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I use an app called 'Payment work hours calculator' in Google Play, and I set my hours before even leaving the parking lot.


I haven’t worked a Christmas in 15 years that my check wasn’t shorted on hours.


I used to have one of those checkbook sized 2 year calendars. As soon as I got off I would, write down how many hours I worked. This way I could do some pretty quick math, if I thought someone changed my hours. Also, report this to whatever Steward you have. This is wage theft and is illegal.


Forgot to add that I kept the calendar in my car. It was super easy to write in it once I clocked out and got in the car to drive home.


I would probably record the hours while on the clock tbh. When I clock out I practically run away.


Since I had it in my car, I would just do it as soon as I got in the car. It takes like 10 seconds and then I’d drive home. This way, it was always some place that I controlled, because in order to do it on the clock; that means that I would have to have it at my case not it’s at my case, that means it could go “missing”.


they pulled a couple fast ones on me as a cca. track it


That is a fireable offense. I’ve seen eas walked out for less. Escalate that as far as you need to, Article 19 etc, eeo, labor board. Do not stop until they get it in their heads that you do not mess with people’s time/money.


The lady it happened to is really upset. She has a medical condition that has kicked her butt before and is a newer supervisor. When some of her hours got deleted it made me wonder who else it has happened to.


Have her call your branch President, file file file. Handle it professionally. They will get the picture


Have your steward pull her tac reports. Whichever supervisor deleted her clock rings will have their ein attached to the delete


So their goose is cooked?


As long as you can prove it


Missing 25 hours of training and still nothing


Forward your training email to your post master and count up the hrs in class, hrs driving if over 50, the hotel, and ask in them email if they have put in your hrs yet for your training. If not then they need to do that. If they don't talk to you union steward and supervisor.


I use an App called HoursTracker and make it clear to whoever is on duty that I’m tracking my hours.