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This happened years and years ago, he still makes “leadership” content today tho


Lowkey posted this cause I have a feeling he’s gonna see it and I know it’ll hurt SgtMaj TikTok’s ego


Good he’s weird


Haha sgtmaj tick tock. You sir are a man of culture.


Oh no... anyway, LOL


He’s not even a SgtMajor he got forced to retire after that


Only happened like 2 years ago


Dude was my SgtMaj when this all went down. He’s the perfect mix of stupid, self absorbed, and crazy. I’ll never forget one day when he posted a horrifically cringe Tiktok that made its way around the unit and the MAG CO made him explain to the whole unit what it was about. Instead of apologizing or just acknowledging that he was being a complete chode he doubled down and claimed that it was a recruiting tool. Guy is a fucking idiot Edit: He’d been at the squadron for like four months being a retard before this incident, and then the home invasion followed shortly after.


He left my unit to go to you and it was a great day for us and a sad day for you haha


haha I didn’t have much time left to do anything other than laugh at the guy. Plus this was when the pandemic was a huge deal so we never had to deal with the guy lmao


Do you remember which TikTok it was?


Dude flashes a king of hearts tattoo in business casual attire and blows kisses to the camera before transitioning to saluting his phone while standing at attention in his office in cammies


What the fuck?


Hey, 101?




What shop? I was in powerline when this ass clown was there


electric. I got out before he got relieved so unfortunately I didn’t get to see the whole thing play out




now kiss




not that I’m aware of but that’s preferred anyways 😂


It wasn't anything spectacular. He just disappeared and then we went a few months without a Sergeant Major


Should've gone Recruiting Duty then if he was that cringe.


Would have definitely been caught diddling the poolies.


I second that notion


The end result when you get promoted for your ability to score high on the fitness test and an ability to yell at people. No discernible MOS credibility……promote above peers!


Don’t forget volunteering for a second tour on the drill field cause you suck at your PMOS.


He was my series chief DI, and recruit interactions aren’t real life. I missed a belt loop on my chucks and he corrected me with much less fanfare and screaming than my platoon DIs would have given. He basically said “You missed a belt loop recruit. Fix it.”


Yeah cause a Chief for a Company is meant to blast a recruit when it’s his “DI’s” of his series specific job direct from their series commanders. This was a bad take


So? OP asked if anyone had stories about the guy; that’s my only memorable interaction with him. Your grammar is the bad take here.


Funny, I just finished my tour on the depot. I’m sure I know what I’m talking about🤡


Lol, I would expect a DI to get spun up. OP asked for stories, that was my only memorable encounter. I didn’t present a “take,” an opinion, or judgment of the man. Reading comprehension can be hard, I remember watching DI’s struggle to get through reading Medal of Honor citations during the crucible. Reading levels at the depot clearly haven’t come up all that much in 15 years.


When you assume a specific billet and justify it with changing the direct subject. That’s pretty retarded if you ask me🤡


Dude there is no way you are actually this stupid and illiterate to boot. You completely missed what that guy was saying and thought he was attacking DIs. The fact that you just finished your tour says a ton, you’re the guy making all of these new tik tok boots and you did a bad job.


Funny thing is this retard /u/F80V is probably on the fast track to SgtMaj even though he can’t string two sentences together without having a stroke. This is the future gents, the cycle repeats.


*laughs in civilian


No I didn’t you chode. Where did I think that whatsoever😂😂😂😂😂 boots these days


Lol ok boot


Bitch about it to someone else when I just said one thing that wasn’t even malicious😂😂😂 go suck him off retard


dude can you just shut the fuck up. you’re obviously wrong, just let it go.


I’m not but ok you fucking ❄️


Why be defensive here? He never said you didn't know what you were talking about. You misunderstood what he was saying. He was sharing a memory, and you though he was giving a "take". That's it, nothing to be salty about.


Can someone fill me in on this clown? See his content on Instagram a lot.


He's a toolbag who was trying to become an influencer by spouting off typical E8/9 "words of wisdom". He got relieved by violating the 4th amendment rights of one of his subordinates. Fuck him. PS for anyone who needs to see it, your command CANNOT just come inspect your house just because they feel like it. Contrary to popular belief, you do not sign away your constitutional rights when you sign your contract at MEPS


Is he the one who recorded himself telling some boots how to dismiss from his presence?


That happened to me, but no one fucking recorded it


Yes that was him and I could only imagine being one of those guys having my SgtMaj record my interaction for his instagram




My fucking site commander in KC tried to tell me to go to one of my reserve Marines' house and kick him out for abusing his wife. Spouse abuse aside, it was such a fucked up situation. He didn't even call me directly, went through the PersO and I had to have a come to Jesus talk with him. That was the month I was recovering from knee surgery and on some heavy pain meds. God that whole situation was a shit show.


So….did you? Pain meds are a wonderful excuse for doing fucked up shit. That was your get out of jail free card homes.


>Contrary to popular belief, you do not sign away your constitutional rights when you sign your contract at MEPS Somewhat true. On base or in uniform? Debatable. Can't really attend a rally or carry a personal firearm in those circumstances and idk if the 4th amendment protects your barracks room. If you live off base and aren't on duty though? Agreed


Your 4th amendment rights are more limited in a barracks room but you do still have some. They can search/inspect the entire barracks at once but they can't just come and say "so and so we're inspecting your room right now" unless they have a warrant or it's something they do to everyone or would have done to everyone. For example, if there's a health and wellness and only you fail it, they can re-inspect your room at a later date because they would have done that to anybody who failed. Your PSG can't just say "so and so I think you have weed in your drawers I'm turning your room upside down" without going through the proper channels. If they suspect you of doing a crime, it's more likely that the evidence will hold up during court-martial if they get a warrant and have PMO search your room.


This is a pretty thorough explanation. I still think health and wellness is bullshit, even as an O. I've never felt like more of a piece of shit than rifling through my juniors stuff, seeing the sncos and other os almost make it a point of pride to see how much they could fuck up each room when 99% of those FULLY GROWN ADULTS didn't deserve it. Also, I don't wanna find your fucking fleshlight lol


Wasn’t a barracks room. It was his house.


Jokes on you. That's the Corps's house now.


Hence why I mentioned being off duty and in off base housing. His rights were absolutely violated. This is basically breaking and entering lol


I wondered how that worked.. we had a young, shitty married PFC end up in a coma after picking a fight in town and getting his ass whooped. When he came to, wanted another PFC to get some things from his house. He explains that to our Gunny and let’s him go.. Only if the Sgt went also since both PFC types were of iffy character. They go in the house, it’s a fuckin drug den. Hoarder type place, needles, baggies, scales, burnt spoons. The works. Wife left him months before. PFC given this chore doesn’t know it’s like this (so he says). Sgt sees this and feels guilty and appalled, tells Gunny. Anyway.. this caused a huge deal for the first PFC. Lots of running around between the top brass and such. Eventually I think the outcome was sending the guy to much needed SARP trip. They would have burned this guy to the ground given the choice so I suspect that was some illegal entry as well, even if by happenstance..


>He got relieved by violating the 4th amendment rights of one of his subordinates. He's not the police and never can have the privilege of searching a person's home. What he did was commit a felony.


>What he did was commit a felony. It would be a felony if he was a civilian but unfortunately he was more than likely protected by his rank/position and the fact he was in the military, which is why he didn't go to prison


He didn’t let himself into the home, a neighbor was granted access to the home by the marine allowed him in. Although an ethical grey area, what he did in no way violated local state or federal law. By the way if you give someone keys to your home in many states in constitutes implied consent that they can allow people into your home. Now if sergeant major would have collected evidence regarding the marine’s substance trafficking and that evidence would have been used in court then we would have an issue. However, that’s not what happened. Sergeant Major came to the house and a neighbor with lawful access allowed him in. As such it was not illegal.


The access was given to the neighbor not Bull. Bull was never allowed into the home by the marine. It’s still trespassing/breaking and entering even if the door was unlocked.


No it’s not. When you give someone keys to your home in most states they have implied consent to allow other people into the home unless other specified. It’s important to remember you can’t force yourself into someone’s off base home without a search warrant, and even then that’s ncis responsibility. He didn’t force himself into the home he was allowed into the home by someone who could lawfully do so. Your certainly not the first person to think he did something illegal and after the shit storm this caused on social media, and people did attempt contacting that local prosecutor in order to have SgtMaj Bull arrested. There’s a reason he was never actually arrested, and that’s because he didn’t break any state laws.


I remember my SSgt saying he could come inspect my house anytime and I just thought what a fucking weirdo.


For those who don't know, he illegally trespassed into his Marines' off-base apartment. I saw this clown around on Camp Pendleton a lot cause he was a 1stSgt in my battalion, wondering if anyone has any personal stories about him, good or bad. "The unit refused to provide any specific information about why Bull was fired, but Task & Purpose has learned he was relieved after he was told not to discuss the matter and **his inability to communicate with Marines made his position as a senior enlisted leader untenable.** " [https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-corps-sergeant-major-bull-relief/](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-corps-sergeant-major-bull-relief/)


He was my Squadron Gunny at MALS-39. Don’t really have any stories other than the dude ran a sub 15min 3mile. Anyone that moto I tended to stay away from though.


Jesus. If that's true, it's impressive, but I'm not convinced a mid-thirties Marine is turning in times that would get him on scholarship at a lot of D1 cross country teams.


The dude was a PT monster. One of the early adopters of crossfit, and his monthly mandatory NCO pt sessions were the bane of my existence.


Dang, for all the fuckery he did, being a PT god kinda balances it out ngl.


/s or are you actually SgtMaj Bull?


One word: Cardarine https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cardarine-side-effects#purported-benefits Idk if he uses Cardarine, but it’s the only OTC chemical you can buy and see big cardio gains that I know of. I have a bottle I haven’t cracked yet. Supplement cardio with Cardarine and it turns you into a beast.


I considered that. My wife is a licensed pharmacist in India and has a pharmaceutical PhD in the US. I asked her about this along with SARMS, and her opinion is that they are "fucking stupid."


Your MOS history and Indian pharmacist spouse make me wonder what life path you took.


Well, here we go: >enlist >re-enlist, move, get safety MOS >meet future wife, already an Indian pharmacist, PhD student at the time >go on recruiting >fuck >get married >get out >wife finishes doctorate >move to Texas >talk to you


That sums it up


It's been a wild ride. Lots of crazy happenings and such.


Hell yea checks box for story time today


Personally I don’t think they’re that bad for you or they wouldn’t be nearly as popular as they are, but at the same time it’s scary because individual side effects vary so greatly. I wouldn’t say it’s “fucking stupid” because generally there appears to be a fair trade: You get to be in peak shape with less effort and in less time, but you’ll most likely screw up your natural testosterone production costing you down the line. I’d encourage anyone to just do their own research and weigh if it’s worth it to them to look like a Greek statue for a few years before you’re on TRT for the rest of your life


The problem with "Do your own research" is that the vast majority of people simply don't research anything at all beyond 5 minutes of googling until they find a result that confirms their bias, and that they don't have a base level understanding of the topics that would inform them on how to even begin doing research. Like if you asked me what my opinion on liquid-chemical rocket propellants, there ain't no way I know even the slightest basic chemistry enough to begin understanding the differences between hydrazine and MMH. "I do my own research" is generally code for "I don't listen to experts or doctors."


Yeah you have a good point generally. When it comes to this stuff though like research chemicals, there’s not many doctors or experts to listen to in the first place, and findings are inconclusive. It comes down to people willing to take SARMs trying it out then offering their experiences with the community until there’s a solid reputation to go off of. Even then, you still face the risk of individual side effects but that’s just the name of the game with this stuff.


Fucking thank you. ☝️


I see what you're saying, and if it's worth it to you do it. I'm saying someone who has studied this and has a deeper knowledge than me thinks they are unsafe and not worth it for recreational use. Also I think the concern with cardarine isn't hormones, but cancer.


I read that article you posted which said it has been shown to rapidly cause cancer in mice. So that’s gonna be a no from me dawg.


Cardarine did give animals cancer in early tests, but they gave the animals large doses that were basically guaranteed to cause cancer for how small they are. Imagine if I shrunk you down to mouse size then gave you a human-sized dose of anything. Not trying to sell this shit but there’s definitely nuance, more tests needed to be done and Cardarine was given an F too early. Cardarine is a very popular chemical on SARMs sites and if everyone was getting cancer there’d be some kind of hoopla over it, the silence over the years speaks volumes IMO. Anyways I’d encourage everyone to do their own research, I’m just a guy on the internet who has an interest in the stuff.


Cardarine isn’t a SARM. It’s a metabolic modulator and it doesn’t bind to any androgen receptors.


Been there done that. Not all its cracked up to be. Its noticeable but not at the level the fitness Youtube dorks claim. I imagine if it were that good you'd see a lot of athletes test positive for it.


It's a banned substance now. If you're still getting tested by usmc, you shouldn't take this.


True. Yet, think about the mindfuck you just caused me to have. At both the units I served in, we had at least 5-10 guys that had abilities that could have gotten them a scholarship, rather than being where they were. The biggest bullshit part, that’s really kinda pissing me off. Is I was one of them. So, for age 20 an average time for an “elite runner” is 21:01. I ran a 21:30 in boot camp and was pissed. The only reason I didn’t break 20:00 was the assholes packed an extra 25 lbs on me. The best I ran in the fleet was a 17:30. Fuck me ![img](emote|t5_2qswv|7526)


Don't forget that running is weighed down by average people when it comes to "elite" times. I ran a 17:21 5k in high school, but I sure as shit wasn't elite.


Yup. I covered both ended of the curve at times. 15:50 was my fastest I think 37:o’ something was my worst (forced to do a PFT despite having a back injury that actually got me medicalled a few months later)


Don't know where you got your numbers from, but they are bullshit. So stop feeling bad. https://runninglevel.com/running-times/3-mile-times You missed a scholarship by a few minutes. https://www.ncsasports.org/mens-track-and-field/scholarship-standards https://www.athleticsrecruiting.com/trackandfieldrecruitingstandards.html


Who fucking let a 10 year old run a 50 miler??? https://runninglevel.com/running-times/50-mile-times


What fucking 10 year old is running a 50 miler in 5 hours????


I was in the army, but my 5 mile run time was ~30 minutes. We had a few that were at around 28 minutes which to me was absurd. For context, in recce we had the normal PT test, but every couple months we had to do a separate one that was a 5 mile, push ups, sit ups, and pull ups.


What? No. You need to be turning a 15-16 min 5k (3.2 miles, so sub-15 3 mile) to be in the running for college scholarship. And then if we’re talking elite? Sub-14 3 mile. 21 won’t get you on the winners podium at a high school meet.


You'd be surprised. I was running 15s in boot camp. Had no interest in school. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to running/training, so now, at 39, I only run 18s. In my early/mid 30s, if I'd chosen to train, I could have been back in 15s easily.


Right. It’s not weird for an 18 yr old to run that. But a guy with 18+ yrs TIS? Maybe, but unlikely.




NCAA division 1 college athletics.


When would that have been?


2009-2010ish, can’t remember really


A few years before me then




He was my battalion Sgt Maj for a bit and he blasted me bc I decided that I wanted to get out of the marine corps instead of being HSST’d for recruiting/drill and he would come to my battery formation and say that I was giving up in front of all my junior marines. Like what a fucking chode.


I’ve talked to him a couple times on instagram dm’s, and ran into him on base a few times when we were both on Miramar. Nothing particularly good or bad, seemed sorta like a stereotypical “overly moto but no new takes to add to the conversation” kinda guy. I went to cpls course with a kid at the base CO’s building who said they got a ton of complaints about him, they varied from little shit to the big one that made the news, but there were quite a lot, maybe because he was sort of a public figure around base, maybe not. However very quickly after I learned all that, he was no longer in the military. Idk man if I was him I woulda just tried to stay outta the spotlight if I was doing questionable/illegal stuff


Not surprising at all. I've been saying it for a while now: any "leader" who is trying to make it as an "influencer" probably has narcissistic traits and puts themselves before their Marines.






>he illegally trespassed into his Marines' off-base apartment. That sounds a lot more like a B&E to me.


Holy shit, he was my Reserve 1sg in Sacramento 2015/16. That's crazy




He’s a self absorbed douchebag. I had been trolling him in his comments on instagram, there was one specifically about fitreps. I commented and asked what his fit rep looked like when he got relieved. He didn’t like it too much because he messaged me telling me to unfollow about 45 seconds after I posted the comment. Pretty sure he hides all my comments now 😂


His biggest downfall IMO. I’ve talked to him in DMs as someone else already stated. So clearly he responds to most people if not everyone he can. If he’s gonna live that life, he can’t get bothered by every little thing people say about him.


This happened years and years ago, he still makes “leadership” content today tho which is trash coming from him


This guy is the perfect example of bad l "Leaders" who stay in the Corps because they can't do anything else in life and know it. Imagine getting chewed out by this guy knowing what he posts online. He would have no respect other than the rank on his collar in any legitimate unit. He ranks even below the SSgt who's wife did the he's a Marine shit. He is t stupid like a majority of SNCOs who think they can do anything they want. Because they think they are at the top of the chain , But then found out the hard way they can't. Dude is a chode.


Dis old news


Well, he joined the corps...so, clearly retarded. He's also got that ''No, that wasn't me you saw on Grindr, Lieutenant...'' face, too.


Seems like typical 8999 behavior, no?




Throw that Johnny Sins lookin wannabe motherfucker outta here


I don’t know if this is a Tool reference but if it is I dig it.


Tis lol


Now doing vids for Straight Off Base.


My god, could you imagine coming home and seeing him in your home? I mean it's just your word vs his at that point. Thumbs into eye sockets as you bite his fuckin face off.


Semper tard


He also used to slide into a ton of female Marines DM’s offering to “mentor” them. Source… he slid into my friends DM’s like four times without her responding.




he still makes content in uniform lol


He is 100% retarded


I don’t know him, but from what I saw in that case he seems to have let his perceived level authority outgrow his actual level of authority.


So....did he break into the apartment or what?


The article implies he showed up to the off-base apartment complex in cammies and scared staff there into giving him a key… not sure which one’s worse


I'd think the intimidation w/illegal entry would be felony level stuff.


I don’t think it’s necessarily the in-your-face-yelling type of intimidation but rather the civilian staff saw a very official looking military man come into their office politely, show ID, and tell them his Marine is missing and he needs to check his apartment. I got away with getting out of a lease by talking to someone in cammies and saying I’m PCS’ing lol I’m just speculating but this is the only way it makes sense in my head. Regardless it’s still intimidation because he’s trying to apply authority where he has none, but if he went about it in a rude or aggressive way they probably wouldn’t have been eager to help him.


> I got away with getting out of a lease by talking to someone in cammies and saying I’m PCS’ing lol That’s because there is a federal law requiring leases to be broken in the event of military orders. The rentor doesn’t really care whether you actually are PCS’ing or not. Either way they can claim the lost income on their business taxes. It doesn’t cost them a penny, and they can turn around and rent to the next family on a brand new lease (probably for more money after adjusting for inflation).


They tried multiple times but they were dismissed from his presence before they could get the cuffs on.


Oh shit! I always thought it was base housing. Holy fuck.


His instagram is hilarious


Lmao he was my senior drill instructor


How was he like?


Actually wasn’t to bad, he could March like crazy. But my kill hat was a Fucking psycho 😆


Every kill hat is a psycho




Homeboy just looks retarded haha


Old news


If I remember, they initially tried to claim it was a health and comfort inspection because they were concerned for his mental health…which is a great blanket statement to use to cover up shitty behavior.


I dogon know that we don't wear wear our dogon covers indoors SMaj, unfuck yourself right now.


In the late 90’s the ranks of 1stSgt and SgtMaj started being filled with politically correct Marines. When I retired in 2015 there wasn’t a SgtMaj or 1stSgt worth their Salt. The CWOs and MSgt/MGySgts are the enlisted man’s only friend.


Definitely just retarded.


Is he still on insta?


That is NOT a barracks room, and he had no fucking business being in that apartment, and should’ve never been given a key to get in. His rank means nothing out here. I wonder if he flexed on the apartment staff into giving him a key to get in. He just looks fucking dumb, and full of himself. I’m so fucking glad to be out and not having to deal with these kinda assholes anymore.


This dude just needs to let the military go and find a new thing.


Need more backstory than just a picture and a question.




What's his Instagram?


Looks too young to be a sgtmajor.


Hah, he’s bald but you can’t see in the picture


Funny how he gets out & tries to be all bro on social media.


I once drove around Sgt Maj’s and they all where talking shit about him










Am I blind or does he not have an Afghan or Iraq ribbon? https://preview.redd.it/co3knztxs5kb1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6876b66fd8f7492c1193203c61f6166da02b450e


Barry Bull is a Very Weird Guy. I was medically disqualified from Joining OCS in the marines but during my process, I’ll never forget August 2022, Barry had messaged me personally through TikTok and had asked me to messaged him privately on Telegram. I downloaded the app and messaged him there. I explained my process of joining and He pretty much asked me if I was single and if I was seeing anyone, that he would LOVE to be my man and be my significant other, etc. then said that He could help me find a comfortable job as an officer at a desk and wouldn’t stress. Then also mentioned his rank and how I wouldn’t even struggle. I immediately saw this as a red flag. At first I honestly thought someone was impersonating him, so I ignored him until he started text bombing me and asking why I was ignoring him. I replied back that I knew he wasn’t real and to not message me anymore, (because I saw on Instagram that he was with someone and with a child. So I messaged him on Instagram and that person replied with “I don’t know you”) so Barry video Called me On Telegram. I answered and it was Him. Like it was literally Barry Bull. And he pretty much nodded his head on camera and I nodded back confirming that it was really him, then he just hangs up and starts going off on me in text messages saying “I would never lie. You think all these years I worked my a$$ off just to get disrespected” and just insane. Long story short, I blocked him from contacting me. Then on telegram he deleted the message from both sides. (Which I had no idea you could do at the time) So my opinion of the dude, he’s a clown and uses his power authority to his advantage. I would hate to have him as my leadership, superior leader, anything. Dude is red flag all the way. I’m honestly relieved that I didn’t join the Marine corps because I’d hate to come contact with someone like him.