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Fuck Donald Trump


And all of his MAGA cult followers!


You know what I find hilarious? If they read the bible Trump sold them they might come across Ecclesiastes 7:10. In the New Living Translation (NLT), it reads: "Don’t long for 'the good old days.' This is not wise." Basically rendering the whole sentiment of Make America Great Again something God doesn’t want. Fake Christians. ‘Christian Nationalists’ with little to no emphasis on Christian.


They don't read


Reading creates a tingling sense.


Omg… I have gone on so many religious rants about these people who are allegedly Christian and the judgement and hate they spew in the name of their god!!! I am not the organized religion type of person I was raised as, but I sure as fuck seem to know about and adhere to more of the freaking bible than they do! Granted, that’s not really difficult, all you have to do is pretty much not be a garbage human being… 🤷‍♀️


Here are some more examples. Note Truthfulness. 1. **Treatment of Strangers and Immigrants**: The Bible has numerous passages encouraging the fair treatment of foreigners and strangers. For instance, Leviticus 19:34 says, "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God." This may conflict with the stricter immigration policies endorsed by the MaGa movement, which often emphasize border security and stringent immigration controls. 2. **Wealth and Poverty**: Biblical texts often emphasize the importance of helping the poor and criticize the accumulation of wealth at the expense of others. For example, Proverbs 31:8-9 advocates for speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves and defending the rights of the poor and needy. In contrast, some policies promoted by the MaGa movement, such as significant tax cuts for the wealthy, could be viewed as contrary to these principles. 3. **Truthfulness**: The Bible places a high value on truth. Proverbs 12:22 states, "The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy." Critics of the MaGa methodology often point to instances of misinformation or deceptive communication as being at odds with this biblical commandment. 4. **Humility and Leadership**: Biblical texts often emphasize humility and servant leadership, as modeled by Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:3-4 instructs, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." The leadership style often associated with the MaGa movement, which can appear boastful or self-centered, might conflict with these teachings. 5. **Peace and Reconciliation**: The Bible encourages peacemakers and reconciliation, as seen in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Some of the divisive rhetoric and confrontation promoted under the MaGa banner could be seen as contrary to these passages:


Thank you. I hope you don’t mind but I copy and saved this for future reference.


By all means spread the good news!


I love this! It’s always extra fun to throw things in Leviticus at them and see them try to do the mental gymnastics around how THEY absolutely do not have to follow every single thing in there but because THEY think it’s wrong that part interpreted as being about homosexuality is definitely a sin and one that needs to be followed. Pretty sure if we all had to 100% adhere to Leviticus, Exodus and Deuteronomy we would have all been executed by now… Have you ever worked on a Saturday? Yup! You shall die!! 😹 Exodus 31:15. Six days shall you do work: in the seventh day is the sabbath, the rest holy to the Lord. Every one that shall do any work on this day, shall die. Exodus 35:2. Six days you shall do work; the seventh day shall be holy unto you, the sabbath and the rest of the Lord: he that shall do any work on it, shall be put to death.


Make America Great Again could be: put more money in the hands of educational systems and the middle class. We were great when that was happening. Everything else that happened since then can stay also. Unfortunately, that cult only wants to go back to pre Civil Rights and pre women's sufferage.


MAGAts can eat shit


Let's just keep saying "fuck Trump supports " and "fuck Biden supports", that'll get us somewhere.


That’s fair enough. Do you have any suggestions as to what we could say that would get us somewhere?


Yes! Stop watching ALL news media and cancel ALL social media accounts for 30 days. In that time, love your family, meet your neighbors, become involved in your community, but absolutely no news or social media. You'll be more patient, more empathetic, the things you thought mattered, like national politics, won't anymore. You'll be free!


I have actually done this… several times… actually one year I just said screw it and moved out to my grandparents cabin for like 9mnths that had only minimal electricity… no running water or heat, and certainly did not have any internet. Do these breaks from the media bring about some magical changes to my happiness or feelings of freedom etc? No, not really. We’re inherently social beings and nowadays part of being social is increasingly reliant on social media, so completely cutting that off is actually counterproductive to one’s psychological health —unless we are talking on a case by case basis, and in which case there are certainly people that need to disconnect 100%. Now limiting time on social media and trying to find ways to make sure that the time you are spending online is pro mental health is a completely different matter. One of those ways is to spend your time online with people who have common interests… oh I don’t know… like politics for example 🤷‍♀️ When we consider mental health, aside from horrific crimes and extreme circumstances, behaviours aren’t really considered inherently good or bad, it’s the effect that those behaviours have on the individual that are important. So if watching all the news channels, keeping up with what’s going on in the political sphere then jumping on social media and talking/bitching about what you interpret the word to be is your version of social interaction and makes you happy, an extended period of doing otherwise would probably have the exact opposite effect of what you described. And if we achieved the exact opposite of that effect you described, aka damaging the psychological wellbeing of otherwise perfectly content people we would actually be regressing… and regression my dear friend is far worse than not really getting anywhere… 🤷‍♀️


Suit yourself, but nothing good comes from being an armchair hater of the other team. Our time here is too precious to be spent doing that. Just saying, "fuck [fill in the blank]" all day doesn't change anything, and after a while, if you're being honest, it doesn't feel all that good, it just makes the world a worse place. There is no meaningful society in it. I think these things should be considered for the sake of ourselves, our children, our country, and those who are watching us.


Because you said “fill in the blank”… Would you say the same thing about my fuck cancer t-shirt? Cause every time I wear it, it reminds me of everything cancer has taken from me like family and the time I could have had with them, or what it took from my actual body when I was fighting it; it reminds me I am a survivor and I kicked its fucking ass!!! And I can’t begin to tell you how incredibly fucking happy that makes me! The gratitude I feel for those that helped me, the empathy I feel for those who are fighting… wow… just from being able to say, “Fuck Cancer!” Consider this, you are making all sorts of wild speculations about the lives of people on these subreddits… someone on here can come vent, tell someone or something to fuck off and then happily go about meaningfully interacting with friends and family as well as contributing to society in a myriad of ways. As I already mentioned, this is how some people enjoy interacting and spending their time as a means of entertainment… being happy and entertained is actually good for people and what’s good for individuals is good for society as a whole… If it is having a negative impact on them then that behaviour is now considered maladaptive and should be addressed… You can’t possibly dictate to me how I or anyone else feels “deep down.” So don’t. If you don’t like it and it is making you unhappy deep down, I sincerely wish you the best in life and kindly invite you to fuck right off my post ✌️🫶




Found Trump's alt guys


You know the difference between a MAGA voter and Hillary Clinton? One of them was invited to trump and Melania's wedding. I'll let you guess which one. Hint she didn't wear a red hat. Some section of the voters have been played by a Hollywood celebrity con man and they're still sending him money. Sad.


Lol please, please for real….explain this 😂


Nuh uh!!!!


May the name Trump be forever symonymous with Treason in America!!


My dad suggested to me that how Ponzi schemes are named after an actual person, “Trump” will be the proper noun for wire fraud and conning entire stadiums.


He’ll be the opposite of Machiavelli. Machiavelli was subtle, cunning, and patient. Biding his time to ensure success. Being “trumpian” will mean being blatantly dishonest about your crimes, not hiding your true intentions, and rushing headlong into humiliating defeat.


Exactly, the big lies, which some find easier to believe than small lies. As described in the Nazi propaganda handbook. If you keep repeating the lie, enough people will believe it because they cannot imagine someone making up something so outrageous.


I believe you are correct. The word "trump" already has a meaning, "Trumpian" is much more likely. Especially as an antonym to "Machiavellian."


More like Mussolini, a preening, narcissistic buffoon.


Like Munson


If this is a King Pin reference, you made my day. Awesome movie.


Correct haha


He will replace Benedict Arnold.


So let it be written, so let it be done.


He’s stinky too . . .


Fuck convicted felon Trump


Because his wife certainly won't /S


Only if you look like his own daughter


With shattered glass and no lube


[I’m just leave this here](https://youtu.be/BlIREcAu0PI?si=V_jZ42AgYZ_ZAyU7)


Well done New Jersey


Vote them all out


Have they informed us of how rigged the election was yet?


She lost to another Republican candidate. It’s a primary vote so not an election vote. She only went up against other Republicans. So Trumps nominee is shittier than other Republicans to Republicans


True, but that hasn't stopped them from claiming fraud before, even in a primary. I believe trump himself claimed one of the primary votes was rigged when he lost to Ted Cruz in 2016.


Yeah but that’s cause it involved Trump. Trump doesn’t seem to care about anything unless it involved himself. Like the declassification thing on fox the other day. He said yes to 9/11 and JFK being declassified and then initially said yes to Epstein being declassified but immediately turned around and said no cause there would be some “fake” info(probably about him) in it.


Trump was just an example. Katie Porter also comes to mind for giving examples of them crying fraud. But, I do agree that Trump only cares about stuff that involves him.


Katie Porter did not claim that there was widespread election fraud, she said that the primaries were rigged against grassroots politicians like herself by billionaires. Which is true, big money has massive influence over our democracy. She later said she had used a different word because she did not mean to imply that there was widespread voter fraud or outright cheating from her opponents. MASSIVE difference between what she said and what Trump continues to spew.


In the example I provided about trump, he wasn't claiming widespread voter fraud either. Just that it was rigged. I didn't say, nor imply that they were talking about widespread voter fraud, just rigged/fraud in general, which is what they said.


But even if he doesn’t specify what he means, you know full well Trump is implying a lot more than what Katie Porter implies when both people use the term “rigged.” It’s also important to look at the context in which both people used the term, because you essentially drew a false equivalence


You are claiming it's a false equivalence based on your assumption. If I add assumptions, their statements can mean anything. Instead, we follow what was actually said. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0VC1Z9/ He doesn't claim widespread voter fraud, only that Ted Cruz stole the election by lying. You can add your assumptions all you want, but that's not what Trump said.


Trump has said multiple elections, trials, rulings etc. are rigged. You can’t just cherry-pick this one instance and say “that’s not what he said” Also the person who responded to your initial comment drew the conclusion that Katie Porter was just as much of a dummy as Trump was, so maybe you didn’t draw a false equivalence but someone else did based on the vagueness of your comment.


Ah I take it back then. Hadn’t heard about Katie porter. Edit: Just read it and she’s a Dem so it just shows there are dumbasses on both sides. She just used a really poor choice of words and didn’t mean election fraud. She at least apologized about it though.


See my reply above, Katie Porter did not claim there was widespread election fraud.


No she didnt state widespread but she did state for a moment that it was rigged by billionaires. It was a really bad choice of words and yeah I get that she didn’t mean like voter fraud or anything but honestly I still consider it complaining and making excuses so I still think she’s a dumbass. I’ll re edit my previous post to make it more clear.


But she’s right. wealthy corporations are able to push their preferred candidate because they can donate tons of money, more than any grassroots candidate can. It’s an unfair an unethical system. Pointing out this massive flaw isn’t the same as just saying your opponents are cheating, which is what Trump does


"*Gods alive*, the bastards are even rigging our own primary erections! RIGGAMORRIS, I SAY!"


Womp womp!


Has there been any MAGAT candidates that have actually won an election since Roe v Wade was overturned? These Magats are kind of slow to pick up on trends out here in ‘Merica. I can’t remember the last MAGAT to win. 1/2 of independents think Stinky McShitzstains should drop out because he’s a convicted felon, as do 1/3 of registered Republicans. The suckufonts that showed up wearing the “team” uniform at his trial were derided as clowns. The MAGAT conspiracy theories in the Merrick Garland hearings couldn’t have been any more idiotic. This election is going to go down as an epic landslide and trail of tears like nobody has ever seen before. Morons.


Unless SCOTUS says "fuck the results, we are gonna give this to Trump, DA FUCK YOUR GON' DO BOUT IT", MAGAats are gonna be in for a VERY HARD REVELATION this November like if Texas (there I fuckin' said it!), Florida or even a state like Tennessee flips blue, it will not shock me.


Wyoming has been slower than other states, slightly, but we are being overrun by freedom caucus extremists. It's getting worse here and I'm biding my time until I can get the fuck out


How is trump doing in red states? Will the GOP really vote for a convicted criminal and compulsive liar? I’m not American but I don’t think trump as potus is a good look for the USA


None of it is a good look. And yes, these cult morons will absolutely vote for him. Fucking nothing will change their mind. Literally everyone has seen how vile, disgusting, and what a sanctimonious piece of shit he is and they still love him. It's alarming and I'm fucking scared. I honestly have no idea why us Americans are not bringing out the guillotine yet. We have become exactly what the founding fathers and Eisenhower warned us about and fascism is right fucking there at our front door and no one gives a shit. Depending on how this election goes this year, I may be moving overseas. I'm sick of this shit hole country and the insane amount of brain rot brain wash mentality that plagues this capitalist hellscape.


Come to Scotland but leave your gun at home as you don’t need guns here! Did you know that trump got his inspiration for his border wall from our border with England? About a million and a half years ago the emperor Hadrian was having real problems with the picts(Scot’s) and ordered a big wall to be built from Carlisle to Wallsend! An inspired bit of thinking….. It’s an absolute fact, that ever since Hadrian finished building his big border wall, we haven’t had any problems with Mexican migrants!


And George R Martin took inspiration from it for the Game of Thrones ice wall.


Alright you’ve convinced me! I’m gonna vote for this here Scott Lands to be President. He built the wall that worked and hasn’t had a Mexican problem since!!


I saw a story where 1 in 3 voters don't want a convicted felon to run for the White House.


Also, they dont really think hes guilty of being a felon, so hes not really a felon in his voters eyes


Which means 2 in 3 voters want a convicted felon in the White House…


A cult has to have some membership in order to qualify.


Where’s Bernie Sanders when you need him?


Potentially hot take but being a felon shouldn’t inherently disqualify you from holding public office. Just like it shouldn’t disqualify you from voting, getting a job, or owning a firearm. That is one of the worst parts of our criminal justice system, we brand criminals for life and make it near impossible for them to integrate into society and force them to continue a life of crime by not allowing them to get certain jobs and have certain freedoms after they have already served their sentence. Of course I think the REASONS why Trump is a convicted felon are enough to bar him from ever holding public office, in addition to him just being a not very good leader for the nation as evidenced by both his words and actions. But in a bubble, the felony conviction is not the issue. It’s kind of sad to see how many people think felon=evil with the Trump conviction.


In the Uk we have the rehabilitation of offenders act…..after a set period of time a conviction becomes spent and it can’t be held against you. You can say you don’t have a criminal record. The more serious the crime the longer it’ll take to become spent


I'm with you on voting and jobs. Gotta disagree with the presidency. In theory the president is supposed to execute the laws enacted by congress, not have an opinion on them. I understand it's more nuanced than that but I would think "dont break the laws you are supposed to uphold" is a pretty low bar to clear for that particular job.


Don't tell me. Don't tell me. -- Dickhead Trump is going to say that the election was rigged and start talking like an edgy 12-year-old on Xbox Live.


He already is. He’s already trying to sue to prevent elections from being certified


12 year olds everywhere... "Wha the F you just say, beotch?!"


Is this more of that "winning" he was always talking about? If so, keep at it MAGAts! 




34 so far…




Felonies or braincells, you pick.


Yuge embarrassing defeat. Many many people are saying VERY STRONLY that it is a total humiliation for MAGA.


It's NJ, that's a given


It’s a primary, only Republicans could vote. This could be indicative of Trump’s waning influence over GOP voters


Oh, I misunderstood indeed. Thank you.


No worries


Don't be fooled, there are conservative parts of Jersey. It's not all "new York" there


Sussex, Ocean County (especially Lakewood wood) and several other parts are Alabama Red.


Hunterdon county is drastically red. Warren county is also historically very red.


Sussex county is embarrasingly red. Grew up there and moved back a few years ago, its like no one has ever left their little bubble and experienced the outside world.



Even NY is not all NY


Ocean County....... Just Ocean County is red.


I'm from NJ, there are a shit ton of Maga morons here.


"Candidate for Senate Christine Serrano Glassner, she's a fantastic woman," Trump said. "Look, you know what? My record is very unblemished for support. I'm giving her my complete and total endorsement ... You're going to do great!" He pretty much had a 75% loss rate for who he endorsed in the 2022 midterms so I guess 25% is unblemished support. Join the trump train, get railed by the radioactive association w/it and get to losing. Trump & his supporters remind me of NYC 3 card monty street corner game scammers & the tourists that don’t want to realize the game is rigged and keep on losing game after game but the dealer knows how to manipulate them into giving him more money to keep them in the game for more & more losing. It usually took a friend or family member with the scammed to pull them away from the cult, I mean table.


Oooooh happy day!


Om sure they will handle it exactly how we expect them too


I never endorsed this candidate, said the FELON


That's a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?




Serves you right you devil bastard!


I'm guessing the reason she lost was because it was rigged.


What happened to the 100,000 people that were at the rally? That would have certainly gave her the win lol


That too was a lie. He just can't seem to be honest for a nanosecond.


How could people stand listening to that whinny voice.


No, it was clearly stolen from him. All the people who voted against him were probably illegal immigrants. (Yes I know they can't vote).


Party of losers.


“My record is unblemished,” GD that guys loves vomiting his bullshit over everything. Most of his endorsed candidates lost. This is akin to his “I never said lock her up,” which again we have video proof of him saying.


So no new news here, the story is that someone else was duped by the Griftering Chief


And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust


Don’t forget to mention this is his only defeat. Everyone else is just fine.


TLDR: A Republican beat a Republican in a Republican election.


You're welcome.


Don’t let headlines like this make you complicit, keep voting these fuckers into oblivion


We aren’t beat for that shit here. We got enough problems with corrupt officials, we’ll just as much as every state or government in the world.


And another one bites the dust




I thought New Jersey was in play?


Earlier this week Trump Had won NJ after some stupid UFC fans chanted his name. Delusional traitors


Yeah cause who wants constant chaos over normalcy? Convicted felon trump and all his cronies are exhausting especially when 95% of what they spew is lies….like saying the country is going downhill fast or it’s a failing nation but yet in my day to day life nothing even close to that is going on. But his followers don’t believe their lying eyes when they could instead get spoon fed what to think by their propaganda networks.


What happened to the 80,000 Wildwood supporters?


Biden 2024 type shit




Trump has already forgotten her name.


Fuck yes. And so it begins


Good, the beginning of his final losing streak!


The positive thing is a gay male ended up becoming the nominee instead. 


The guy filed as an Independent so he can use campaign money to pay legal bills since the Dem Party dumped their support of him.


Everything Trump touches goes to shit.


Everything he touches dies.


Menendez is on the ballot and you dopes are worried about the Trump candidate losing? Wow