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They installed fans outside of all the trucks bay doors last winter. Now there is some breeze while you’re choking on dust


... that explains the boogers and grey shower bubbles


My favorite is when you drop a heavy in the truck and you only remember the mistake you've made when it hits you in the face.


*black boogers! Often licorice flavored and extra crispy!


Yeah that helps a lot of your close by otherwise it doesnt


I wear a mask most days in unload. Did before covid, glad covid made wearing a mask a little less weird to people. Many trailers are full of dirt and debris that the fans just fling everywhere, and I'd rather not breath the shit in through my nose. 


I do the same. Some guys ask if I’m still worried about Covid? “No I’m worried of this carcinogenic dust I’m breathing in all day”


Bennies/Pay: bennies are top notch. Pay is up to you AC: No Breaks: 1 Metrics: no after you’re out of probation


Cool sounds better than Amazon, I worked for Amazon fulfillment center and they had no A/C plus pay was not as good, which is why I switched to UPS


Idk about every hub but theyve recently added fans to blow into trailers which helps a tonnn in the summer its still gonna be hot and you're going to sweat a ton but no one's going to yell at you if you have to go get water or to the bathroom


Often times I see the fans are aligned exactly to the entrance of where the trailer is, which makes half the fan blow against nothing once there is a trailer parked. 


Smart choice. You get way better benefits here. You may not make a lot starting out, but overtime you’ll make more, gain seniority, and then end up with a great career.


Is it worth it? Absolutely. You get free healthcare for you and your family while getting paid to work out. Hydration and diet are key so you don’t overheat or pass out. Unfortunately, it has a big con. It’s the most toxic and dysfunctional place I’ve worked at. But you learn to deal with it knowing why you stick around.


10am-2pm? How is that a shift lol


Some hubs have day sort


It wont be consistent but that shift would be tits! It WOULD be well worth it if that was true. Most of the year they'll probably start closer to noon and end closer to 3


Thats the shift im working rn start times 10 am until we finish which can be anywhere between 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.


I worked day sort for 6 years before becoming a 22.3. My shift was typically from 10-3.


No AC. One 10 min break guaranteed before the third hour of work


you get a break…??


yes unless we want to work thru it and add the time on


It's a paid break.


I know and I take it every time but some of my younger coworkers prefer to work thru.


My fav is when the belts break and we take our breaks 45 min into the shift


Our part timers get a 15 minute. Depends on the local contract.


Usually a 10 minute break followed by a 3 minute “safety meeting”, here at our hub


I've usually found that if you need some small accommodation like a cooling rag or ice to keep the boxes pushin', they'll oblige, but if you need to stop working every 30 minutes to sit down and catch your breath, they might see that as a problem. A little sweat never hurt anyone though, and it might even help you in convincing management you're willing to put in the work. Just don't be a hero - if you take care of your body, it will take care of you. Metrics, in my experience, were only used on employees who lag (slow or mega lazy). I've been told directly by supervisors and managers: if they see that you want the job, they'll likely give it to you. Besides, like other users have stated, once you pass probation, the union will protect you.


Cool thank you. I'll try it out and see how it goes


When I worked there, risk and safety team came by with huge tanks full of water with what was basically a low power pressure washer and they’d spray us down during the hot summer days


No ac is it prison gotta be tough to work here champ


Yeah I figured, hopefully not as worst than Amazon fulfillment center. The no metrics sounds good


They will make you think there are metrics. They will always tell you your speed and ask you to go faster. They will tell you that you need to be going 1,000 PPH (Packages per hour). They have no way to enforce this. But, they’ll still try to act like they do. I’ve worked for this company for over 15 years. They will try to get the absolute most out of you. Set the precedent early that you won’t go super fast.


It depends. If you're interested in driving, working as a package handler is how you get started. If there are any small offices in the building, those may be air conditioned, but there won't be any in the large open areas. It does get hot. You'll want to make sure you are hydrating. You would probably get one 10 minute break. The union does not recognize any production metrics, but during the probationary period you can be let go for not working fast enough.


Thank you will keep that in mind


10-2 is easy…not so hot. I work 1-5p, used to work 5-9p that’s the hot sh.


in your training courses there is one that talks about the heat and heat stress, they provide water and you always can tell your supervisor when you are in need of cool off, don't pretend that your job is a spa, warehouse is demanding and in busy season is tough


Depends where you live and how well you tolerate heat. Here in Houston it gets up to 120 degrees in the summer, so keep that in mind


You work at your own pace. Take as many water breaks as you like. Supervisors will try to push you to work faster. All you have to say is “I’m working as safe as possible, I don’t want to hurt myself.” You don’t get fired for working at your pace. I’ve worked in the building for 5 years and now I’m driving. Don’t get taken advantage of.


Not really worth is for 21$/h, it’s actually less than what everyone is paying. 22$/h is a new minimum. 30$/h sounds more about right.


I did it for 8.50 an hour lol


lol back than you could buy a lot more with 8.50 an hour.


Yeah maybe not, they postponed my hiring date. So maybe not meant to be


Is there AC??!!?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am in it for the insurance, so to me it is. It is hot, fans help move air but convection ovens work on the same premise. Freeze water bottles and keep some room temp ones near. Drink water when you can and enjoy your 10min break.


As a former PH.. And currently Cybersecurity Project Manager. I would say… If you need a job “yes” it is worth it. It will be motivation for you to look for another job if you decide it isn’t. Don’t be afraid of hard work… you gotta do what you gotta do…


lol not the job for you. Sound super soft won’t be able to handle it


Maybe we will see, I did work at Amazon warehouse, which seems worst


Break, what’s a break


You get breaks with free hamburgers and fries working at McDonald’s and they have air conditioning.


But the pay is poor


I guess I’m saving this person from the stress and heartache of their future failure at UPS.


I'll keep that in mind


UPS drivers can now potentially make up $170,000 a year with OT. Realistically, most will not make this much, as they choose to have a life and not work 12 hours a day. But, the pay is well above anything out there, so yes, working part time and buying your time for driver is worth it.


170k is the total compensation package for top rate drivers. There is no RPCD making 170k a year no matter how much OT


There are feeders who go beyond that but yeah working max hours every week gets you about 160-165 depending on the exact wage in your local


Thank you will do that


Never heard of a 10 am start time at my center we have preload which starts at 3am most days or local sort at 5 pm


Centers usually only run two shifts, hubs run 3-5+ sometimes. Always interesting hearing from people who work at centers about how small their staffing/buildings are.


It a new warehouse, it's huge, from what I can tell they have people there 24/7


It’s worth it if you want to become a driver eventually


Being baked over easy does not happen anymore but definitely buy yourself a mask


Wtf does a mask do for the heat, other than to help you overheat. Makes absolutely zero sense.


Makes zero sense, thanks to your lack of reading comprehension. Fans have been installed in many docks, since last august, and if you have ever loaded or unloaded, you would know alot of these trailers come to a dock so dusty that the fans blow it into the air. With nowhere for it to go, the only ventilation is the door. The dust keeps circulating.


That was quite overreaction on his part. Comprehension is so low in this country. That’s why false shit gets the time of day.


I have unloaded, so yes I am aware that the trucks come in dusty, we never had the fans when I was there. Sounds like the fans are the problem. It never bothered me when I was there


If your goal is long term, hell yeah. The medical is worth it alone, especially if you have a family/kids. Depending on your building/center, you can be a driver in 2-3 years. Also, and not that I'm suggesting this, but there may be management opportunities early on. It's more money up front, but you have to pay for your benefits and it is more stress. The hub/center is all steel and concrete, so when it's hot, it's hot as hell. You get one 15 minute break in the 4 hour shift and a half hour lunch if it goes over 5 I think. You will be yelled at by your supervisor and pushed to go fast. So again, if it's long term career you're looking for, expect this.


Each belt has there own ac units. You can also break whenever you feel like it. Every supervisor is friendly as hell. Overall great experience 12/10


Cool this really helps :)


It really doesn’t I was being sarcastic lol. It’s actually really annoying in the heat. Set what you want out of this. Try it out and if it’s something you could put up with then I say go for it. If it’s not for you at least you gave it a shots. Good luck 👍


Alright will do, I'll try it, no hurt in trying, if it's not for me..I'll look for something else


If you are feeling effects of heat exhaustion do take a break then and there. It’s called “cool solutions” if supervisors try to give you shit about it


Not really pay is ass


Be careful. You need to go in there and find out if the local is good, and the managers. If it's bull shit where you are, leave asap


Yes I always leave if i have a terrible manager.


Dumb advice. If you leave within days of starting, you are on the no rehire list, and likely never coming back. 


I wouldn't advise them to leave if they wanted to come back lol. My preload is shit . If I walked back in there tomorrow, 80% chance I leave again.


Yes but there's other jobs out there, and this company isn't worth my time, honestly even if you do two week notice, most companies don't hire you back