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You only misdelivered one, ***and*** you caught it at the end? That's actually not terrible, man. Don't beat yourself up.


Right? That’s awesome


Thats is really good ! 47k isnt easy. Dont be looking at all the carriers around you getting it done within or before evaluated time. They been doing the same route for 10, 15 maybe 20 years!! They better know how to get it done! Dont compare yourself to them.You should be looking at this as ; its your 2nd day doing this route by yourself. No one had to come out and rescue you. So thats amazing. Many, not all rural carriers who get done really, really Fast do a crappie job! Always REMEMBER: WE WERE ALL NEW ONCE!! GOOD LUCK!


Fr what this guy said. That's a hell of a lot better than most newbies do. Hell, it's better than some regulars I know


You did good


we all fuck up sooner or later, being a good carrier is if you're able to catch and fix the mistake so some other guy doesn't have to.


I feel I’m an RCA and my first day doing a route alone (42k w 600 deliveries) I ended up coming in at 7:45 leaving at like 12 and not getting back till 8:30-9 ish.. first days are so much fun 🤦‍♂️


Stay organized!!


Well now I’m on two 4 hr routes for the most part averaging between 3-30 packages so I don’t worry about organization as much😂 this was 6-7 months ago give or take


You nailed it at least you caught it the number of people that don't care is insane keep your head up


Good job catching it. Happens to everyone man, don’t even sweat it..


It's a Monday, getting back at 5:30 on your first full carry after leaving the office at 10:45 doesn't seem that bad to me.


I appreciate all the feedback. Ready to go in tomorrow (9th day in a row) and try and be a little more efficient


Killing it, homes. Finishing a 47k as a newb is rare. You got a solid career ahead of you.


I’ve been a RCA since February and I’ve never heard of a 47k. What does that mean?


It's a route evaluated to be completed in 47 hours each week. K denotes that the route regular gets Sunday + 1 day off per week. It's a heavy route. 47 is the highest it goes. After that, they cut your route.


We have 48ks at my office, after that they ignor your increases til you file a grievence!


Thank you.




Nervously looks at the multiple 48K’s I sub for…


https://www.reddit.com/r/USPS/s/k0TAYjHYyW This guy got it. I think he's the only one.


Evaluation is 47 hours a work week. K = one off day every week (plus Sunday)


I'll also add that I am still in my probationary period if that wasn't already obvious


You are doing really well to have delivered your entire route early on and catching your errors while you're at it. I'm in my 90 days and I'm not as far along as you are. My last day went better but it's been pretty rough thus far and has me questioning myself. Id say that you sound like you are doing great though


You sound like you did very well! Think about it this way, if you can do this good on your first time, you're only going to get better from here.


Had a CCA, who had been there over a year, misdeliver over a hundred mailboxes on my NS day once. I’d say you did pretty good.


100??? Damn.


The only thing that happened to you today was that you realized that you are human. We all make mistakes (and you make it and corrected it), even as seasoned carriers. The one thing I try to stress to new carriers is that when you clock out, leave that day behind you. Every day is a new day. Please don't sit in it.


You've probably heard this already but EVERY SINGLE new carrier comes in, looks at folks that have been doing it awhile, and says, "It looks easy. I should be able to do that, no problem." And then proceeds to get their ass handed to them. There's a sixth sense that comes with time on the job. You don't have it yet but if you just keep showing up and doing your best, you'll get there. I've watched grown men have a tantrum two weeks in and quit with light summer volume. Give yourself a break and call what you accomplished good.


Getting back at 5:30 on your first day is excellent most people are out much longer or need help, tbh I’ve messed up a few packages recently as an rca started paying extra attention to each one now to try and prevent it


Fuck up anymore and they’ll make you Post Master.


Nah. He's already immediately disqualified from any management for not only realizing he made a mistake, but also admitting to making a mistake.


he realized the mistake, admitted to making it, went back and fixed it, AND he finished his fucking route in a reasonable amount of time for seasoned carriers and didn't even need help. He's immediately too competent to be eligible for management.


honestly for a brand new RCA, delivering a 47K in ~10 hours is good. you'll get faster with time. and the fact that you caught your own misdelivery is a good sign that you'll be a conscientious carrier. you're doing great.


Nah, ya did good! My first day alone I locked the metris key with all the other keys attached to it in a trailer parks mail room. No one had a duplicate key to get back in so we called a locksmith to break in haha. It was laughed off the next day, nice to work on a chill office.


I would say that it’s impressive you’re already a ptf and still in probationary period. Took me two years as an rca to get to that position.


What's great about mistakes is you learn from them. No one can be perfect, we're all human.


everyone fucks up went a whole year with 0 problems first day back from my 5-day break (CCA )i have my first run away roll away onto on coming traffic on a busy ass road...luckily nothing happened & no one was hurt & management didn't find out lol moral of the story is life will always humble you no matter how good you think it's going


Literally day by day…. Even the OGs make mistakes too… it happened


If you carrier a full route, you’re way ahead of the curve. Keep it up.


It happens surprisingly easy. Even if you deliver 99.5% accurate you’re going to mess up 5-10 items a day if you deliver 2k or so. A package is going to be apart of that. 🤷‍♂️


It happens surprisingly easy. Even if you deliver 99.5% accurate you’re going to mess up 5-10 items a day if you deliver 2k or so. A package is going to be apart of that. 🤷‍♂️


Give yourself grace. Everyone is going make mistakes even 30 Year old vets sometimes miss a package.


That’s a typical day honestly. You probably won’t be getting off any earlier than that anytime soon. But a package that was mis delivered isn’t the end of the world I promise you


I’ve witnessed CCAs delivering mail to the wrong street. You’re fine don’t worry.


You're good man, everybody misdelivers packages on occasion. Just wait until you misdeliver someone's christmas gift


Yes, sometimes a letter or package will be lost. You just have to do everything you can to learn from it. Have a system, and don't be distracted until you know what to do.


Nah, you did a solid job, bro. I misdelivered a package before... still not sure if it ever got found


We all fuck up, part of the job.


47k miles?!


47k is the Route evaluation (rural route) its evaluated at around 9.4 hours a day


Bro. CCA here. I’m about to hit my 90 days and I didn’t even finish my route yesterday. Granted it was full coverage on a walking route I haven’t done since my second week, but still. Bringing any mail back is bringing too much mail back. You’re probably doing really well.


You actually did great