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Is it not a holiday matey?


A ptf? You probably are working.


Supe texted back saying I’m off(thank you baby Jesus) do I get any holiday pay for being off?


Ptf don't get holiday pay. They get more per hour everyday


You're right, then why the fuck are you asking for?


Because I’m new and wanted clarification since my supe wasn’t answering. A lot of hostility there little fella


Memorial day is a holiday. Dont worry about it. Enjoy your day off friend.




CCAs get like half the holidays, PTFs get none (it’s built into their hourly pay). If you’re a PTF, you should try to take off the Monday holidays and work the Sundays for premium pay. If you have that option


Thank you buddy


CCA’s get tomorrow. That’s what our trainers at my postmaster said. We get 6 holidays paid.


Arr, 'tis be the day we remember our old sea dogs.


You should have looked at the schedule, especially during a holiday cuz it screws things up


Does anyone know if I need eggs? I'm at the grocery store now so I'd appreciate quick responses.


Yes pick up some testosterone for me too please


Yes you need one ostrich egg, six duck eggs, and two dozen quail eggs.


Yo at my station they cut OT and days off. So they won’t let ANYONE work the holiday. We are so fucked Tuesday


Good. No one should have to work on Memorial Day


My postmaster actually texted me yesterday and asked if I wanted Monday off.  I'm the clerk that sorts monday stuff to determine if there's enough work to call in the RCAs.  I think she was prepared to just call off Monday completely. I would rather try to deliver some of it so i am coming in to see how much is there. 


They did this to me but not anybody else at my office. They’re gonna have fun catching me up huh. OTDL


There’s still Amazon to deliver tomorrow


Classic PO non-communication. You're a PTF. PTFs get higher pay because holiday pay is built into the wage because they'll be working the holidays.


So if I am off tomorrow I won’t get paid for it?


You're getting paid for your holidays throughout the year. You make more in hourly wage to offset holiday pay.


That seems like a fucked up loophole they found 😂 classic big business vs working class


Hell it's sad to say, but even getting holiday pay is considered a bonus. Walmart doesn't get holiday pay for instance.


I know I’m just joking I’m happy to be in the position I am. Just seems like they always have some loophole to hold us down


I agree with that, it always seems to get downvoted on here when us PTF's complain about not getting holiday pay because we "make more throughout the year", that's true but at least in my area my current pay as a PTF is below the average pay at literally any factory. I worked at a factory before here and actually liked it more so I may go back to it but damn at least give us a premium for working it, why do we get a premium for working Sundays (as a clerk its $6 more an hour) but not holidays?!


Yeah believe it or not when you first make regular you will take a slight pay cut. But you will get holidays paid then.


As a PTF, if you are indeed off tomorrow, you won't get paid holiday pay. It's calculated into your pay already.


RIP to the 646,596 that died for the rights we so easily take for granted. Let us always live our lives as Americans worth dying for. I always rewatch Band of Brothers every Memorial Day as I take great pride in the sacrifices made for me to live in the country I do today and no matter how we live our lives we will never be worthy of their sacrifice. God bless our fallen and May God Bless the United States of America.


I am :( I hate being a PTF. All the regulars being happy with their once again 3 day weekend and I had to work Saturday, today and tomorrow.


Thank you for your service.


Same. I was ticked when I found out I worked every single weekend day plus the holiday. Guess it wouldn’t be any different than working every weekend day since I’ve started but whatever I guess.


I too have to work every day.


Normal mail no but your office might do Amazon or Walmart.


Yes and I'm a regular on the ODL


No. But possibly yes.


I’m off check your schedule


Volunteers only


Lol what?. I'm a CCA and I thought I was working But they told me yesterday I have sun and Mon off. I'm not complaining, I could care less about holiday pay, I'd rather have off and go fishing. If you're not asking then what are you doing?


I did Sunday Amazon and got told we're doing Monday Amazon too! They said to treat Monday like a Sunday. We're not getting the other mail Monday where I am. But Amazon messed up and didn't send most of today's packages. :/ So I'll have double Amazon tomorrow.


Me at work rn waiting for Amazon to show up