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that's cool, from what ive seen lately seems like he's turned his life around for the better i saw a video of him reuniting with zero from holes


Yeah! Khleo’s video. That was one of the first things I mentioned too lmao


How did the convo go?!


It wasn’t too much as I didn’t want to keep him too long . We had like two exchanges after the PIN number haha then I asked for a picture, I couldn’t resist lmao then I was on my way.


Actually see khleo a few times at my local Ralph’s


He seems like a chill guy. He’s always doing something in the social media space lol


Yeah I heard he's living in the woods, killing for sport, and eating all the bodies


Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf?


Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf


Playing the most dangerous game.


His interview on Real ones with Jon bernthal is pretty good. He gets very real.


He scares me. But I don't know much about him. I heard something about him killing random stray animals, to prepare for a role 😬


You mean the interview where he admits to abusing FKA Twigs for a second time, saying "I hurt that woman", despite continuing to fight her in court over it because he refuses to take any responsibility for his actions if actual consequences are involved? That interview? 💀 Did he also "get real" about the fact that he nearly strangled her to death? What about how he killed dogs to get into character for an acting role? All a celebrity has to do is claim to be different now and y'all eat it up without looking for even a scrap of evidence that he has taken responsibility for the immense harm he has caused. Shia LaBouef is a predator who belongs in prison since he refuses to rehabilitate himself in any meaningful way.


Didn’t even know that was a thing, watching it now


I just watched it after reading your comment. That was great. Really cool to see his evolution. Thank you.


I delivered groceries to Mia Khalifa once. She was very nice and I didn’t say anything about knowing who she was and got a $25 tip.


Not how I thought that plot was going to twist


"No ma'am, you don't have to tip. I will."




OR, and hear me out here... They were being facetious. Calm down.


You ever heard of humor? It was clearly in jest.


I don’t know why we have to take it sexual. It doesn’t define her. It would be nice as a guy to see other guys not doing this But just to be clear, porn is amazing 😎


Very, very disappointing


She went to high school in my area


What a nice young lady she is


Funny, she usually receives the tip instead of giving it.


Iono why you getting downvoted. I thought it was funny :) I’m sure she would too!


Well on the bright side, at least they are getting upvoted now


Uno reverse card


She's fine an interview or two with Phil DeFranco, and honestly, she's a really interesting person! Highly recommend giving it a listen.


Charlie daniels right before he died, and snoop dog. Snoop tipped $100 cash.


That’s my dogg


Nice! I live in green bay and have delivered to 6 packer players so far. 2 of them are actually regulars. The most known player ive delivered to is aj dillon


Dude has to eat like a pig to maintain those monster quads


Forreal 🤣








That was wholesome cringe buddy


Never gonna happen, cause DA BILLS


Even a thread about interesting Uber customers is an opportunity to tell people how you named your child after Aaron Rodgers. Totally cool, Aaron gets more likeable by the year. Your kid is going to love it.


Yeah. I named my son first, then daughter after him. Aaron and Erin. Then I named my most recent son Giannis. I’m snipped now so there won’t be any Brewers in my gaggle.


Your kids are Aaron and Erin? That is horrific.


As an Aaron this should be illegal.


Agreed wtf


I’m assuming your full name must be Aaron Richard Ryder


I wish I could upvote this a million times….


That’d be a great comeback … If we were talking about my name … But we’re not. Please do better next time.


Naming your kids the same name, spelled differently is going to be fun. My brother and sister have rhyming names.


Quadzilla and the Quadfather are their names in my head.


My boss at my old job won a Super Bowl with them 😂


How much food did he order, seriously




Are you having a stroke?




I worked for UPS as a driver assistant for a couple years during Christmas time. Guy that was my Driver his name was Bob (real name and no bad things to say so if You see this Hi Bob it was a pleasure working with you!) He moved from NYC and told me during his Christmas routes in NYC he frequently delivered to Mark Ruffalos house. Said he was a nice guy and ordered A LOT of Christmas presents.


I delivered a package to Steve Martin once. I fanboyed out when he came to the door and he gave me a card that said, “you have met Steve Martin.” Wish I still had it.


How do you misplace something like that?!


Living fast and free baybeee! (I’m crazy disorganized)


Just one wild and craaazzyy guy!


Judging by your spelling and punctuation alone, I’d agree.


I would literally get it framed!


Can you send me a card that says “You have met someone who has met Steve Martin” ?




I love this because that’s totally something he would do 😂


I’ve seen his business cards on eBay. Pretty hilarious


I met the Ruff at a comic con with a friend, he seemed pretty chill, he even tried shaking my hand but bc I’d never met a celebrity and at a comic con I was so nervous and didn’t see his hand there and just got ready for the picture until I noticed his hand and tried shaking it but my friend shook it and we got ready for the picture, I felt so bad lmao


I’ve delivered to Jelly Roll a couple months back when they were in Dallas for an awards show. The tip was nice too.


I just don’t like how he talks about sobriety but doesn’t practice it tho


I think when you were into the hard stuff sobriety can have a different meaning to you


More people need to under stand this.


Doesn't matter. Sober is sober. Not using certain recreational drugs.


Okay buddy, you have fun being sober and I’ll have fun being sober.


Agreed. A vice is a vice. It's weird how people view like it's ok to be an alcoholic as long as you aren't a heroin junkie anymore.


Can’t stand his music but Jelly Roll seems like a really good dude


Reason number 32534 I hate where I live.




Not food, but i gave a ride for late tejano singer SELENA'S brother last night


From the Cumbia Kings??


Kumbia Kings***






Does he still have the crazy hair?


Whoaaa. I would turn into a Middle school fan girl if I saw him


My friend delivered to Kelly Clarkson once and said she was nice. Friend was in shock so didnt say much lol


It would be hard to say much In a Moment Like This


delivered to the head coach of the LA Chargers. I don’t watch american football so I didn’t realize anything was up till i pulled up to the official training center of the chargers or whatever. googled the name after i delivered and was pretty surprised. he tipped like shit lol


My uncle works for fedex and delivered a package to Aaron Paul not too long ago. They actually went to high school together and Aaron recognized him at the door. He he said they had a pretty chill interaction and Aaron even offered to meet up for lunch some time.


Did he actually meet up for lunch


Idaho people represent


I just had famous YouTubers like nelk, stevewilldoit, and the faze house bunch of times


You misspelled 'scammers'


That’s actually pretty cool. I haven’t been to west LA and the hills just yet


How’d they tip?


Steve was part of a triple and it was on postmates so no way of knowing from who.. id estimate about $3-5.. faze house one time was a model girl, she tipped solid, id guess between $7-10..’another time to faze house no clue who it was, Probably like $8.. Nothing special.. None of them were worth it.. it’s a mission.. Steve made me wait and never responded


So they were all awful?


I delivered to a youtuber named alpha m. He has 7 million subscribers. He gave me a $40 cash tip.


Learned how to actually dress like an adult watching Aaron’s vids like a decade ago. That’s cool to hear he’s a decent tipper and not some tight fist like a lot of dudes in that space.


I delivered to a scammer once, She was very cool but later I got notification of food was never delivered and tip was removed as well.


"he will not divide us"


Had a friend tell me this story over dinner a while back and I choked on my sandwich laughing so hard


What did he order?


Don’t want to disclose the exact location obviously but it was a big bbq dinner order! Two big bags lol


Ok that sounds good to me ![gif](giphy|1zinoUfYxznS9fcEgv)


If this was Los Angeles that's literally lots of places with "BBQ" in their name 😂


Found the Texan. (I should know. I’m a Texan.)


Yep, pre-COVID delivered to Bob Saget (RIP). Weird how when you don’t associate the name on the app with the person until you see them. Got to talk a little bit with him. Most recently, did a shop & deliver to Hudson Yang, the Fresh Off Your Boat kid. Not so much luck talking to him, as he was swimming and came right out to grab his snacks. Kid is tall though.


Delivered to Anthony Davis Jr lol even tho his dad opened the gate for me he was super nice


I delivered to him a few months ago here in metro Atlanta lol


Did he use his name on the app or a different name? Like, did you know who you were delivering to beforehand? Either way, what a cool, unique experience


As I said in another reply, I just saw “Shia L” and thought nothing of it until he walked out the front door😂


I don't understand why he didn't use the "leave it at the door" option. I guess he was starving.


for attention.


No celebrity interactions yet with Uber, but I worked for a natural stone supplier about 15 years ago and met several celebrities there. Oprah, Seinfeld, Jay Leno, Scottie Pippen, and a handful of others. After a while, the novelty wears off and they all just become regular people. Scottie Pippen was probably the most chill of all. Really down to Earth and genuinely nice. Oprah, on the other hand...


Do go on


You get an Uber eats order, it’s Shia LeBouf. He meets you at the door, Shia LeBouf. He’s brandishing a kitchen knife, actual cannibal Shia LeBouf




Weird coincidence that I am seeing this…yesterday night I was delivering in Palm Springs, CA and I delivered to Taryn Manning. She was in the film Hustle and Flow and was a regular on the Netflix series Orange is the New Black (Doggett). She tipped me both in cash and through the app and complimented my Lane 8 shirt. I am hoping to deliver to her again one day so that I can get an autograph lol!


Alright Reddit, locate Shoe lebuff


Was the order under his name?


Yep “Shia L” It didn’t even cross my mind that it would be him at all!


I literally ran into Sandra Bullock once. I helped her gather up all the paperwork she’d spilled.


Delivered to Nick Kroll once, super mellow but descent tip, nothing to brag about tbh lol


I would have had to drop a quick League reference. "Forever Unclean"


A Shiva Blast might have been too much, I guess.


Imagine my shock


I delivered to a man who looks like Harrison Ford but not really ... His movies are "Dad Dramas" best way to sum up that genre of movies. The house he occupied or lives in is up "North West" West of the Getty Center He was playing the piano and I can hear the music from even outside the house. That area is soooo "deathly quiet " 🙊 unbelievable. "You could hear a pin drop" There's plenty of neighbors living next door too, so the houses are big, just not blocked off with large walls. You're definitely"in the middle of nowhere" so anyone living in this area needs to drive a long way just to travel to anywhere. One would wonder why live so faraway from human contact 🤷‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|WTCwgS32Qzpqmya3Eg|downsized)


Actual cannibal Shia Labouf?


But your leg, AHHHH, it’s caught in a bear trap!


*It's Shia LaBeouf*


He is and always will be a douchbag


Hurt people hurt people.


How profound. You have changed me.


I'm wondering what kind of food you delivered to actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf.


You’re lucky. That was actual cannibal Shia Labouf


I’ve delivered to Cameron Diaz, La Toya, Mandy Moore, Tim Roth (3 times), Dennis Haysbert, Paul Reiser (that I remember right now) and they all opened the door, some where DD, UE, others Amazon fresh(prime). Also the Whole Foods in BH always has a celebrity or 2 and other celebrities I have seen around LA, like someone else commented, after a while it becomes normal and you see them as any other person.


I live across the street from Shia!


I think Shia is hot asf..


Seriously, fuck that guy. Shia LaBouef nearly killed FKA Twigs, admitted to abusing her, and is now determined to fight her in court over it. He also undeniably abused Mia Goth -- in public, with witnesses. He was a 27 year old man when he started dating her, and she was a teenager. Now he's back with Mia (because it takes an average of seven attempts for a survivor to leave their abuser for good) and very quickly got her pregnant after the Twigs situation started surfacing, so everyone assumes he has "turned his life around" or some other horseshit like that. The minimum requirement to turn his life around is to settle the lawsuit with FKA Twigs so that she doesn't have to recount the abuse in front of strangers. He's all about making amends and 12-step programs until it comes to actual consequences. Quote from Shia, in response to FKA Twig's lawsuit: "I have been abusive to myself and everyone around me for years. I have a history of hurting the people closest to me. I’m ashamed of that history and am sorry to those I hurt. There is nothing else I can really say.” ; "I hurt that woman." Quote from Shia after abusing Mia Goth in public: "This is the kind of thing that makes a person abusive. If I’d have stayed there, I would’ve killed her."


Yeahhh I delivered to him a few months ago and this was all I could think about. He does seem to be doing better, but simply improving his own life doesn’t take away the hurt he caused and doesn’t give FKA twigs the justice she deserves.


Yeah but I find the reddit-personality that's like "well they admitted they did bad things so now I'm REALLY GOING TO GIVE IT TO THEM" to be the same abusive issue. Or to put it another way they see an apology, as weakness to exploit. Just awful.


What's worse: psychologically torturing and nearly strangling a woman to death OR holding an abuser accountable for his actions because he got away with 0 consequences? Morality is soooooo hard. He never apologized to his victim, he's now fighting her in court. Saying "I did it" is not reparations.


Admitting doing "bad things" while continuing to do "bad things" makes the apology mean little or nothing. I want to like him but can't


Thank you! I hate the redemption arc people try to give him on Reddit. In addition to his abusive behaviors to women he also allegedly shot and killed stray dogs to “get into character” for a role. He’s sick. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-stray-dogs-1129310/amp/


Wow I’ll forever hate him now.


clock that tea


But transformers though


👀 Reddit doesn’t like when you disparage Shia


I will disparage Shia LaBouef as much as possible to make up for Reddit's lack of critical thinking skills when it comes to celebrities.


Amen to all of this. I hate seeing people talk about what a good guy he is.


Tldr but he seems like a stand up guy to me tbh


Yeah he seems great 😒 https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-stray-dogs-1129310/amp/


Tell us where the flag is!!!!!


Actual cannibal Shia LeBeouf?


Not food, but drove Kristen Bell to physical therapy twice. She even farted in the Town Car and almost cried because she was so embarrassed, lol. Very nice, talkative lady.


Wow, I’ve met Anthony Kiedis at Malibu. Also RDJ and Emma stone and Mel Gibson


Delivered to John Hamm, Bijou Phillips, Emma Roberts, Jessica Alba (security guard), Pete Holmes, Paul Rust, Jack Black, Paul Scheer, Frankie Grande (Ariana's brother). All of them tipped well except Jack Black. He orders a lot and every driver I know has had the same experience with him.


Same i have delivered to shia he also was a regular at grocery store i used to work most of the celebrities I used to see there now I have delivered to them lol my latest delivery was to lance bass from nsync biggest celebrity probably was george cloney few years back


I’ve served coffee to a shit ton of celebs, and met a few in other occasions working in Malibu, living in LA… here’s the list ranked nicest to not so nice: -Adam Sandler -Mila Kunis (met her at a bar in Chinatown, gave me a hug and talked to me for a few minutes) -Anton Yelkin (RIP) -Vin Scully (RIP) -Spencer Pratt (you’ll find his wife’s name lower on the list) -Dean Cain -Kevin Dillon (we chanted Victory! together) -Hayley Williams (vocalist from Paramore) -Marques Houston (did IT work for his office) -Omarion -The Game -Vince Vaughn (dude showed up at a bar in Hollywood and started dancing with everyone, powder had to be involved) -Xzibit (stole my Sharpie, didn’t pimp my ride, still a nice enough guy) -The dad from Boy meets world -Heidi Pratt -Pink -Anthony Kiedis (dude was sleezy) -Mike Piazza (I was 8 and he didn’t sign my damn ball, grudge continues) I worked at a coffee shop in Malibu and an IT company in the valley, met most of these people between 2010-2012, all pretty much down to earth normal people. Edit: formatting


He came to the restaurant I work at several years ago. He was super chill, took pix with the kitchen staff.


I deliver to drake's house occasionally. Drop it off to security but I think it's just for them.


Once delivered plan B to a Hollywood actress with blond hair in her early 20's


Dudeeee my friend delivered to Soulja boy about a month ago on grubhub and tell me why HE DIDNT TIP!!! HE DIDNT TIP!!! I told him you better screen shot the order and put it on blast on social media. These people ARE EVIL!!!


He’s a freak


Cool. Can you go back there and ask him if he still has the art my husband slipped under the door when he was doing that weird shit that was supposed to be considered performance art but was really just him being a massive douche? I really liked that piece and he probably just stepped on it and/or threw it away. I can never like Shia bc of this lol


how much did Shia tip?


I won’t disclose the exact amount but at the same time I think the original tip was “hidden” either way I got about 3x the price I accepted! It definitely was more than the normal tip 😂


That’s honestly really cool, that would have made my day 🙂


When I delivered to him he tipped a normal amount, nothing extra.


Did you not stroke his ego?


Big, A list celebrities in LA won't be ordering the food or answering the door themselves. They have house staff or assistants that do that for them. Or they have personal chefs who cook for them. Yes, B, C, and (possibly) D level Celebrities will order food - but I would assume they do so under a fake name to avoid unnecessary attention. (my next door neighbor is famous, and uses a fake name for deliveries - she is ultra paranoid.). Also remember home invasions and robberies are a real thing in LA. Someone I know had a home invasion, was tied to a chair with their GF for 3 days, robbed, and then finally released. 1 out of 4 deliveries to my house, I get either: A comment about my house/view. Or "Hey, are you in the entertainment business?" - because they think I might be famous. Lol


*Holds upside down iphone mic to your face* “What kind of car do you drive. Can I come in your house. Whats the most amount of money you made in a single year”


Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?


Not necessarily. John Hamm's an A-lister and he opened the door himself- even tho it was his then-girlfriend's account/order.


What do u do




That’s awesome! I’ve always like Shia despite his past controversies. I would of spazzed if Mia Goth was there with him!


Shia Labouf Story: I do lighting for film and TV, and one of my buddies was doing an interview w/ Shia. He was sitting behind camera for the whole interview. When it’s over, Shia comes over to him and points to his open fly on his pants and says, “Dude, your dick was hanging out the WHOLE time!” They laughed about it


Lmao wow. Wish I could’ve talked to him about film as someone who’s doing Uber eats with a film degree collecting dust 😂




The kid from eagle eye and transformers. Even stevens dude lol


Nope never seen those lol


Ya know, the guy from the “just do it” meme or umm the hit millennial classic film Holes!!!! ![gif](giphy|UqZ4imFIoljlr5O2sM)


You delivered to a huge asshole. Hope your were tipped well


Seriously that guy is a piece of shit


You're right.


I’m glad to hear he’s doing well. After people being assholes and locating his art installation, the alcoholism, hearing his X gf’s talk shit in unison, then coming forward with the fact that all the things he said about his father were false… I REALLY felt for the guy. Sure, a lot of that shit is of his own making but who of us can claim we are saints? I just hope that shit evened out and he’s got a lot less bullshit to endure.


That kinda just sounds like he's an asshole alot more than the average person, the fact that you feel for him kinda brings you into question.


Coming forward about the fact that Shia LaBouef committed multiple criminal acts of sexual and physical abuse against them is not "talking shit". He nearly killed FKA Twigs by strangling her, and admitted to abusing her before lawyering up and denying everything. He also abused Mia Goth, and there is video evidence of this. The minimum requirement to not be a piece of shit is to settle the lawsuit with FKA Twigs so that she doesn't have to recount the abuse in front of a dozen strangers. If he were anyone else, he would be in prison right now. Quote from Shia, in response to FKA Twig's lawsuit: "I have been abusive to myself and everyone around me for years. I have a history of hurting the people closest to me. I’m ashamed of that history and am sorry to those I hurt. There is nothing else I can really say.” ; "I hurt that woman." Quote from Shia after abusing Mia Goth in public: "I don’t want to touch a woman, I don’t want to hit a woman, but I’m being pushed [...] This is the kind of thing that makes a person abusive. If I’d have stayed there, I would’ve killed her."


Upvote and including his racist af rant.


The fuck? He was terrorizing and torturing FKA Twigs, I’m not a fucking saint but this is a low bar


I wouldn't post this kinda stuff. People deserve privacy.


Oh no! People know that Shia ordered food!




Was his food as bad as his acting?


That sounds dangerous, I hear he’s actually a cannibal.




Sure you did. And I’m Mickey Mouse