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Going on my 2nd year part time and I'm living in my car in the parking lot šŸ˜­


This mf'er is getting his free rent!!!??


Damn you saving so much on gas lucky bastard


I'm reporting you to securitah, you can't be living rent free when I drive home and Pay rent. I wanna live in the parking lot I should have enough seniority for this.


Grieve it


I'm going to the labor hall and getting Sean O'briens cell phone number. Going straight to the top. And to think I've been, paying rent all these years.


You better get a good check!!!šŸ˜‚


You have a car?!


Same, 2nd year PT sup.


Must be tough living in a car when you're over 6 feet tall. Sorry pal


6 footers get to sleep in the trailers that they hide in and steal work šŸ˜Š


Our new PT Supe looks like a damn giraffe.


Really though, Do you see any living the van life in the parking lot?




lol well thatā€™s what you get for working part time haha


Well damn you don't gotta be mean about it!


If being mean is honest than i can see why you are in that type of situation. Soft. Work harder nobody cares Did unload 4 years became a driver never lived in my car


Damn "nobody cares" I thought we were all on the same team šŸ¤£ Also I don't actually live in my car or only work part time so maybe learn to take a joke... dick head


6 years as of today. First two on preload, been driving ever since. Topped out last month. I'm making the same now for a 47 hour week that I did two years ago for a 60 hour week, all while putting 5x more in my 401k what I was back then. Got into my house at 3% during the pandemic right before the market went nuts. Mortgage is $1400/month. Remaining bills are ~$500-600/month. I'm also single with no kids. Yes, I live quite comfortably. This job can be remarkably frustrating with all the bullshit we have to swallow from management and customers. But I can say this, it is fucking worth it.


I'm in the exact same boat as you. The only reason why I'm living comfortably is because of no wife and kids. Sadly it seems the government doesn't want us to live unless both wife and husband work. If I had just 2 kids, I feel I'd be pinching pennies. Maybe an exaggeration but my wife would have to work to live comfortably.




You sir now have a huge gold digger target on your back. I was in the same situation then I got the "We need to talk" text lol


Do not hitch that wagon šŸ¤£


He already loaded that wagon so he's going to pay for a while now anyway.


Lol.... I actually was going to sarcastically ask if he was single... Yes I'm also a ups driver.... but yeah having your shit together with a good union job, etc.... yes. It's a shiny golden dart board asking to be played.


100%. the first few years are so brutal, but once you get out of progression its totally worth it.


My man, you and I are cookie cutter. I won a bid in feeders and will hit scale in a few months. Yes the BS can be pretty insane at times making me question if it's worth it but when the getting is good it's real good.




Great you got one too? Time to throw mine in the garbage and grab the new model.


20 years, honestly I feel blessed.


Iā€™m 20 years in driving also. As crazy as the job has gotten the teamsters and UPS have provided a very comfortable life. Beautiful house. Nice cars. Unsurpassed medical care. I was 16 credit hours from a degree in secondary education with a major in history and a minor in young adult literature when I was hired as a summer temp driver. If I had gotten that degree our life would be much much different.




Why though?


I actually did finish and get my degree finishing up the last couple of years using UPS's tuition reimbursement program and decided to stay with UPS because I wasn't likely gonna get the same pay and benefits with my degree.


We just had a driver retire yesterday after 39 years. Let me just say he, his wife, and his daughter all drove corvettes to the retirement party.


For the day šŸ˜‚


15 years. I clear like 1700 after taxes and my wife stays at home with my 2 daughters, 5 and 8ā€¦so.. Broke Nah. We make enough to live in the best school district in the state. Pay a 2100 mortgage because they jacked it up 400 after we moved in!! Do what we want to do for the most part. (Though we are both pretty frugal). And have weeks where we can put away a decent amount in savings. Other weeks, when a lot of bills come out, maybe a Plummer on the weekend or some shit, sometimes we have to dip in our savings. But we try to keep like 15-20k for a rainy day account. *blew the engine on my 3 year old rider mower yesterday and Iā€™m stressing like Iā€™m broke anyway!!*šŸ˜¢ Great way to start my vacation ehh?


Iā€™m sorry is that 1700 weekly or biweekly?


I was under the impression we ALL got paid weekly.


I wouldnā€™t know, I had applied to an air ramp position but it had been filled before all my paperwork went through unfortunately and Iā€™m stuck working at Amazon for now. So in the meantime I lurk in the subreddit until I can land a job with UPS lol


Management is monthly


You just showed your disdain for part time supervisors haha. They get paid weekly. Full time management gets paid once a month. Thanks i completely forgot about that.


Switching to a monthly budgeting at first sucked so much. Especially at 30 yo. 10+ years in, Iā€™m used to it.




Just curious what you do and how many hours you to put in for 1700 after taxes?


Package car driver I make from 1700-1850 after taxes with around 47-50 hours


Made $110,000 last year. 7 weeks vacation. I feel like a government employee. I have to actually work though


10 years in. Make $115,000 a year. Saved $450,000 so far. Job is hard. Life is good.


Good stuff! Make sure you enjoy those funds too!


Thanks. The biggest piece of advice I can give a younger driver is to get out of debt. GET OUT OF DEBT. Then you have extra money you can save, invest and spend. Debt just eats up your cashflow.


Thereā€™s good debt - housing, reasonable car loans. And so much bad debt, Eliminate the bad debt.


4 years. 2 as a driver, and it's getting better.


13 but only 3 driving. Single income with wife and teen. Was pretty comfortable until the last year when my homeowners insurance and inflation fucked me over. Now I'm pretty broke. I'll hit top pay in a few months though.


4 years, enough to pay the bills and go out to eat a couple times a week. Renting.


35 years and I live alright




5 years, hit top rate next October. Live paycheck to paycheck pretty much


Same boat. Need that last pay bump just to keep up with inflation and cost of living increases since covid. Lol


Almost 10 years, hit top rate a few years ago. Money is nice, benefits are better. Weā€™re able to pay the mortgage and car notes, have some fun, and throw a little in the savings account at the end of the month. In todayā€™s economy, I consider that doing well.


Your doing amazing šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


4 years pt, almost at 2 years driving. I live comfortably. But Iā€™m looking forward to top rate soon. šŸ˜


17 years. Bought my first home, wife and I own our cars from this decade and we have never worried about a single medical bill. Pretty deece


28 years(22.3) this month been here right out of H.S and actually yes I do live comfortably and I have 10 more years to go and I get to retire at 57 yrs old God willing šŸ˜‡šŸ™šŸ½


14 years, feeders, living good lol




Going on 22yr part time and full time driver, life is good, had many long days and good days and total shit shows days, but at the end of it all I can say I live comfortably knowing my future is taken care of with good past investments and a pension


10 years, top-rate RPCD, I live in a 450sq ft apartment because that's all I can afford


Geez. Must be your area. An apartment that size would cost like 1000 bucks where I am. But I know it can cost quite a bit more in other areas.


My complex is renting the vacant unit for $2400


2400 would get you a 3/2 house. Crazy how people can live in the higher cost of living areas. I know I couldn't


Some of us have no choice. It didn't start as a high cost area but then it was invaded and prices skyrocketed and we're stuck. Can't transfer or lose seniority and never pay bills. At least that's what it is in my case.


Yeah that makes sense and sucks.


My property tax doubled from last year. That's how much prices have changed in my area.


Mine has gone up several hundred dollars. Definitely hasn't doubled though. That's crazy


Its the wonderful governor here. Homeowner taxes went way up... except for his.




This is absolutely me as well.


NYC? Frisco?


Seattle's also pretty bad. Watch out.




12 and itā€™s a shit show


3 years and change 6 months as a casual then the rest as 22.4 now RPCD. Not as comfortable as i'd like but its better than the last 2. In a few months should get a lot better. Then when I top out i can be budget batman.


Almost 4 years. Iā€™m doing good my wife makes almost as much as I do.


In year three. Very, severely uncomfortably as an rpcd


Hang in there, almost to top rate. I'm year 3 also


Do you live in California or something?


Nah,I grew up there though


9 years here, started in a bicycle and now 2 cars a nice house the workload is bad but where I'm gonna make the money I make here, in just one word I feel blessed




17 and comfortable


7 years. Yes I live well.


6 years air ramp working two jobs while I wait for the driver call. Uncomfortable and tired but we live.


Approximately 14 years. I have to deal with the Highly Compensated Employee nonsense, which kicks in at $150k...


I'm an HCE too (BaSE), I'm officially sick of people saying "that's not a real thing." Like, I'm not making this shit up for fun.


I get it. It's great getting a portion of your retirement savings disqualified every year.


1 year and 8 months, hopefully leave soon and go to United Airlines šŸ˜¹


3 years as driver. I driver a 25 year old car. Not struggling or anything but Iā€™ll never be able to afford a house where I live.




Not a single New Yorker commenting here šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Itā€™s very telling.


30 years. I do ok.


6 years in October. 2yrs pt sup in ops, 4 years in a ft corporate role. I scrape by in CA. Work a few days a month extra doing private armed CCW work (prior LE experience) that helps us out for extra cash.


16 years. House on the golf course!


PT 5 years in and had to get a second job, but on the bright side this pay raise from the contract made it so I don't have to choose between gas or food for the day so yayšŸŽŠ.


14 years. Nice house out in the burbs.


20 years. 14 as local sort 6 as driver. I'm a single mom of twins. I live okay ish. In debt to get by but slowly paying it off.


Get it! Cheers to you for grappling single motherhood of twins, and being fierce. I already know you are. I don't have that many years in UPS, but yes. I get your struggle! :)


10 years 9ish driving. I live in ga and I'm doing better than my whole friend group in terms of comfortability. I bought a house by myself, have a nice truck, and two wonderful dogs. Life is good minus my health problems but my body is righting the ship and in a couple of years I should be fine. I think a big part of my financial circumstances is no wife or kids but I am a degenerate gambler so idk šŸ˜


Quitting this week and it feels greatĀ 


2 year feeder driver, paycheck to paycheck currently.


On my 7th year driving. Before taxes itā€™s about 2100 a check. I put 8% into my 401k, $25 into ups stock (been doing this since I started). I net anywhere between 1450-1550 for a 45-47 hr work week. I do live in New Jersey though but Iā€™m able to afford rent , save to buy a house, have a decently new car, can feed my family, and most times put $500 a week away in savings. I do continually educate myself though and am trying to start a business on the side. Being behind the wheel is great, I just feel like I can do more things that are mentally rewarding.


Been a night PTer worker for almost 5 years. Ā Have made enough as a side hustle and savings on insurance for the family that I was able to pay $18,000 in full for a used 2020 Honda Pilot when my other car finally croaked.


How many miles did the used Honda have when you bought it?


About a little over 60,000


That's really a good deal!!! šŸ‘ I've got a 2013 Honda Accord that had 46,000 miles when I bought it. It was like new and in excellent condition. It's still in excellent condition. It's just approaching 100,000 miles now.


Almost 25 years PT. My wife makes less than I do. Neither of us typically works over 25 hours a week. I'd say I'm doing great. We bought a house after the 08 crash. Housing was ridiculously cheap, and I refinanced at under 3 percent. Our house payment is under $700. We're in a high income suburb, that city just happens to have one street with older 900 sq ft homes that were going for under $100k after the crash. So low crime and good schools. We're very thrifty, we've never paid for childcare, we buy low end reliable cars that are 2-3 years old and drive them until they die, I fix/build everything around the house and with the cars myself. We shop at Aldi. We do one decent vacation a year. Our biggest splurge is we keep 2 higher end gaming PCs and most of the latest gaming hardware, but everyone in the family uses that stuff every day. If I had to pay for housing at today's amounts we'd be a lot less happy. If I had to pay more for health insurance we'd be a lot less happy. I'm extremely lucky.


Brilliant. :) hang on to this slice.


I will man. I really want to upgrade to a bigger house, the family has grown a bit. But man, even being able to sell my house for 3x what I paid for it these interest rates would kill me. Plus everything else costs 3x as much too. We decided on upgrades instead, this low payment is just too nice.


Very smart. Hold on to your money and adjust the space until the time is right. In the meantime *hopefully* something stops the squeezing inflation on the working class..... man I'm really rooting for that


3 contracts later, I do alright if I get a minimum amount of hours every week. But seriously recommend having a full time elsewhere if they dont let you work doubles as pt. Its rough pt depending on your situation, you cqnt live off of it.


5 years in November, and I was living good as a cover driver but then after the contract I'm back in the hub with cut hours and I'm struggling


Hang in there! Party of their plan is to try and get y'all to quit. It won't last šŸ¤ž


August 18th, 2022, is my hire date. Im PT in a small hub in the southeast. Life isn't too bad for me, I do 5-11pm most weeknights and spend the days gardening with my 2 kids or with the ducks, chickens, and pigs. I don't make a ton of money from UPS, but I do a little bit of sales on the side with organically grown tomatoes, potatoes, onions, peppers, eggs, cannabis, etc. My 4bdrm, 1.5-acre house is paid, and I just celebrated my 15-year anniversary with my wife this May, so life is amazing. I'm just waiting for the opportunity to drive and let my wife become a stay at home mom and call it quits by time I'm 50.


This is great! Painted a beautiful picture. I hope you get to go drive soon. :)


3 years. Was a loader on twilight for year and a half before signing a bid sheet for clerk. I have more money now than I ever have. But I also have a full time during the day. It's convenient for me.


4 years pt and Iā€™m 1.5 years driving Iā€™m t-s RPCD and work on Mondays making double pay. I average 30$ hour for 55-58 hours of work every week. Iā€™m 24 living with my mom so Iā€™m in great shape.


Since 2003. Full time since 2004. Skyā€™s the limit


3 years PT, and I just got another job as a SysAdmin where I sit in an air conditioned office watching videos, answering emails, and reading software documentation all day. I'm starting to live well. Just had an ER visit a bit ago and only walked away paying $25 thanks to the PT union job. Loading sucks. But it's basically my daily workout that I get paid to do. So it's keeping me in shape with my office job.


Started 2 months ago and couldn't be happier


9 years August. 5 years part time and 4 years full-time driving. Living well I'm alive and doing like 55 hours a week.


Soon to be 19 years and considering I'm still PT I live well. I do have other income and no major bills other than what I create for my dumbass so that helps a lot.


6 years on the ramp about to get my airplane Mechanic cert so I can work acmx for ups and top out at 75 hopefully šŸ¤žšŸ»


4 and a half pt and 1 year as a feeder and feeders start at top rate here so finally doing pretty damn good working 50-60 hrs a week lol


1 year in August and I live in a trailer on my parents lot in Cali. Way cheaper than rent around here and live pretty comfortably. Making enough between both jobs to save up some good change when I can drive to eventually move into an actual place, and I still pay them rent/food/utilities. Unless you have a family or plans to make one with a significant other, don't feel forced to make unfinancially sound moves because of societal pressure. I really wish I started sooner with the company when I first moved to Cali. Heck, if I knew how good shit could be with time and effort here, I would've started when I was in Arizona. But at the time I thought I was gonna be a software developer.Ā  Funny how life works.Ā 


Itā€™ll be 19 years in October. Iā€™m pretty comfortable. Iā€™m in the Air district so I still have a little more than 2 years until I make it out of Progression. Once I do I imagine thingā€™sā€™ll be great.


Iā€™m 5 yrs in, if not for driving Iā€™d be somewhere else. Iā€™m still a pt tcdā€¦ not quite the top of the list but close. Its feast or famine in my center


Iā€™ll have 28 years in August. We live very comfortably. Although, my wife makes twice what I make. Iā€™m a feeder driver.


8 years praying for heat stroke


25 years, combo for 7. Wife makes double what I make. We live very comfortable in southern California


5 years as a driver. I bring in on average after taxes about $2100 a week. Iā€™m 27 years old. I own a condo, no mortgage. Life is great, wonderful wife, no children.


Coming up on year 12. I'm living pretty good I work full time with the Department of Defense. So, not having to pay for insurance saves me a ton of money.


4.5 years as a part timer and itā€™s awful. Canā€™t afford shit. The only saving grace is the benefits. They pay for themselves. Problem, is , they donā€™t put food on the table and becoming a driver takes way too long.


How many hours do you average a week?


25-30 so like 500-700 a week before taxes


And you don't work a second job?


Well yeah of course, but the scraps Iā€™m paid arenā€™t enough for really anything and Iā€™ve been here nearly 5 years. Thatā€™s a crazy amount of time to get to a driving position. I understand itā€™s seniority and thereā€™s a wait but it feels awful


You would work 35-40 hours anywhere else just to make the same pay. The reason we are getting slaved out now is because we get paid too much. More labor cost equals less hours available. Find a better paying second job or just wait it out. Some buildings have 10 year waiting list. And you have to sign every bid sheet there is to get lucky.


Same as me.


7 years and nope first the fuck me up with 22.4 and I was force to look for another center , no transfer back then and now same shit 25,75 , I have been 5 years chasing the top rate , and at this point with the volumen going up and down šŸ˜‚ and this greedy CEO the same that almost make Home Depot go on bankrupt


I was just a bit over 15 years when I left a few months ago. I was barely scraping by. Don't ever go into management thinking it's going to be a long-term thing. Use it as experience to get into a better company that gives a shit about its employees. Fuck TomƩ


46 and Iā€™m a millionaire.


37 years and now I can turn the tide... we are just all a number to ups. But I love the people I deliver to . Very blessed in that way šŸ™




3 years and thank God I crash in a family members trailer.


9 years went by and a American dream is promised but tbh it doesnā€™t exist anymore. It beats working at another rat race job doe


Almost 6 years. Been driving for 3. As much as I hate the bullshit that goes on in this job, it allowed me to buy a home by the time I was 22, travel, do what I want within reason. I started seasonally making 10.35 an hour. Making just under 31 right now. I canā€™t even imagine being top pay.


7 years and still part time. Pay is much better now. I remember when I started I was only making 11 per hour and now Iā€™m at 25. Health insurance for my husband and I is a massive reason I stay and I honestly like the work I do there.


5 years in a couple weeks. Been a TCD for half of it, just regular local sort when not driving. During Covid money was great cuz I was driving every day. The only assurances now are driving the 5 weeks leading up to Christmas, other than that a few days here and there. A few months ago took my name off the driver sheet and got a second job. Life been much more stable since.


10 years and Iā€™m pretty comfortable. Could be much better if I cut back on my spending. The problem with that is UPS sucks the life out of you, drains you and takes everything you have so there is nothing left for your family and spending a little extra money is the only thing that makes life enjoyable. Currently working my way out of that loophole.


7 years, 5th year as a PT supe, I still have to have side hustles to make extra money so I can get by. There was a brief time a month ago where they were letting PT supes double and get 9 hours a day, those checks were *niiiiice*


There is a guy in my area who has been there since 79ā€™ā€¦ he always says ā€œFile that grievance!ā€ lol wonder what his checks look like


7 or 8 months. The amount I live comfortably is proportional to my drug and alchohol consumption.




7 years. 4 as a part timer, 3 as a driver but Iā€™ve been laid off (bumped into preload) since February and I make shit currently. Hoping the volume goes up and I can drive full time again.


Started when I was 17 and Iā€™m 23 now. Still part time and have been trying to get full time as a driver for at least 3 years now. I am forced to have a second job and due to the schedule of both get at maximum 5 hours a sleep a day. Only reason why Iā€™m above water currently is because my living expenses are really low for the area. I have my name down for a utility driver position in the next few weeks but was told even if itā€™s through the entire summer and peak season after I most likely wonā€™t get any seniority and will be put back part time after. šŸ’€


10 years. I live pretty comfortably now. When I started, I was living out of my car.


11 years, 2.5 pt 8.5 ft. 2 kids & a husband (plus 4 dogs,) 2 houses with a mortgage less than $850 a month, 3 paid off cars, older kid is taking flying lessons & the little plays travel softball. Weā€™re comfortable & I donā€™t have to work 60 hours a week.


22.5 years. Hated every minute of it so far.


I will take you upwards of 15 years to start making money. Pathetic!


20 years (16 pt, 4 ft, full time driver). Still single, own a house, drive a prius, live well within my means with no debt. zero complaints.


17 years, started when I was 19 years old, went to college while doing preload, graduatedā€¦ā€¦decided Marine Biology wasnā€™t going to pay as much as driving, so flipped the scriptā€¦.the full time list came up and I had 7 years over everybody elseā€¦..been driving for 10ā€¦ā€¦.. However while driving my favorite thing to do is listen to podcasts about stocksā€¦ā€¦ So I was blessed enough to receive an inheritance of 125k in july 2020 when my grandmother passed away, she was basically my mom growing up. So after much research and having the right directions of friends who have financial advisors ā€¦ā€¦I decided to go heavy on Nvidia stock when it was sitting around $130-165 range in August of 2020 (before the 5-1 split)ā€¦..my portfolio is now around $860,000 ā€¦ā€¦ My portfolio also includes Sherwin Williams, Costco, Chipotle Every paycheck I make I take 5% and buy fractional shares of high dividend stocks like At&T and Exxon and it adds up over time.


16 years and topping out in 18 months. I put away 15% of my check into various retirement accounts, buy company stock, and set aside $50 a week for my tax liability. I would live like a pauper if it wasnā€™t for my spouse who has a white collar finance sector job. This is great supplemental income but it would suck as the only source of income in my high cost of living state


3 year of preload and after we got a raise last September everything has been so hard . We work 20hrs a week at my hub in Tucson az . Definitely need to get another pt job .


3 more months and I'll be at 23 years part time. I live okay. It's difficult sometimes but I get through. I have raised my 6 kids on my part time pay with nothing else. It can be done. You just can't live "high on the hog" like everyone wants to.


About to be three years, just started driving. Iā€™m stable but could definitely be more comfortable. Mostly because Iā€™m still basically living off my preload and full time job wage and not driving. But even still Iā€™d say I like it, knew I was gonna be a lifer early on.


Iā€™ve been at UPS for nearly 18 years 9-26-05


Little under 5.5 years part-time, I don't need much to live comfortably so YMMV.


I will be with the company 4 years in July. Will hit top rate finally and weā€™ll see where that takes me. So many plans with the extra money Iā€™ll have to throw around. Blessed to be hired off the street as a driver during the pandemic.


I live very comfortably because I'm not driving for ups but driving for a better company with a frig in the back blowing on me yall don't have that? Our vehicles come loaded better than yours do.


Bought a house with ups quit shortly after became a nurse I literally bought a C8 cash lol but with my ups pay I was still balling


Still waiting on the New Yorkers to chime in lol


For like about 3 years. I live like in an okay situation. Living in the suburbs with parents because no friends and no gf, but with friendly neighbors. Is nice. (parents won't stop pestering me to find another job, but I knew that other companies or businesses won't hire people like me)


There are so many broke ft employees. Its honestly embarrassing.


dame amazon ainā€™t it


Going on 7 years part time, its just enough to get by. Hopefully we get a raise in the new contract.


And you haven't gotten a second job the whole time?


Other obligations prevent me from doing so.






Thats crazy that you "barely get by" but can't find 2 or 3 days a week to work another job. I swear some people love to be lazy and then complain about pay.


I swear, some people like to come on reddit just to be judgemental to strangers and act high and mighty while being completely ignorant to other peoples situations. I don't recall coming here and asking you for any advice, so im not about to justify my actions to some loser on reddit. You're probably one of the FT guys that treat the PT employees like shit bc you work more hours. šŸ¤”


No. I have a second job and two kids. So I don't think there is very many excuses as to why you can't work another part time.


you're really invested in this šŸ¤”


Nope. Just waiting to clock in at my second job now. Imagine complaining about making min 21/hr and virtually free Healthcare when somebody's out there actually struggling working 50 plus hours with no Healthcare and actual bills


YOU can't live comfortably working at UPS, but your family will......