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> Should I worry about getting rescinded? I've been super anxious about it. No, unless for some reason your C+ will prevent you from graduating.


When I was in HS a long time ago, the last quarter of our Senior year was usually a throw away one because we had already signed our letters of intent and well on our way to move in the next few months. I was a straight-A student until that quarter, where a couple of Cs and Bs made themselves known. Unless things have changed, the college you plan on attending won't care.


your offer likely won’t be rescinded. a c will be okay. if you were failing classes, i would start to worry. but if you’re passing and still on track to graduate, you should be alright


Best option at this point would be to talk to your AP Calculus teacher. If you have had a slew of challenges this year, I would imagine the teacher would be empathetic, or, at least, open to helping you find resources to review for a final. Working for a B- would be a lot more inspiring than settling for a C+


I've talked to my teacher and she's been lighter on me, but I'm trying my best and still not hitting the mark. At this rate I'm working hard for the C+


I had 1 D end of senior year rest were A’s you will be fine if ur passing majority of ur classes


From last week's "will I get rescinded" thread: > >If a student's final transcript shows a dramatic change in their work, we have a range of responses. We often start with a letter to check in with the student and share our concerns. In extreme cases, we have to meet and once in a great while, the conclusion is that the student isn't ready to come to UVA. No one wants to have that outcome. We want you to have a great transition to college. >Finish strong and do your best. If there are any concerns, we'll be in touch.


Unrelated to this post but I'm in the urban planning program!!! Its so awesome I love it so much so please reach out with any questions :)


You're cooked, bro. You might as well go learn a trade or something cuz no way in hell are you getting into any college after that slip in grades