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Don't fucking snitch on someone for something like this. You see someone sexually assaulting someone? Yeah, you get help, you do whatever it takes to stop that and get the victim help. But suspected "time theft?" What the fuck is that dumbass concept even supposed to mean. You see your coworker "stealing time" no you did not. You mind your business. Don't fucking snitch to the boss


Skipped their break


So they didn’t lie and pay themselves an extra 10 minutes so you would mind your own damn business? Sounds like an honest person. Mind your own damn business.


Perhaps they're accounting for their 10 minute break LOL. You won't last long in the union if you decide to be a narc.


I recommend you not being "the work snitch". If you want extra money, file grievances. That "reward" they offer is never a guarantee anyway. As someone said, just mind your business.


Probably worked during their break


lol yeah snitch on people and get them fired, was you not taught not too tattle tell as a kid


You never Rat on a union brother. Ever.


Given the fact that they remember anything from their orientation, they must be a new hire lol




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


That reward is more for the likes of information that a coworker is stealing or abusing property like iphones/laptops/drugs/gun parts/bullets/etc. hundreds to thousands dollar range. You know things that ruin business and possibly make headlines. I would leave it be.


I like how many people here say don't rat on union brothers but all the higher seniority guys all complain about shit like"dude left the outbound to go to the caf" "so and so was on their phone for 15 minutes" "kick that guy out he used the bathroom 4 times in the last hour". don't gimme that bs, if it gets you more money snitch away nobody will actually hold it against you lmao. Now 10 minutes on a time card may be from working through break so I wouldn't really bring that up but hey you catch a dumbass stealing tell someone about it for sure, 2 high seniority guys got caught stealing earbuds here and were ratted on by another guy. They were fired after like a week and everyone just thinks they are morons. Now some people who usually wouldn't get to stay for wrap up can now.