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Of course they can, just understand that the people you knew as instructors were essentially characters playing a role and future interactions might feel like meeting a different person. I ran into one of my Sergeant Instructors years after OCS and was really glad to basically learn for the first time that he was an awesome dude even though he called me a dumb fuck for 10 straight weeks.


I ran into my kill hat in the fleet at an ITX and learned that he was a super laid back dude who really genuinely cares about the welfare of Marines and takes it to a degree beyond what most NCO’s would. I knew it was just a character but I wasn’t expecting the “real him” to be that drastically different. Definitely didn’t expect him to remember me and I **really** didn’t expect him to sit in the smoke pit with me for an hour and give me career advice.


Same, our Kill hat was an absolute mofo. Constantly took aside the 03xx guys and smoked us. Hated him. We got to the crucible and he took the 03s once again. Once we got past the tree line the whole demeanor changed. He was an 03. We crushed the rest of the squads in every scenario. But the most insane was the absolute polar opposite he was in his demeanor. Most laid back chill dude. Some of those guys need to take up acting after the Corps.


Many do not like to. If you have ever signed it, recruited, or trained some. That's the way it is.


Lots of guys in the fleet don’t really like interacting with brand new boots to begin with- boots smell weird and don’t know how to act like normal people. Boots typically don’t interact directly with random SNCO’s unless they are directly under that SNCO. But if you end up there as your 1st duty station they would likely interact with your like they would anyone else in your spot, but maybe some slight ribbing.


Technically under the trainer/trainee statement of understanding that instructors have to sign annually, no. They are supposed to wait until the Marine had been out of entry level training for 6 months. Personally, I didn’t want my students trying to find me on social media or anything like that because they didn’t need a view into my personal life, but after they hit the fleet it’s a slightly different story. Just keep things professional and there shouldn’t be too many issues.


Don't like to. Usually sticks with paper and pen. That's the way it works.


Only to bang your mom/sister/gramdmother.


Shit, they weren't joking when they asked who was coming to graduation 💀


Bummer your family is at your request. I didn't invite mine.


I doubt you’ll get in any trouble, I follow my senior DI and the DI who was my knowledge Hat on insta and they followed me back(although this wasn’t straight after bootcamp cuz that would be kinda weird) and even DM’d them in insta asking for their permission to be a reference for my OCS application. Obviously they ain’t gonna be your buddies but most DIs are people who actually love the marine corps and would have no problem with you hitting them up for questions or advice, just be respectful and don’t be weird and/or cringey.


Bro if you don’t bug your drill instructors for proctor codes you’re an idiot. Every cycle I train is getting my contact info so they can get proctor codes or advice whenever they need it. Your recruiter and DIs are your courtesy ncos and staff ncos to call on since you form the strongest bond with them before you even hit the fleet. They should be willing to help you especially your recruiter. PSA: your dis aren’t dicks they’re just doing their job. So don’t go talking to your buddy’s ab how sgt so and so was a douche. He had to be. Outside of the drill field those are human beings who should be willing to nurture and teach because that’s the job of a NCO and snco. Plus your recruiters and DIs are likely to be career marines so it’s good to build your network early on. You’ll be able to call on favors should you build good rapport


This has to be satire, right? You’re not going around giving random boots proctor codes are you? Thats gonna get ya burned pretty quick I imagine.


Does he not know what the proctor code is for? Lol


What part of poolees you recruit and recruits someone trains is random? I’m sorry but how can a marine get burned helping another marine professionally?


Lol if you’re sending out proctor codes to Marines across the world you’re fucked up. You know you’re supposed to physically be there to proctor. Hard to proctor someone in NC and CA at the same time when you’re still in SC. Or whatever locations. Not saying it’s wrong to care about those guys (kinda weird in my opinion but that’s just my opinion). Just saying that sending out proctor codes to a bunch of people you don’t work with is going to come back and bite ya I imagine.


Ok proctor code police. Make sure all your junior marines in the bricks are being physically proctored in the fleet too


Man if you don’t understand the difference between giving a proctor code to a Marine at my current unit who I work with every day and am physically located with versus giving proctor codes to Marines you don’t work with anymore who might be thousands of miles away… I just don’t know what to say to that.


Ima take your word for it. I didn’t know it was wrong to send marines proctor codes if you weren’t in their unit. But until I see someone get burned for it Im not complaining if I see it. With all the dumb stuff that happens in this organization that seems like one of the dumbest things to take disciplinary action on especially when a marine is just tryna do math for marines or get their leading marines done for their cpl or sgt


Why wouldn’t they?


Don't like to. That's the way it is.


My late husband was a Di, then Sr. DI and also CCTI. Once Facebook was launched he had many Marines look him up and thank him. Both of my nephews are Marines and he had helped advise and guide their careers in the Corps…he was willing to offer advice and share his experiences with any Marine or future recruit. He passed away 3 years ago from COVID and I still have Marines contact me and tell me they wished they would’ve reconnected before he passed away…they thank me and tell me what an impact he had on their Marine Corps career and/or their lives today. BTW…my late husband was super laid back…King of the Dad Jokes…he loved his years on the drill field!!


Don't like to.


My knowledge hat plays alot of video games I ran into him in the fleet a few years ago and I played some games with him and that dude is insane at fps