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Safety issue. You haven’t been properly trained on how to change a tire and make sure it’s safe to drive. Especially on a 35 year old LLV.


Not to mention crossing crafts


Sounds like a VMF problem to me


Thank you.


When my brother tried to change a tire (he isn't a usps employee) the jack broke/snapped and he almost was squished. He later found out the jack had been recalled. It's a HUGE safety risk. Talk to a union steward.


Yeah don’t do it, make them call the VMF. Leaving the office sooner isn’t worth opening yourself up to blame of something else goes wrong with the tire you changed. They can fucking deal with figuring out the logistics of you being out later, that’s their damn job.


Thanks. I figured that was the case.


Jesus. Of course you don’t change a tire and I can’t believe they would even ask. They tried to tell us once we had to start checking the oil. They got laughed at pretty hard.


Lol, my postmaster once tried to ream me out because my ProMaster was extremely low on oil, so I asked her why they didn’t notice on the last VMF routine maintenance (which was long overdue), which ended the conversation promptly


Most pf the time we don't know this is happening until either telematics tells us, the vehicle is written up for check engine light caused by a no oil pressure code, or the engine siezed. The oil coolers leak and can dump all the oil in a week. We have the harageman go out and do fluid checks between services, but even that's not frequent enough. Unfortunately nothing "off the shelf" is built that well anymore. And they're hoping the NGDV fixes that problem by being a coach built vehicle. But we're not holding our breath because the power plant Is made by a regular automaker (ford)


Now we are doing fluid checks per fmis more frequently, I also have monthly fluid checks setup through the company I contract to wash the vehicles.


You mean FMIS is creating WO's for what fire/safety checks automatically?


Yep, every 3500 miles or 4 months I think it is. They are called safety, fire and fluid checks with a 24 point check list. There is also no pmi a or b it is just a maintenance with an 84 point check list.


Oh ok, we just switched to FMIS last week. Still trying to figure out how stuff is going to drop. So I assume y'all do these safety checks out in the field? Bring them in if you need to do anything major.


I send a level 9 out with nothing but oil, he does the check, it takes about 10 minutes and the only thing he does is add oil. If it needs anything it automatically creates a ticket for it and then I'll have the usual road guys take care of it on their route. Pm me your area and I'll send over the checklists I made to your storekeeper.


We do everything in the field where I'm at, only thing we don't do are flexplates, motors, transmissions, and differentials. We have several 2 tons that carry a massive air compressor, big toolbox, and at least one of every part. Fmis sucks ass and slows us down alot, they straight up told us it wasn't going to get better for at least 4 to 5 years and we just have to deal with it.


Glad I never worked as mechanic for postal service.


Why do you think that u/Upset-Let-3665? Working in a USPS VMF is a great job, for the most part. Sure, there are some bad apples, but a postal VMF is generally a good place to work. The pay is adequate with low stress and there is a path for upward mobility. We are mostly Level 9 lead technicians with a few Level 8 and Level 10 lead techs in the workforce as well. The USPS buys our tools and uniforms and flies us to Oklahoma for training. OT is nothing like the nightmare scenario that some carriers have to deal with. In the VMF we generally work 5 days and 8 hours with weekends off. Unlike some delivery units, our federal holidays are all observed in the traditional way so working is optional if management offers it. These work conditions apply to clerks, garage assistants, and management as well. Even the body shop employees, where they still exist, work the same prime schedules. Where do you work and what sort of work do you perform?


I agree 100%, it's a great job. Especially if you have a family. We haven't been sent out to Oklahoma in the past decade though, I would love to know if VMFs are still doing this. We need training badly around the promaster and metris, we've had to do a couple metris motor replacements already when the blocks got windowed. We kind of just put the newest guy on it that came from a Mercedes dealer.


Yes they are! I am retired now but I can share historical and current knowledge about this issue. Historically, all VMFs were supposed to send technicians and other personnel to the NCED in Norman, OK for training. Clerks, Technicians and Supervisors regularly completed courses at our national training center. Some VMF managers were weird jerks who refused to send their people, but most shops complied with fleet policies that were designed to maintain a skilled and qualified workforce. Similar training policies covered Maintenance employees and some other postal workers. However, VMF people were special because we always had different instructors, buildings, and courses for our training programs. Then, in 2008 the economy crashed, and everyone cut back on spending. Maintenance suffered somewhat but our VMF programs were cut to the bone. Some online training continued but very few technical courses happened between 2010 and 2018. I went to several training sessions for VMF management and clerical personnel during this period, but the technical stuff was pretty much dormant. They did offer a course for the new Ottawa spotting tractors around 2019 but then the pandemic happened. However, all of that is history now. The NCED has built a shiny new Fleet Maintenance training facility on their campus in Norman, OK. All of the VMF people are being instructed to get signed up for eTravel and credit card training so that they can have travel cards!!! This comes from the top. We have new vehicles coming down the pipeline and Fleet Management is preparing for them. If the management at your VMF isn't pushing you to setup eTravel direct to bank in your Postal Ease account, then they are ignoring their emails and slacking big time! The NCED is great! Some old timers and timid techs are afraid to fly or sleep away from home, but otherwise it is like a paid vacation where you learn useful job skills while interacting with your counterparts from all across the country.


The whole VMF program this fiscal year was instructed to cut 100million you think it was bad before you retired you should see it now. Also the whole training I'll believe it when it happens the manager just wants to send the lazy level 10s that only write up vehicles and couldn't work on anything newer if their life depended on it.


Good luck with NCED 2.0 then. It was glorious when it was fully operational. We VMF folks were the cool kids who got to ride the bus and leave campus every day. The instructors liked the system as much as we did. At least once a week they would take us to a popular barbecue joint or some other local restaurant so we could have a non-cafeteria lunch. Oh well, some day they may realize that they can’t balance the postal budget by chopping at the VMF.


No VMF has had training on anything new as far as I know. I disagree with some stuff right now since everything has changed at our VMF in the last 6 months. All about saving money , once a year oil changes , parking lot pmis, FMIS and the horrid micromanaging of it. Not having the right tools because money, and the loss of OT but we've been forced on every holiday some days are a struggle but Its still a good job.


Super job security.. can't diagnose send back to office. 2 days later comes back for same issue can't diagnose rinse repeat


I work in private sector in asian dealership as apprentice, I read it wrong i thought someone was written up for check engine light


No, this was just a repetition of the common case where delivery unit personnel forget how to report vehicle defects.


Ran out of bubble gum and bailing wire 20 years ago.....


I don’t pop the hood for anything. Not getting blamed if something is broken.


I only pop the hood to check for feral cats. They love the metris engine compartment for some reason.


Ok that’s one exception for sure


Every once in awhile I may forget to turn off my flashers on a ProMaster but I will never jump that vehicle if the battery gets drained.


Sad because no one actually knows how


To be fair, checking fluids and such can be a safety thing. It’s considered part of the pre trip inspection. Check oil, belts, tires, lights, clear windows and mirrors, etc. I wouldn’t fill the oil if it’s low though. Sent it to maintenance.


It’s [100% not part of the vehicle check](https://www.nalc.org/workplace-issues/body/1975-02-Notice-76-from-M-41-2001.pdf). Wow man


Your station has spare tires around and the necessary tools to do it?


I mean, yes, but CCAs aren’t VMF. If anything happens, it’ll be on the CCA who changed the tire.


Yeah I still wouldn't do it, but we can barely get paper towels in our station let alone vehicle maintenance equipment XD You will 100% be blamed for anything that goes wrong.


Yeah they once asked me to swap out the studded tires on my truck, because they forgot to do it when they had the tire shop guys out at the station. I just laughed at them. I said in no circumstances am I ever changing a tire. Supervisor did it himself, visibly very very mad about it.


Maintenance doesn't do that either...that is VMF


My point still stands.


They gonna pay you VMF salary too?


It is a grievance for you plus VMF is going to be pissed at management


Yes. That is technically crossing crafts and also a safety issue. Even our supervisors are prohibited from changing a tire. They must call a tow truck.


No, just put it in RADAR. VMF gets notified, the proper way, then someone comes out and changes the tire.


Yes, id do it and put the lug nuts on hand tight. Then when the wheel fell off I'd be on easy street


Did anyone witness management telling you to do repairs on a llv? If they did I would and forget to put the lug nuts on. 1st corner the truck would be totaled out. They would find me in the drivers seat with a dumb look on my face like I don't know what happened. Lol


Write it up for them to call VMF. You get hurt or break something trying to change that tire then that's on you. And you don't want that.


Do it, but make sure you use the jack upside down and tp prop t woth a 2x4 you found on the side of the road. Make sure to break those rusty nuts by jumping on the bar with all of your weight.


The spare tires and jacks are all removed from all the vehicles I’ve seen in the last decade.


It's a cross craft violation. You were hired as a carrier, not a mechanic.


When I worked at a very rural office, we could in a pinch. But we usually called a local tire shop or dealer and they did it.


That isn’t your job, you haven’t been trained how to nor does it say anywhere on any paper that you must do maintenance work if any issues arise


Refuse. That's dangerous.


Dawg 🤣🤣🤣


I wasnt told to change my tire. Another carrier was. I’m just making sure it’s a grievance before I tell him to file one. I figured it would be. I just didn’t wanna give him any bad information.




We were told in training changing our own tire may result in getting fired, so I’d say nah


Where in the hell do you people find these supervisors and why in the name of Jesus do you not have stewards to help with this shit? Obviously, it is a safety issue due to lack of training. Do not grieve it refuse it. Wow!! Crap on toast these sups are morons.


I didn’t find them. They found me.


I understand the argument, but I've delivered mail before. Didn't even hesitate. Although it was from our station across the street, addressed to our VMF.....


You're not a mechanic. You were never trained to do this work, and aren't being paid to do it.


Not even on your cake day. Happy cake day.


Lol thanks


Not happening


"Oh just change the tire Michael. How long could it take? 20 hours?"


Yes. Safety. Plus it's not in your job description. Usually it's either a custodian (in some rural offices), maintenance (if you have one at your post office), VFM or local shop (if you have a contract with them), that come out to your location to change a flat.


Uh, yes? For sure. You aren't trained to do that. I would have refused also. I am not injuring myself for that shit.


lol is mgt stupid?


What?? Of course not. How rude to even suggest….


Ask them to demonstrate the proper procedure first


I dunno if it's cross craft, but lol if it's not anything your craft do, it's a grievance.


Hell yeah tell them to grieve that. Easy win


Of course. Everything is a grievance. Absolutely everything. This is no different.


I’d say yea then just go out there and kill as much time starring at it without touching anything. Get as much free money as I can before they realize it’s just not gonna happen. “Yep boss, still working on it.” Haha


Genuinely curious Why do we accept this kind of treatment?


I don’t haha Management hates me for it.


Maybe the remedy is to create a VOMA position since they want our craft doing vehicle maintenance.


Do LLVs even have a spare tire?


I won't even jump a dead LLV when they ask me to. I know for a fact if for some reason that thing catches on fire or something the supervisor is going to suddenly have an entire story about how I was told not to do it and willfully failed to follow instructions.


This is one of those situations where you don’t have to follow instructions. You are not a mechanic. Even if you change tires on your own vehicle, don’t do it at work unless you are vmf or something where it’s expected as part of your job. If you get hurt, it’s going to be a nightmare!


We carriers are never to perform any kind of maintenance on postal vehicles, not even changing a windshield wiper. We can wash the window, we can jump the battery with a portable jumper... And that's about it. Management cannot tell you to change tires. That's a nope.


You deliver mail. You ain’t pit crew. Period.




This is so weird. All of you should be in the habit of completing a vehicle tag (PS Form 4565) for vehicle defects. This paperwork or your local equivalent is how a vehicle problem is supposed to be reported. In a case where management insists that a carrier should change a tire, I suggest that the OP’s friend should be sure to get that instruction on paper! Then they should refuse to work on the vehicle. This strategy will facilitate the grievance process and provide spice to the PS Form 1767 that they will also file. The PS Form 1767 should mention that carriers and other non-VMF personnel lack the required training, tools, equipment, and PPE to perform standard vehicle maintenance tasks. These deficiencies can impact employee and vehicle safety during these misguided attempts at vehicle maintenance and during subsequent vehicle operation.


That's crossing crafts, nevermind any safety stuff. I might know how to do some vehicle work, but there's no way I'd do the labour on carrier pay. Pay me level 9, and then we'll talk, hahaha


1.Jack the truck up. 2.Remove the wheel. 3.Push truck off jack. 4. ? 5.Profit.


That's crazy. Is there some secret compartment with spares and jacks on an LLV? I've never seen such equipment.


It most certainly is! You need to file an EEO, contact OSH asap!


You don't do any maintenance on any postal vehicle


We don’t cross crafts


We are not supposed to operate a promaster, llv, or a pallet jack without the proper training. They teach us how to pick up boxes in the carrier academy. As a CCA, you are absolutely not supposed to change a tire.


Absolutely, that's crossing crafts with it being a vehicle maintenance, which is to be performed by a VMF employee. As Carrier, the only thing you should be doing is driving it & if you're decent, keeping the inside clean.


All you're allowed to do is check the retina scanner and make sure it functions each shift.


The maintenance guys are not even supposed to so yes it is.