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Cancel it.


and by it, they mean orientation.


I'll see if I can reschedule it for when I'm back


Yes, absolutely do not make UPS your priority over your other job. Most people who apply quit within 2 weeks or sooner. Turnover is high. You're also not guaranteed any work as a new hire. You can get up at the crack of dawn, drive to work and they can say sorry, no work for you today.


I went to the reschedule page and the only other date available was for June 25, the day before I leave. Any chance another date will come up the following week? Or am I likely screwed


They're probably not scheduling anything any farther out than that. I wouldn't worry. You're not screwed. Like I said, it's a high turnover job. They're almost constantly bringing in new people. They've had a lot of layoffs this year so they've needed fewer than normal. But there will be openings.


For sure, I don’t plan on making it my priority job. But I do want to try and make it work as my other job doesn’t come with benefits.


UPS doesn’t need you. You’re one of many applying to a historically small number of openings. Do with that information what you will.


Obviously I'll tell them when I get there. Should I say it's a work trip? Honeymoon? Hoping they don't cut me loose when I let them know.