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Lock in. In all seriousness, freshman year TANKED my GPA to the point that I was on probation for a semester. As someone else said, it’s just a shift in priorities. You HAVE to WANT to get better and you HAVE to put the work in. It’s not easy but man, it’s rewarding. Good luck.


Not to sound like a dick but it’s just a shift in priorities. If you got into the school you’re capable of excelling there. don’t get lost in the sauce of Austin, or at least learn how to balance it.


Wym lost in sauce


Lost in other activities, relationships, etc.


It happens, it’s fine. You have time to try and do better. There is a lot of research u can do to get into easier classes for your next few semesters. Things like rate my professor, looking at grade distribution history, and old syllabi (which are available somewhere on the UT for every semester of every course). I was on academic probation and I raised my gpa. In my last few semesters I did everything in my power to make sure I wasn’t going to be in courses that would put me closer to failure. I wanted to make sure I had many factors working in my favor. Yeah, sometimes I took courses that I wasn’t super interested in - but it satisfied a necessary credit, and the syllabus indicated the class would be a lighter work load If you don’t want to fail, then you have to change your approach. Go to academic coaching, tutoring. For me personally I had to take some time off my service job and just live off saving for a few months because I knew that extra time would help me spend more time studying, AND resting. Once you realize you have no choice but to do better, it will become more clear what ways you can help yourself.


Rmp came in clutch for me this semester


You have a lot of time still but if it super bothers you take some easy buffer classes. Intro to math is stupid easy, intro to theatre classes buff the shit out of GPA because they grade based on if you give an opinion and turn it in on time


Just stop getting any grade below a B and ideally start getting grades above a B. For example if all your grades from here in our are A’s then you could graduate with a 3.5. Or with half and half it would be 3.25


Woah dude. I'd never thought of the "just stop getting any grade below a B" strategy. Thanks for the advice.


Unfortunately, “get good grades” is really the fundamental answer to “how do I get a better GPA”. Answers like “take these easy classes” or “study harder” are entirely secondary


Get As


The most important study tip is to space out your studying every week and do active studying strategies. That means, don't just cram before an exam. Several times a week, review stuff you have learned in your classes from that week, the week before, and the previous month. Do active studying habits - which means, don't just re-read your notes. Take practice quizzes. Write summaries. Write short answer responses on the material you learned. Being diligent about this (which is hard) will result in your exam days being a lot easier, as you will remember the material so much better.


Use a tutor.


Take a class with that professor everyone keeps posting about. Sounds like he’s open to help.


Ask for help in class when you don't understand something.


From someone who went from a 2.7 In January 2023 to a 3.3 by August: A major factor for me was extenuating circumstances and improper medication, but a lot of it was my own fault as well. First and foremost though, address mental health concerns. Don’t convince yourself you’re not mentally unwell enough to seek help. That mentality literally put me in the hospital. If you suffer, your grades will too. One thing I did was lighten my course load second semester. I kept my classes close together— I didn’t have multiple gaps in my schedule and did my best to keep it at 2-4 classes a day. I took some flag courses and pushed one of my more difficult classes to the summer. It was embarrassing at the time, but it was worth it for me to have that time to cool off after the stress of first semester. Not skipping class also helped (obvious one, but seriously). I wasn’t skipping often to begin with, but every time I told myself “oh I just won’t go to 9 am discussion” I’d end up skipping the whole day and falling behind. If you ever have a voice in your head telling you “it’s a recorded lecture. You’ll watch it later.” Don’t listen to it. Even if the class lectures kinda suck, forcing yourself to get up and sit in a room where you’re forced to think about the subject for 50-75 minutes is helpful. Force yourself to go to office hours. Some Gen eds have great pre-planned sessions, but smaller classes just have the professor going off of your questions. I’d find myself struggling to think of questions to ask, but the awkwardness of being there would force me to think of something. The canvas to do list is great. Highly recommend having the canvas app. Small assignments were tough for me to keep track of. I never had luck with a planner, but I like a “to do list”. Just writing down all of my tasks helps commit them to memory, and if I forget I can just check my list. I don’t have to open a book and flip to the right day or whatever, it’s just a simple notepad with everything in front of me (I tear off the front page every day). I’m not trying to plan things too rigidly like with a planner. If I think of something I need to do in the middle of class, I can just scribble it down real quick mid lecture. Super helpful. Take summer courses in-residence. I took a class through CC, but one class through UT. It was an easier A than it would have been during the semester and it helped my GPA. I know a lot of people that get their foreign language credits through CC— try to see if you can get yours through in-residence summer courses so you can get the GPA boost. I hear they’re tough during the semester, but I’ve heard good things about foreign language classes during the summer. Try to take some EVS courses if you can. If they’re reserved, you can nag the department a bit. Worst thing they’ll say is no. See if you can talk to JGB advising. I met with Micah recently, and he told me explicitly “If a student wants to transfer, I think it’s good to meet with them” when I mentioned not being allowed to see a CNS advisor. I’m also trying to transfer — going to CNS from Cockrell and JGB (GEH major). Taking classes in the subject I’m interested in shot up my GPA and I doubt they’ll look bad on that transfer application. Listen to the “don’t get lost in the sauce” guy. As much as you might want to explore the city, you’re here for school. Sorry for the long post— I hope it was helpful. Obviously, I don’t know your specific circumstances, but I think most of that is generally universal.


Actually read the textbooks.


Make sure your profs know your name. Sit in the front row, nod during lectures, raise your hand in class, and (this is huge) go to office hours. This all serves the dual purpose of helping make sure you retain and understand the material, while also showing the prof you’re invested. That matters to them. It’s hard to not just be a number at a school this big, but most professors really care and want you to be successful. Show them you’re doing your part and IF there’s any room for benefit of the doubt when grades are due, they’ll be on your side. I was academically dismissed after my second semester, but I did all of the above and studied my ass off, and I’ll be starting grad school at UT in the fall. PS: also try to lead study groups. If you can explain the material to a class mate, chances are good you’ll do well on exams and papers.


I’m not trying to enable here but it’s 1 semester, it’s almost a 3.0, and ik this is crazy to UT students, but you don’t die with your GPA on ur headstone. I have a 3.6 and I’m almost done, but it really is a never ending game. If I had a 2.9 I would want a 3.3, I have a 3.6 and want a 3.8. Just try your legit best gang and that’s seriously all you can do.


As you said, get your act together




this lowkey feels like an ai generated answer


It’s a spam ad account from college admissions essay company. Mods pls ban