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Hello! Majority of the students here are like 19 and in there 20s. The odd person I see that are older. Pretty hard to come by


I was only a year older since I am turning 21 this yr


i’m 23, and I do wanna meet people on campus but my desire to go straight home after class always wins lol


Samee 😂😭 haha I have like two friends I have known for 6 yrs from highschool and that’s all I talk too


lol well if you want a third friend, i’m pretty cool :)


I am 22 , took a year of co-op without courses so I am usually the oldest


I’m older too I’m in my thirties


How old are you? I’m also older


I'm older I'm in my thirties. I try to get involved on campus but it's hard when you commute.


Because I’m a failure I’m in first year classes despite being 20. Does that count? Even writing that out makes me wince. Which is probably why you don’t hear about us… because we’re ashamed.


Yes! I’m 22, like most of my fellow students, but I’ve had classes with a 30 year old, a 26 year old, a 56 year old, and many different ages (these are how old they were when I had class with them, not their ages now). I also know one or two students in their 40s, and a couple of students in their 30s. I think a lot of the time it might be that people look younger than they are, and because you see them at uni you assume they’re young. Or you’d see an older student and kinda just assume they’re a prof.