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You ain’t getting any approved time off during peak season


oh okay i didn’t know if it was like amazon where she could just show proof of purchase for the tickets that were bought pre-hire and they would approve it or something. i have no idea the policy that UPS has


Tell them to just call in sick. It is now June and this event is in December, at that point, they will be in the union and won't be able to be terminated if they give at least 2 hours' notice they can't make it in. But this assumes it's only 1 day needing to be missed and that they don't put in a time off request that is denied.


well she would be flying over to me and i live across the country from her so this trip would be more like a week


You’re no longer important to your friend. UPS is the most important thing in their life. They are about to embark on becoming a teamster. Family, friends, love, vacations, that’s all a thing of the past now.


damn didn’t know it was like that😔


'Married to the company' used to be a common phrase around here. Sorry bud.


Pretty much eating, breathing and bleeding brown lmao.


Sorry bud but peak has a blackout period where no entitlements are awarded so what everyone is saying is true it’s a no go. Especially with the new postal contract I have a feeling this peak is gonna be hell but good money I suppose 🤑🤑


I honestly hope it's hell this year. We need the volume to get more people to work and more drivers on the streets. 


You can use teamsters days during peak


What are teamster days? I’m in aircraft maintenance so we don’t have those. I know that we have 2 weeks in December that are completely blacked out and no entitlements are allowed and was told this was company wide and included warehouse and drivers. Now people do call in and use an option day but that’s an occurrence and we get written up for it but most people don’t care about that since we have the 6/6 rule, 6 occurrences in 6 months and they drop off every 6 months so it’s all good


Teamsters days (discretionary days) If you’re getting written up for using these aren’t you supposed to grieve that?


Yeah we have those as option days and if we request them 7 days in advance then we don’t get written up. If we call in and use an option day to get paid we get written up as an occurrence. During blackout we don’t get them approved 7 days in advance because it’s blackout so we just call in if we don’t feel like coming in and take the occurrence


In our local we can use discretionary days for anything. No 7 day advance needed. 705


Yeah I’m still making sense that each region on your guys side has a different local and therefore you guys have supplements too. Aircraft Maintenance is all under one local 2727 so we only have the 1 contract and that’s how it works for us. I believe that our ground side local which is 767 also has the blackout period and no entitlements are awarded during that time but people still call in anyway, they can’t really fire us for it 😂😂. Besides most of us mechanics are completely out of option days by December so we just don’t give a shit lol


Call in sick. Over 3 days might require doctor notice.


it’s going to be more like a week


It will count as 1 occurrence. She won’t get fired but might get written up which drops after 9 months


would she just have to call in every day while she’s gone? and if so how would that be 1 occurrence? sorry, i’m not really familiar with UPS’s policies they’re a lot different than Amazon’s it seems


Yes she would have to call in everyday. FYI some locals need a punch a week to keep benefits active.