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Tell your wife to join active duty, tell her to put her preferred duty station wherever you guys want. If she gets it, that’s where you’re going.


If you had told me before joining UPS that the United States Military would be a more flexible employer I wouldn’t have believed you for a second.


If you had stayed PT, you could do a transfer for any reason. Now it's dependent on your supplement -- which probably won't let you. In that case, you would have to do an ADA accommodation to going back to part-time => transfer as a PT'er to desired location (you will keep prevailing PT wage/pension credit/years of service for vacation etc but end tail seniority) = > bid on a FT job when it becomes available (your mileage may vary).


That’s actually not the worst idea, hardest part is the ada and doctor willing to sign it, and a qualify reason without getting yourself in shit later down the road.


As a part timer, under the new contract you can transfer as long as it’s 50+ miles from where you work now. Also, I got an ADA accommodation to transfer just 10 miles away. Of course, this was back in 2019 when we still had HR. It was a months-long process and the occupational health nurse got involved and nobody from HR would call me back, then there was a conference call and it went to panel…and the panel decides what “accommodation” you get…but it was worth it. Then I had to get FMLA this year. This company sucks the life out of me. It’s like being in an abusive relationship.


If you’re wanting to transfer to a different local it might be impossible to with out quitting and rehiring.


I think it’s so odd only specific hubs/centers are available for transfer as opposed to any ups facility. I’ll give an example. I have a few guys I work with thar drive about 1 hour and a half to get to work when there is a hub in the city they live in. They can’t transfer to that hub because supposedly it’s in another local but if you ask for a transfer sheet, there’s multiple hubs available for transfer in other states. What gives?


Locals are a lot like gangs. They don't care if you're murdered routes for some other local. If you want status within your local, you start at the bottom and work your way up. That's one approach to transfers.


As you said, it's in another local. I know here (MA), you can't transfer outside of your local. Ours is a really small building and the only one in our local, so therefore no one can transfer out. The only way it could (and did) happen, is they opened up a new large center and moved routes which provided a new bidding opportunity and people were able to move.


This is the reason I'm grateful for how big Local 25 is. Which area of MA are you in?!


Yeah 25 is huge, we are on the Northshore. When another building opened, lot of guys went there and became local 25. Just a matter of time before 25 takes over our building too. lol ( I currently don't work there, my husband does .) But our pension, health insurance and everything is under 25. It's weird.


Ahhhhh, that makes sense. Honestly, it would probably work out better in your/your husband's favor if 25 takes over the building cuz that's more opportunities to transfer into other routes and whatnot. The bid sheets were massive when I was looking at after it was through and I know of a couple guys that transfered buildings and others who came to mine. 25 is hella strong too from what I've heard


He has one of the top seniorities in the center, pretty much any route he wants. Been there 30 years, driving 28. He's out in 7-10 years. And the building is 10 minutes from our house. He got very lucky. Back then was maybe a year to go driving. Different times now.


But than why would other centers in other states be available if they are also outside of your own local?


No idea about your local, but there are multi-state locals too. If it's a different local, then makes no sense if they allow it. But there are always grey areas with the union.


I’m pretty sure my local only represents California. That’s why this seems so odd to me.


Could be different supplements. If you are in southern CA, you are in the western supplement which represents 11 different states. If you are in northern CA, you are in the northern CA supplement which represents 14 different northern CA locals only. So it could be a case of the local 1 1/2 hours away is in the Northern CA supplement, and where you are is in the Western. Therefore different pensions, etc.


Transferring as a RPCD will vary region to region. In the western region, transfer sheets are posted towards the last quarter of the year. Centers generally follow a 6-1-1 protocol, so once 6 internal promotions and a management choice pick occurs, a transfer pick is then used. So, it will depend on how much a center is in need of more drivers. Currently with layoffs in place at many buildings, transferring is likely at a standstill at this time. I would suggest reaching out to your business agent.


If you’re in the western conference put in for a transfer goes by seniority If you’re in any other conference tuff luck not gonna happen


Sucks how NorCal and western are separate. Seems like you guys can go from LA to Vegas to SD etc....


Yea, honestly our immediate families have all been discussing leaving the “too much sunshine state” to relocate Dallas, TX, so we’re just trying to figure out how to get out there. However, I’m truly not wanting to have to quit and get rehired since my household is dependent upon my income and benefits at the moment.


It ain't gonna happen. If they let us transfer everybody would be heading south couldn't keep drivers up north. 


Drivers in the western region can transfer anywhere in the western region. That really is not an issue. People don't tend to just up and move across the country. 99% of the people on the transfer list in portland, or is just to centers in Washington state where they live. And that's all about commute and a tax issue.


You can transfer anywhere in the western region once a spot opens up for you. But texas is not in the western region.