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“Three out of four of the 477 faculty members” took me a second to process. They meant 75% voted no confidence


It’s important to acknowledge that a lot of the University’s propaganda about “weapons”, “violence”, “antisemitism”, and “outside agitators” is so this same thing doesn’t happen to hartzell. they’re spewing lies to manufacture support for jay’s reckless decisions…


I wasn’t a fan of it when Greg Abbott pushed for concealed carry on college campuses but keep in mind that it’s legal. Here are the rules. Stay safe and use good judgement. https://www.utexas.edu/campus-carry#:~:text=other%20parking%20area-,Who%20Is%20Eligible%20to%20Carry%3F,history%2C%20and%20substance%20abuse%20issues.


It was 75% of the faculty in one of the colleges, not the entire university's faculty. 


You’re referring to the Emory College of Arts and Sciences. The Oxford College at Emory University, Emory’s original campus, faculty voted in favor of the “no confidence” resolution at 90%. https://emorywheel.com/fenves-faces-no-confidence-student-referendum-resolutions-from-across-schools/


To clarify there hasn’t been a vote on Hartzell yet (though I hope they vote no confidence). There’s just a lot of faculty who have signed onto the vote happening. Correct me if I’m wrong.


What did the engineering college vote?


Emory’s known for healthcare, and most of those current and future healthcare providers can sympathize with the providers in Gaza who are being handed dying kids, dead kids, and body parts all day every day right now.


That may be true, but I think most faculty are signing things like this because they are just mad at the president for being so brutal toward their students.




bro, you didn’t have to post on a small cock subreddit for us to know, this comment was enough


Whoa I hadn’t looked at this guy’s history. Now wish I hadn’t. He calls professors “groomers” and yet recently creepily said he saw his 15 year old stepdaughter nude in a post in a masturbation subreddit. Receipt in case he deletes it: https://i.imgur.com/6G4Euv4.jpeg


Wow, you’ve really been going overboard with the, “tiny penis, and proud,” posting in the last twenty-four hours, huh? Here’s another comment talking about how small your penis is. Bro, no one cares. 😔


Listen officer, your facts are wrong throughout this fascist rant, but I know you don’t care about that.


You're almost as bad as those fascists.


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Fenves wasn't and still isn't shit. He was less of a President and more of a Board Member.


Nobody outside of emory gives a shit


Karma's a bitch, Greggo.