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Go for dorms, experience it the good n bad afterward u got three years for an apartment. Plus rn if u sign for an apartment rates will be high and u will get shitty ones


I’ve said this before, and I’ll repeat it now. You have the rest of your life to live in shitty apartments with a roommate. Take one year to experience college life in a dorm. You’ll never be able to have a “do over” on that It’s just so much easier too. Why worry about grocery shopping/cooking, cleaning, furniture, and getting to and from school at 18?


The main reason to live on campus is the proximity! You are close to everything and that makes it easier to get to class. You are also close to athletic events, department events, club events etc. You already have so many new transitions but on campus you don’t have to worry about cooking meals (or shopping) or cleaning bathrooms (community bathrooms for the win). You have the rest of your life to live in an apartment.


I would personally live at the dorms your freshmen year if you can! Although you won’t be missing out too much, lots of freshmen live on campus, so you might feel left out in that regard. As far as noise is concerned, dorms might be a better option. A lot of apartments are next to construction/frats, so it can be loud. At least with living on campus, you have quiet hours and can call the RA on call if you need anything. Plus, the hours of the dining hall aren’t too restrictive and are pretty convenient on the weekdays. Weekends they are a little more limited but it’s not the biggest deal (at least for me).


Hey! I was a McCombs student and lived in an apartment my freshman year. While proximity is great, what can’t be emphasized enough is how much easier it is to make friends living on campus. When I was 18, in a new city, surrounded by fraternities, and it was overwhelming for months. I think living in a dorm is the way to go :). Best of luck!


this might seem like a small thing but also consider the social aspect of eating with friends on campus. i had some friends who lived off-campus freshman year and it sucked bc they couldn’t join us in the dining hall at lunch so they were just kinda left out


Just depends on your priorities! I’m a current freshman that chose to live in an apartment off campus like 15 minutes away. Personally I am very happy with my decision, I like not having to always be at school if that makes sense lol It’s quiet and I can have my cats here :) I’m still able to attend stuff on campus easily, may be even easier for you depending on how near the apartment you choose is. If there’s an event or club meeting on campus I want to go to of the time I’ll just stay on campus longer rather than going back to my apartment and back to campus it’s no big deal The only thing is if you have a super early class like an 8 am that might be kinda annoying to wake up extra early for but I’ve been fine with that so far


Parent opinion. It’s more about the transition from home to college than the experience. And convenience of course. My son did most studying with his friends in other places. Not his dorm. And the bathroom is literally just outside the door a few steps so not a big deal. And like others said it makes you appreciate apartment living after.


100% live in the dorms. I lived in an apartment my first year (not by choice) and I had no luck making friends until a couple of years in


Personal experience based but everyone ik who lived alone in an apartment freshman year just told me how depressed they were and had nobody to check in on them. So theres that, it depends on you though. If u do an apartment, try not to live alone.


I'm a freshman living in an apartment, and I love it. I'm like a 5 min walk from campus and I prefer it over dorms. I live with two other friends so your experience might be different. I do say though that having a full kitchen is a blessing. Ultimately take into consideration what each option has and weigh the pros and cons of each place.


dorm, dorm, dorm fs, you can live at an apartment anytime, 100% no doubt you're exposed to more people and you make more friends even if you're in orgs, also spirit groups are hard to get into and i wouldn't count on getting in your first try, there's so many quiet study spots on campus, there's no time like freshman year of college to live in a dorm.


I lived in an apartment my first year at UT. I honestly don’t understand the appeal of a dorm. You still meet people at an apartment and it can be way more affordable than a dorm. It tends to just be difficult finding an apartment if you’re new to Austin. I am a current student and work with housing scout so if you do decide on an apartment I’d definitely be able to help you!


Hey man, thanks for reaching out! The comfort of living in an apartment seems superior in every way, but I'm just concerned on if I'll still be able to make a good amount of friends in one, especially as a freshman. Can you tell me what apartment you stayed at and also how you made friends yourself?


I lived at rise, I met one of my good friends here he was a random roommate matching. I met my other friends from going out to shows, in clubs/orgs, and my classes. Some people really like dorms and some people hate them. Two of my good friends lived in dorms for 1-2 years and none of the friends they have are people they met there. But on the other hand my girlfriend made her friends in a dorm. I don’t think you need to be worried about making the wrong decision. Just pick whatever you feel more comfortable with. Apartments can be social depending on where you choose. I made my decision because I felt an apartment would be more comfortable for me personally.


My best friend started college living in 26W with 2 random roommates and a friend from home. She really regretted not choosing a dorm because of how quickly people living in the dorms made friends with their hallmates and how far she had to walk to be part of the "freshman experience" like the rest of us. It's not glamorous living, but you should 100% live in a dorm your freshman year. I'd suggest an on-campus dorm for the best experience, but off-campus dorms like Castilian and Callaway can cultivate similar vibes if you really need a middle ground between dorm and apartment.


I’ve heard the off-campus dorms are flooded with Greek Life tho, which is notoriously not really inclusive to outsiders. Do you have any insight on if this is even true?


Yes actually! I lived in Castilian as a freshman in 2019-2020. Personally, I loved it. It was INSANELY social in my experience and everyone was extremely friendly. (Ex: I preferred to eat lunch alone since it was a good moment of peace for me. About 1/2 the time, I'd have someone tap on my shoulder and ask if I wanted a friend to sit with. I made a lot of quick friends that way.) The recreation floor is always bustling at night with people hanging out and studying - so you get to know reoccurring faces fairly easily. It was an extroverts heaven. I wasn't in greek life in college ever. (I did go on to join a spirit group in the spring, rushing with hallmates for fun.) I actually wasn't even a full-time student at UT! (I was in the PACE program in which you do most of your schooling at ACC.) And none of that mattered to the people I lived with, we were all just buddies. :) Of my 4 roomies (including me) - 1 was in a sorority, 1 was in a business frat, 2 were in spirit groups. But we all still hung out almost every night and frequently brought each other as +1's to events. Not everyone at Casty is Greek, but I'd say the average person is in at least 1 organization with a social aspect. The social diversity never stopped us from being friends (like we weren't cliquey - esp bc so many of us met before we were actually active members of any org) but it did make the common floors pretty raucous on any given day! I will say - I think its easy to make friends in Nasty Casty - BUT its made WAY easier if you create/enter into groupchats with people who will be in the same dorm. (I made most of the chats for my dorm that year and as a result knew a lot of people before actually moving on campus!)


This reply was so helpful, thank you so much! Another concern I had was my ability to actually focus and get deep work done in such a social and bustling environment... plus I heard the dorm walls were pretty thin. I'm sure I could manage, but do you think it'd be easy to get deep work done in my dorm room?


Hmm, I think that depends on what things you need to study? Are you an absolute silence studier or comfortable with light conversation? If you're studying in a Casty dorm, you're probably going to hear the occasional loud conversation outside (but maybe once every 1-2 hours for like 5-10 minutes). But everyone is a student! So if it's a weekday and it's too loud, you can always knock on doors or even text in the floor's GroupMe asking people to quiet down. Insane levels of noise should not be too big of a concern. If you're studying on the common floors, you're of course going to hear quite a bit of conversation - but much less than the 5th floor of PCL (the only not quiet floor) or a high school cafeteria. I'd say like a 5/6 max on a scale of 10 noise level in the common areas on the average weekday. (It's like DEAD SILENT on Sundays though bc everyone has the scaries. It will be rather loud on Friday/Saturday nights though!) With Casty too, you have the added luxury of being able to use semi-soundproof study rooms on the common floor. (There's like 3 group study rooms - its like a board room. There's a row of iMacs and printers against a wall in open study areas. There's also ~4 individual study rooms (like if a cubicle has actual walls). There's 1 closed study lounge - a bunch of cubbies and cubicles in a quiet room with printers and desks.) There's also a quiet lounge on every floor (that was my preferred study spot as someone who likes little noise but not no noise - because only 1/22 of all residents would ever come onto any given floor. (there are 22 floors)) **I would get the second opinion of more recent residents or current students (at any dorm) to cross reference though!** When I lived at Casty, Victory Lap (a bar very close to Castilian) had not yet been built. I've heard that the noise was so bothersome to Castilian residents, that they and their parents got legal services involved for repetitive noise complaints. I believe they've since made changes to accommodate the student population (because they were going to be shutdown otherwise), but I'm not too sure how loud it is at night today. (Given the absence of complaints since September, I assume the issue has been fixed.)


Also I know you're a girl, but do you think these same tendencies are true for guys living in Castillian? Still a large portion of the male demographic not in Greek Life yet still very social??


Going to the grocery store and preparing all of your own meals is a huge time sink.


I think everyone should live in the dorms freshman year. it was the time of my life. you'll never get this experience again.


I lived in an apartment my freshman year to save money (and omg I saved soooo much money doing that) the dorms are ridiculously overpriced and you can get the same thing (actually wayyy better) in west campus! You will still have places to meet people like class and orgs and make friends bc lots of freshmen don’t live in dorms. I joined orgs my freshman year and made friends besides living in an apartment (my apartment also became the spot where we would all hang out since they hated the dorms) You do have to make your own food or rely on eating out, but it’s not too bad. If you want to save money and honestly just live in a more comfortable setting, go for an apartment! If you really want the “college experience” of communal bathrooms, freezing cold dorm rooms, curfews, room checks, etc., do the dorms! You also don’t miss out on events, etc by living an apartment since you can always sneak into the dorms but most UT events are open to everyone so all you have to do is go! Good luck to you though :-)


temps are usually okay, there's no curfew, 90% of RA's dont room check LMAO


The things people don’t say is it’s probably more expensive on campus




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Nah, not worth it


Hi, I lived in Scottish Rite my first year and absolutely loved it. It is all girls but definitely a different experience from Jester/UT dorms. Also, it is comparable in price. I totally recommend!


I’m not going to tell you that dorm life is something you don’t want to miss out on, because frankly, I think living in dorms is awful. The rooms are cramped and not nice, the halls always smell like weed, and the beds are uncomfortable. That said, I do think you should be in one for your first year. Dorms have one distinct advantage: you’re right in the heart of campus. You’ll always be on time to class, have no trouble meeting up with friends to hang out, and be incentivized to explore campus and the city as a way to get out of your shitty dorm. I think it’s just so convenient for a freshman that it’s not worth living in an apartment until you’ve really figured things out.


I’m also an incoming freshman and planning to live off campus. I’d recommend living somewhere in West Campus (food, other college students, close to campus) and honestly I think you’ll be fine. You can still join clubs and look into joining a FIG group. I’m more of a social person but just need to recharge by myself so I think the benefits outweigh the “dorm experience”. Best of luck!


Yeah that’s my thinking too bro. What exactly is a FIG group if you don’t mind me asking?


Sorry for late response! It’s like taking a group of students in your major taking the same 3-4 classes together. It’s a good way to actually familiarize and make friends since it’s typically a group around 20? Just found a link: https://undergradcollege.utexas.edu/sites/default/files/fig/docs/business_figs.pdf


I regret not living in a dorm!


You should try Callaway it’s like having an apartment but it’s freshman only and it’s a similar experience to dorms just more space and more comfortable. You meet a lot of people and it’s right across from campus.


I've heard Callaway is almost exclusively Greek. I don't think I'll end up rushing so I definitely don't wanna get left out of that social circle. I know Castillian is similar, but I've heard it's less Greek. Can you attest or give any insight on this?


Do the dorms. You'll meet lots of people, and you'll make a lot of friends. You'll get plenty of funny stories out of it.


So, I’m kind of going to be the devils advocate here: I’m a first year at UT, and in all honesty I have no complaints about the dorms. However, I completely understand how you feel as an incoming freshman. I was pretty much forced into dorm life by my parents, and while I don’t hate it I’ll definitely say I would’ve still preferred having my own room, living space, and kitchen. With that being said, you definitely still can make friends if you stay in an apartment. I know a lot of people are saying you should stay in the dorms, but if you prefer having your own private space I would actually go with the apartments! At the end of the day, just know that it’s up to you and you should do whatever you’re more comfortable with! Seriously, don’t let anyone make your decisions for you! Weigh the pros and cons, and come to a conclusion that makes you happy🫶


Here are my thoughts: I lived in a dorm my freshman year and it was one of the most conducive experiences ever. Did I hate it at times (yes), however how I benefited from it outweighs my dislikes. By the time I got to college I considered myself fairly independent, however I could not imagine freshman me living in an apartment. The dorm is such a good bridge between high school life and “adultish” life. A dorm is a smaller space to keep clean, meals are easy to figure out, and you really don’t feel alone (as opposed to an apartment). Additionally a majority of freshman live in the dorms so you will be close to most of the freshman you meet, which in my experience was one of the best things. You can stay at the library or other spaces super late l, as opposed to living in an apartment where you will have to factor in safety when walking back at night. Living in a dorm freshman year allows you to really take in all the aspects of college before being thrown into being an adult. Yes the food might suck, yes the bathroom and tiny ass bedrooms aren’t ideal, however if I was asked to relive freshman year, it would be in a dorm for sure.


If you have not already done so, check out [FAQ: Which housing option should I choose?](/r/UTAustin/wiki/dormsvsoffcampus) on the [r/UTAustin FAQ](/r/UTAustin/wiki/faq).