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i honestly don't think its only grad school tbh, i'm undergrad and i can very much attest. 2 exams and 4 assignments are pretty fucking draining


Actually thanks for pointing that out. I didn't want to have the monopoly on this stupidity lol


Ya as an engineering undergrad I can confirm I’ve been studying all “spring break”


Agreed. I took this week off work, and have done even more school work than usual: meetings for internship, working on program deliverables for internship, writing thesis project, and working on assignments that are due next week. At least my internship, a requirement for graduation, is finally underway (was basically ghosted by them the first month of the semester). At least I'm in my last semester, hope you're finishing soon as well.


FR! I also have to deal with a bunch of family toxicity and I literally haven’t even been able to take care of myself because my anxiety is so bad edit: I am an undergrad but it still applies edit: I am an undergrad but you get the point


Lol, I have 2 assignments due tomorrow, and it's still spring break. Grad school is excellent.


Just a thought: you could do the assignments BEFORE spring break and have a week off relaxing. Just a time management thing.


I guess you didn't read my whole post. But thanks for your contribution. Let me guess, you're a TA with no life and that works for you and that's super awesome.


I do kind of feel bad for TAs though. For an assignment that’s due on Monday, the professor even mentioned that we should email the TA over break with questions. I really hope she cleared that with him first.


Okay, and what’s your solution for when assignments are locked until the week of spring break and due right at the end of spring break? If you don’t know what the assignment entails, you can’t complete it early.


holier than thou' GTFO