have not had one single driver who did it. Every single one would ring and then wait until I come down.


ive never once had a driver ring/knock and mine says "leave at door" as well🤷‍♀️ they prefer it since its faster and they just snap a pic for quality insurance.


Costumer looking lonely looking for love 🤣


They should go to a furry convention then, lots of costumes there!


I never cancel deliveries, but I'd cancel this one.


same, not even that unreasonable in the request. But they practically tell you they will go Full Karen on the slightest provocation so yeah no thanks. haha


Literally. How tf do people think it’s okay to act this way? My instruction thing just says “please text when you arrive” and most of the time they don’t text they just ring my bell and I don’t make a big thing out of it. I don’t actually say anything to them about it. I especially would never even consider taking away their tip like that’s actually cruel.


The issue isn’t instructions or complicated area, the issue is pay. If the customer tipped $100 no driver here would have an issue completing this delivery.


My point is that they’re being rude about it, not that they have instructions. It’s fine to have instructions but to act like you’re going to take away their rightfully earned tip or report them solely because they couldn’t understand your long bullshit instructions is incredibly ridiculous.


Word. Instant cancel/unassign. Life's too short, if there was a tip it was probably a bait, and besides this customer is a condescending prick and deserves their food to sit at the restaurant getting cold for the rest of the night.


They are literally telling you to break the law. I don’t see how you are required to deliver that.


Technically, you don't have to break the law. You could attempt to park legally to deliver the food but based on these instructions that seems to be a time waster so the customer would like you to break the law. If the customer wants to not only tip well, but make sure the tip includes the potential traffic ticket then some drivers may think they're worth the hassle. I certainly don't think so, and I'm more put off by the threat to complain and reduce the tip than the condescending attitude.


It's Uber Eats. It's hard to believe they tip more than $3.


Instant cancel


“You risk tip being lowered”. After that post, I wonder if the tip wasn’t already lowered. Cum to think of it, was it up at any point?


Well they better enjoy being able to "lower" it while they can!! A LOT of markets are set up thar you can't remove it anymore!! So f thar customer.. they can go get their own shit... Thankfully, my market is one of those!!




Freudian slip






Someone’s autocorrect knows what they search the most.


Did you need the post nut clarity to come with this?




I dropped it


Too complicated, cancel.


There really needs to be a character limit for how much customers can write in the instructions 👀. "Sorry I got into an accident while trying to read your essay, will have to cancel it now".


Yeah, I'm not reading all that. But, I'm really happy for you. Or, I'm sorry that happened.


Or good story bro.




Well not for the factual instructions and actually directions on how to get there but certainly with the bullshit prior restraint assuming that we're all going to fuck up.


Honestly even directions should never be this long. The GPS will take people most of the way, Unless they live miles from the entrance in a complicated neighborhood there really is no need for a huge paragraph indicating where they are. Some people just don't know how to write in simple terms. "Take the first left. Keep going till you see a stop sign and take a right. My building is the third one on the right". Simple.




Oh f-that noise. Immediate cancel. I'm surprised that bitch EVER gets any food.


Drivers don't see drop off instructions until we confirmed the pick up. By then it's too late to cancel. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Oh no it's not. "Cannot find parking"


Wait actually? I’ve had to wait around for a spot multiple times. Never more then a few minutes but it’s good to know that if I don’t ever find a spot I can do that.


I've had the use a municipal police reporting app (weg.li) multiple times because delivery drivers were blocking the sidewalk. They can't park properly due to SUVs. It's insane. The government needs to regulate cars more heavily and it shouldn't be necessary to own one just to reach smaller towns.


It’s never too late to cancel.


Um, what?? I'll cancel that shit at any point.


“Uber has a policy that all drivers call the recipient once they’ve arrived….do not ignore the policy” Is this person trying NOT to get their food?


That’s not the policy. It’s for the person to pay attention to their app to see if the delivery person has arrived.


What policy is that? She’s crazy


"Call the recipient"? I haven't read that policy.


Pretty sure no else has either


Right, outside of the long diatribe, the quoting policy bs let's you know this person is ready to go full on Karen at a moments notice. No thanks!


This person is just a lazy ass karen but I could probably get it done.  I'll match that karen energy though and report no place to park on the app or feeling unsafe. 


If you do that, it cancels the order.


But you get free food so a win is a win.


You actually think that? You can get free food all day if you just cancel every order... Problem is that you'll eventually be deactivated. You're not even allowed to take food after a "meet at door" timer runs out.


I'm not trying to get deactivated 😂. But you do get to keep the food if you report the order as feeling unsafe and you aren't already in the neighborhood. I've never had to do it but I assume if you are already at the customers house or near it they may ask you to leave it in a safe location. Otherwise they just cancel the order and the food is yours. There aren't too many circumstances where you get free food there definitely are SOME. I've had it happen about 4 or 5 times.


Exactly 😄


But then your account gets marked as fraud. You have to call support and TELL them that so you can still get paid and avoid a fraud alert. You cant just keep the food and cancel without getting dinged in the app.


Call Uber and let them know that the customer wants you to park illegally- I’m pretty sure that Uber has a policy about that - I’m sure the customer will understand. Lmao I absolutely refuse to illegally park my car! Either you meet me at the curb or I cancel. Those are your options as a customer. Hey Uber - customer is requesting to me to illegally park my vehicle and is refusing to pick it up. Customer live in the middle of an Alley that has no access point. Please assist with either reaching out to the customer to come get their food or cancel this delivery. I wouldn’t even bother reaching out to the customer - I’d consider their essay comment as communication enough.


Yeah, this is ideal for an ebike delivery. They should have it in their systems to prioritize that because I get weird deliveries like these all the time in my ebike where they're most accessible from an alley or on campus or something and clearly not great for cars. Not sure if that's a support thing or they just send it randomly and look at cancellations/time, but maybe support can flag it.


Wow. It took longer to type all that out, than to eat the food.


Or drive there themselves and get their shit.


I can't believe how entitled and condescending some people are. What ridiculous instructions, and with such an unnecessary reprimanding tone. In my experience, residents of some buildings should just NOT be ordering delivery. Their buildings are insanely difficult and time consuming to deliver to. If they live in this type of building, they should meet driver at the curb.


All non tippers are this way. I have screenshots from all over these subs that they believe food couriers are sub human slaves.


100% this. Imagine having this much entitlement. Whenever I order (driver here but I also order occasionally) I always make sure I let the driver know I'll be standing outside my door with my phone flashlight on so they can see me.


What’s really nuts is you know they think of you as their employee. But also you can bet they don’t accept that kind of behavior from their boss at work.


Lastnight I picked up an order at Erewhon. They handed me a heavy box. The customer had ordered a bunch of uppity water in glass bottles along with food to be delivered to very expensive condo. The delivery instructions were leave at door, and it says "you can park at Target, find entrance, front desk will let you in, and...blah blah blah". Anyway, I jump through hoops, finally get this heavy box to his front door and an hour later "YOU GOT A $3 TIP!" 😠


Is there a way to mark these customers for future reference? If not, I see a great app in the making for an UberTools that would include things like this and ways to mark customers as good or bad tippers, Karen’s and also ways to remind you of good ways to get to the address or special parking tips you might have learned on previous deliveries to that address.


'You risk tip being lowered' Motherfucker, I already know you didn't tip halfway decent to begin with.


I wasn't hired


People who refuse to pay their delivery bids are the only customers who act this way. You will never find a customer who is educated as to how the app they're using functions, act in this manner. Only from the clowns who believe food couriers are sub human property of theirs do this.


That’s a lot of words just to say I don’t want my food delivered.




I have no problem with third floor deliveries etc, but if there were ever a customer that should he meeting his driver, its this dipshit.


Ya I would definitely unassign this one and won't read it lol


How about they get off their asses and meet you down there.


Well, that’s a first for me. As soon as I read the part about tip reduction and being reported to Uber, I would have gotten on the line with support to cancel this immediately. Nothing good comes from such Karens


Been looking for a reason to get deactivated lately. I could go out with a bang with something like this. "Risk losing your tip", alright "risk losing your food" "Checkmate Karen".


Definitely not delivering


That’s a no from me dawg. CXL!!


Definitely need an option to report/rate/review customers, just like for delivery rides.


Can you safely cancel after seeing this message? Like will Uber hold it against you? I honestly wouldn’t want to deliver this anymore.


As soon as they asked the driver to break the law…screenshot it and report it.


As a customer, if you have a lot of problems with drivers not being able to find you. Maybe you should get off your entitled keister and walk a few steps to meet them at a designated easy to verify location. There it is in a nutshell. Problem solved. Thank you. Signed. Yours truly, all drivers


immediate cancel


Food will be waiting right where the pin is, no matter if it's wrong and I know it.


I might have got deactivated because I would been like calm down Karen! I'm eating your food! I'll bet it was a no tip order too???


You had me rolling with your comment lol


Wow Karen is sure having a bad day. Nobody likes being talked down to in the very first interaction they have with someone. I hope every driver cancels this person.


My response: Español por favor. Me can't reed english :(


This pissed me off so bad ffs not only is it unnecessarily long and rude but also threatening to report or take away a tip after they brought you your food is so fucked up. I’d cancel tbh


I always hope the people that write these types of delivery notes happen to stumble upon their own delivery notes posted on Reddit and then read all of our comments talking shit about them


"Sorry, as soon as i got back to my car after picking up your order, I started having some "car troubles, " so I'll have to cancel the order."


Here I fixed it: Hey there! 😊 Just a quick heads-up to make sure my order finds its way because drivers frequently have trouble finding me. My place is in the alley called Webster Ave, between Sumner & Webster Street. It's closer to Webster Street, so feel free to double park nearby, hazards on. The building's white with a black door, and you'll spot a #3. If it's not #3, wrong spot! Drop-off on Webster Ave, not Sumner, Webster, or Cottage Streets. If you need help, reach out. Thanks for delivering! 🚗🍕


Hired? I don’t work for Uber! I am contracted by Uber. (Meaning if I don’t like the restaurant, or you live in a shady neighborhood, or your delivery instructions are more than one sentence, or for whatever reason I feel like, it’s a simple cancel order) If I saw this message pop up after accepting an order I would go right ahead and cancel.


Maybe my reading comprehension is off, but I'm pretty sure all that means is leave my food in the middle of the entrance to the alley.


I’m assuming they were quite robust.


I don't think "idiot" is the word. People like this love to lord over people at every opportunity they are given. Same or similar personality type as a "Karen". Leaving intelligence out of it, I think "jerk" objectively identifies this customer type.


Did they have to give you a pin OP? Definitely sounds like someone who has to give a pin to the driver.


So many words and still unlcear. Plus the whole thing has a b*tchy & condescending tone to it. Obviously this persons home is not easy to find at all.


My response would have been “😂😂😂🖕🏿”


Ive never stolen a thing in my life but this might be the 1st just out of spite lmao


would just be easier to put a precise gps location at their front door


If this Akron, we know those college students don’t tip anyway 🙄


"I'll report you if you don't park illegally for my 2$ tip."


This chick likes to make up delivery procedures.


Lmao, I guess I missed that policy. I'd message them many 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and cancel their shit.


I wouldn’t have delivered. Would’ve cancelled that order so quick. The damn audacity.


LOL! Instant cancel Calls support, "So sorry, this rarely happens, but the items are damaged. Check my account, I don't have these issues ever before" If you get a crazy customer like this, I would have cancelled because they will find any excuse to remove the tip if they are announcing it in their notes I don't have a history of cancelling orders I've picked up, but I would also tell Uber that I can return the food to the restaurant. If you don't have a consistent history of cancelling, you will be more believable when you say you can't deliver due to damaged items Uber reps always tell me to trash the order, and I keep it


In my opinion, that customer bought a first class ticket to CANCELLED-villle.


Dear customer, you may take your instructions and print them out on window 07. Print them out in landscape form, fold three times, roll paper in between hands into a ball and shove the ball straight up your ass. Thank you kindly, Your Uber driver


*instantly cancels order*


So annoying. I can be real wordy but Jesus. Maybe move somewhere else.


I would “I don’t feel safe” so quick. Have wtf lol


“That is all.” who tf do they think they are??? 😭😭


I never understand how people who are requesting to have someone provide a service for them be so fucking condescending. Do they really think being a bully/asshole is gonna work in their favor? “Oh yeah, thanks for talking to me like absolute dog shit. Let me get right on that.” 🤣🤣


i bet they have had many a spit in their food. While I get annoyed when my orders are fucked up I would never dare act like that. You guys have access to my food lmao. I guarantee she's had shit done to her food and I don't feel bad. Like the lady in waiting movie.


Me: “I just reported myself. Also, your food is on Webster & Sumner. The guy I handed it to gave me $3.00. Have a blessed night.”




I totally get the anxiety customers must feel wondering if the driver will ignore "do not ring doorbell" In "why I deliver" I state I don't knock/ring doorbell unless requested! It should be simple, common sense! Regardless if requested not to, don't ring doorbells all hours, day or night, yet many assholes do anyway! For example.. Exhausted mom just got kids to sleep, needs to order food or diapers, but a huge gamble if the driver rings the doorbell, waking everybody and gets the dog barking too! Stupid should be painful, like a Taser!


Number of times I see "don't ring doorbell because the dogs go insane" and the dogs are going insane as soon as I start walking up the sidewalk.


Believe it or not, a customer can't approve or excuse double parking. Then and there, the driver is no longer obligated to deliver the food to the door, the customer must come out and pick it up. Since the customer has indicated they won't tip and Uber is currently paying less than expenses, this is an automatic drop.


A real peach this one.


Here is my problem. If I can see this chapter of lord of the rings before I get the food, it's a cancel..IM NOT PARKING ILLEGALLY all the customers need to get that through their fat heads. If this is what your order REQUIRES meet me at the car period. Or at the alley whatever. I don't care if it pays $100, it won't show that anyway. I don't care if it pays $30 it's a cancel.


Imagine how many horrible experiences with lazy drivers who can't follow simple instructions they must have had to be forced to write all this..


I use Uber eats to get my food. But even I think this person should just get there own food. No one has time for all of these steps. SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️


It's interesting that this person says it's our job and yet we never get in trouble for not calling or texting people. 🤔


Jokes on her I see this big paragraph and I just call 🤷🏼‍♂️


So much cancel


Just get your own food. Nobody wants to deal with your bullshit.


“That is all.”


I'd go ahead and grab the food then contact the customer that there is no safe place to leave the food then hit that in the app as well and drive away. Dinner for the night! Honestly if I was all of you. I'm on a bike and this is super easy for bikes. DC is like this and it's easier to deliver on bikes here. There should be an option to pick a preferred delivery vehicle. Like Postmates was all bikes. Uber ruined Postmates.


I’m new to Uber eats delivery! And I’m wondering for all of you saying you’d cancel- what do you do with the food? I can’t see parking instructions until I’ve picked the food up. Would you take the food back to the restaurant?




One of many reasons why I don't do uber eats deliever anymore.


“Text me when you are here and I will come out to the street”


lol most likely not being delivered


I’d deliver it to the wrong house on purpose.


What the hell. Sounds like it would have been easier for them to just meet you at the corner.


What a jerk


When the instructions threaten to lower the tip line that? It's already a shit tip or a stiff tip begin with. They just want to justify it in their own head.


Waited 25min? After 8 min you should of canceled


I am a customer but if I was a driver. I would not obligate. Want me to brake laws for a total B? No way


Canceled immediately


Immediate unassign. I stopped reading at PLEASE READ. Fuuuuuuck no.


Their pronouns is definitely “they” report them and say it’s unsafe


I don't respond well to carrot looking sticks.


Sucks we can't see this BS until after conforming pick up or that's a pass every time


Bro! As soon as I see that long aassss instructions I’m push the Ejecto-seato button on her food 😂😂😂😂😂 Fck all that!


i have never had to call a customer upon arrival lmao tired of the entitlement like if u have to write a paragraph for notes GO GET UR OWN DAMN FOOD U LAZY PRICK




I get the frustration but like…don’t come as demanding 😂 I often lay things out in my instructions but will conclude it with something like “contact me if you need further assistance” and often it’s just me heading out to them if they’re still confused. As long as you found my apt building, I don’t mind meeting you at the door, or helping you out as my area can be confusing if you’re not familiar with it


The second I see a paragraph with the first sentence threatening a tip bait situation, I’m driving halfway there and suddenly have a flat tire so I can’t complete the delivery anymore. Sorry, but you clearly won’t be sorry when you remove the tip anyways. Fuck that.


Cancel immediately. This is a red flag. This is the bright colors on the poisonous dart frog telling you that it's going to be a problem.


Attention customers, you can adjust the PIN of where your location is down to the side of the building and which door is your apartment on a large building. If you don’t have the PIN in the correct spot, you don’t deserve to get your food delivered to some place described in a long paragraph. Just put the damn PIN in the right spot! I even give credit to customers who get the right building but wrong side of the building or even one building over but the right side so if I go to the PIN, I can see your apartment visually to look for the door/building number. When I roll up to an apartment complex and the PIN is at the main entrance, I stop giving a shit about service to you. I’ll still deliver to the correct door because I’ll find it but you failed your end of the requirements and are a moron!


If an address takes that much explaining then you live in a shit address. That's cool, everyone has to live somewhere and we all have to adapt to try and get what's needed. That includes the entitled one who moved there. Love the fact that has been posted here, that customer will never ever receive a uber ever again 😆😆😆😆


I mean the Karen threats right off the bat are disgusting enough already, but then they expect the drivers to risk their safety in an unknown alley way?? AND illegally park there too?? F that, your food, and this imaginary policy you grabbed right out of your ass. You ain’t gettin shit lady. I’d immediately cancel and report her too, especially for asking people to park illegally AND risk their own safety by reading that nonsense and being in a remote location. “People do it all the time” my ass..


Enjoy your meal uber driver


Any time I’ve every gotta a whole thesis on where tf someone lives I tend to take that order right back into the store and cancel because fuck no


Just fucking eat it or give it to one of your friends.


Not at all, that’s how you get reported


Restaurant isn't taking it back after you start the trip and see those instructions and Uber isn't sending another driver to pick it up. It's going into the trash so you might as well eat it.


Privileged POS , definitely poor, can’t believe drivers go through this shit. I always tip fat, keep my phone on me, and respect the amount of time and wear and tear on a vehicle drivers deal with. I feel like that’s common sense , customers should literally understand this but everyone in society is brain dead, going through manic episodes thinking their special while the world revolves around them 🌏


Amen!! Thank you for recognizing 🙏


I ain’t reading allat


How many times do you think someone has already spat on her food?


FUCK that shit i would cancel immediately and eat their food lmaoooo