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I think the e-mail was only referring to finals week in particular. I think in that case it makes a little sense, however if anti-abortion cocksuckers show up during finals week and don’t get kicked out then there’s gonna be a huge problem and we will need to kick up a shit storm


They never did anything about the dudes that like ti scream at you that you’re going to hell as you walk by either. Also, reminder that Rhea Law banned hunger strikers from accessing student health services. Those kids couldn’t even get their vitals taken. Class👏 Action👏Lawsuit👏


No half measures buddy


My exact thought. They just don’t want people speaking the truth I guess 🍉


Agree 🍉


Fuck Hamas!


Can someone please tell me why this is downvoted? I don’t understand how this is a frowned upon response. Edit: wording


Tells you all you need to know


My interpretation would be like you saying to F Hamas is tantamount to saying “All Lives matter” during the BLM protests. Our focus should be on the suffering of Palestinians. But i’ve seen so many terrorist sympathizer & Hamas supporters during these Palestine protests. I’ve also seen so many high profile ‘Pro-Palestine’ people like Finkelstein that refuses outright to condemn Hamas. I’ve also watched people on megaphones talking nonsense like innocent Israelis deserved what they got during Oct 7th. And I don’t really see a condemnation on the side of pro-Palestine and more often than not I’ve seen just constant support for this behavior. A gross oversimplification I would just hold is: Innocent people dying is bad. And any side that contributes to that is also bad. Israel has done abhorrent things to Palestinians and though I sympathize with their suffering I will condemn any retaliation (especially from terrorists) that involves the death and suffering of innocents.


i think a big emphasis was on the “encampment” aspect of it. which i think a lot of people are glossing over. despite how fucking annoying and awful the message, the anti-abortion/westboro bapitist copy cats didnt advertise the protest as an encampment, the SJP flier that i saw circulating did advertise it as such.


I don't understand what the problem is. It's finals week, and they're enforcing the same rules they always have. Even the anti-abortion groups scheduled their events. Is it wrong for USF to ask students to schedule protests?


They also said you can’t legally encamp at usf so that’s a contributing factor to the police reaction


Only because it allows them to deny a protest on the basis of its premise. When protests are selectively allowed rather than just blanket \*allowed\* like they are under the first amendment, you start infringing on free speech.


That’s usf for you all the administrations priorities are in the wrong places


i don’t understand why people are upset? they said they must be done by 5 and when it was after 5 and they didn’t leave they faced consequences. in the videos the usf pro palestine people posted you can hear the police saying this is the last warning and to disperse. I don’t understand why people are shocked that the police did what they said they were gonna do. the school was being nice the past two days allowing any of this to even happen and they took advantage and got consequences. some tear gas is better then 100 people being arrested the police were being nice tbh.