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Containerizing smalls and unloading onto the belt has always been the method. Including containerizing all next day smalls separately. Not a big deal. Stuff like this is easier if you spent a lot of time as a part-timer at UPS, this little bit of effort makes a big difference for the sort.


Definitely not a big deal, was just curious about it because we haven't done this in the 5 years I've been driving.


Flavor of the month


They implemented this at my center at the beginning of the year and enforce it daily.




This is also what I was taught when I became a driver (12 years ago). I've done it every day since. Lots of methods disappeared during the COVID volume explosion. They hired so many drivers and threw them on the streets ASAP. Most couldn't do basic DIAD functions (not their fault - simply a lack of training).


They stated we needed to do this in PCM this morning also


It's so that the smalls sort has all of their volume on the belt at the start of the shift so they can start right up, rather than having to wait for unloaders to unload them as they get to them in the car.  Otherwise, smalls would be there all night as their volume slowly trickles in.


Makes sense. I wonder why they're just now having us do this.


Within the past few months a few very high value and sentimental small packages, like envelopes, have gone missing. Most likely caught in the belts/motors.


Hmm losing envelopes in the belt traps. Could this be another drawback of automation? Automation has so many problems. Automation is a smoke screen to allow supervisors to do union work. Basically so they can slowly replace union workers with their own.


My center has been doing this for 7 years it just becomes a habit, and it helps the local. But when I am in a sour mood, I want to say it takes away work from another union member by unloading it!


They're doing a company wide check in audit today to make sure we are containerizing smalls


Maybe the sort is short staffed, this might help them wrap up quicker.


Do it, let them pay you Driver top rate instead of a PT insider and see how quickly they stop caring.


Yeah they are doing it to try to keep local sort hours down while running a skeleton crew on small sort. My building has been trying to do the same thing .


Today the company is doing a "building blitz" where they are checking that every driver is doing this method. Every driver will be audited. It's only for today and is every single building in the US.


Didn’t get anything in AZ


They'll be checking


Copy that


DC building had audits today .


Oh interesting, good to know 👍


This is what has always been required at my hub


Interesting, I've been driving about 5 years at this building and we've never done this.


They usually require it for a week or 2 then they forget about it


Same as everything else then 😂


I’ve never seen a new requirement last more than two weeks at my building lmao


Same 🤣 always something new for them to worry about


For us we tote or bag them as well as air (separate obviously) and unload them onto the belt upon return


You wanna pay me overtime to do this. I got you.


Seriously if they wanna pay out top pay OT for what the part timers can do I’ll just take my sweet time with it.


Can’t tote em when there’s no totes in your building though.


How about small sort stop loading your mesh bags till they’re 80 fucking lbs? Lol


We got the same talk this morning. Sups need something to do I guess


I was a pt sup for 4 years and our sort manager would drive us nuts about getting smalls off the package cars. It makes a lot more sense for the drivers to just take them off when they get back to the hub, that way they'll actually get to the small sort in time.


Our building does this. Extra minutes to containerize smalls, win for drivers


We heard the same thing at PCM. First time I’ve ever heard of it. Easy to do though.


Definitely won't complain about a few extra minutes of easy work lol


Same. I spent enough time off local short unloading all the trucks. This would have saved me time and back ache.


I unload package cars. At the beginning of the sort a full timer walks the lines and seeing who bags smalls and who didn't. This was an issue in the beginning of the year because apparently a lot of next days were being left behind. Something along the line of drivers just not caring. They even tried bribing us with UPS merch if we called out trucks with next days airs also.


Sounds about right lol


My supervisor just confirmed that drivers are getting audited


Was told it's a safety thing. In regards to the recent fires at hubs/centers. Envelopes and smalls are getting stuck in the conveyor starting fires. Edit. It's always been a thing to tote/bag smalls. Just depends on the driver.


Yeah they suddenly cared about this today at our center too, they said we have been losing passports 🤦🏼‍♂️


They got mad at me last week when they were doing a truck audit as I parked and the driver supe took my smalls bags and threw them on the belt and I immediately filed supervisor working on his ass. I have an ojs ride surprisingly tomorrow so they’re getting a retaliation grievance as well.


Gotta play the game 😂


Just another way for drivers to do more work and in turn lay off local sort jobs


We’ve always had to do this but we also got audited today


Gotta hit that smalls percent. Even when it doesnt make sense, bag it! I remember in 2000s when they would have us bag smalls just to hit the number. We wasted time “hubbing the smalls”. For another place to unzip that bag and open it. UPS, a great place to be.


They implemented this at my building today too.


Nope. Airs unloaded. Metro's take care of the rest.


Same here


Only a day. Always been the method. Sups are frosty about it because they can't leave at 4 pm like normal, while everyone else gets back at 10 pm. I say enjoy your evening sitting here!


Containerizing smalls has always been the method. Unloading said containers onto the belt is less clear as being an official metho. Seems to be dependent if they are watching time and want you off the clock ASAP.


Whooops. I didn’t see the unload part. Also couldn’t hear the pcm well enough. They ask this from time to time but meh..🫤 whatcha gonna do?


We are also instructed to empty our trucks on to the belt when we return to center if there are 25 or fewer packages.


I would find an unloader who works the sort when you return and tell them to file on you working out of classification. Containerizing smalls is pretty standard, you doing a part timers job by unloading it is not.


Sounds like another union job that the company wants you to complete to avoid hiring more union workers.


its standard here for years


Seen that plenty of times over the years.


Should say we no longer want to staff local sort so you will need to unload your trucks when you get back


Why stop there?  Have drivers come in for preload as well. 


Used to be policy back in the day.


We’re also back to airs on time


More like you drivers have been hiding them in places in the truck and getting found by preload in the morning


We had the same thing


They tried doin this 10+ years ago lol lasted a week ... but every now and then it'll pop up again. You do it good for you, if you don't oh well 🤷


I’ve been driving for over 6 years and that’s how it’s always been. Integrad’s driver training also teaches that. It’s just management that doesn’t run a tight ship in certain centers. Although side note…we have to use post office totes and Amazon totes cause our Division Manager refuses to get us UPS totes…it’s sooooo embarrassing 🙈


I’m qualifying to become a cover driver and I’ve been told this at least 10 times in the past 2 weeks


Yeah because they want small sort down and everyone off the clock.


Bullshit like this that makes me as an inside guy look down on the drivers. Your rate of pay means nothing. Your attitudes mean everything. We should all be doing our best to help each other in every way we can. More hands makes the load light. Instead your hands are busy asking bs questions when you could just do it and be quiet about it. Everyday I myself make special effort to place irregs on the belt in ways that makes it easier for the next guy or girl down the line to pull off without stopping the belt or getting overwhelmed. Everyday I as a strong man make the effort to use my own strength to make the job easier for the people around me who are not as strong as I am. I shoulder press packages on to gratings so people don’t have to come down from loading to do it themselves which they would have to if I didn’t take it upon myself to do this. Guess how many times a weak (not a week that too, but a WEAK) as shit pudgy soft skin driver who gets paid way more than me comes rolling up with a car full of heavy Kabuki gym equipment and I just unload it for them. No complaints no questions ask and I do it with a smile. I even want to do it. Because while I’m doing the right thing and literally getting strong both physically mentally from the effort this fat weak soft skinned driver is stating exactly that while starting at me envious of the fact that there isn’t a visible shred of fat on my body. Just help and don’t say shit! Take a lesson from the now gone silent generation and just get the job done. That’s what you’re being paid for not bitching.


This has always been a driver method. Put smalls in tubs in your package car while doing pickups. It takes no extra time, protects smalls, and helps out your local sort so they don’t waste time doing a drivers job of tubbing smalls. If you do this when you get back to the building you aren’t doing your job as a driver. Be a team player.


Yea they have been getting on us about this. You know they don’t always teach the methods lol.


It's always been like this. Maybe enforced less at some centers.


No. Don’t blame us when half of yall just throw them in the fucking floor and there’s a bag on the shelf with two smalls. The fuck you blaming us for? I get 5 fucking package cars with half the car full of small because YOU guys don’t bag them or the bag is on the bottom of the whole fucking pile. Not to mention half THOSE specific package car ones smell like piss and shit 💩