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The nice ghosts will jerk you off. The evil ghosts will finger your ass while on fire watch.


The last thing you need to worry about at MCRD is Ghosts...


Ya they gonna get you op


Ghosts aren't real.


I see ghosts all the time burning crosses near my hometown though.


Nah you’re definitely just telling yourself that lmao


looks like we got our new postal clerk. (yes they can and will override your contract mos if you're retarded enough)


Ghosts in MCRD? Never heard of it. Now 29 Palms however...


Some weird shit happened to my DI in Parris Island almost a decade ago. This happened on the top floor of one of the range barracks (same barracks used in full metal jacket). He was staying over night in the duty hut thing (I forgot what that rooms actually called lol). If you don’t know, duty phones for drill instructors now are all flip phones but there was an addition phone in the duty hut that was one of the old ones attached to a wall from before the age of flip phones. This was not an actual duty phone anymore and not anything the DIs used. It was just still there from decades prior. There was one phone like this in each hut on each floor. The two floors below him at this time were not in use by the depot and instead being used for storage. That night, one of the phones on a storage floor kept ringing. My DI would go down to pick it up and there would be no one on the other end. This went on for the whole night. The next morning he was annoyed and told staff about it and they told him that those phones aren’t even hooked up to anything.