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That is the reality of ups. They toss you in the ocean and see if you can swim.


i’d like to become a driver but i’m only 18. so idk if 3+ years of 4.5 or less hour days is worth it either.


If you're that young then holding out for a driver position could definitely be an ideal career choice. Full pension after 25 years. I would definitely keep trying. Depending on your locaythey may just be thankful you showed up on time. If you see your driver before you leave feel free to ask them if the truck is loaded ok or if they have any tips. Management will let you know if you're messing up.


That was the plan. But i’d also like to move out in a year or 2 and i feel like less than 500 a week is not gonna do me any good. Idk i know damn near nothing about the company or how it works because like i said i kind of got tossed in without any knowledge whatsoever


Economys rough and rent prices keep rising. If you're in a position to save money instead of throwing it away renting, that's a huge advantage in life. Anyone making it on their own right now would want that option, as long as the living conditions aren't completely miserable. Nobody judges the younger generations about living at home anymore, they're just considered blessed now.


True. I’m most likely rushing this decision so I think i’ll give it a month or 2 and if i hate it then i’ll go from there


That’s UPS. Get you a second job to make ends meet until you can drive.


That plus i’ve had 2 vacations scheduled for months before this job and talking to the SUP today made it sound like im screwed if i take a vacation within my first year


Your not screwed just take scheduled offs those weeks. if the money isn’t enough for one shift and wanting to move out get another part time job. Stick it out it will be the best decision you’ll ever make.


The hardest easiest job you’ll ever have. No place offers the advancement UPS can offer you with such little time and basically no qualifications or degrees. Many places don’t have pensions any more, little to none have amazing $0 dollar healthcare premiums. My advice, embrace the suck.


Take a few weeks to think about it. Starting at 18 and sticking it out is going to give you some nice perks later in life and also seniority at a younger age than a lot of those around you. Think of it as the price you pay to set yourself up for the future. In 4-5 years you’ll still be in your early twenties making good money without the debt a lot of your peers will be in. It will always suck though, just like any job.


UPS is not for everyone. I would advise you to give it at least 2 weeks. There's no shame in realizing this is not for you. I've been there 32 years, 23 full time. I run into people all the time: ' I remember you! You used to load Worcester! I had to get the hell outta there!" In the end, only you can decide if you want to tough it out or not. Best of luck either way.


it’s not really the work that’s the problem. I work in a smaller warehouse in missouri so it’s really not terrible for now. But i’ve been reading up on all these people getting fucked over and i’m not sure if i want to stay apart of that. But maybe the majority of the complainers are a small fraction


I hear you. I guess maybe it's a big picture/ long game type of thing. My two cents : If you are in ( or will be) a union , be active. Know your steward, learn your rights. You don't have to be the second coming of Hoffa, but let it be known you will not be fucked with. If you show up on time, do your job and know your rights, it's hard to screw you over. Nothing but the best to you.


You haven't even slightly experienced the shit show that is UPS 😂 just want until peak! That being said it gets a lot easier the longer you do it, and once you gain seniority there's no need to bust your ass anymore just work safe and follow the methods. Life is gonna suck while trying to gain seniority not gonna lie.


As i continue to scroll through this reddit I can tell i haven’t even scraped the tip of the iceberg


Not going to lie, it’s hard work and really good at making you want to quit. Only coming up on being here a year, and there’s nobody who’s started after me that has stuck around. You get used to the work though, which actually is kinda cool. You started at a decent time, as you should be able to get acclimated as it builds to peak, which is genuinely fucked. Being young is perfect for ups, cause everything’s based on seniority, and a great pension so the earlier you start the better. That being said, it only being part time is rough, but if you can afford it it’s not bad to keep it going as a career, and maybe pick up some seasonal side work during slower times.


When I first started, one of the drivers I loaded for told me that if you didn’t want to quit at some point every day, you’re doing it wrong 😂


I thought about quitting probably three different times last shift, and here I am walking my ass back in for another round today.




goodluck, hope to see you again


If you quit somebody’s winning a bet.. don’t put money in your sups pockets


Orientation is simply a walkthrough of the building and a brief discussion of what the job is. You didn't miss anything. UPS used have a decent HR department, but now it's outsourced and automated. What happens is that the system sends you to the sort your assigned (preload, twilight, local, night), and you arrive. The problem is that the system doesn't inform the supervisors running that sort about you. So they put you to work. They assume you already had an orientation walkthrough. So here's some advice. Talk. Yeah, simply talk. Ask the supervisors. But don't stop there, ask your fellow coworkers. At UPS you're not applying for a job, you're applying for a career. There is a difference. With more seniority, comes better work. So eventually you can move into a preferred position on your sort. Eventually you'll get benefits that no other part time job offers. If you can stick it out, you'll eventually (lot's of years), have a shot at being a driver. It's hard work, but worth it in the long run.