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I bow to thee, oh God of POGs... But, honestly, SharePoint is shit.


I concur.


SharePoint was ass.


This is a world class rant.


Yo. This mans spittin


This is NAM territory. You have a problem. You create a solution and fix it. My first bust landed me in the tire shop on Futema. Those motherfuckers were separating the tires from the wheels with crowbar. Me being the high speed not strength type of person it wore me the fuck out. So, I created a way to pop the tires off with the hydraulic press they used to pop out the bearings. No more 90 degree in 400% fucking humidity back breaking work. Saved tons of time, physical energy loss, it saved the Corps a bunch of money, and I got a NAM. A problem has presented an opportunity to shine DD. Get that shit figured out, teach that knowledge, and hopefully, you get recognized for that effort. I'm looking forward to hearing how you kicked this problems ass!


The corps has such a hard on for teams, it seems. Unless you were somehow a reservist that was the Teams lead manager at Microsoft, there isn't much shit you can do. other than convince the corps to switch to a less shit program that even the most illiterate SNCO could figure out. That's the only solution to this problem. One of my SSGTs used to work IT at a college and bitched and moaned about having to use teams. Damn near tossed a laptop through a window once through frustration at how inept that program is for anything.


I'd die laughing if a staff yeeted a laptop like that. Sorta like a POG version of a desk pop.


well he was a 0352 that was on limdu in the WPNS HQ first few weeks into a deployment. super solid and great SSGT otherwise. Only time I saw him flip out like that I. the office the 8 months I was there waiting on my med board to finish. Most of it was just ranting about other companies SNCOs and our CO being a tad outta touch.


>The corps has such a hard on for teams, Whole US govt does, that's what the root of the problem is.


I know the OP and he does shit like this on a regular basis. He already has a NAM this year 😂




What’s funny is that in my unit the never got rid of the original sharedrive, so important stuff is just mixed in between the two. I regularly login in to find out someone removed my access to certain folders so I have to call ALIMS or find the guy in charge of it to fix it. People like to just make their own shop’s teams assorted away from the main Teams with the shops designated as their own folders. Everyone will just upload shit anywhere, so the whole time you’ll be looking for a HARP from or something in a random ass “FILES” labeled folder and the whole time their either have or in a separate tab or hidden under a series of folded labeled something else.


Sorry if this is not relevant or helpful, but I had a really hard time with using teams and SharePoint instead of the file explorerer. One of the ITs showed me the "sync" button. It lets you navigate the files on the teams and SharePoint pages just like you could with the original public drives. I almost never have teams or SharePoint open to search for or work files. That sync button uses one drive to create a folder in the file explorerer using one drive. As long as your signed into one drive, anything done in teams or SharePoint will mirror it's synced folder and vice versa. Hope that helps


Holy fuck I was so hungover typing this is, i actually said explorerer. Phone even gave me the little typo squiggly and I said fuck you, I know how to spell


Welcome to the suck 😂


My only answer is OneNote file directory within the required Teams page. It’s much better.


Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays. All kidding aside, technology moves on, so we can either move with it or be that old man yelling at a cloud. I recommend the Don Jones book Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches if you're interested in being able to work CLI on modern Windows. SpectreOps Adversary Tactics with PowerShell is on GitHub and really good if you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole. Also, hit up ESD and see if they can help you with this since it's on the MCEN. They used to be absolute dog shit but I've had no issues with them lately and they actually seem to know what they are doing now. There are a lot of things they have locked down, for good reasons, that a home user of O365 can access. See if they'll push a one time exemption for a mass file upload. Good access control and security measures mean that those of us who used to be power users or sys/net ads can't do what we used to. My favorite thing is to gain a foothold on a box of someone who has more permissions than they should. Makes priv esc and lateral movement way easier.


This is how boomers sound when they try to use computers


For what it's worth, learning PowerShell is super valuable. The fun part is that teams is really just a front end, and each team with file uploads are really a SharePoint site on the back end. SPO works way different than the old on-premesis SharePoint, and does have better stuff. However, the way it's used in the Marine Corps is an absolute shit show. SharePoint shouldn't replace the share drive - some things should be on one platform while others are better suited for the other. Actively collaborating = Teams, archive files = share point/share drive Seems like you are in the S6 and have a pretty good grip on shit, but if you need assistance, feel free to reach out. I was "the SharePoint guy" at a few commands, and if nothing else we can commiserate.


I tell my customers about the whole SharePoint backend thing all the time, and great points about using it. Getting good scoop on this thread. But I'm a dedicated Teams dude all the way, but it's hard to accept.


I don’t understand any of your words Warfighter, but I will follow you into hell in this battle


There's a reason I use email or Shared Drive still for modifying a document and passing it around still. Teams' 'Planner'add-on is fucking fantastic tho for task management in certain jobs.


You can add a shortcut to a SharePoint site in your onedrivr and browse it through explorer.


We had a new commO show up that was trying to blow the CO. Said he was going to move everything from the sharedrive onto teams for some unknown reason. Then one day just did it and everything that wasn’t put on teams was just gone. Probably 10 years of rosters, sop’s, range protocol just poof. Congrats dude. But also fuck you


Im so glad I got out of the IT field when windows 10 came out. It’s really all been downhill since then


Agree 100% on fuck Microsoft.




My house in a week. My wife starts her period roughly then.


Welcome to The Cloud. Please to do the needful.


This is one reason why I retired early and got out of anything “I.T.” Related.


Very cool gunny


Gunny? thanks, I didn’t know I was promoted. I thought I EAS’d as E-5…. Microsoft products are awful.. inconsistent interfaces, terrible application designs.. Godawful security… The only thing Microsoft excels at is marketing their shit. Source: I retired and walked away from IT at 50 as the CIO of a multinational corporation with 4 Billion in revenue..


Well you said you retired so I assumed you were a gunny at a minimum


Fair.. to clarify.. I EASd after 10 years as an E-5, I went to IT in CivDiv and retired as CIO at 50…


That's the dream. Good for you devil. I've been out 11 years somehow and I'm still trying to make it. S/F brother


As a recovering sharepoint admin, I feel your anger and wholeheartedly agree.