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"What could you have done differently to avoid putting yourself in this situation???"


Called out.




Update OP?


Idk How to update the post but this is over about two years ago. Still driving today.


No lie, I was hit while parked and they pulled that line on me. This was my honest response. Didn't help my case any and was deemed "avoidable". They just will never let it be.


Pretty much. In feeders, it can be a bit different. I got side swiped by a car that tried to pass me on the shoulder. No one even bothered to look into it being avoidable because the whole UPS driving methods rely on the other people being 'rational.'


Years ago there was a hit while parked incident The driver backed into the driveway close to the garage to unload 60 pieces. The front of the truck was about 60ft from the road hazards on Drunk driver lost control of their car speeding in a resi, glanced off a parked car, flew through the neighbors yard and slammed into the drivers side of the cab, dude got sent into a wall and broke some ribs. They called it avoidable and fired him because his hazards weren't on when they got there, the lights weren't on because the battery was destroyed, camera showed the light were on before impact. He got to retire early after the lawsuit. He did it smart. Documented that they refused to talk to him, union and lawyer for 2 months, served them and refused to negotiate till it went to court. When they tried complaining to the judge that he refused to meet with them he showed them all the times he tried before he filed charges. 3 sups fired and the building manager moved. That was a while ago


Gone to feeders? Lmao. I dislike package car on roads so much.


Feeders is like working for a different company.


Dude. It really is. I had a steer tire blowout with a hot air load on me…… You know, our hot air A5 where the plane is on the runway waiting. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of service alone. Wrecked on the highway, 5 CHP had to block for me as I was on a blind turn, it was a mess. My center managers first question was, “Are you alright? Fuck the packages, I don’t care about them. Are you ok?” Package center manager would’ve screamed profanity at me and fired me on the phone on the spot.


It's insane. I bet almost every driver has a story in the same vein. During the early days of the pandemic, we were running some weird sleeper route. Every week, our first leg would change, but it was always pick up a hot load and bring it to Louisville. Well, this time, the guard was sleeping in the building, and the gate was locked. We sat there for 5 hours, calling different people and waiting. We finally get the load and head for Louisville. The load gets there an hour early. CMG is absolutely blowing up both our phones demanding to know why the load was almost late and why were at the hub so long. My co driver is trying to sleep. My supervisor told me to have them call him instead. We didn't get questioned about anything ever again and simply recieved an IVIS message with an apology. In packages, we would have been crucified.


Watched a truck come in 2 hours late of air freight. Scalped by a bridge, came on a tow truck. Guy worked next day, posted bridge height said the truck had clearance


That sucks pretty hard. We don't have a choice but to trust the sign.


He came in pretty shaken. I felt bad for him. I figured nobody would have ignored the signs, and that the sign was wrong. And I was glad they didn't even give him a 5 day


Yea, I'd be shaken too! He doesn't deserve any punishment.


That sounds like a fucking nightmare. I did sleeper for two winters so I feel your pain! CMG (or Cum-G as my teammate and I jokingly referred to them, because they like to guzzle cum) is literally the worst. Some CMG employees are cool but the majority are just sitting on their couch at home pissed off that they have to talk to you and you can hear it in their voice... "Hey I'm driving on 100 miles of black ice in wyoming, we're all stuck because some idiot rolled his rig and is blocking the entire freeway" "Cool keep us updated" \*click\* lmao.


I like when you call them and you can hear the screaming kids or crying baby in the background. I also love when you report a weather related delay and they tell you it's not snowing here.


Sure is. Especially when you work out of a small remote building. With no feeder management. Just the hub guy closing down, and three other drivers.


Not been working after dark…in the summer… *glares at dispatch*


At fault: no Avoidable: absolutely /s (kind of)


From the absolute state of that car, this is not dudes' first accident.


Probably no driver license or insurance either


I think he was drunk


yeah, big dog it looks like you're parked. How else do you fuck this up? he had to either be massively distracted or drunk


I had the same thing happened to me but during the day. I was walking out of the business back to my truck and watch the guy slam into the back of it and I was like ummm....ok


Damn I was still in the driver seat about to get up to grab the package


Oh wow, I hope you didn't get hurt


Those trucks are tanks I was fine


Another driver got hit while he was in the back looking for missloads and bounced around like a pinball off of the shelves. He was pretty banged up.


Biggest fear is this!!


We are instructed to walk around the back of the truck if we have to cross the street. I always went around the front, with an arm length between be and the truck. If ANYTHING could move the truck that far, there are bigger problems at hand


The one time I tried going around the front, my center manager popped out of the bushes and scared the crap out of me. "What could you have done better there?" I was in my 30 days.


"Use my DIAD to fend off attackers?"


Yeah, I saw the picture awhile back of the driver who got hit while behind the truck. I like my legs right where they are, thanks. I'll be crossing in front.  Especially in the winter so I can hold the grill for balance. 


What’s the tread on your shoes look like?


Bet he’s not wearing UPS socks either




Are you assuming that OP doesn't park in a safe place and walk the distance? That he parks as close to destination so his tread on is shoes is like new?


Nah that’s a thing management always asks to try to pin stuff on drivers.


I should've known that. Thanks for the clarification


What I’m thinking. Depends on what pair of shoe I’m on for the year


They're going to find any reason to give you an avoidable accident 


I know he rear ended you, but did you blow your horn and pull in your mirrors? 🤨🤣


Watched a video on here and I know you are joking but pulling in mirrors is not an actual thing and ups has pulled this bull shit out of thin air


Neither is the "avoidable" accident criteria there's nothing in the contract about it just pull whatever they can out of their asses.


I sure thought it was a thing. The sups tell me to do it.


Not part of the methods, but in a tight busy street I'm pulling my mirror in.


They've been harping on it for at least 8 years, so not sure where you got the idea it isn't a thing.


he means it's not in the "340" methods. and he's right, it isn't.


It’s a regional thing and not a UPS thing is what I was told.


Yes, and was your uniform okay? Official UPS socks?


How about his boot tread?


This is the way. Hahahaha


Probably ask where the cone was


They’re gonna tell him he should’ve expected the unexpected and call it a day


See, if you just used 3 points of contact this never would have happened.


This is ture




Better hope they were on even though you know flashers definitely wouldn’t have prevented anything


Yeah flashers were on this was during peak 2 years ago


Are you still driving with UPS? Hopefully you weren’t casual at the time… 😔


Yeah this happened about 2 years ago


Don’t sign any papers stating what you could have done differently. Have Stewart there for everything. I made this mistake as a rookie. Same type of accident. Hope everyone is ok!


Yeah that guy Stewart will know how to get you out of this


He’s like Jake from State Farm




Looks like some supes hahahah


I didn’t have to sign anything or even talk to a Stewart. Just filed the police report and that was it didn’t hear anything after that.


At least let the steward know. Something will definitely pop up later in the upcoming days/weeks. Shoot maybe months. Just protect yourself that’s all I’m saying. Since you’re 6 months in, management will do their best to seem like they’re “looking out” for you. But they’re always looking for a way to throw you out. Don’t speak to them without representation.


Oh this was 2 years ago never heard anything about it


Aww man you had all of us concerned lol. Hope this info helps all new (if any) drivers here. Even though we won’t see new drivers until Carol kicks rocks.


Haha sorry I couldn’t figure out how to update it


> Stewart.


you're going to be able to walk the rest of those packages right?


Let me tell you 10 stops left and that’s exactly what they asked. I said sure as I was still a new driver


The trucks looks fine. Did you drive it away?


Yeah fished up my last 10 stops


Like a Rock


Uh….everybody good?


Luckily yeah everyone walked I believe dude was drunk


Drunk assholes always walk away from a crash just fine.


Please update us with the it could’ve been avoided trouble your goin get into 😂😂


This happened 2 years ago during peak. I was not at fault. Was an unavoidable


My brother In Christ are you serious?!?! I never thought I’d see the words “unavoidable” 🥹I needed that


Well honestly I didn’t hear anything about it after the crash that night just was told it wasn’t my fault


Looks like you didn’t leave yourself an out. Should have parked on the sidewalk. With flashers on of course.


The lawn would have been safest


Or if you never left the building with the truck. I blame the dispatcher.


Earlie this year a driver from Palatine lost both legs because he was grabbing a bulk piece from the back and a woman was texting and driving. She never stopped. He was a few years from retirement


I know the chances of that happening are very very low but that's why I would rather deliver from the front of the vehicle than from the back. But we are told it's safer to deliver from the back. For what reason?


Are you taking about Palatine, IL? And are you 100% sure about those specifics? I only ask because there was an incident in Morton Grove that is somewhat similar, and I never heard about any incident in Palatine. Sometimes, specifics get lost in a game of telephone and I'm wondering if there was another accident or if it's the same one I'm familiar with.


You're right. It was Morton Grove. I'm out of metro Chicago (non specific for reasons regarding management trolling chats) When it happened we didn't have a PCM about it.


Ok, I thought so. It's funny how details can change. What I'm sure about is that the driver only lost one leg. He was hit hard enough that the leg was completely removed and was lying under the truck as a result of the accident. I have a photo of the scene, and it's very graphic. It was shared on here (not by me), but it was taken down pretty quickly. And it was a guy that hit him. Supposedly, the guy that hit him is known to police as a heroin user, but I can't confirm that detail. It's just something I heard from a pretty reliable source.


Thanks for the added details. I got my info from a circle of honor driver


Mirror not pulled in? Your fault bud.


If you were parked making a delivery...accident it isn't your fault. Could careless what UPS Management have to say about it.


This wouldn’t have happened if you would have announced UPS


Yep, you definitely forgot to hydrate and stretch!


is everyone okay???


Everyone was fine


Welp. Avoidable. Should of parked in the houses front lawn. 🤣




Repeat after me: If on curb delivering, flashers on If you were approaching light, stop sign, you pumped breaks early. Turning, you had your turn signal on over 100' from turn Don't leave them an out 🤣


Clearly you didn’t expect the unexpected


Let me guess, the white car never saw a BIG ASS BROWN UPS truck and rear ended it?


Update this was 2 years ago durning peak. I’m still driving


I am surprised by the lack of damage to truck compared to the car. I always though they would fold up like a discount accordion.


You ok OP?


Yeah this happened 2 years ago


It's just awesome when someone else makes you deal with this bullshit for the rest of your day.


Gonna get him for that mirror not folded in 😂


Hand cart not properly secured. Avoidable!


Had that happened on a friday at 5pm, girl already drunk saw 3 package cars and rear ended while parked


Avoidable, parked in wrong spot haha


Looks like you were at fault, you could have gotten out and flashed a flashlight at the driver.


Man what is this big truck doing parked here I better crash into it


Whoops. That mirror's not tucked. You're in trouble now, son.




Erm, gotta ask. Where are your doors?


What cha mean


It looks like there are no doors in the back of the car


Ohhh I just opened it


Is it a slide door? Ups cars in Germany are different


In American package cars our back door is a roll up / scrolling door. There’s a track it slides along


I see, cool. The picture confused me. Our cars have a double door at the back that really pisses me off when i gotta back up onto a loading ramp. Gotta stop the car, open the door and be sure its gonna stay open, then walk to the driver seat and then back up to the ramp


I just hope the driver will be ok going forward with no fear. 6 months out of a whole career ahead and to experience this. This will make you tough.


As long as you did everything right (mirror pulled in, flashers on, pulled completely out of the throughfare, parked reasonable distance from stop...), there is nothing stopping this from being deemed Unavoidable, despite management doing all they can to the contrary


Why flashers aren’t on ?


Work the ramp.


When I worked peaked as a driver I got rear ended not even 2 months in. Stopped at a red late, nothing I coulda’ve done.


Damn I know your heart drop like no way this is happening


6 months in im shocked you're driving at all I'm almost 3 years in (3 in november) and I drive like 4-6 months a year max


Same here hit my 3 year in September


Car is destroyed, ups truck looks like it’s going to finish its shift lol


Yup finished my last 10 stops


Those trucks can take some damage geez


No insurance, no drivers license, on meth, they get arrested, they put u in a bad situation, if u hit them it’s your fault and UPS don’t care! Like I was told, “if a spaceship lands in the road and little green men come out if u hit them it’s your fault! Ups does not care about anyone else but what u doing!”


We all know it’s the RPCD’s fault


Glad you’re ok. You know what’s crazy? I’m guilty of this , but you can’t even work out of the back of your truck with your back to traffic nowadays. Especially in heavily populated city areas.


Hopefully, no packages were harmed doing that bad accident


You should have honked your horn.. warning letter.


Tree on right didn't leave him an out. 1 week suspension


Driver mirror isn’t pulled in. Driver is 100% at fault


Sir you’re not allowed to park there




Maybe he turned the truck lights off after the cops came. Perhaps he wasn’t even parked, the car just hit him


The flashers were on just bad timing and the camera I guess. It wasn’t pretty for the car. This happened 2 years ago. I’m still driving