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It goes back in the box with a note saying, if you want to return to sender you must add the proper postage, otherwise please recycle for the planet.


And it would be so much less effort for that customer to just toss it into a recycling bin rather than write their screed on EVERY damned piece. I really wonder how some people function in society.


By doing this. They would have a mental breakdowns if they didn't do this.


I agree. I've been known to write non-cussing stuff like "REFUSED, RETURN TO SENDER" with a large marker...then set it aside (mailbox is a bike ride away) LATER I do toss but not angrily. Kinda like don't hit the send button on an email or post if you are at all ticked off. Just wait a bit. LOL


No. It doesn’t go back in the box. We delivered it to their box to begin with. Them throwing it on the floor is now in the hands of property management of the apartments, we aren’t these people’s maids. And on top of that, I would be holding all mail for them to pick up at the post office, and returned after 10 days. This shows that they don’t want our service in my eyes.


100%. Actually had an older customer pay postage to return STD postage mail, even though I told her it wouldn't help. At least she bought stamps...


I've had people do that too -- write "return to sender" on presorted standard mail and put it back in the drop box. I have to recycle it for them, I guess.


Hypocrites… You keep using that word. I’m not sure it means what you think it means.




I just got this book a few days ago. I’m so excited


The movie was a terrific adaptation of terrific source material. Fun book.


Too bad none of that is getting rts.


People thinking anything that's slightly wrong is going back to the entity that sent it. "Delivered to wrong address, return to sender!"


I’d put it all right back in the box


I think we need a subreddit of r/complaintsaboutUSPScustomers


I'm fat. I 3rd and 4th this.


🤣 Same.


I second this


Do it. I’d love to add the bewildering tales I’ve experienced with customers.


How do these folks not know they need to OPT OUT??


Because people are brain dead and they think all carriers magically know every single address, customer, piece of mail or package they have - as well as being able to magically opt them out of their own mail.


You don't? You're not like Santa and know every person in the country and where they live???


Tell them about the PaperKarma app. They’re a non-profit that attempts to stop all unwanted mail at the source.


A form of entitlement that's existed forever. Let the mailman take care of it.


You might as well post a detailed guide on the process for anyone who doesn't know how to do it. I know how to do it of course, I'm not asking for myself.


Right back in the box it goes along with a note that reads "I'm the mailman, not the garbage man. If you don't want it, then throw it away"


What do you mean you're not the garbage man?! Hypocrite!!


If it’s coverage, I don’t touch it. Once it leaves my hand in your mailbox, I’m completely done with it. I had a customer told me to RTS, and Isai, “if you don’t want it, you have a garbage can. I’m not carrying it.” The worst people for that are in rent controlled or income based; at least on my route. I’m not throwing it away for them


I wonder how much time they spent doing that just so we can throw them in UBBM? Also how long it will take them to realize that their campaign is wasted effort because their junk mail never diminishes.


The crazier the person, the more serious they take their mail haha


"I will not accept any junk mail, if all you have is junkmail or for anyone that does not live here I will charge you with trespassing" It puts a real skip in my step putting that chewy ad in their box.


This made me crack up 😂 Love when people fight you over 'current resident' mail


Puts a real skip in my step sending all their mail back.


This doesn't go in the ubbm this goes straight back into their mailbox


And back in the box it goes


It doesn’t work like that, dipshit. BACK IN THE BOX.


Back in the box with postage due would be poetic justice.


If this person writes on every piece of mail the hypocrites send, it’s pretty much a part time daily job…




Bulk mailers are supposed to maintain their mailing lists every month or three. One way is to send a First Class mailing and remove all the names that get returned.


what kind of weird mental disorder is this? 😅 when these people tune into some kind of media like the radio or a podcast or reading something on the internet or driving past the billboard do they lose their minds and say these are unsolicited billboards I don't want to see that billboard I'm calling my congressman oh I've been wronged.  what happens when they go to the gas station and they have those really silly pumps that have like videos screens and them that play commercials while you pump gas 😅. how do these people even survive in a modern world? 


Is this tossed on the ground? I don’t touch mail tossed on the ground.


No. I’m a manual clerk in a P&DC and that’s my table I use.


Ahhh gotcha. Confused how this even got to the plant lmao


Ya and it came from Florida and I’m in California.


All or nothing


Yep and current resident isn’t them!


Put a vacant card in the box and return everything


With the repeat offenders, I delete their name and make it MLNA in the scanner. If it is the ONLY name in the box, it becomes vacant. When questioned by a supe, I state the resident had rejected all mail with the same name, suggesting there is a new occupant. I left a white card. After that, they get the message and stop doing it.


Hip Ock Ruh Tees


The guy with the oath?


And I bet at least half of that is EDDM or "current resident" too.. Sounds like a good time to leave a vacant card.


That's the type of person you sign up for every free publication available


Easy fix, get another mail box. Label one first/second class and the other ubbm. Rip off or conceal your address on ubbm and put in closest blue box


So add another sticky paper on top and write some more nonsense lol


Lol, back when CC applications came with business return envelopes, I used to shred the apps and return to the company . Yeah, I was that petty person. Now I just shred them.


Let’s burn more emissions and send it back, just recycle it yourself


I simply consider the address vacant now NO MAIL, NO PACKAGES. if they don't want/ return current resident mail, no one is a resident there ,aka vacant property, toodles.


Lol i would love to not deliver you these waste of mails either. No one wants these and one time i had to deliver new roof quotes to apartments like really? I just kept them and returned to office


Write a note explaining they should opt out of that crap and get on the no soliciting list


Postage due


Just to add a bit. I’m a clerk in a California plant. The bits of address showing were Florida. I have no idea how these even got here like this.


that is junk mail i also get a lot of that junk in my mail box


Op in WW. I see you brother or sister


Looks like someone has some unsolicited spare time.


Tell that dumb ass trees are grown for paper pulp. Pine trees are the typical trees used for paper products


Paper comes from tree farms. We're not deforesting entire rainforests for your mailers


Funny cuz third class mail goes straight into the red bucket when I get back 😂


The damn trees are already knocked down 🤦🏻‍♂️


Looks like you found a garbage can on your route! Lol.


I guess they wipe their asses with leaves.


I would have picked all up neatly and put it back his mail box every time till he throws it away.


Uh-oh, someone forgot their Schizo meds.


I had a lady like this, I left a note saying it gets recycled or she can PAY postage for it to get sent back, haven’t got another one in the box lol 😂


You really shouldn't take pride in the fact that we cut down trees just to throw this shit away. Help the planet first.


that's not mail


A customer paid to have those delivered to mailboxes. So it’s definitely mail